IRC log for #koha, 2009-10-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 gmcharlt joined #koha
00:07 gmcharlt left #koha
00:07 gmcharlt joined #koha
00:29 chris back
00:40 brendan cya in a bit #koha
00:40 richard left #koha
00:50 brendan left #koha
01:24 jwagner left #koha
01:30 brendan joined #koha
03:07 Amit joined #koha
03:08 brendan hi Amit
03:08 Amit heya brendan
03:09 heya chris
03:20 chris_n only on a network running M$ does the network admin have to stay up late to install AV software :-P
03:45 brendan chris_n -- so true
03:49 chris_n chris about?
03:49 hi brendan
04:00 chris am now chris_n
04:01 chris_n chris: have you used Catalyst?
04:02 chris not in anger
04:02 chris_n hehe
04:02 chris ive poked with it, and liked what i saw
04:02 dbix::class and TT are steps along the way
04:02 if we decide to move Koha that route
04:03 chris_n I'm beginning an in-house app and thought I might use it for that
04:03 chris oh def, if i was starting a project yep i would be looking at catalyst
04:03 chris_n what I'm reading about it sounds nice
04:03 chris its like rails .. without the performance hit
04:04 chris_n it appears that it would be a ton of work to move koha over to it
04:04 chris yes, piles
04:05 so first steps are take some of its good things Template Toolkit etc
04:05 then maybe move the opac to it, then module by module
04:05 chris_n yeah, TT looks much nicer than T::P
04:06 chris *nod* we gain lots of neat tricks we can do with caching rendered fragments of templates too
04:08 chris_n well, I'm off to catch sleep; tnx for the input
04:08 chris np, sleep well
04:08 pianohacker see ya, chris_n
04:09 chris_n g'night pianohacker (must be a late schoolwork night :-)
04:09 pianohacker heh. just a bit :)
04:14 greenmang0 joined #koha
04:39 pianohacker okay. good night, all
04:40 pianohacker left #koha
05:36 nicomo joined #koha
05:37 Ropuch Morning, #koha
05:56 nicomo left #koha
05:59 chris *sigh*
06:08 mason left #koha
06:21 greenmang0 left #koha
06:36 sanelib joined #koha
06:37 sanelib hello everyone
06:47 sanelib left #koha
06:50 paul_p joined #koha
07:02 login joined #koha
07:03 kf joined #koha
07:12 kf morning #koha
07:13 Ropuch Morning, kf
07:13 kf morning Ropuch
07:17 Kivutar joined #koha
07:26 paul_p left #koha
07:45 paul_p joined #koha
07:54 Amit hi kf, paul_p
07:54 laurence joined #koha
08:01 nahuel left #koha
08:30 mason joined #koha
08:38 |Lupin| joined #koha
08:39 |Lupin| hi all
08:45 greenmang0 joined #koha
09:07 nahuel joined #koha
09:07 kf hi Amit, |Lupin|
09:18 greenmang0 left #koha
09:21 login left #koha
09:23 |Lupin| guten morgen kf
09:24 Amit hi lupin
09:24 heya nahuel
09:24 nahuel hi
09:24 chris_n2 joined #koha
09:27 |Lupin| could someone please help me with the C4::Items::ModItem function ?
09:27 I'm wondering whether its last arg should be an array ref or a hashref...
09:27 can someone clarify ? nahuel perhaps ?
09:28 nahuel I'm calling
09:28 2s
09:28 |Lupin| nahuel: sure !
09:32 chris_n left #koha
09:35 Kivutar left #koha
09:36 Kivutar joined #koha
09:44 Amit left #koha
10:08 Amit joined #koha
10:14 Amit left #koha
10:29 |Lupin| lunch
10:29 |Lupin| left #koha
10:39 kf survey: one institution one vote one person one vote?
10:45 paul_p left #koha
10:57 kf hm. just not sure if I should forward the survey in our institution too or at least to my colleagues involved in our koha project
11:33 jwagner joined #koha
11:40 nengard joined #koha
11:53 paul_p joined #koha
11:57 nengard left #koha
12:01 nengard joined #koha
12:04 jwagner Good morning all.
12:05 nengard, see email to list -- I can't find that holdCancelLength is implemented anywhere in the code.
12:05 nengard jwagner - well that would make the whole question moot
12:06 you should report a bug for that - so that we can get that out of there before 3.2 releases
12:07 jwagner But it's a useful idea and probably should be implemented somewhere -- if somebody's had a hold on an item for like a year and it's never been triggered, shouldn't that hold get wiped eventually?
