IRC log for #koha, 2013-07-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:18 dcook Has anyone used C4::Search::SimpleSearch?
00:22 getRecords
00:22 See verbse embedded documentation.
00:22 O_O
00:22 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.12.x build #68: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.12.x/68/
00:23 * Liz Rea: Bug 6553 - Parentheses in Corporate author break tracings
00:23 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10497 - star ratings not showing right in ccsr detail
00:23 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10510 - OPAC's renew selected link has glitchy icon
00:23 * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 10029 - CAS authentication fails in OPAC reserve
00:23 * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 10428: undefined check in add
00:23 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10346 - "Add multiple copies" should be labelled "Add multiple items"
00:23 * Marc Veron: Bug 5894: Display all titles when confirming copy of items from cart to list
00:23 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6553 major, P3, ---, liz, Pushed to Stable , Parentheses in corporate author break tracings
00:23 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10497 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , star ratings not showing right in ccsr detail
00:23 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9113: fix handling of certain characters by item batch modification tool
00:23 * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9533: batch item modification form now shows default field values only by request
00:23 * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 10384: fall back to normal authentication if LDAP server is not available
00:23 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10510 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , OPAC's renew selected link has glitchy icon
00:23 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10029 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , CAS authentication fails in OPAC reserve
00:23 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10428 trivial, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , undefined check in add
00:23 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10346 trivial, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , "Add multiple copies" should be labelled "Add multiple items"
00:23 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5894 normal, P5 - low, ---, veron, Pushed to Stable , Adding multiple items from a cart to a list shows only the first title
00:23 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9113 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , batch modification removes +
00:23 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9533 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , batch item modification should ignore defaults
00:23 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10384 major, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , Software error when LDAP connexion fails
00:30 tcohen night #koha
00:31 dcook night tcohen
00:43 jcamins dcook: SimpleSearch is pretty simple.
00:43 getRecords is black magic, on the other hand.
00:43 dcook jcamins: Doesn't seem to handle CCL even though it says it does :/
00:43 Yeah...looking at getRecords right now...
00:43 Or rather, trying to hack up some input for it
00:43 When SimpleSearch is probably all I need
00:43 could use CCL
00:43 I'm torn between trying to fix it and just trying to use black magic
00:43 jcamins dcook: it uses QueryParser if you have QueryParser enabled.
00:44 SimpleSearch works perfectly.
00:44 dcook 3.8 :/
00:44 jcamins In that case, CCL works fine.
00:44 I use it... not all the time, but not infrequently.
00:44 dcook It didn't when I tried it
00:44 Unless I'm missing something
00:44 jcamins You know that you have to use = right?
00:45 dcook That could be the something I could be missing ;)
00:45 Because it doesn't use buildQuery
00:45 Which takes care of that?
00:45 jcamins Right.
00:45 SimpleSearch takes *actual* CCL.
00:46 dcook Hmm
00:47 Now I'm getting undef..
00:47 ccl=ti:test
00:47 or ccl="ti:test"?
00:47 jcamins That's not CCL.
00:47 CCL is "ti:test"
00:47 Without quotation marks.
00:47 dcook O_o
00:47 jcamins And, actually, ti=test
00:47 dcook That's what I tried the first time
00:48 ti=test does the trick :)
00:48 jcamins I had a feeling it was the =
00:48 dcook Can it handle a few different indexes?
00:48 * dcook wonders how simple is simple
00:49 dcook Looks like it can
00:49 jcamins++
00:50 jcamins SimpleSearch is just a wrapper around Zebra.
00:52 dcook And that ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN takes care of the transforming queries into RPN (or PQF...I can't remember what the difference is anymore)
00:52 * dcook is glad to be able to use SimpleSearch rather than getRecords
00:59 jcamins Heh.
01:05 dcook ...and I think I just remembered why I might have to use getRecords instead...
01:05 Actually..maybe not
01:05 Maybe just buildQuery...
01:06 jcamins What are you doing?
01:07 dcook Building a little feature where patron's record the keywords (as interests), then each night the bibs created that day are checked against those keywords, and the patron is emailed with a digest of things they might find interesting
01:07 Already have heaps of data...they're more like search strings than keywords though
01:08 jcamins Hmm.
01:08 dcook The data appears to use * wildcards..
01:09 Actually, I don't know if Koha can handle that anyway..
01:10 jcamins Yeah, buildQuery or not using Zebra would be the way to go.
01:10 dcook Originally, I was looking at the actual records using regex...but that has flaws of its own as well
01:12 jcamins I think that's probably the strategy I'd take.
01:12 dcook It seems like khall_away was already working on something like this but his patch is rather huge so I'm not sure what he came up with in the end
01:13 jcamins What bug?
