IRC log for #koha, 2023-12-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:14 khall joined #koha
01:25 cait1 joined #koha
01:41 ITMLJS[m] joined #koha
01:41 KodoKorkalo[m] joined #koha
01:51 krimsonkharne[m] joined #koha
02:02 SMeynieux[m] joined #koha
02:16 MintesinotBirru[m] joined #koha
02:43 Zahid[m] joined #koha
02:50 RafaelFernandes[m] joined #koha
03:23 puphaus[m] joined #koha
03:25 MaratDallin[m] joined #koha
03:32 artez_zwolle[m] joined #koha
03:50 jeffhub[m] joined #koha
04:09 ksorbo[m] joined #koha
04:09 casualcatgenerator[m] joined #koha
04:16 johnwaynechesterton[m] joined #koha
04:23 mmohk[m] joined #koha
04:33 JanHitSamAchar[m] joined #koha
04:34 mjkerpan[m] joined #koha
04:58 afr4z[m] joined #koha
05:36 sandeepkumar[m] joined #koha
05:41 Joubu mtj: ?
05:49 MartinWitjens[m] joined #koha
05:56 lassmaher[m] joined #koha
05:57 scorpaust[m] joined #koha
06:00 Joubu tcohen++
06:20 ck joined #koha
06:31 MarliaJuzo[m] joined #koha
06:46 tuxayo joined #koha
06:47 mtreskonmuse[m] joined #koha
06:50 mtj hi Joubu
06:56 Noor[m] joined #koha
07:02 reiveune joined #koha
07:03 reiveune hello
07:10 lmstrand joined #koha
07:18 marcelr joined #koha
07:18 marcelr o/
07:21 JasonGreene[m] joined #koha
07:24 RudyHinojosa[m] joined #koha
07:32 lisette[m] joined #koha
07:34 SauloPimentel[m] joined #koha
07:35 thibaud_g joined #koha
07:38 jamsheernp[m] joined #koha
07:53 KhadijaBoug[m] joined #koha
07:57 Joubu restarting weblate...
08:07 cait joined #koha
08:12 * cait waves good morning
08:20 marcelr hi cait
08:33 krimsonkharne[m] morning all
08:33 magnuse \o/
08:52 KarinaEsterDiez[m] joined #koha
08:52 tkero[m] joined #koha
09:22 Joubu Hum, I have setup emails on Weblate. It's "spamming" me with "Activity on your account at Weblate"..
09:22 nevermind, it was because of "password reset" tests
09:22 all good then
09:23 caroline: did you open a bug for the missing "help" for preservation?
09:33 StVincentMaintenance[m] joined #koha
09:39 aroberts18[m] joined #koha
09:44 MayraDiaz[m] joined #koha
09:45 aw-bib[m] joined #koha
09:51 LibraryHU[m] joined #koha
10:11 Joubu mtj: ktd not starting up, I am getting
10:11 koha-koha-1       | Base class package "Crypt::CBC" is empty.
10:11 koha-koha-1       |     (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package first,
10:11 any recent changes in this area?
10:13 ibnsina[m] joined #koha
10:13 Joubu hum, scratch that!
10:14 it's working in a new terminal, must have a 21.11 env var set somewhere...
10:15 cait Joubu++
10:16 RalFran[m] joined #koha
10:20 Atral[m] joined #koha
10:47 jo[m]1 joined #koha
11:13 Adarsh joined #koha
11:13 Adarsh Hello
11:14 khall joined #koha
11:18 Adarsh I just started using Koha API was able to get the Oauth token. How can I use it to query?
11:19 oleonard joined #koha
11:23 oleonard o/
11:28 cait Adarsh: did you see ?
11:29 KodoKorkalo[m] Hmm, it seems that two of our library consortiums have the same id in HEA, which leads them to overwrite each others stats. How do I fix this?
11:30 cait maybe you could try to re-register?
11:31 KodoKorkalo[m] How do I do that?
11:31 I don't think there is a registration process involved here, is there?
11:36 cait when you set it up the first time, you request an ID
11:37 you could try resetting the usage stats system preferences and turning it off, starting over
11:38 hm i might confusing it with Mana after all :(
11:39 Joubu: do you know how a Hea ID could be reset?