12:11 kf good morning nengard and jwagner
12:15 CGI992 joined #koha
12:15 kf nengard: I was not sure who can vote on the survey -  one vote / organisation or everybody?
12:16 nengard one vote every person
12:16 CGI992 men+men
12:17 CGI451 joined #koha
12:17 CGI451 left #koha
12:18 CGI992 gay + gay = LOVE :)
12:20 kf nengard: thx :)
12:23 paul_p left #koha
12:24 CGI992 left #koha
12:26 jdavidb joined #koha
12:26 schuster joined #koha
12:26 jdavidb @seen rhcl
12:26 munin jdavidb: rhcl was last seen in #koha 1 day, 19 hours, 41 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <rhcl> slef: amazing. Thanks.
12:27 gmcharlt_ joined #koha
12:27 gmcharlt left #koha
12:28 Nate joined #koha
12:29 tomascohen joined #koha
12:38 schuster nengard good job on the survey.  I had a specific opinion on this, and when it comes to second choices it was hard as I really didn't know enough about the other 2 options that I liked as to what the best option would be.  So I am concerned about the general public filling out this form and not understanding all of the issues behind it.
12:39 That's coming from someone who has tried to keep up with the formation of this foundation - and someone who has been involved with setting up a foundation...
12:41 owen joined #koha
12:45 nengard schuster - that's why we gave time to research the other options :)  But also - this time around your didn't have to pick options you were unfamiliar with or unhappy with
12:46 Colin joined #koha
12:47 schuster nengard again good job...
12:47 nengard thanks
12:48 owen Hi folks
12:49 Colin morning/afternoon/evening all
12:54 jdavidb Hi, Colin! :)
12:54 Howdy, owen.  :)
12:57 gmcharlt_ left #koha
13:03 owen Can anyone help me understand this error I get when I run
13:03 08:01:56-15/10 zebraidx(21880) [warn] record.abs:67: Bad # of args to melm
13:04 jdavidb What's record.abs line 67 look like?
13:05 owen In etc/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/biblios ? Is that the right place to look?
13:05 jdavidb yup! :)
13:06 owen Line 67 is commented out: #melm 035       Local-number,Identifier-standard
13:07 jdavidb Hm.   what about the one in ../authorities?
13:07 Oh!  The line above...what's it look like?
13:08 owen melm 034        Map-scale
13:08 jdavidb Well, that *looks* right.  hrm.
13:08 owen What's strange is this is the test system I've been using for ages
13:09 ...unless a git update changed this file I haven't.
13:09 jdavidb git pull's wouldn't.  I think there's a make target for updating the indexes, but I've never used it.
13:17 Colin last changes to it were May/June
13:24 paul_p joined #koha
13:55 CGI280 joined #koha
13:57 francharb joined #koha
13:57 francharb left #koha
14:07 Agalloch left #koha
14:15 owen Hi CGI280
14:19 CGI280 left #koha
14:25 paul_p left #koha
14:26 chris_n2 is now known as chris_n
14:26 chris_n g'morning #koha
14:26 ColinC joined #koha
14:27 jdavidb Hi, chris_n
14:32 |Lupin| joined #koha
14:32 Colin left #koha
14:32 |Lupin| hi again, everybody
14:32 cc joined #koha
14:33 cc is now known as Colin
14:34 jdavidb Hi, |Lupin| ! :)
14:39 ColinC left #koha
14:44 |Lupin| hello jdavidb :)
14:44 guys
14:44 anybody knows how to remove an item from Koha without using the web interface ?
14:46 paul_p joined #koha
14:51 Ropuch |Lupin|: you can always use sql
14:51 Hi paul_p
14:51 Colin Lupin: DelItem in
14:51 |Lupin| Ropuch: I'm not sure it's that simple because I believe the items are also added to the marc(xml) fields somehow...
14:52 Colin Yes you also might want to add it to deleteditems
14:53 |Lupin| Colin: the thing is that the item has been incorrectly added: I think no item number has been inserted in it's marc record... I think..
14:53 Colin: no I'd like to just get rid of it completely
14:55 Colin Is there any trace in the marc record?
15:07 brendan left #koha
15:15 paul_p left #koha
15:19 |Lupin| Colin: let me check...
