IRC log for #koha, 2024-01-10

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Time Nick Message
01:24 schnydszch joined #koha
01:34 eugene_ joined #koha
07:25 magnuse that's a new one: Can't use string ("Rosalie") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /home/kohaadmin/kohaclone/ line 751
07:25 after upgrading from 22.05 to 22.11
07:26 reiveune hello
07:26 magnuse also, the interface is 22.05. the "version" syspref says 22.05, but /usr/share/koha/lib/ says 22.1
07:26 koha-upgrade-schema does nothing
07:27 Joubu restarted the services?
07:29 magnuse just rebooted the whole server, no change
07:29 the "generator" tag in the opac says 22.05
07:30 Joubu if the value in DB is still 22.05 and the code is 22.11 then Koha cannot work properly
07:33 magnuse well, it mostly does, the only thing i have found is the "Can't use string ("Rosalie") as a HASH ref" on the about page
07:35 there is something really weird here
07:38 oh wow, this is a gitified setup... *facepalm*
07:51 matts_ joined #koha
08:05 cait joined #koha
09:06 reiveune left #koha
09:13 reiveune joined #koha
09:36 Joubu @later tell kidclamp could you have a look at bug 34360? I don't manage to find a correct fix.
09:36 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
10:20 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] cait: Just added bug 35757 for the failing sushi tests
10:20 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35757 minor, P5 - low, ---, matt.blenkinsop, Needs Signoff , Sushi service and counter registry tests are failing
10:42 lds joined #koha
11:34 khall joined #koha
11:35 oleonard_ joined #koha
12:01 oleonard Joubu still around?
12:08 Joubu oleonard: yes
12:09 oleonard I'm still looking at Bug 35329... I'm curious why you used the "no_id" option: [% PROCESS '' no_id => 1
12:09 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35329 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Move patron searches to a modal
12:09 oleonard, for sort1 and sort2
12:09 Joubu oleonard: sometimes we need several modal in the DOM, for instance for funds (we have "users" and "owner")
12:09 so we cannot have nodes with the same id
12:10 oleonard Ah, makes sense, thanks
12:10 Joubu that's why the "aqbudgets" patch adds a lot of changes to
12:10 to replace let with var, but also ids with classes
12:10 and all the selectors
12:10 oleonard What was the issue with let vs var?
12:10 Joubu you cannot redefine a variable that has been define with let
12:11 let xxx = "foo"; let xxx = "bar"; will explode
12:11 var xxx = "foo"; var xxx = "bar"; will not explode
12:12 lds joined #koha
12:12 Joubu s/define/declare
12:12 oleonard I see
12:20 schnydszch joined #koha
12:21 Squidy joined #koha
12:23 Squidy Hello.. what is the correct way to disable user login in the staff interface?
12:24 oleonard Squidy: For an individual user?
12:25 Squidy oleonard: Yes
12:25 oleonard Remove all their privileges
12:25 On the "Set permissions" page
12:26 eugene_ joined #koha
12:27 Squidy Hm... Isn't there a flag called "disable user" or something like that?
12:27 reiveune joined #koha
12:28 Squidy Is "setting permissions" the only way?
12:28 oleonard Squidy: If you uncheck the " Staff access, allows viewing of catalogue in staff interface (catalogue)" permission they cannot log in.
12:28 eugene_ joined #koha
12:28 oleonard There isn't a disable user option
12:29 Squidy oleonard: ok.. thanks again :-)
12:29 Joubu I would remove all the permissions if you really want them to not do anything.
12:30 Annelisterman[m] You can change their password but that doesn't disable the user but the user cannot log in.
12:31 or there is the password epxiredate nowadays too. You could use that too.
12:31 * or there is the password epxiry date nowadays too. You could use that too.
12:31 oleonard But if they are allowed to reset their password they still could do so?
12:32 Annelisterman[m] well yes, if it is allowed
12:32 removing that catalogue permission is the best way
12:33 Joubu you can apparently set borrowers.login_attempts to a negative value
12:33 Koha/     return 1 if ($self->login_attempts || 0) < 0; # administrative lockout
12:34 bug 21336
12:34 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=21336 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, CLOSED FIXED, GDPR: Handle unsubscribe requests automatically by optional (administrative) lock, anonymize and remove
12:34 Squidy I need a way to check which user is enable and disable in a report..