11:40 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] joined #koha
11:45 KodoKorkalo[m] <cait> "you could try resetting the..." <- Nope, didn't seem to change the ID ☹️
11:47 Joubu cait: I *think* you could try to empty UsageStatsID and UsageStatsPublicID
11:47 then another one will be generated
11:48 KodoKorkalo[m]: what did you try exactly?
11:50 KodoKorkalo[m] just switched the UsageStats syspref off, then back on and ran share_usage_stats... with -f -v parameters
11:51 Joubu: Yep, just found these by checking the C4::UsageStats code, I think this might do the trick
11:52 UsageStatsPublicID is what contains the library id shown on HEA website, so this must be it
11:55 Nope, after emptying those I still get the same ID 😄
11:55 Joubu both values?
11:56 KodoKorkalo[m] UsageStatsPublicID seems to be null in the database, but the UI still shows the old ID
11:56 UsageStatsID is the same as it was before
11:57 Joubu you need to restart memcached
11:57 and so plack
11:57 samlau[m]1 joined #koha
11:57 Joubu if you update the value directly in the DB without using Koha UI
11:59 KodoKorkalo[m] Hmm, yeah... although maybe for updating just memcached will do
12:00 share_usage... doesn't go through plack, right?
12:01 Joubu if memcached is restarted, plack must be reloaded
12:01 not for the share_usage script, but the UI
12:01 KodoKorkalo[m] oh, ok
12:02 yeah, for UI sure, but memcached did the trick for updating the ID's
12:02 now they are new, it's just that the UI is a bit confused about it for now
12:03 Joubu it should not if you restarted memcached then plack
12:04 KodoKorkalo[m] I didn't restart plack yet, I'm not sure I want to do that in the middle of the day, because it seems to cause some problems in libraries.
12:04 It'll be restarted in the night anyway, so I think we'll be able to live with the UI showing wrong ID today
12:05 Joubu reload
12:05 koha-plack --reload $INSTANCE
12:05 KodoKorkalo[m] That'll still cause SIPoHTTP devices to drop sometimes
12:06 Joubu maybe, but I don't think so
12:06 KodoKorkalo[m] using HTTP(S) as SIP2 transport is not without its quirks 😄
12:06 Joubu who doesn't take risks a Friday afternoon?
12:06 heh, I am kidding, don't do it if you have doubts ;)
12:07 KodoKorkalo[m] 😄
12:07 The real problem is fixed now, so me happy, thanks a million Joubu and cait 🙂
12:10 Joubu KodoKorkalo[m]: I think you will see the correct value on the UI when the plack's worker will reach the max requests (default is 50)
12:11 a new worker will start and will populate its L1 cache from memcached
12:11 KodoKorkalo[m] Joubu: Yep, our is higher, but we'll just wait, it's no biggie 🙂
12:15 cait :)
12:15 Joubu++
12:30 mtj i think the matrix bridge is broken again?
12:33 hi tcohen
12:34 cait it might be, I think tcohen had difficulty last night
12:34 are we ok to have the release out today?
12:37 mtj yep
12:45 Joubu pushing to the main repo
12:53 all tags pushed, tarballs autogenerated with success \o/
12:54 - on the dashboard
12:55 khall joined #koha
13:04 samlau[m] joined #koha
13:05 cait can we do a quick check on bug 35460ß
13:05 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35460 blocker, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Unable to add or edit hold rules in circulation rules table
13:05 cait Emmi says that there are columns dropped from issuingrules
13:06 Joubu "It did reveal itself to be a bit deeper than the simple bug it appeared to be
13:06 initially."
13:06 isn't it true for 75% of the bugs? :D
13:07 cait not sure where you got that from, but it makes me shiver
13:08 she is right, you can't edit circulation rules
13:08 it's not saving, no error
13:08 in the GUI
13:08 in master
13:09 hm... you can change some but not all values... this is odd
13:10 Joubu you are not supposed to find major bugs 2 min after the release is out
13:10 cait sorry?