15:27 Colin: there is a 995 field in biblioitems.marcxml but nothing in items.more_subfields_xml
15:27 Actually removing all the items but keeping the biblio records untouched would be great
15:28 brendan joined #koha
15:44 Colin Lupin in that case I think you can just remove them from the items table
15:46 laurence left #koha
15:54 fredericd |Lupin|: If you have 995 tags in marcxml you need to suppress them with related items table records: that's what DelItem function is for...
15:55 pianohacker joined #koha
15:55 |Lupin| fredericd: yes, I just wrote a script which should have done the jub just fine
15:55 pianohacker good morning
15:55 |Lupin| Colin: thanks
15:55 owen Hi pianohacker
15:55 pianohacker hi, owen
15:55 |Lupin| hey Jesse. HOw are your ifngers ?
15:56 pianohacker good, healing bit by bit
15:56 how are you, owen, |Lupin|?
15:56 * |Lupin| is okay, thanks
15:57 |Lupin| fredericd: hmm actually it seems that the script hasn't removed anything...
15:58 fredericd: hmm no i t fact it has removed the items form the items table, but they seem to still appear as 995 fields...
15:59 fredericd |Lupin|: After suppressing all items, your items table must be empty. If item table is empty, and item seem to still be present in biblio record, it may be an indexing issue with zebra
15:59 you can check by trying to edit a record (not display on result page)
15:59 pianohacker well, items are stored as holdings tags regardless of zebra
16:00 |Lupin| fredericd: hmm I won't be able to do record edition with lynx...
16:00 pianohacker if you want to get rid of items, you have to remove those holdings tags. the api will do all of this for you if you're deleting one-at-a-time
16:01 fredericd pianohacker: If you suppress 995 (952 in MARC21) tags in bibioitems.marcxml fields, they may still be extracted from zebra until all biblio record are reindexed
16:01 toins joined #koha
16:01 fredericd on OPAC result page for example
16:05 |Lupin| brb
16:10 rhcl_away left #koha
16:12 owen Why does the Koha installer default to "grs1" for Zebra indexing when it says it's for legacy support?
16:15 Colin owen: I can't think of a good reason and I've seen folk update an install and set it back to grs as a result
16:16 owen Colin: You mean by mistake?
16:20 nengard left #koha
16:22 owen Okay, got some warnings: "Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite DBD::SQLite2 0.33 not found." (and others)
16:23 Does that mean these weren't included in "ubuntu.packages," or did I miss a step?
16:24 pianohacker owen: DBD::SQLite2, at least, is a fairly new dependency; it might not have been added to the package list yet
16:25 owen What's the best way to acquire these? When I see a name like "DBD::SQLite2" I assume I can't just apt-get that name
16:26 pianohacker owen: you can try apt-cache search sqlite2
16:26 often, though, perl packages are named something like libdbd-sqlite2-perl
16:27 ColinC joined #koha
16:29 ColinC owen: I did mean by mistake. It's a potential trap
16:30 |Lupin| owen: apt-cache search DBD::SQLite2
16:30 owen Okay, found libdbd-sqlite2-perl
16:31 |Lupin| owen: that one does not seem to be packaged, but in general apt-cache search themodulename works, with the module name displayed by the makefile
16:32 owen Also on my list: HTTP::OAI, IPC::Cmd, JSON, Memoize::Memcached, Test::More, and XML::SAX::Writer
16:33 |Lupin| owen: some of them are not packaged
16:33 Colin left #koha
16:33 |Lupin| owen: what I generally do is that when apt-cache search modulename does not return anything meaningful, I do a cpan modulename
16:35 owen: there is also the case where the module is packaged for Debian but is present with a version too low for KOha. IN that case, chris recommends to use dh-perl-make to build a debian package from the Perl sources. With this method you allow the distribution to update the package, should it once become more recent than the one you built yourself
16:36 fredericd: ok, I just checked the database and the items are still present in the xml field although the items table is empty...
16:37 davi joined #koha
16:37 ColinC is now known as Colin
16:38 owen Thanks |Lupin|. How would I know if that was the case?
16:41 |Lupin| owen: the makefile would tell you that it needs version x.y but only version z.t was found
16:42 owen Okay
16:44 |Lupin| any idea about how to remove these remaining item fields in the xml columns, please ?
16:46 pianohacker |Lupin|: You would have to write a basic perl script to go through each record and remove the 995 tags (using MARC::Record)
16:46 |Lupin| hmm, gotta run, will see this later... bye !
16:46 pianohacker bye, |Lupin|
16:46 owen Thanks |Lupin|
16:47 |Lupin| pianohacker: but then once the 995 field is removed, how which function should be called to update the xml things ?
