IRC log for #koha, 2024-08-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 mbridge joined #koha
01:07 mbridge joined #koha
02:07 mbridge joined #koha
03:07 mbridge joined #koha
04:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:10 lds joined #koha
06:00 mbridge [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> Hello! Thank you for helping, most of my problems are solved, thanks.
06:00 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> I have one more question. I have problem with ids of reserves and old_reserves. When I create a reserve and then cancel it i got error duplicate id. Is there any good way to solve it?
06:07 mbridge joined #koha
07:05 mbridge [mattermost] <cait> I alrady told you above - ... go to the about page...
07:07 mbridge joined #koha
07:22 mbridge [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> Ok, Thank you this problem I already soved
07:24 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> At this moment I want to run cronjobs. What kind cronjobs is recommended to run for support project healthy? I understand that good practice to run What else must be run?
07:39 [mattermost] <cait> Koha should have come with a set of defaults when you installed it
07:39 [mattermost] <cait> have those been deactivated/removed?
08:07 mbridge joined #koha
09:07 mbridge joined #koha
10:07 mbridge joined #koha
10:11 mbridge [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> Ok, I get you
10:13 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> And one more question please
10:13 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> I runned the plack. Is it required to more configuration or it will work on default configs?
10:13 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> I have 4 core 8gb server
10:15 [mattermost] <cait> In a standard installation of Koha it should not require addition setup I think as it's mandatory. I am not sure about updated installations, Others might be able to say more.
10:19 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> I mean do changes on plack configurations
10:20 [mattermost] <jpahd> You just adjust the number of workers based on your load.
10:21 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> Is this right parameter?
10:21 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> on /etc/koha/plack.psgi
10:21 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> $ENV{'KOHA_NUM_WORKERS'} = '4';
10:21 [mattermost] <jpahd> You need to set that in koha-conf.xml
10:22 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> And where is that variable?
10:23 [mattermost] <jpahd> The file.
10:23 [mattermost] <jpahd> `/etc/koha/sites/<YOUR_INSTANCE>/koha-conf.xml
10:23 [mattermost] <jpahd> `/etc/koha/sites/<YOUR_INSTANCE>/koha-conf.xml`
10:23 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> I can't find any variable related plack in koha-conf.xml
10:24 [mattermost] <cait> which version was this?
10:24 [mattermost] <jpahd> ```
10:24 [mattermost] <jpahd> $ grep -n 'plack' /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml
10:24 [mattermost] <jpahd> 346: <plack_max_requests>50</plack_max_requests>
10:24 [mattermost] <jpahd> 347: <plack_workers>4</plack_workers>
10:24 [mattermost] <jpahd> ```
10:24 [mattermost] <jpahd> 16.something IIRC
10:25 [mattermost] <jpahd> I am not a 100% sure, but it could be that your koha-conf.xml hasn't been upgraded by the debian package because it's under the config path.
10:26 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> Ok, I havn't this fields in my file, I will add them
10:26 [mattermost] <jpahd> This could be the cause for a number of your issues btw.
11:07 mbridge joined #koha
11:34 lds joined #koha
12:07 mbridge joined #koha
12:51 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:07 mbridge joined #koha
14:06 mbridge [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> Thank you very much
14:06 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> I configured all
14:06 [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> Is my server parameters are good for the project
14:07 mbridge joined #koha
14:09 mbridge [mattermost] <haykmanukyan> I mean witch server parameters and OS is recommended for the project. My server is debian 12. First page loading still last approximately 4 seconds. I want boost it if possible
15:07 mbridge joined #koha
16:07 mbridge joined #koha
17:07 mbridge joined #koha
18:07 mbridge joined #koha
19:07 mbridge joined #koha
20:01 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Hello! Most of the Koha Community conversation is now over on Mattermost. Come and join us!
20:07 mbridge joined #koha
21:07 mbridge joined #koha
22:07 mbridge joined #koha
23:07 mbridge joined #koha

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