13:11 ArvindNaikwadi[m] joined #koha
13:11 cait Emmi is patching it, but yeah, i guess too late... and it's onyl some hold variables right? noone is gong to update to .0
13:11 magnuse cait++
13:12 Joubu it's next RM's responsability anyway now
13:12 :D
13:12 cait :P
13:12 my lessons don't start before Monday I think
13:13 magnuse Joubu++
13:13 cait Joubu++
13:19 Joubu If you think Weblate is awesome, and you want to thanks the maintainer, please consider (you or your boss) donate to the project -
13:20 if we, as a community, can show them we are happy and support them, they will be willing to give back and provide us with enhancements we would like in the future
13:20[…]omment-1836097139 - one more example
13:29 AlexanderBlanchard[m] joined #koha
13:30 cait it's good thinking
13:33 confetti!!!!
13:33 confetti!
13:33 we got a release!
13:34 khall joined #koha
13:38 magnuse @confetti
13:38 huginn` magnuse: I suck
13:38 magnuse `````````
13:39 oleonard Is wahanui in charge of confetti?
13:40 magnuse i think someone had something to do with confetti at some point, at least?
13:40 Joubu new features are no longer on top of the release notes, weird
13:40 they get lost
13:40 at the top*
13:41 magnuse oleonard: looks like it was wahanui
13:42 Joubu ashimema: wow did ptfs-e provide all those new nodes!?
13:44 magnuse magic
13:44 Joubu tcohen: we have a problem with es - jobs are failing with "bootstrap checks failed"
13:51 Adjusted config for https://jenkins.koha-community[…]b/Koha_21.11_U22/ - it was wget "master" file...
13:51 Readonly for everybody! :D
14:03 caroline Joubu: re preservation help, I haven't opened a bug yet
14:03 I was a bit swamped by client work, but I wanted to do a little bit of manual today, if I can
14:12 Joubu do you want to do it or do you want me to do it?
14:12 caroline I wanted to try to do it, so I can learn how it works
14:12 is that ok with you?
14:14 Joubu yes :)
14:19 magnuse caroline++
14:21 caroline congratulations tcohen++ on the release!!
14:21 Dyrcona joined #koha
14:27 aude_c[m] joined #koha
14:31 cait tcohen++ community++
14:31 magnuse tcohen++ community++ cait++
14:43 Annelisterman[m] joined #koha
14:46 caroline Joubu, I was told once that if I modify a .pm, there needs to be tests, is it the case also for
14:46 jenneen[m] joined #koha
14:47 pinkieval joined #koha
14:51 val[m] joined #koha
14:51 val[m] test?
14:51 pinkieval test2?
14:51 val[m] ashimema: seems to work
14:54 ah, right
14:54 your IRC puppet is not connected
14:54 tell !reconnect to the appservice bot
14:57 just !connect then
14:58 valtest[m] joined #koha
15:00 ashimema joined #koha
15:00 ashimema !connect
15:00 that gives me No clients connected to this network, not reconnecting
15:00 that gives me command not recognised
15:00 oop
15:01 val[m] well, you're out of luck then
15:02 oh you just connected
15:04 cait ashimema: we can see you :)
15:04 ashimema can you
15:04 cait tcohen: are you around?
15:04 ashimema aha
15:04 now I can
15:04 I'm still confused
15:05 I see to see a few different oftc-irc users
15:06 thanks val
15:06 ah.. looks like tcohen still isn't there on both sides ☹️
15:08 correct
15:08 * ashimema is using the logs to spot the irc side
15:08 cait test? :)
15:09 val[m] tcohen: try `!reconnect` to the bot too
15:10 tcohen[m]: yeah... the bridge tends to do that
15:11 ashimema looking at the logs I've been chatting all day and not got replies
15:11 and it's becuase of this
15:12 in 'other rooms' do you have an!
15:13 try talkig to that user instead.. that one did get me reconnected
15:13 what confuses me is I have no idea how these things plumb together
15:14 but we need this stuff to 'just work' without having to mess about with people having to play with reconnect commands and stuff
15:15 I bet this is also why Joubu has been ignoring my PM's
15:15 grr..
15:15 val[m] I don't expect the matrix bridge will ever "just work"
15:15 it's been like this for years
15:15 various attempts to fix it never made it reliable
15:15 caroline if I understand the structure of the file, I don't think I can make a link for this page "preservation/trains/1/items/add", correct? (because of the 1 in the middle)
15:16 unless I can put a *?