01:13 wahanui well, bug is it stores biblionumber not itemnumber
01:13 dcook jcamins: OR operators don't seem too bad, but the only way I've figured how to use an AND type operator is to use a lookahead
01:13 * dcook tries to recall
01:14 dcook bug 7572
01:14 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7572 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Needs Signoff , Add Clubs & Services Feature
01:14 dcook I'm not sure the "custom mailing list" are quite the same thing though..
01:14 jcamins dcook: oh, yeah, AND would be a problem.
01:15 From "keyword" I figured it was all OR.
01:17 dcook That was my original thought as well
01:17 To be honest, looking at the data...I don't even know how the AND originally worked
01:17 jcamins dcook: oh, you have 3.0 code?
01:18 dcook Nah, this is from a proprietary system
01:18 Trying to add some functionality that they've lost since then
01:19 jcamins Ah.
01:27 dcook Looks like the QueryParser is certainly an improvement..
01:28 Although apparently Koha is supposed to handle asterisks for truncation..
01:29 Apparently it does unless you use CCL...
01:30 jcamins dcook: CCL doesn't use wildcards.
01:30 Termination is handled in the index prefix.
01:30 dcook rtrn
01:30 so ti,rtrn=tes?
01:31 Looks like..
01:32 jcamins Yup.
01:32 dcook Hmm
01:32 I wonder how that would work for "program* management
01:32 "
01:32 jcamins Not.
01:34 dcook I suppose not
01:34 At best..."ti,rtrn=program" and "ti=management" maybe
01:34 But that could be "management of programs"
01:34 jcamins Yeah, but that wouldn't work with buildQuery either.
01:35 dcook I was just thinking that, hehe
01:35 Regex could handle that though
01:36 I wonder about these "ands"
01:36 I guess they're pretty necessary too
01:37 I suppose lookaheads could handle that...but that doesn't seem too ideal
01:38 jcamins Where do you need AND?
01:38 dcook The data is a bit confusing on that score...
01:38 But it would be a situationw here you have keywords "family" and "law"
01:38 Where you just want records that contain both those words
01:39 But no records that just have one or the other
01:39 jcamins But you don't care if it's "family law" or "law by the Johnson family."
01:39 *?
01:39 dcook Not in this particular case
01:39 Although sometimes it might be "famil* law"
01:40 Or something like that
01:41 jcamins How is AND represented in the data?
01:41 dcook It's essentially a spreadsheet with three rows
01:41 Keywords, Boolean, Index
01:42 (or search field)
01:42 Which is...bizarre
01:42 Hmm, there's a description column too
01:42 Didn't see that before
01:42 But that still doesn't really illustrate the order of precedence of the boolean operators
01:44 Also, if you have 4 terms, you have 4 operators
01:44 Even though only 3 would make sense...
01:49 Hmm, maybe su,rtrn=program management would work..
01:50 Although both terms would act like they're program* management*
01:51 jcamins Yes.
01:51 dcook Mmm, actually...that still won't work
01:51 Because su,rtrn=science films
01:52 Won't return a record with a subject of "science fiction films"
01:52 I suppose wildcards are different than truncation..
02:00 Hmm, then there are other instances where "and" is used in ways that make it seem like you wouldn't retrieve any results...
02:00 Because they're mutually exclusive values
02:20 corsair__ joined #koha
04:17 Callender_ joined #koha
04:17 BigRig_ joined #koha
05:29 shiva joined #koha
05:40 dcook was so there's thunder and rain again..
05:50 cait joined #koha
06:06 * dcook waves to cait
06:06 dcook I think this is the biggest thunderstorm I've noticed in Sydney so far
06:06 Although by all accounts it's tiny
06:32 cait hi dcook :)
06:37 reiveune joined #koha
06:38 reiveune hello
07:07 lds joined #koha
07:19 dcook Should go home...but...programming...instead
07:25 @later tell cait I did end up using Zebra in the end. Good call :)
07:25 huginn` dcook: The operation succeeded.
07:35 so_nia joined #koha
07:39 gaetan_B joined #koha
07:43 christophe_c joined #koha
07:43 christophe_c hello #koha
07:43 dcook hey christophe_c :)
07:43 christophe_c hello dcook ;-)
07:44 sorry for yesterday
07:44 my response was too late
07:45 dcook hehe. No worries :)
07:45 christophe_c :)
07:51 laurence joined #koha
07:53 gerundio joined #koha
07:57 rangi @wunder masterton, nz
07:57 huginn` rangi: The current temperature in Otawa, Carterton, New Zealand is 3.0°C (7:55 PM NZST on July 16, 2013). Conditions: . Humidity: 98%. Dew Point: 3.0°C. Windchill: 3.0°C. Pressure: 30.36 in 1028 hPa (Rising).
