IRC log for #koha, 2015-08-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 francesca cupcakes
00:05 wahanui cupcakes are yummy
00:07 eythian more importantly, burgers
00:54 talljoy joined #koha
01:22 eythian
01:35 wizzyrea I bet my dad has stats like that
01:35 though, he's been through several computers, so hard to get aggregate stats.
01:36 but he's played a lot, a LOT, of freecell.
01:46 francesca joined #koha
01:47 francesca yay new lenses for my glasses! Makes looking at all those lines of code much nicer
02:09 eythian 3.20.03 packages uploading
02:10 rangi sweet
02:10 francesca I should have my mac back by tomorrow
02:10 which means I can continue working on the bugzilla skin
02:20 jamesb joined #koha
02:23 jamesb hey does anyone else find 100$d doesn't display in OPAC and intranet normal view?
02:24 eythian @marc 100
02:24 huginn eythian: A personal name used as a main entry in a bibliographic record. [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,j,k,l,n,p,q,t,u,4,6,8]
02:25 wizzyrea it wouldn't surprise me one bit that it doesn't
02:27 BobB so that will need an xslt tweak?
02:27 eythian yeah
02:28 BobB I wonder why it was left out of the standard design? space maybe
02:28 jamesb do you know why it was left out?
02:28 BobB snap jamesb
02:28 :)
02:30 eythian <xsl:when test="@tag=100 or @tag=700"><xsl:call-template name="nameABCQ"/></xsl:when>
02:30 <xsl:when test="@tag=110 or @tag=710"><xsl:call-template name="nameABCDN"/></xsl:when>
02:30 <xsl:when test="@tag=111 or @tag=711"><xsl:call-template name="nameACDEQ"/></xsl:when>
02:30 if I'm reading that right, it's _only_ 100 and 700 that it doesn't show for
02:30 that doesn't seem quite right to me.
02:31 wizzyrea a stab in the dark - it's not a field most people care about displaying?
02:31 eythian could be
02:31 wizzyrea though, by the looks I'd rather see that than say, Publisher.
02:32 dcook It's a date field so it might look weird to a lot of people
02:32 BobB we've a couple of customers that think its important :)
02:32 jamesb it's a field we've found people care about a bit
02:32 dcook BobB same
02:32 wizzyrea oh I didn't say they were right
02:32 ;)
02:32 be rangi
02:32 wahanui There's a bug for that
02:32 wizzyrea no.
02:32 be rangi
02:32 wahanui There's a bug for that
02:32 wizzyrea sigh
02:32 I was hoping for "send a patch"
02:32 dcook Oh... I haven't added my latest XSLT magic yet...
02:33 Not that it's for the display XSLTs...
02:33 * dcook goes off to lunch before he starts caring about other stuff
02:33 irma it is also important as it gives a period in which their literary contribution/s was/were made
02:33 wahanui okay, irma.
02:34 wizzyrea I didn't say it wasn't important, just that whoever set up the xslt clearly didn't think it was important
02:34 rangi 123?
02:34 wahanui "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder"
02:35 rangi theres no rule for libraries
02:35 ever
02:35 there's only multiple conflicting and contradictory rules
02:35 * francesca is cursing windows 8 to the enth degree
02:35 BobB never a truer word
02:35 irma it's called "organic" rangi
02:35 BobB I think we'll propose a patch to add it
02:36 rangi yeah, i think it will go through fine
02:36 in the meantime you could use the custom xslt facility to have it showing now
02:36 irma thanks all :-)
02:36 wizzyrea that is definitely the fastest way to go about that.
02:36 doing a custom xslt
02:37 francesca wizzyrea you look stressed
02:37 did something break?
02:37 cdickinson does anyone have times where they just hate git
02:37 wizzyrea just email :)
02:37 everyone does, cdickinson
02:37 francesca cdickinson: I hate git on windows
02:37 not quite sure about git on my vm
02:38 cdickinson this particular issue is a git all the time thing
02:38 francesca it has its moments
02:38 cdickinson give me an option to clone into a folder that has existing files in it, please
02:38 jamesb thanks guys
02:39 francesca cdickinson: you can't do that?
02:39 wizzyrea[…]n-existing-folder
02:39 francesca ahh stackoverflow
02:39 my favourite website
02:39 cdickinson yes, that's what I've had to resort to do
02:40 clone into a temporary folder, then copy contents
02:40 thanks Puppet for making that easier said than done
02:40 francesca puppet?