16:47 pianohacker |Lupin|: ModRecordMarc is the name, i believe
16:47 it's in C4::Biblio
16:47 |Lupin| pianohacker: ah ok, thanks a lot !!
16:47 pianohacker np
16:48 |Lupin| left #koha
16:49 kf bye #koha
16:49 kf left #koha
17:08 CGI522 joined #koha
17:08 CGI522 hello!!
17:08 is anyone live here?
17:08 I need some help with Koha...
17:08 pianohacker alive, that's questionable
17:09 CGI522 :)
17:09 jdavidb Present, yes.  Alive...maybe.
17:09 CGI522 you're speaking - that's a good sign:)
17:09 pianohacker but we can help. what would you like help with?
17:10 CGI522 I need to change a password for staff client  - for kohaadmin, can't find the option...
17:10 pianohacker CGI522: what version of koha are you running?
17:11 CGI522
17:11 pianohacker okay. since koha uses the kohaadmin username and password to access the mysql database, you have to change it in mysql first
17:12 CGI522 on the server?
17:12 pianohacker yes
17:12 CGI522 eh... that's exactly what I was afraid of - can't catch the goddamn sysadmin...:)
17:12 pianohacker ahhh
17:12 okay
17:14 just let him know that he has to change the password for the kohaadmin user in mysql, then put the new password in the <password> element at the bottom of /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml
17:14 or wherever it was installed
17:15 CGI522 thanks a lot, pianohacker:)
17:15 oh
17:15 onemore thing
17:15 sincec I'm already here:)
17:15 pianohacker shoot
17:16 CGI522 barcode
17:16 pianohacker indeed, barcodes
17:16 CGI522 I know I can switch that option on and off, but how can I assign barcoded to already catalogued biblios?
17:17 pianohacker CGI522: hmm. you can edit the items of each individual biblio, but if you want to do it in a batch, you'd have to do some perl programming
17:19 CGI522 Good Lolrd, the computer is gonna restart now, I'm gonna kill the sysadmin:) didn't leave me option to cancel it:((( I'll be back in a minute. pianohacker,  don't forget your words, brb
17:19 pianohacker okay
17:19 CGI522 left #koha
17:20 toins left #koha
17:27 CGI875 joined #koha
17:28 CGI875 I'm back:0
17:28 so, pianohacker, I suppose this programming should be done on the server as well?
17:29 pianohacker yes.
17:30 CGI875 could you tell me what to do exactly? :)
17:31 pianohacker it's a bit involved, and assumes you have perl scripting experience
17:31 owen is now known as owen-away
17:31 owen-away left #koha
17:31 CGI875 ok, I don't, but I neeed to assign the barcodes anyway...:(
17:32 pianohacker hrm. are you working from an import, or is this an existing installation?
17:32 Colin left #koha
17:33 CGI875 the latter
17:34 pianohacker things get trickier, then. just out of curiosity, why are they lacking barcodes?
17:38 CGI875 I was told that all the material's gonna be only reference, and the dean told me not to bother with the barcodes, so I left the option off. Now he wants to circulate all the staff (it's  a new small library, and they are still not certain what they want, ,,so they find job ffor me all the time:))
17:38 pianohacker (right, I know that feeling very well...)
17:39 okay. will these reference books be getting physical barcodes?
17:39 CGI875 yyeep
17:39 the keyboard is killing mee:) I''m sorry, it doublles al the letters....
17:40 nengard joined #koha
17:40 pianohacker it might be easier to assign them manually by editing each individual biblio then try to find some way to assign them accurately in a script
17:40 I'm typing one-handed, so believe it or not i sympathize
17:40 :)
17:41 CGI875 oh man..:)
17:41 ok the script - what script:)
17:41 sorry, Koha is all new to me, just started using it last week:)
17:42 chris_n gmcharlt about?
17:42 @last gmcharlt
17:42 munin chris_n: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must (1 more message)
17:42 pianohacker @seen gmcharlt
17:42 chris_n @seen gmcharlt
17:42 munin pianohacker: gmcharlt was last seen in #koha 1 day, 8 hours, 3 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <gmcharlt> hi Amit (and goodbye for moment, about to board airplane)
17:42 chris_n: gmcharlt was last seen in #koha 1 day, 8 hours, 3 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <gmcharlt> hi Amit (and goodbye for moment, about to board airplane)
17:42 chris_n hehe
17:42 pianohacker heh
17:43 CGI875: pretty much any way you do it will involve heartache and a fair amount of labor. what's the size of your collection?