07:57 rangi feels about right, we drove through snow today
08:07 dcook Sounds chilly, rangi
08:07 * dcook looks into the darkness
08:07 dcook Time for me to head home
08:10 kf joined #koha
08:10 kf hi #koha :)
08:14 laurence joined #koha
08:36 christophe_c hello kf ;-)
08:38 kf hi christophe_c
09:08 vfernandes joined #koha
09:08 vfernandes hello
09:09 i'm having some problems with one Koha 3.10 after update from 2.2.8
09:10 callnumber searches aren't working, some system preferences pages in portuguese aren't in correct diacritics, statistics pages on members backoffice module are getting wrong results...
09:13 can someone help me?
09:18 kf for the portugese system preferences it's probably the po file
09:18 that shoudl not be related to your update
09:18 for the callnumber searches i am not sure
09:18 how are you trying to search?
09:18 does it work when you try callnum.wrdl= in simple search?
09:18 are there callnumbers in the items?
09:20 vfernandes kf lets go with the easy ones
09:21 first: i have a patron with 32 loans and statistics (tab in member module) are calculated fine
09:21 I have another patron with 166 loans, statistics only says that he has one loan...
09:30 kf statstics is quie new
09:30 if you don't have all the old data it migh tnot work
09:30 i think it's probably built from old_issues or so
09:31 and issues?
09:31 wahanui issues is a table - not a colum :)
09:31 kf we don't use it
09:31 i know
09:31 wahanui :)
09:31 wahanui kf: what?
09:33 khall joined #koha
09:35 vfernandes kf: can that tab be "removed" from interface?
09:38 kf i think yes
09:38 check system preferences
09:41 vfernandes i'm checking but I can't find any preference to that :/
09:46 after checking the code, isn't possible...
09:47 let's pass to another problem
09:47 po files and incorrect diacritics
09:49 it only happens in few pages : patrons, circulation, OPAC
09:50 what could be wrong? I've done recently (less than a month) of 3.10, and everything went fine
09:50 in this installation something happened
09:59 kf do you any idea why this happened?
10:13 drojf joined #koha
10:14 drojf hi #koha
10:17 drojf joined #koha
10:17 drojf joined #koha
10:18 drojf oh look, it's that sucky university wifi again
10:18 kf hi drojf
10:18 drojf hi kf
10:18 eythian hi
10:19 drojf hi eythian
10:20 any news about that security fix? will it trigger a new release or is it not important/dangerous enough?
10:21 eythian Not sure. Not really my call, and I haven't heard anything. I would suggest that it's probably not dangerous enough, assuming that multiple statement execution isn't enabled by default anywhere.
10:23 drojf true. i'll use it as an opportunity to make people think about the workflow in such cases for our library anyway :)
10:23 eythian good plan
10:24 kf :)
10:24 there is also another problem with top-issues by the way
10:24 we have a system preference for it
10:24 but it's still accessible when turned off
10:25 eythian I assume that it just hides the link?
10:25 drojf i was wondering about that. i never enabled (or knew about) that thing and was surprised it was just there
10:25 eythian I'm not sure how much of a problem that really is, but still, if you say it's off, it should be disabled first thing in the script.
10:26 drojf well, it is not disabled if you just hide the link :)
10:28 kf eythian: that's my point yes
10:28 i think we have taken care of that for newer pages
10:28 but that's probably too old
10:28 i will file a bug :)
10:30 hm
10:30 drojf mh?
10:30 eythian kf: you should make a patch, too :)
10:31 kf maybe
10:32 but a bug is a good first step
10:35 vfernandes kf: my pt-PT-prefs.po looks fine...
10:36 kf hm i am surry vfernandes, i have not much time today
10:36 vfernandes opac.pref patrons.pref and circulation.pref are text/plain; charset=us-ascii
10:36 shouldn't be utf8?
10:37 Joubu joined #koha
10:38 drojf is there a fancy way to delete multiple branches in git?
10:38 kf i don't know one
10:38 drojf (yes, i would do a search myself but eduroam is so slow that i cannot do much more than chat)
10:39 kf maybe you coudl do something fancy combining git brnach and git branch -D?
10:44 Joubu left #koha
10:45 eythian drojf:        git branch (-d | -D) [-r] <branchname>...
10:45 you can provide multiple branchnames.
10:45 so, yes.
10:46 drojf eythian: thanks! kf just told me. that's all i need
10:46 * eythian recommends 'git branch --help' for your git branch information needs ;)
10:47 drojf that is a brilliant idea actually :)
10:47 vfernandes I don't know how to solve this :/
10:50 this koha is killing me!
10:51 drojf why?