15:16 val[m] ashimema: oh yeah, PMs are particularly nasty because you can't look at logs from the other side
15:16 ashimema ok... well thanks anyway val .. that's at least got a couple of us going again.. I think
15:18 sorry caroline
15:18 what do you mean?
15:18 * ashimema hasn't tried anything in that feature yet
15:18 caroline the 1 is my train number
15:19 ashimema yes
15:19 but what do you mean by the link
15:19 how do I try to the page you're trying to get a link to work from
15:20 caroline you need to enable preservation, then go to Preservation > Settings and create a processing, then go to Trains, create a train and then add items to that train
15:21 so I created a train, (number 1), and when I go to add items to that train, the url is preservation/trains/1/items/add with the train number (1) in the middle
15:22 the manual section is[…]on.html#add-items
15:23 Squidy joined #koha
15:23 Squidy Hi.. Is there a way to display the marc field 090$a on OPAC?
15:23 caroline can I make a link from preservation/trains/*/items/add ?
15:24 Squidy, I think you'd have to modify the XSLT file
15:25 cait @marc 090
15:25 huginn` cait: unknown tag 090
15:25 cait ah right, that's a custom field
15:25 definitely need to change the XSLT files then
15:25 caroline yes, local call number
15:25 ashimema right
15:25 ok
15:25 Squidy I need to show 090$a near of itemcallnumber
15:25 ashimema took a lot of messing about adding settings and things and getting blocked at every turn
15:26 but I think I've got to the page you mean
15:26 though my 'Add ite to train' page looks very different to the manual
15:26 caroline mine is buggy too :/
15:26 ashimema it's jsut a barcode entry box
15:29 caroline I *think* those are "custom" fields they created when creating the processing? or train? I can't rememebr
15:29 But at one point, you,re asked to create attributes
15:29 I those are the attriobutes
15:29 after you enter the barcode, there is a form with itemnumber, and stuff
15:30 anpu26[m] joined #koha
15:30 caroline but the point is that the train number is in the middle of the url
15:32 ashimema hmm
15:32 caroline whereas the edit train page is preservation/trains/edit/1 with the 1 at the end, so I can link from preservation/trains/edit/
15:33 ashimema have you got other links there already working?
15:33 got a patch your working on?
15:33 like[…]ation.html#trains
15:33 when your on /cgi-bin/koha/preservation/trains
15:34 caroline I'm working on it, but it's not working super well...
15:34 I figured I'd do all the links and then find the problem after (it might have to do with my local installation?)
15:35 but I can add the file to the bug and you can look at it?
15:35 ashimema this is another vue module right
15:35 caroline yes...
15:35 ashimema so it may need some special handling like the erm one does
15:35 caroline I tried to copy the erm links, but there isn't one that has something in the middle, that I could see
15:37 ashimema look around line 310
15:37 Joubu strips out the digits in the url there
15:37 but only for erm
15:37 caroline ah!
15:37 ashimema you should be able to do the same for preservation
15:37 caroline I attached what I have so far in bug 35463
15:38 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35463 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, caroline.cyr-la-rose, NEW , Link preservation module help to the manual
15:38 caroline I hadn't gone all the way to the bttom
15:39 might explain why my links didn't work
15:39 ashimema https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=33346
15:39 huginn` 04Bug 33346: minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Add Help link to Koha manual in ERM module
15:39 ashimema take a look at that
15:39 it might help
15:40 caroline thanks ashimema!
15:43 EmmiTakkinen[m] joined #koha
15:44 ashimema right..
15:44 cait still here?
15:44 I'll ask the question I asked a few hours ago and she didn't see if she it
15:45 KevinFurst[m] joined #koha
15:45 ashimema anyone else getting complaints about bug 34469
15:45 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=34469 blocker, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to oldstable , Modifying an order line of a standing order will delete linked invoice ID
15:46 ammarspv[m] joined #koha
15:50 caroline ashimema, I see your question ;) but I don't have an answer
15:50 (just so you don't think you're invisible again)
15:50 ashimema ok
15:51 caroline our clients are on 23.05.06 I think and I haven't heard of this
15:52 ah no sorry, they're on 22.05.06 so they don,t have it yet
15:52 we're updating a part of them on 23.05.05 in the next few weeks, and the rest in january
15:53 ashimema we have customers complaining now that they can't edit these orders
15:53 but of course. that's the point of the patch
15:53 I'm wondering what i'm missing and how one does ever edit it as needed now
15:55 caroline I wonder if that is what happened to one client, they had orders with status "complete" and no receivedate. It was very weird
15:57 philmakesstuff[m] joined #koha
16:00 bag joined #koha
16:02 reiveune bye
16:02 reiveune left #koha
16:06 Squidy Is there any manual on how to customize XSLT? My changes are not taking effect.