17:44 CGI875 its about 70 biblios so far:) not much, so I guess I'll survive:)
17:44 chris_n @later gmcharlt I had to submit and additional patch for bug 3706; would you be so kind as to push it when you have a moment? tnx
17:45 munin chris_n: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready
17:45 chris_n @later tell gmcharlt I had to submit and additional patch for bug 3706; would you be so kind as to push it when you have a moment? tnx
17:45 munin chris_n: The operation succeeded.
17:45 pianohacker CGI875: oh, okay. if you haven't banged your head against perl before, for a collection that size it would be much easier to do it manually imho
17:45 chris_n missing lunch will really mess with your mind :-P
17:46 CGI875 okay,  will do:) so first i will have to swith the option on< and then start editing? is it in the iTEM EDITING?
17:47 the keyboard is getting worse:)
17:47 pianohacker CGI875: you shouldn't have to switch it on... do you mean the autobarcode system preference?
17:47 CGI875 yes, that one
17:48 pianohacker CGI875: ahh, okay. you want that to stay off; all it controls is whether barcodes are automatically assigned by koha
17:48 you only want it if you're printing barcode labels from within koha
17:49 CGI875 ohhhh right...
17:50 schuster left #koha
17:50 CGI875 since i didn't any barcodes yet, I can still deecide which way to do it... would koha's autobarcodee be easier?
17:50 pianohacker you just have to go to each biblio, then click edit -> edit items
17:51 wait, did you say that they had physical barcodes (not isbns) on them already?
17:51 CGI875 yes
17:51 no
17:51 no there's only ISBN, no barcodes sticked on them
17:52 pianohacker ok then
17:52 you can do it two ways
17:52 CGI875 so I still can decide which way to do it - autobarcode and then print them out, or stick them frist and then print them in:)
17:52 pianohacker right
17:52 CGI875 good,  so which way is easier?:)
17:53 pianohacker pre-printed barcodes involve little work and are not at all expensive
17:53 CGI875 okay...
17:53 now... there's a problem
17:53 pianohacker ?
17:53 CGI875 I already placedd the order and didnt order any barcodees:)))
17:54 so I guess I will have to print them out:))
17:54 pianohacker CGI875: order?
17:54 CGI875 i mean librrary supplies
17:55 pianohacker ahh, okay
17:55 time pressure? :)
17:55 CGI875 you got me:)
17:56 so do i need to autobarcode in this case>?
17:57 pianohacker okay, guess you don't have much choice for this batch then. you can switch it on for now, make barcodes with autobarcode then print them (the manual at is very helpful for this)
17:57 I recommend pre-printed for the future, but you'll have to see which option works better
17:57 CGI875 okay...
17:58 uff... I'm all confused here :) but you helped me a lot, thanks, pianohacker:)
17:58 pianohacker no problem, happy to help
17:58 good luck
17:58 CGI875 don't mind if I trouble you again in the future?:)
17:59 pianohacker I'm not always here, but #koha is always open
17:59 CGI875 okay! take care:0
17:59 pianohacker you too
17:59 CGI875 :)
17:59 CGI875 left #koha
18:03 Nate left #koha
18:04 Nate joined #koha
18:12 sekjal joined #koha
18:14 owen-away joined #koha
18:26 Kivutar left #koha
18:32 owen-away is now known as owen
18:39 chris_n go HLT
18:39 opps ;-)
18:53 tomascohen left #koha
18:55 owen Okay, my go at installing Koha on Ubuntu has gone better today, I've gotten further this time.
18:55 Now I'm hung up on the Apache config
18:56 Warning: DocumentRoot [/etc/apache2/__OPAC_WWW_DIR__] does not exist
18:57 brendan owen do you do a koha-dev install ?
18:57 owen yes
18:57 brendan if so I think you'll need to copy the koha-httpd.conf file from koha-dev
18:57 not kohaclone
18:58 chris what he said
18:58 owen Ah, I'll bet you're right
18:58 chris probably /home/owen/koha-dev/etc/
18:59 (they live out there so that they dont get overwritten when you do a git fetch/rebase)
18:59 brendan then when you get to zebra daemon part -- you'll most like need to edit you file a little bit
18:59 but we can help you out when you get there :)
18:59 yup what chris said
18:59 morning chris
19:00 chris so, im gonna write up a report on the lianza conference for my bosses today, reckon i should send it to the koha-devel list too?