10:51 vfernandes many things aren't working
10:52 kf you updated from 2.2.8
10:52 that's the difficulty here
10:52 drojf our koha works fine. not that it is of any help…
10:52 vfernandes yes, but the translations aren't related to update
10:52 kf there are some scripts to clean data when updating... i amnot sure but maybe something is missing there
10:52 vfernandes: the tarnslations work nicely for german for me with umlauts - i think this is a pt-PT problem most probably
10:53 so something in the po file for prefs most likely
10:53 vfernandes but the sames files worked fine in other installation
10:54 kf which version did you install?
10:54 where did you get the po files from?
10:55 vfernandes 3.10.2... I've tested with two po: the one on the package and one from my SVN
10:55 drojf is it safe to assume 942 is the same for marc21 and unimarc?
10:55 vfernandes the result was the same...
10:56 kf are those po files for 3.10.2?
10:56 vfernandes yes
10:56 kf and not sure what is in your SVN
10:57 vfernandes there is the po file download from the site
10:59 kf that will be for 3.10.somethinglater then 2
10:59 if site = pootle
11:02 vfernandes what is strange is that the same files in another 3.10.2 worked fine
11:06 drojf sounds like the translation files are ok then…
11:07 vfernandes so what could be wrong?
11:07 kf1 joined #koha
11:19 vfernandes i give up... for today :D
11:22 jwagner joined #koha
11:22 drojf joined #koha
11:25 janPasi_ hi guys
11:25 i have a problem with installing new languages to opac
11:26 once the language is installed with looots on messages like this:
11:26 Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/share/perl5/Locale/ line 343, <IN> line 1747.
11:26 Use of uninitialized value $key in hash element at /usr/share/perl5/Locale/ line 466, <IN> line 1748.
11:26 Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/Locale/ line 472, <IN> line 1748.
11:26 drojf janPasi_: i got that too and ignored it since my translation seemed to work fine
11:27 janPasi_ well the new language does appear at the bottom of opac, but clicking on it i get:
11:27 The page isn't redirecting properly
11:27 Iceweasel has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
11:27 This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept
11:27 whoops, sorry about that :D
11:27 well, anyway that's what the browser says
11:28 drojf have you enabled cookies?
11:28 janPasi_ yes
11:28 drojf because that is how the language thingy works
11:28 hm
11:28 janPasi_ the cookies are enabled
11:28 and the language actually does get changed
11:28 if i return to the opac mainpage manually, it is in the correct language
11:30 drojf i have that too, sometimes. or had, i thought it stopped at some point
11:30 like, click the button, error, go back, language changed
11:30 janPasi_ oh, it is to do with one or other browser setting afterall :o
11:30 with clean profile it works
11:30 drojf i thought it was because of my browser settings
11:30 see
11:30 janPasi_ possibly referer?
11:31 drojf that may well be, i have that disabled usually. so it would explain my problem too
11:31 janPasi_ yeah, it's the referer
11:31 i have referer disabled also and turning it on will make the opac work
11:32 drojf good to know
11:32 janPasi_ but i hate the referer :D
11:32 please change this :D
11:33 drojf what version are you using? as i said, i think that problem went away for me
11:33 if not: patches welcome :)
11:34 janPasi_ 3.10
11:34 so it's relatively recent
11:34 not the latest, because that would again be a problem with the translation ;P
11:35 drojf works for me in master
11:36 not in 3.8 or 3.10
11:42 eythian[…]storyId=113357239
11:42 drojf janPasi_:[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9731 don't know if that fixed it but it is using a different file now
11:42 huginn` 04Bug 9731: normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, RESOLVED FIXED, Remove in favor of (already present)
11:43 jenkins_koha Starting build #163 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
11:55 khall @later tell gmcharlt can you weigh in on 10325 again? thanks!
11:55 huginn` khall: The operation succeeded.
11:56 janPasi_ i fixed it by installing a firefox add-on called smart referer
11:56 it will send referers, but only when you stay at the same domain
11:56 seems to work ok
11:57 eythian it should really go to the main page if there's no referrer set. That's the best we can do in that case.
11:57 It certainly should go into a redirect loop.
11:57 *shouldn't
11:57 janPasi_ yeah
11:58 mainpage would be preferable indeed
11:59 eythian feel free to create a bug for it, someone may get to it if they have time.
11:59 or it bothers them enough.
11:59 drojf eythian: it works for me in master
11:59 eythian oh, it does? that's good.
12:00 janPasi_ eythian: will do :)
12:00 eythian maybe not necessary if it's fixed in master.
12:00 janPasi_ so it seems that there is no need for bug report
12:00 master is 3.12?