12:34 Annelisterman[m] dateexpiry does not prevent logging in so that is not any good
12:43 schnydszch joined #koha
12:59 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha
13:00 What's the difference between borrowernumber and userid in borrowers?
13:01 cait borrowrenumber is the internal PK
13:01 userid is a generated one - usually made from the surname firstname
13:02 borrowernumber is not used for login, userid and cardnumber are
13:02 paulderscheid[m] Thanks cait
13:03 cait++
13:07 You just saved me cait :D Was struggling w/ this for over an hour :)
13:07 cait oh
13:07 what was the missing piece?
13:07 paulderscheid[m] For some reason I though that both of them were the same when writing my test.
13:08 cait oh
13:08 ok, yeah that coudl be an issue
13:08 paulderscheid[m] So I passed $patron->borrowernumber to checkpw
13:08 kidclamp bugzilla down?
13:08 cait ah yeah, that woudl probably not work :)
13:09 kidclamp: works for me
13:09 what kind of issue?
13:09 kidclamp oh, it does work, but not from our vpn
13:10 cait local firewall?
13:14 kidclamp hmmm
13:20 cait ashimema: did your team have time to take a look at the failing ERM tests maybe?
13:20 ashimema Hasn't Matthew Blenkinsop: already been working in it
13:23 PedroAmorim[m] <MatthewBlenkinsop[m]> "cait: Just added bug 35757 for..." <- cait:
13:23 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35757 minor, P5 - low, ---, matt.blenkinsop, Signed Off , Sushi service and counter registry tests are failing
13:23 cait awesome, thanks
13:24 I am behind with my emails... obv
13:24 MatthewBlenkinsop++ PedroAmorim++
13:24 I plan on more RM time tomorrow and Friday for sure
13:26 ashimema bug 35757 cait
13:27 cait yep, PedroAmorim[m] just pointed it out, thanks!
13:27 kidclamp: can we maybe have som testing/signoff? :)
13:27 for this one
13:32 oleonard Joubu: The hint about permissions isn't very visible... I wonder if this style would be appropriate?
13:33 Joubu yes, definitely better!
13:35 khall joined #koha
13:41 oleonard Shoot, my Select2 fix patch has a bug I didn't notice...
13:42 * cait sends oleonard cookies
13:42 * oleonard clicks "Accept all" on the cookies
13:45 nlegrand joined #koha
13:45 nlegrand hey #koha, and a happy new year :)
13:47 I'm looking to upgrade to 23.11 and use the preservation module and I stumble on this: [WARN] File not found : js/vue/dist/preservation.js at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Template/Plugin/ line 84.
13:48 Joubu Salut nlegrand, are you using the debian packages?
13:48 nlegrand Joubu: yep
13:48 (and hey)
13:49 Joubu is the preservation module working? I guess no...
13:49 nlegrand no it's blank
13:50 Joubu hum yes, it's missing something :-/
13:51 weird that nobody noticed before
13:51 ashimema bug 35504 should be fine now cait
13:51 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35504 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Passed QA , Release team 24.05
13:51 caroline joined #koha
13:52 Joubu nlegrand: can you open a bug please?
13:52 nlegrand Joubu: sure
13:55 cait thx!
13:57 ashimema screenshot of how it looks attached.. taken care of all David's feedbac
13:57 s/feedbac/feedback/
13:58 nlegrand Bug 35759
13:58 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35759 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Preservation module home yields a blank page
14:00 Joubu nlegrand: as a workaround you could try to create /usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs/int​ranet-tmpl/prog/js/vue/dist/erm.js with this content:
14:01 I've generated the version for 23.11.01 and pushed it to branch on my gitlab repo
14:01 nlegrand erm.js? Is it not preservation.js?
14:03 Joubu yes!
14:04 sorry
14:04 nlegrand thanks!
14:05 Joubu @later tell fridolin please make sure you have bug 35759 for the next 23.11 release
14:05 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
14:05 Joubu @later tell mtj can you signoff bug 35759 please?