19:00 sekjal hey, neat, I was just doing a new dev install for my test system, and was wondering about some of the set up
19:00 brendan would be cool
19:00 sekjal chris: yes
19:00 chris will do
19:01 sekjal: i will drop you an email sometime today, to do an introduction to the system librarian at Waikato Uni here, they are considering Koha in the future and he would like to chat to you about how you guys did it
19:01 if thats ok
19:02 sekjal chris: that's more than ok.  happy to talk about my experiences
19:02 chris excellent
19:02 sekjal some local NY-area folks are looking to have a meeting, too
19:02 chris ok, time to catch my bus, back in a bit
19:02 sekjal later, chris
19:03 there are also the two meetings in Hartford, CT that Nate from ByWater tipped me off to
19:03 looking forward to those
19:07 chris_n owen++ #for doing a self-install :-)
19:07 owen It's about time ;)
19:12 Should I be concerned about this error? "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"
19:13 brendan not too concerned
19:13 just something to do with your hosts setting -- but should work for you
19:13 pianohacker owen: I've had that exact error on my ubuntu koha install for quite some time. should probably fix it, but it hasn't caused any problems
19:15 owen pianohacker: So you use and :8080 to access your opac and staff client?
19:16 pianohacker owen: 8000 and 8080, but yes
19:20 owen What do you know, it's actually working.
19:21 pianohacker hey, awesome
19:21 brendan sweet
19:21 now onto zebra :)
19:21 pianohacker very satisfying to get a koha install running on your own
19:21 brendan cheers to that
19:21 pianohacker brendan: that's just cruel
19:22 brendan :)
19:22 jwagner Quick question -- have to run back to my meeting.  Koha should be able to place a hold on a title which has no items attached, correct?
19:23 I could swear I've seen that functionality.
19:23 pianohacker jwagner: i'm not sure. it can place a biblio-level hold, but might list a biblio with no items as unavailable
19:24 owen As far as I know pianohacker is right, the interface will not offer you the hold link if no items are attached
19:24 jwagner That's what I'm trying to do -- a title (next available) hold, but it's complaining about not having any items attached.
19:24 Drat.  Thanks, owen & pianohacker.  I was afraid of that answer....  Now to work around it.....
19:25 wizzyrea jwagner: you create an "on order" item
19:26 they can put a hold on that item but it won't hit pick lists until it's changed from "on order"
19:26 that's how we do holds on items that don't physically exist yet
19:27 maybe a better question: what workflow are you trying to accommodate?
19:28 owen: I've had that same error on my ubuntu installs forever. I haven't bothered to try to fix it either
19:33 richard joined #koha
19:33 richard hi
19:33 pianohacker hello, richard
19:33 richard hi pianohacker
19:39 brendan hi richard
19:39 richard hey brendan
19:39 sekjal if I'm doing a dev-install on the same server on which I have a production installation, do I need to muck around with my koha-httpd.conf file a lot?
19:40 pianohacker sekjal: not really. just copy-paste the two virtualhost sections and edit the servername and setenv lines
19:40 brendan not too much -- I just enable a second site
19:40 pianohacker and documentroots and whatnot, of course
19:41 sekjal ah, okay.  that's what I've done
19:41 I just haven't done it right yet...
19:42 jdavidb left #koha
19:42 pianohacker sekjal: what's going wrong?
19:43 sekjal my document root was bad, and restarting apache caused my production instance to disappear
19:43 pianohacker yikes
19:43 sekjal fortunately, I got it back up before anyone complained
19:43 brendan :)
19:43 sekjal still, kinda freaky
19:43 pianohacker I've done the fix-apache-conf scramble before
19:45 sekjal so, for a dev-install, my document root is going to be much different, isn't it?
19:46 pianohacker yes
19:47 nengard_ joined #koha
19:48 nengard left #koha
19:52 sekjal yar, so many ScriptAliases....
19:53 pianohacker the first is the only one you have to change, the others depend on it
20:00 jwagner wizzyrea, back from my meeting again -- could you send me a description of how your workflow goes?  That would be a big help.
20:01 wizzyrea jwagner: sure, gimme a min
20:04 chris back
20:10 brendan wb chris
20:14 ricardo joined #koha
20:14 ricardo Hi everyone!