12:00 eythian 3.13
12:00 janPasi_ ok
12:00 eythian (odd numbers being development releases only)
12:01 janPasi_ we have to plan koha updates pretty carafully because of language issues and customized opac templates
12:01 so we're usually not running the latest version
12:02 oleonard joined #koha
12:02 eythian[…]2/?include_text=1 <-- HTTP/2.0
12:04 edveal joined #koha
12:06 talljoy joined #koha
12:06 oleonard Hi #koha
12:12 kf1 hi oleonard
12:13 bug 10325
12:13 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10325 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Failed QA , Allow system preferences to be overridable from koha-httpd.conf
12:21 drojf coding guidelines?
12:21 wahanui coding guidelines are[…]Coding_Guidelines
12:28 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #163: SUCCESS in 45 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/163/
12:28 Robin Sheat: Bug 10524 - dependency updates
12:28 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10524 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Stable , Dependency updates to account for liblibrary-callnumber-lc-perl
12:28 christophe_c joined #koha
12:28 tcohen joined #koha
12:29 jenkins_koha Starting build #164 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
12:31 tcohen morning #koha
12:31 drojf hi tcohen
12:33 NateC joined #koha
13:13 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #164: SUCCESS in 43 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/164/
13:13 * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 10590 - in opac-topissues limit param is not protected
13:13 * Robin Sheat: Bug 10590 - parameterise the limit option
13:13 * Owen Leonard: Bug 7110: Renewal messages no longer displays in OPAC if OpacRenewalAllowed is disabled
13:13 * Galen Charlton: bug 10495: set precondition for HoldsQueue test
13:13 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10590 critical, P1 - high, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , in opac-topissues limit param is not protected
13:13 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10336: HoldsQueue.t needs to create its own data
13:13 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10290: UT: VirtualShelves.t needs to create its own data
13:13 * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 10290: Followup for Virtualshelves.t
13:13 * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 10386: improvements to VirtualShelves.t
13:13 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7110 normal, P3, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , Renewal messages still displays in OPAC if OpacRenewalAllowed is disabled.
13:13 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10495 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , t/db_dependent/HoldsQueue.t can fail unnecessarily
13:13 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10336 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , UT: HoldsQueue.t needs to create its own data
13:13 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10290 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , UT: VirtualShelves.t needs to create its own data
13:13 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10386 normal, P5 - low, ---,, Pushed to Stable , UT: VirtualShelves.t needs some more adjustments
13:15 paul_p joined #koha
13:26 Joubu joined #koha
13:29 rambutan joined #koha
13:35 tcohen gmcharlt: do u know of this error? "plugin error - Koha: plugin not found"
13:35 i'm running prove xt/author/valid-templates.t
13:35 against the second commit of 10125 on top of 3.12.x
13:39 anyone?
13:39 wahanui somebody said anyone was free to organize one at any time :-)
13:45 eythian wahanui: anyone is <reply>Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller#
13:45 wahanui ...but anyone is free to organize one at any time :-)...
13:45 eythian wahanui: anyone is also <reply>Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller#
13:45 wahanui okay, eythian.
13:45 eythian wahanui: anyone =~ s/#/?/
13:45 wahanui OK, eythian
14:01 * oleonard wonders what mobile device has a screen width of < 250 pixels and decent browser
14:01 assumes that at that size the browsers suck, but that's probably an outdated notion
14:05 gmcharlt tcohen: try prove -v
14:05 that shoudl at least localize it to whatever template might have an issue
14:05 druthb wahanui:  anyone?
14:05 wahanui anyone is free to organize one at any time :-)
14:05 druthb :P
14:06 wahanui:  botsnack cookie
14:06 wahanui thanks druthb :)
14:08 oleonard wahanui: Organize what? Sewing circle? Anarchist meeting? Broney un-conference?
14:08 wahanui wish i knew, oleonard
14:08 gmcharlt all of them, at the same time?
14:10 druthb Anarchist broneys would be fun to meet.
14:13 kf1 broney?
14:13 * kf1 thinks brownies
14:14 oleonard Sorry, I misspelled it. "Brony"
14:15 "A name typically given to the male viewers/fans of the My Little Pony show or franchise."
14:16 drojf oleonard: i don't think any of the coming firefox os phones will have a width <320 and they are the low tech end of today's phones.
14:16 of course there is nothing wrong with supporting weird, old phones if you have the time ;)
14:18 oleonard I'm not inclined to deliver them a better experience than they're getting generally unless it can be shown that they are a large audience for Koha
14:24 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10275: Use a transaction for OrderFromSubscription.t <[…]90c36b73217bae888> / Bug 10275: UT: OrderFromSubscription.t needs to create its own data <[…]55f40522a89a349b2> / Bug 10499: VirtualShelves.t - wrap tests in a database transaction <http://git.koha
14:31 jenkins_koha Starting build #1313 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
14:34 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10274: Execute sql queries into a transaction <[…]7a63c6a81b3c8d820> / Bug 10274: UT: Acquisition.t needs to create its own data <[…]f948365d9108e6d40>
14:49 oleonard Joubu++
14:50 ...because Joubu is always busy
14:52 laurence left #koha
14:52 Joubu :)
14:52 rambutan joined #koha
14:53 gaetan_B bye !