16:08 aude_c[m] Late to the 23.11 release party but I hope there's still time for more virtual confetti! 🎊
16:09 tcohen++
16:09 community++
16:14 PaoloMalevolti[m] joined #koha
16:18 ashimema what xmas dress shall we give dashboard
16:18 xmas2018, xmas2016 or christmas
16:18 * ashimema uploaded an image: (564KiB) <[…]kLTXVrT/image.png >
16:19 ashimema 16 ^
16:19 * ashimema uploaded an image: (703KiB) <[…]DwNHwdt/image.png >
16:19 ashimema 18^
16:19 * ashimema uploaded an image: (349KiB) <[…]enPROoH/image.png >
16:19 ashimema christmas^
16:20 aude_c[m] My vote goes to 16!
16:20 caroline I like the blue one, it feels more universal and less christmassy
16:21 oleonard I agree with caroline
16:23 ashimema done
16:23 might add some snowflakes for good measure
16:23 caroline omg lol
16:23 ashimema
16:23 why not 😜
16:23 caroline we were just talking about snowflakes in one of the opacs and my reaction was "eyes bleeding"
16:24 It just feels "geocities" to me lol
16:27 rhen976 joined #koha
16:29 biblioteca[m] joined #koha
16:30 cait ashimema: why do they complain exactly?
16:30 they might not have been aware of the udnerlying bug
16:31 if you edited a received entry - which this is about - then it woud actively kill data
16:31 and you had no control over it
16:31 AndreJaneiro[m] joined #koha
16:31 cait if it was received, it remained received, but every edit deleted the invoice id
16:31 we could make them editable, but I think the proper way is: undo the receive and fix it in the invoice
16:32 and if you want to undo the patch, you need to fix the underlying issue of it throwing out any data that is not present in the order form
16:33 I would highly recommend not undoing the change for your customers unless you fix this
16:35 ashimema++ thanks for the christmas dress :)
16:36 ashimema so
16:36 cait ashimema: i'd be interested in waht they want to edit, but the bug was real bad. These received orders with no links to invoices casued a heap of trouble
16:36 ashimema it's to do with serial subscription recieves
16:36 they really want to edit the monetary fields
16:36 and have been for years
16:36 cait why?
16:36 ashimema so now that you've blocked that they're angry
16:37 did-g[m] joined #koha
16:37 cait but have you checked if what they did before didn't totally break their invoices?
16:37 ashimema well.. they've never noticed breakage in the past
16:37 they were happy with their workflow
16:37 cait becuase you never look at old invoices
16:37 which values do they need to edit and why?
16:38 if it is a standing order, they can still edit the open line
16:38 I am wondering why they need to change the already received ones
16:38 to understand better
16:38 DrNaseeraliMK[m] joined #koha
16:39 ashimema they used to receive the standing order
16:39 this created the new orderline
16:39 cait yep
16:39 ashimema with rrp, budegeted cost, gst all as zero
16:39 cait so when they receveid it, they put the price, right?
16:39 ashimema they would then go into the line and fix them
16:39 cait but.. why?