14:05 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
14:06 khall_ joined #koha
14:06 Joubu nlegrand: let me know if it works
14:07 nlegrand Joubu: it works, thank you!
14:10 Joubu great
14:10 you may have an apt warning next time you upgrade, the deb package will embed the file and could complain because of existence of this local file
14:13 nlegrand Joubu: thanks, no problem!
14:14 I've seen worse ^^
14:17 aude_c[m] Are you saying the Preservation module homepage is NOT supposed to be blank?
14:17 nlegrand By the way since I'm here, if nothing goes wrong I'll be leaving my library the 29th of February for a new job. Not leaving the world of libraries yet but I won't work on Koha anymore.
14:17 Dyrcona joined #koha
14:18 aude_c[m] I assumed seeing only this was normal 😅
14:18 caroline same
14:19 nlegrand I'd like to thank you all for the excellent work you've been doing and for being one of the nicest developement community I have ever seen <3
14:20 aude_c[m], caroline yes this is it. But mine was even blanker, I didn't have any menu :).
14:21 caroline ah ok!
14:21 Joubu I hope you will enjoy your new job, nlegrand! Enjoy!
14:21 nlegrand Joubu: thx!
14:21 Joubu aude_c[m], caroline:[…]ation-module/us/2
14:22 let us know if you have interesing ideas!
14:22 caroline maybe once I get to know the module better
14:23 but definitely a "Add something" button would make it consistent with other koha modules
14:23 ashimema nlegrand, good luck.. you'll be missed here though.. stay in touch 🙂
14:23 Joubu it depends, it's consistent with the ERM module :D
14:24 caroline consistent with 1/10 modules is not consistent lol!
14:25 Joubu there are the only 2 modules written in Vue, so 100% of the modules written in Vue have a blank home page
14:25 ;)
14:25 caroline lol!
14:25 ashimema I find ERM inconsistent and would really like a clear home page to the module
14:25 but.. we've not come up with a good specification for one yet
14:25 nlegrand ashimema: thank you! I'll miss the hackfests in Marseille... COVID and a my youngest prevented me from attending lately...
14:27 cait oh no
14:34 aude_c[m] Regarding Preservation homepage: agree with caroline  on the "Add something" buttons. "Add to waiting list", "New train", "New processing".
14:35 But I have a few questions on how people actually want to use the module (there are things that don't quite make sense to me) and I have tried to hang back until those people have their say 😅
14:39 nlegrand aude_c[m]: you should discuss it with Amaury Gau who worked with the librarians who wanted the module, he has a clear idea of how people want to use it :)
14:40 aude_c[m] Thanks. I'll make sure to do that :D
14:41 Joubu The module has been designed to fit and simplify the workflow of people working in the preservation area of BULAC. We have tried to get feedback from other people during the specification phase but have not managed to attract much interest.
14:41 I am sure the module can be improved to fit other people's needs, but at least it makes sense for them now ;)
14:41 caroline I want to hear from users who are not the ones who made the module. From what I understand, it's very tailored to their processes
14:41 what Joubu said :)
14:41 nlegrand :)
14:42 caroline we'll see with usage
14:42 aude_c[m] That's why I don't want to open bugs if it's just me; and I don't even work in a library! :D
14:42 cait I think you should never be afraid to open bugs an dask quetions
14:42 and ask questions...
14:43 we can only learn from a reply - I am also not sure how it's to be used and it would be nice to learn more
14:43 Joubu aude_c[m] opened an interesting one yesterday
14:43 bug 35715
14:43 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35715 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Pick items to add to train directly from those in the waiting list
14:46 aude_c[m] Yes, I couldn't resist that one; I was just finding it frustrating to get that "no, you can't add this item to a train; it's not in the waiting list!" message 😆
14:46 I also wondered if there would be cases where a library team would prefer to disable the waiting list; in case their workflow doesn't match the more detailed one the BULAC team uses.
14:46 Let's see what happens next :)
14:47 I would also like to see improvements to the items table in the waiting list... which are possibly already on the BULAC team's radar.