14:58 eythian[…]-way-to-get-rich/
15:00 oleonard Oh sure, just put that right out there where the North Koreans will find it!
15:01 eythian it's hardly juche to use a book like that.
15:08 edveal joined #koha
15:10 oleonard Thank goodness that's on Slideshare where it can be protected from easy Google translation
15:21 drojf lol
15:22 eythian grumble spreadsheets grumble
15:28 pianohacker joined #koha
15:29 so_nia left #koha
15:34 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10556: The delivery time is not inserted on adding a supplier. <[…]173f91e055b4fa30e> / bug 10556: regression test for setting deliverytime when adding vendor <[…]b3f471976c6b27a7c>
15:39 drojf what am i supposed to put into $DBversion in i think i used to put xxx in there but then i can't run it because of "Argument "xxx" isn't numeric in numeric lt (<) at installer/data/mysql/ line 7157"
15:41 ah. it was XXX :)
15:42 reiveune bye
15:42 reiveune left #koha
15:43 christophe_c left #koha
15:46 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1313: SUCCESS in 1 hr 14 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1313/
15:46 * Kenza Zaki: Bug 10499: VirtualShelves.t - wrap tests in a database transaction
15:46 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10275: UT: OrderFromSubscription.t needs to create its own data
15:46 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10275: Use a transaction for OrderFromSubscription.t
15:46 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10499 normal, P5 - low, ---, kenza.zaki, Pushed to Master , UT: VirtualShelves.t needs a database transaction
15:46 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10275 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , UT: OrderFromSubscription.t needs to create its own data
15:46 eythian <-- well that sure is something. Something terribly impressive. Or just terrible.
15:46 kf1 drojf++
15:47 drojf: hm only replace the last triple with XXX
15:47 jenkins_koha Starting build #69 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:54 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10127 : should tar only pdf files <[…]32f2e5d1519fb5db5> / Bug 10170: expose more managed staged MARC strings to translation <[…]3763720d5c9ed6b2c> / Bug 10170: strings in MARC import made translatable <
15:55 oleonard What do I need to be able to test the unit test patch on Bug 10481?
15:55 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10481 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , No enrollment fee when changing patron category
15:55 kf1 hm
15:56 oleonard: perl t/db_depen.... does not work?
15:56 oleonard Joubu: Running the test on a populated test database isn't enough? You say something on the bug report about Srdjan not having good category codes?
15:56 kf1: I get the same errors reported by Srdjan
15:57 * drojf heads home
15:57 kf1 oleonard: hm it looks like you need categories from the sample database
15:57 K J and YA
15:57 and a librarybranch CPL
16:00 * oleonard will leave it to someone who understands unit tests
16:10 melia joined #koha
16:27 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.12.x build #69: SUCCESS in 41 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.12.x/69/
16:27 * Sonia LEMAIRE: Bug 9519: fix code for Italian language search limiter
16:27 * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 9519: DBRev
16:27 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10289: UT: Reserves.t needs to create its own data
16:27 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9519 trivial, P5 - low, ---, sonia.lemaire, Pushed to Master , Wrong language code for Italian in the advanced search language limitations
16:27 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10289: (follow-up) wrap tests in transaction
16:27 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10289: (follow-up) don't set cardnumber for test patron
16:27 * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 5858: update default MARC21 framework to April 2013 revision
16:27 * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 5858: Followup for INSERT IGNOREs in marc21_framework_DEFAULT.sql
16:27 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10289 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , UT: Reserves.t needs to create its own data
16:28 jenkins_koha * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 5858 - Advertise the updated framework to upgrading users
16:28 * Katrin Fischer: Bug 4907: make 'Organize by' filter in suggestions reflect selected option
16:28 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5858 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Pushed to Master , Update default MARC21 framework to Update No. 16 (April 2013)
16:28 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4907 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Suggestions "organize by" menu doesn't reflect current choice
16:28 jenkins_koha Starting build #1314 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
16:43 phred joined #koha
16:52 vfernandes still no lucky on itemcallnumber searches
16:53 zebra indexes on record.abs is correct but there isn't results on search
16:57 items.itemcallnumber is mapped to 952$x
16:57 record.abs -> melm 952$x      Local-classification:w,Local-classifica​tion:p,Local-classification:s,lcn:w,lcn​:p,lcn:s,callnum:w,callnum:p,callnum:s
16:58 shouldn't this be enough to itemcallnumber seraches work?