16:39 ashimema now.. they go into the line and just get your blocking message
16:39 cait they put in the actual cost
16:39 that shoudl be all they need
16:40 ashimema i have no idea
16:40 but it angers them that they can't fix the data anymore
16:40 especially taz
16:40 tax
16:40 cait I am not saying we could not add something to edit
16:40 but I am saying it destroys data if you just undo the change
16:40 it needs much more work then
16:41 ashimema I've got a call with Lucy to understand more on Monday
16:41 I don't know the workflows well enough
16:41 cait I believe it has to do with how we update the order line entry - maybe all things that are not part of the order form get lost
16:41 and it will be out of my league
16:41 and we might want to pref it or so
16:41 if something is received there is certainly libraries that say it shoudl not be able to change it
16:41 because it's bad for auditing
16:42 ashimema I think the issue is that budgetted is always zero for these
16:42 and tax
16:42 you can't set them at receive time
16:42 anywho
16:42 brain is melted for the day
16:44 cait hm
16:44 they are already in spent at this point
16:44 it might have to do something with reporting
16:44 we had some older bugs about one should not be able to edit received lines
16:45 that's why I say maybe we need to pref it if you want to open it up again, but it will need work in the background because the bug I tried to fix will stil be there
16:45 bug 6819
16:45 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6819 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, CLOSED FIXED, Don't offer cancel order links for received order lines on basket summary
16:46 cait 6729
16:46 caroline cait, would that bug (the one that deletes data) make old received orders pop back in the "late orders" table? I'm having this problem with one client and I keep thinking "they must have done something", old orders just don't appear back again years later
16:47 they say they didn't do anything, but I don't believe them (sorry not sorry)
16:47 cait it#s hard to track mistakes there :(
16:48 we have one where the funds just don't add up to the expected amounts and I haven't been able to find the cause
16:48 what status have those lines?
16:48 the status remained as complete I think
16:48 on those
16:48 caroline the status was "complete"
16:48 cait it could be
16:48 i mean you could maybe try with the test plan on the bug on an unpatched Koha Version
16:49 caroline but there was no receive date, I can't remember if there was an invoice id on all of them
16:49 cait maybe the receive date also gets killed
16:49 my impression was that it effected possibly more fields, but I focused on the invoice_id link as this was very prominent
16:49 caroline I updated the receive date to the date in the timestamp (it was a date in 2020 I think)
16:50 it made them go away from the late orders table, but I wasn't very satisfied of this as I couldn't understand the cause
16:51 cait maybe if you know the db you could check if you have empty invoice_ids for orders in "complete"
16:52 ashimema hmm
16:52 interesting
16:53 not sure why my snowflakes are off the bottom of the screen
16:53 cait lol
16:53 caroline I'm looking at one example that I copied in the ticket and it doesn't have an invoiceid, but it is "complete"
16:53 cait and i thought you had insight on the acq issue :)
16:53 caroline I had noticed, but since I didn't know which invoice it should go to, I didn,t touch it
16:55 cait ashimema: sorry if I talked a bit much. I am happy if you want to change things back, I just don't trust the for oder form for received orders currently. So recommend to do some careful checking there
16:55 ashimema no worries
16:55 my brain is dead
16:55 cait heh
16:55 ashimema I'll deal with this next week
16:55 cait mine too
16:55 ES[m] joined #koha
16:55 cait yep
16:56 and I will need to learn RM next week - and we have the German users meeting - and a big German university library I happen to know has their go live :)
16:56 so... an empty week
16:56 caroline lol good luck on that very calm week
16:57 cait thank you! :)
16:57 have a nice weekend all!
16:58 cait left #koha
17:00 DevendraKuvelkar[m] joined #koha
17:12 MichaelAngeloAquino[m] joined #koha
17:12 clarkk30[m] joined #koha
17:27 Shane-NP[m] joined #koha
17:37 oleonard I wonder if there's going to be a Catalyst Academy soon
17:38 caroline you have a to-do list for them?
17:38 JohannaGrpler[m] joined #koha
17:38 oleonard Just noticing lots of bugs with the Academy keyword and wondering if I should stop fixing them :)
17:39 ProfDrOsmanBarre[m] joined #koha
17:41 trivenichandriki1[m] joined #koha
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18:15 cait joined #koha
18:21 ashimema I tend to just use it to generically mark any bug I think should be easyish to work on. I don't expect people to leave them waiting
18:22 I'll keep adding to the list, haha
18:22 I use them for my daughter or colleagues here looking to try their hand
18:22 Feel free to grab them though.. I like when you do as you usually write great test plans and people use the keyword to search to bugs to test too
18:23 h2h2[m] joined #koha
18:33 oleonard 👍🏻
18:33 ashimema: davidnind keeps me on my toes by noting all the steps I missed in writing a test plan!