14:47 Joubu you can "bypass" the waiting list
14:48 when you add 1+ items to the waiting list you have a "Add those xxx items to a train" button at the top of the waiting list table
14:48 so you add them there but can directly move them to a train
14:49 it's there because they do want to not use the waiting list sometimes ;)
14:50 aude_c[m] Yes, and that's good. But if you do that all the time, doesn't that mean you don't actually need the waiting list?
14:50 Just to clarify: I'm not saying the waiting list is useless. I think it's great for teams that use that two-steps process.
14:50 Just that not every library will be needed those two steps.
14:51 But you're right: it still works thanks to that button :)
14:52 While I've got you Joubu : are items always in the waiting list, even after they have been added to a train?
14:52 Joubu They had the requirement to add items from the waiting list only but really that should be easy to remove it depending on a setting.
14:52 no, once they are added to the train they do not belong to the waiting list anymore
14:53 aude_c[m] Thanks
14:54 Joubu the waiting list is simply a list of the items with a specific notforloan value (the one you define in the settings)
15:07 oleonard: the patron search form in the modal is no longer aligned, is that expected?
15:07 oleonard After rebuilding CSS?
15:07 Joubu yes
15:08 oleonard I'll take a look
15:08 Joubu oleonard: sorry, cache issue, it's ok in a private window
15:09 oleonard: it appears differently in the erm module however
15:09 the inputs are way wider!
15:09 oleonard Oh okay I didn't double-check that one
15:11 ashimema Good news.. I can't seem to break anything with bug 34913 now
15:11 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=34913 is not accessible.
15:11 ashimema I've PQA'd.. could you tidy out that Data::Printer line and then add my SO lines pretty please Joubu ?
15:13 oleonard that is good news ashimema !
15:13 ashimema thankyou so much for the team effort there... my apologies it turned into such a pain and I didn't get the chance to give proper diligence until now
15:18 Joubu doing right now
15:19 ashimema nice one
15:21 Joubu ashimema: done. remove branch adjusted, cannot attach to the bug, first patch is too big.
15:21 remote*
15:21 ashimema indeed
15:21 all good.. now it's over to cait to merge from your branch 🙂
15:26 oleonard Joubu: when you say the inputs are wider, do you mean they look correct now?
15:29 cait hm I need to catch up on what I need tto do for a security release
15:29 I'll come back with questions
15:30 Joubu oleonard: this is what I am seeing from the ERM module
15:31 - on the other pages
15:33 oleonard Vue seems to add some inline CSS controlling the appearance of the inputs
15:47 Joubu oleonard: indeed, it's in koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/j​s/vue/components/ERM/Main.vue
15:48 187 input:not([type="submit"]):not([type="​search"]):not([type="button"]):not([ty​pe="checkbox"]):not([type="radio"]),
15:48 192     min-width: 30%;
15:48 I guess I wanted the inputs in the forms to be aligned
16:00 bag joined #koha
16:27 matts_ joined #koha
16:32 reiveune bye
16:32 reiveune left #koha
18:04 gaperry joined #koha
18:05 gaperry Hello
18:05 I need to talk to someone about training and access to the koha system
18:05 I am a new employee
18:06 gaperry joined #koha
18:07 gaperry hello is anybody here?
18:10 kidclamp gaperry - for access ot your local system yo will need to contact your library
18:11 we can point you documentation and demo systems for Koha at large
18:13 gaperry I am new here an I don't know any passwords to access the software. Maybe you can point me to someone who can give me access to the system.
18:14 kidclamp This is the general chat for the software - we won't necessarily have any access to your instance unless one of us happens to work for your hosting provider - what library are you with?
18:14 libvrary/institution
18:14 gaperry Navajo Technical University
18:14 Crownpoint New Mexico
18:16 I'm trying to contact Koha library systems but there is no phone number but a whole bunch of online oppintions.
18:16 oleonard gaperry: We cannot tell you how to access your system because no one here works for Navajo Technical University
18:17 kidclamp You are hosted by ByWater :-), but for access you will need to talk to local staff at the university
18:17 gaperry Thank you for your time.
18:17 oleonard social engineering attempt thwarted ;)
20:09 ashimema Lol
20:32 dpk_ joined #koha
20:53 khall joined #koha
20:54 khall joined #koha
21:49 lukeg joined #koha
22:00 khall joined #koha

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