17:10 drojf joined #koha
17:15 juan-sieira joined #koha
17:19 phred joined #koha
17:41 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1314: SUCCESS in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1314/
17:41 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10274: UT: Acquisition.t needs to create its own data
17:41 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10274: Execute sql queries into a transaction
17:41 * Galen Charlton: bug 10556: regression test for setting deliverytime when adding vendor
17:41 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10274 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , UT: Acquisition.t needs to create its own data
17:41 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10556: The delivery time is not inserted on adding a supplier.
17:41 * Adrien Saurat: Bug 10170: strings in MARC import made translatable
17:41 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10170: expose more managed staged MARC strings to translation
17:41 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10556 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , deliverytime is not inserted on adding a supplier
17:41 jenkins_koha * Sophie Meynieux: Bug 10127 : should tar only pdf files
17:41 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10170 minor, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , non translatable strings in manage-marc-import (actions and table values)
17:41 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10127 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , should tar only pdf files
17:42 drojf wasn't there a feature to read sysprefs directly from the templates? or did i make that up?
17:45 jenkins_koha Starting build #1315 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
17:48 cait joined #koha
17:50 drojf cait must know
17:50 * cait hides
17:51 drojf oh no. i thought i had seen cait
17:51 * drojf needs to get his eyes checked. and his brain
17:54 * cait giggles
17:54 cait okok
17:54 what is it?
17:54 wahanui it is changing a default behaviour
17:56 cait drojf: now don't be mean :)
17:56 drojf i thought there was a feature to get sysprefs directly from the templates. but i can't find anything, so maybe i am just confused
17:58 cait hm there is one
17:58 it's a new plugin from kyle
17:58 look in the plugins folder
18:02 drojf cait++
18:04 jatara joined #koha
18:08 drojf1 joined #koha
18:13 tcohen cait, what's that 'data loss' risk you talk about on bug 10490 ?
18:13 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10490 major, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Overdue fines cap (amount) in circulation rules is saved incorrectly (rounded)
18:13 tcohen i'm considering it for 3.12.2
18:15 pianohacker Is anyone familiar with how common puncuation subfield codes are, besides the $% that Koha has?
18:15 ^ in MARC
18:19 tcohen nevermind cait, i read the full dialog with kyle and understood
18:19 drojf1 joined #koha
18:21 pianohacker Hell, more specifically, is anyone familiar with how frequently the MARC21 01e field (or anything similar in UNIMARC) is actually used?
18:21 tcohen eythian: bug 10560 doesn't seem to fix the problem for the webupdate pages
18:21 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10560 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , No way to disable english
18:22 tcohen bye #koha
18:27 pianohacker gmcharlt: are you familiar with how common puncuation subfield codes are, besides the $% that Koha has?
18:28 gmcharlt usually errors most of the time
18:28 rambutan joined #koha
18:29 pianohacker gmcharlt: Okay, cool, thanks. Trying to lay out some parsing guidelines, and MARCXML has an insanely loose restriction
18:29 Didn't even know non-numeric tag codes were allowed, but 01e proved me wrong
18:32 drojf erm. when i try to attach a patch to bz i get a lot of funny things and finally socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
18:36 works after rebooting the VM. must be that "all wifi hates me and breaks in ridiculous ways" thing again
18:36 cait is your git bz up to date?
18:36 are the configuation settings correct?
18:36 did you use -e?
18:40 drojf it was probably the network
18:41 its alright just after rebooting
18:45 cait oh good
18:55 tcohen joined #koha
18:58 tcohen @later tell rangi there are 4 queued jobs on jenkins and both galen's and bernard¿s nodes are free/inactive
18:58 huginn` tcohen: The operation succeeded.
19:00 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1315: SUCCESS in 1 hr 18 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1315/
19:01 Starting build #165 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:43 Project Koha_3.10.x build #165: SUCCESS in 42 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/165/
19:43 Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 8884: opacheader is not in the header on CCSR
19:43 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8884 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , opacheader is not in the header on CCSR
19:43 jenkins_koha Starting build #70 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:02 moodaepo joined #koha
20:05 drojf good night #koha
20:09 cait good night drojf and #koha
20:09 cait left #koha
20:24 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.12.x build #70: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.12.x/70/
20:24 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10496 - CCSR theme OPAC tabs to not show correct active state
20:24 * Mark Tompsett: bug 10548: fix count of missing required dependencies by
20:24 * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 10535: by default sort funds by name
20:24 * Robin Sheat: Bug 10560: make it possible for default interface language to not be English
20:24 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10560: add regression test
20:24 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10496 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , CCSR theme OPAC tabs to not show correct active state
20:24 jenkins_koha * Katrin Fischer: Bug 10490: Overdue fines cap can't store decimal values
20:24 * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 10490: DBrev
20:24 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10548 trivial, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Stable , miscounts dependencies displayed
20:24 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10535 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Needs Signoff , by default sort funds by name
20:24 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10560 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , No way to disable english
20:24 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10490 major, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Stable , Overdue fines cap (amount) in circulation rules is saved incorrectly (rounded)
20:24 jenkins_koha Starting build #71 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:44 rambutan joined #koha
20:45 vfernandes joined #koha
20:45 vfernandes hi :)
20:45 I need a help in zebra indexes and MARC21 authorities
20:47 pianohacker I'll help if I can, but no promises not to run away in fear
20:48 vfernandes My client added a authority to controll 260c
20:49 the authorities are only searched by keyword (not main heading) and they all have 0 records connected when it's not true
20:50 pianohacker vfernandes: Have the authorities been linked, either manually or by script?