18:38 NarayananNarayanan[m] joined #koha
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18:45 ashimema Haha, he's amazing
18:45 He does the same for me.. but I deserve it.. my test plans are often terrible. Not a great example
18:47 We're really making a concerted effort at the moment to encourage customers to be better community partners.. not just resting 'their stuff', but generally looking at bugzilla and testing all the things 😃.. it's me mission for next year
18:49 caroline one of my goals with kohacon will be to have our clients understand how the community works, etc. We "shield" them a bit from that since there is a language barrier for a lot of them, but it will be good for them to understand how it works in the background
18:50 for the thing, I don't speak perl, so I'm not sure which part of this I'm supposed to change
18:50 if ( $file =~ m|^erm| ) {
18:50 $file =~ s|\d*$||;
18:50 }
18:51 I tried [^erm|^preservation]
18:51 but I think that says "not erm or preservation"?
18:51 Do I make another parenthesis section?
18:52 like this?
18:52 if ( $file =~ m|^erm| ) ($file =~ m|^preservation|) {
18:52 $file =~ s|\d*$||;
18:52 }
18:56 ok I asked my good friend chat and its answer seems ok
18:56 if ($file =~ m|^erm| || $file =~ m|^preservation|) {
18:56 $file =~ s|\d*$||;
18:56 }
19:04 cait looks good
19:04 what ar you trying to do?
19:04 or where does this go?
19:04 caroline it's in the file
19:04 cait the match is begins with erm
19:04 or begins with preservation
19:05 caroline it's a bit that we apparently have to add for the vue modules
19:05 cait ah ok
19:05 caroline otherwise the help links don't work
19:05 cait i tihnk it replaces... numbers with nothing
19:05 could that be?
19:05 caroline that would make sense
19:05 cait numbers at the end
19:06 caroline only at the end?
19:06 oh yeah you're right, there's the $
19:07 I wonder if I could tweak it to make it search for the numbers in the middle too... I'll ask chat and see what it says
19:09 cait is the end not enough for this case?
19:09 caroline it's because I have this preservation/trains/1/items/add
19:09 where the 1 is my train number
19:09 cait hm ok
19:09 i tihnk try removing the $?
19:10 for that case it suld work, not sure if there can be multiple numbers too
19:10 caroline chat says this
19:10 if ($file =~ m|^erm| || $file =~ m|^preservation|) {
19:10 $file =~ s|/\d+||g;  # Remove digits in the middle and trailing digits
19:10 }
19:10 the + should take car if you have more than 9 trains
19:11 cait yes
19:11 one or more
19:11 i meant if htere is a second group in the link
19:11 caroline theres the g
19:11 cait yes, modifiers
19:12 i always forget which is which :)
19:12 you are right
19:12 caroline g is for global so it will look everywhere
19:12 cait caroline++
19:13 caroline do we want that though? what if its like​eservation/trains/1/items/add
19:13 cait i believe file probably doesn't start with the ip
19:13 or base url
19:14 caroline ok
19:14 cait or i hope so :)
19:17 caroline well, it works for preservation! Hopefully I didn't break something else
19:20 I was told once that if I change something in a .pm file, I have to write a test, is it also true for
19:25 PedroAmorim[m] joined #koha
19:29 cait if you changed a method, likely
19:29 if you search for the method with git grep methodname *.t - maybe there is already a file testing it
19:31 caroline_catlady joined #koha
19:38 PriyanshuSoni[m] joined #koha
19:48 tcohen[m] wow, am I online for non-Matrix users now?
19:56 JosefMoravec[m] joined #koha
20:00 boormanthechauffeur[m] joined #koha
20:06 milikansama[m] joined #koha
20:06 cait yes
20:09 caroline joined #koha
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21:54 caroline bug 35463 ready to test! phew! I didn't think it'd take ma all day
21:54 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35463 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, caroline.cyr-la-rose, Needs Signoff , Link preservation module help to the manual
22:00 caroline have a good weekend everyone
22:07 vfernandes[m] joined #koha
22:18 demetriv22[m] joined #koha
22:37 tuxayo tcohen++ community++
22:39 > Koha version:
22:39 🎉
22:49 YogeshRawat[m] joined #koha
23:11 logk[m] joined #koha
23:17 KakhaberRevazishvili[m] joined #koha
23:52 SuelenAlvesdosSantos[m] joined #koha

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