20:14 pianohacker hi ricardo
20:14 brendan hi ricardo
20:15 * brendan is disliking IE for messing with my templates
20:15 ricardo I'm having a problem here in a machine with Koha 3.0.3 (in SLES 11). SLES = SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
20:15 "make install" seems to be "stuck":
20:15 brendan looks so nice in Firefox -- but "crappy" with IE
20:15 pianohacker you need another reason to dislike ie?
20:15 ricardo ~/koha-3.00.03 # make install
20:15 /usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" fix-perl-path.PL blib
20:16 (and then... no more output)
20:16 pianohacker ricardo: how long has it been running
20:16 ricardo pianohacker: 2 minutes, maybe
20:16 pianohacker also, can you check to see if it's doing anything with top?
20:16 brendan ricardo -- did you ever get zebra to run on SUSE
20:16 pianohacker the blib fixing part will take some time
20:17 ricardo brendan: Nope... I quit trying to set up Zebra in openSUSE. I don't predict resuming that battle in the next several months (if at all). Why?
20:17 brendan just curious if you ever did --- I gave that battle up like a year and half ago and switched to debian full-time
20:18 ricardo brendan: Yeah, I understand that ("path of least resistance")
20:18 brendan :)
20:18 ricardo pianohacker: OK, thanks for the info
20:18 pianohacker not sure why you're fighting so hard just to stay in the land of (shiver) RPM, but to each his own :)
20:20 ricardo pianohacker: The place I work uses SuSE.... And, actually, I don't have anything against "rpm" (you have"yast" / "zypper" on top of if, to take care of dependencies... like you have "yum" in Red Hat / Fedora... or "aptitude", "synaptic" and others for "deb"s in the "Debian World")
20:23 @later tell hdl_laptop Hi Henri! The "koha-br" and "koha-pt" mailing lists have no messages posted yet. So, it doesn't seem necessary to announce the Koha Ballot there
20:23 munin ricardo: The operation succeeded.
20:24 ricardo pianohacker: Yay! The "blib" stuff finished. I think a warning about this delay could be nice (or better still, some descriptive output about each step being done)
20:27 Ropuch Agreed, when compiling the first time i was about to kill the process too
20:29 ricardo Ropuch: Right. Thanks for confirming it  :)
20:30 Ropuch ;>
20:30 It's quite a moment before some output starts to show up on the screen
20:30 ricardo Ropuch: Yep... In my case, it took several MINUTES
20:30 owen left #koha
20:30 Ropuch I kn ow patience is a librarian's virtue, but.. ;>
20:30 ricardo Ropuch: LOL!
20:32 Ropuch I had to work with win 3.11 (1999!) in my library while studying, as students we were sure this is Path of teaching Patience ;-P
20:33 ricardo Ropuch: eheheh...
20:33 Hmmm... It seems that I have this installation "botched up" somehow:
20:33 [Thu Oct 15 21:31:26 2009] [error] [client] [Thu Oct 15 21:31:26 2009] HTML::Template::Pro:template not found! at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/ line 70, referer: http://myhost:8080/cgi-bin/koh[…]
20:35 Just what I needed in the day before a presentation  :-(
20:37 (Running "updatedb"... because I want to find some files now, and I admit I like "locate" better than "find")
20:42 Ropuch /usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet​-tmpl/prog/en/includes/
20:43 ricardo Ropuch: Cool... Thanks. The weird part is that I *do* have that file  :-/
20:43 pianohacker bbl
20:43 Ropuch line 70, let me see
20:43 ricardo pianohacker: OK
20:43 Ropuch: It's the last line of that file
20:44 Something like "output_http_with_headers"
20:44 Ropuch output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;
20:44 yup
20:45 * chris_n needs a stronger brand of bug spray... :-P
20:45 ricardo chris_n: LOL!
20:46 Talking about bugs, the log files mention some "pt-BR" files... and the Brazilian translation ("pt-PT") one, AFAIK, hasn't been done yet... only the standard European Portuguese one ("pt-PT")
20:46 I guess I'll have to check if this is fixed in git, for 3.0.4
20:47 chris
20:48 only the opacs have been done
20:48 ricardo chris: Hi Chris! You're right... I thought that NOT even the OPAC was done for "pt-BR" had been done.