20:50 vfernandes the field that if been filled in the authorities is the 260 too...
20:51 the authorities are being linked manually
20:53 that authority is being used by this record -[…]iblionumber=51782
20:53 but the authority has 0 records~
20:54 pianohacker Hrm. The correct authid is being stored in the $9...
20:56 vfernandes: I think I know how to solve this
20:56 vfernandes: Do you see the entry for melm 400$9?
20:57 vfernandes yes
20:57 pianohacker Duplicate that for 260$9
20:58 vfernandes i've already done that
20:59 pianohacker Did you do a zebra rebuild?
20:59 A full one, as much as I hate to say it?
20:59 vfernandes yes -a -b -r -v
20:59 talljoy joined #koha
21:01 pianohacker vfernandes: Would you mind putting your record.abs on
21:02 vfernandes no... wait just a moment
21:04 pianohacker vfernandes: I don't know if your search is working at all, and the "0 records" count depends on that
21:06 vfernandes I can't search that auth type by heading or match only by keyword
21:06 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.12.x build #71: SUCCESS in 42 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.12.x/71/
21:06 * Colin Campbell: Bug 10529: Remove hardcoded dollar from patron message
21:06 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10475 - Item form in acquisition not hiding subfields properly
21:06 * Colin Campbell: Bug 10507: improve warning about duplicate patron attribute value
21:06 * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 10447: add 'ru' and 'uk' to Zebra indexing language list
21:06 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10529 minor, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , Dollar sign hardcoded in patron message
21:06 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10475 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , Item form in acquisition not hiding subfields properly
21:06 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10507 trivial, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , Typo when warning about creating duplicate patron attribute
21:06 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10447 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to Master , Language definitions for 'ru' and 'uk' are not available during install
21:12 pastebot "vfernandes" at pasted "Biblio MARC21 record.abs" (174 lines) at
21:12 vfernandes record.abs continues but I think this is enough
21:15 pianohacker: please see the file
21:17 by the way how to put 260a in the summary :[…]rderby=HeadingAsc
21:19 pianohacker I'm not sure on either one of those, vfernandes. Apologies
21:19 Your record.abs looks complete
21:20 vfernandes pianohacker, how i can put my authority being search by main heading
21:25 pianohacker vfernandes: I'm not sure that you're supposed to have the heading in the 260$c of the authority record; it looks like it would go in a 1xx field in the authority record, even though it ends up in the 260$c of the bibliographic record
21:25 see
21:26 this is not my specialty, please check and confirm before you put what I say into practice :)
21:34 vfernandes humm I see... when they decided not to use heading pré defined they can't search by main heading
21:34 jcamins vfernandes: I can't really troubleshoot this for you, but you'll need to use a 1xx field in the authority.
21:34 vfernandes ok thanks jcamins :)
21:35 pianohacker jcamins: Okay, good to know I was at least partially on the marc :P
21:35 *mark
21:35 you can tell what I've been working on all day :)
21:37 jcamins Also, perhaps you might be better off using an authorized value or a 648 (or even custom 748) field.
21:41 pianohacker interesting idea. Why?
21:43 jcamins Because the 260$c was not intended to be authority controlled, and most of the authority-related code, despite having been updated and generalized extensively recently is still based on the MARC spec.
21:47 vfernandes jcamins
21:47 i'm having a problem with one user
21:48 he only have permissions to catalogue but when he enteres he has access to all modules
22:19 rambutan joined #koha
22:33 JesseM joined #koha
22:34 tcohen joined #koha
22:39 papa joined #koha
22:48 rambutan joined #koha
22:49 vfernandes exit
22:52 ibeardslee ww?
23:02 Brooke joined #koha
23:02 Brooke o/
23:04 pianohacker hey Brooke
23:04 Brooke hey there :D
23:08 kathryn joined #koha
23:28 Brooke laters!

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