20:50 Now, I wonder why Koha is searching "pt-BR" in this 3.0.3 install... Because I'm having problems seeing the web pages for the Intranet part, I'll have to look directly at the MySQL database
20:50 nengard_ left #koha
20:50 chris check what languages you have enabled in sysprefs
20:52 ricardo mysql> select variable from systempreferences where variable LIKE '%languages';
20:52 opaclanguages
20:52 mysql> select variable from systempreferences where variable LIKE '%language%';
20:52 language
20:52 opaclanguages
20:52 opaclanguagesdisplay
20:52 chris id check what values you have set for them
20:53 ricardo chris: *nod*
20:53 * chris_n greets chris
20:53 ricardo "language" is set to "en"
20:53 "opaclanguages" is set to "pt-PT,en"
20:54 "opaclanguagesdisplay" is set to "1" (ON)
20:54 chris that all looks ok
20:54 * ricardo asks chris_n to hand him his bug spray can  ;-)
20:54 ricardo chris: right
20:56 Here's a log entry that (strangely) mentions "pt-BR":
20:56 [Thu Oct 15 21:43:32 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs​/intranet-tmpl/prog/pt-BR/lib, referer: http://myhost:8080/cgi-bin/koh[…]
20:58 Ropuch True
20:58 I have only css and modules in pt-BR
20:58 chris id delete the whole pt-BR folder
20:58 then that error will go away
20:58 (since there is nothing in it anyway, you dont lose anything)
20:59 chris_n chris: some mailing list weirdness... I seem to get send copies of emails I send to the list now? (or is it me that's confused?)
21:00 ricardo usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/prog # mv pt-BR old_pt_br
21:00 chris which mailing list?
21:00 koha-devel?
21:00 chris_n dev list
21:00 chris you'll have to ask hdl, he looks after that one
21:00 chris_n ahh, tnx
21:00 ricardo chris: Yep, that solved it. Thanks!  :)
21:01 chris: I'm still worried that there was some bug that caused this
21:01 chris_n @later tell hdl_laptop some mailing list weirdness... I seem to get send copies of emails I send to the list now? (or is it me that's confused?)
21:01 munin chris_n: The operation succeeded.
21:01 chris no bug ricardo
21:01 just bad .po file for pt-BR
21:01 ricardo "Bad PO file! Bad!"  ;-)
21:02 chris its a harmless error, its just saying there is a pt-BR folder here, but i cant find any actual templates
21:02 because the bad .po file stopped them being made
21:02 ricardo chris: Err... Actually, for my setup... The consequence was much BIGGER than that
21:02 Let me try to show you screnshots
21:02 chris or in this case the no existent .po file
21:02 ricardo s/screnshots/screenshots
21:02 chris non-existent
21:03 yep, not a bug tho, just probably someone editing po files with a text editor again :)
21:04 ricardo Is there a "" for images?
21:04 chris nope
21:07 ricardo chris:
21:09 chris right, ill get hdl to not include the pt-BR files in the 3.0.4 release
21:09 ricardo chris: Yeah... I think that's better... Even for the Brazilian folks!
21:11 richard is now known as rich-away
21:15 CGI980 joined #koha
21:16 CGI980 left #koha
21:16 jwagner left #koha
21:21 sekjal time to catch my train.  cheers, all!
21:21 sekjal left #koha
21:24 ricardo This is weird...
21:24 http://myhost:8080/cgi-bin/koha/  is (wrongly) being displayed in English, although all the other Staff pages (correctly) appear in Portuguese. I wonder if this some cache (local or proxy) problem ...
21:25 Ropuch Doon night everyone
21:25 s/doon/Good ;>
21:25 ricardo Ropuch: Good night Ropuch :)
21:28 Colin joined #koha
21:28 ricardo BRB (Restarting Firefox, just in case)
21:28 ricardo left #koha
21:36 Colin left #koha
22:04 |Lupin| joined #koha
22:07 |Lupin| hi again
22:07 davi left #koha
22:13 Nate left #koha
22:17 brendan hi |Lupin|
22:17 davi joined #koha
22:17 |Lupin| hi brendan
22:17 pianohacker: still around ?
22:19 brendan @wunder 93117
22:19 munin brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 22.9�C (3:14 PM PDT on October 15, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 74%. Dew Point: 18.0�C. Pressure: 29.94 in 1013.8 hPa (Falling). Wind Advisory in effect until 9 am PDT Saturday...
22:19 brendan ah nicer than the last two days
22:19 thanks munin
22:19 |Lupin| :)
22:40 could someone please explain me how to call the function C4::Biblio::AddItem ?
22:41 it takes optional arguments and I'm not sure how to deal with them...
22:53 chris_n2 joined #koha
23:03 rich-away is now known as richard
23:27 brendan left #koha
23:34 brendan joined #koha
23:52 richard is now known as rich-away

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