02:40 wahanui it has been said that puppet is sure cool
02:41 francesca puppet looks confusing
02:41 cdickinson it doesn't just look confusing, it gets complicated quickly
02:41 especially when you try to do things it wasn't intended to do
02:42 before the latest version, there was no way to do loops or anything like that
02:42 no easy way at least
02:42 francesca that sounds confusing to me
02:43 wizzyrea actually that solution is a little silly, seems like you could git init, then add your remote, git fetch, then checkout your branch
02:44 but I haven't tried it.
02:44 (not your solution, the one from stackoverflow)
02:45 cdickinson yeah, not doing that :P
02:49 z0k joined #koha
02:49 cdickinson what I love is what git does when it finds itself in that situation
02:49 force it to clone, and it obliterates existing files
02:49 francesca so bascilly it freaks out
02:49 (I know thats not how you spell it)
02:50 cdickinson goodbye important files needed for my Puppet Master to run
02:50 * francesca doesn't know wether to laugh or feel sorry for cdickinson
02:50 cdickinson nothing was actually lost, so laugh
02:51 this is a daily happening in my life
02:51 * wizzyrea sighs in relief
02:51 eythian 3.18.10 uploading
02:51 wizzyrea \o/ YAY
02:51 eythian++
02:51 * francesca is losing paitence with her computer
02:51 * cdickinson sets the fireworks
02:51 wizzyrea confetti
02:51 wahanui confetti is probably[…]1qh8hleo1_400.gif
02:51 cdickinson fireworks
02:51 eythian yeah, I don't think you could complain that it deleted files if that's what you told it to do by using --force
02:52 cdickinson no, I shouldn't
02:52 just wasn't aware that's what it does
02:52 francesca but you do
02:52 cdickinson yep :P
02:52 francesca love the confetti
02:52 wizzyrea fireworks is <reply>[…]-tumblrlhz0-o.gif
02:52 cdickinson good thing about the infrastructure being in code is that I can restore it from nothing >:D
02:56 francesca_ joined #koha
03:02 BobB its bucketing rain and windy in Sydney
03:02 I wish I was in Wellington where its always sunny and mild
03:02 (that is my experience)  :)
03:02 eythian it's windy and mild today
03:03 francesca wellington?
03:03 wahanui wellington is probably lucky, we have a lot of indian restaurants
03:03 francesca mild?
03:03 and sunny?
03:03 I don't believe it
03:03 and I live here
03:04 wizzyrea it's always windy in kilbirnie :P
03:04 BobB Linux Conf 2009 ish - a week of lovely weather
03:04 and KohaCon 2010 - same!
03:04 francesca it's always windy in brooklyn as well
03:04 wizzyrea hm, I remember kohacon being a couple of fine days, and a couple of horrid wet rainy ones
03:05 francesca BobB - maybe wellington just puts on its nice weather for you?
03:05 wizzyrea well, those were probably mild by wellington standards
03:05 francesca lol
03:05 cdickinson I feel like people don't understand Wellington weather until they get here
03:05 francesca lol nope
03:05 wizzyrea my definition of mild weather has definitely changed.
03:05 cdickinson god, it gets way colder here than the temperature reading says it does
03:05 francesca oh?
03:05 acutally scratch that
03:06 I agree
03:06 wizzyrea cdickinson: only when you're in the shade.
03:06 francesca @wunder wlg
03:06 huginn francesca: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 13.0°C (2:30 PM NZST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Falling).
03:06 wizzyrea if you're in the sun, all bets are off.
03:06 francesca and if there is no sun?
03:06 cdickinson there is frost and dew and chills
03:06 wizzyrea in the Hutt, yeah
03:06 not where I live ^.^
03:07 cdickinson funny, that's where I live :P
03:07 wizzyrea FUNNY
03:07 francesca lol
03:07 BobB me too :)
03:08 cdickinson @wunder lower hutt
03:08 BobB @wunder, Sydney, Australia
03:08 huginn cdickinson: The current temperature in Waterloo, Lower Hutt, New Zealand is 13.0°C (3:00 PM NZST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 69%. Dew Point: 7.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady).
03:08 BobB: I suck
03:08 cdickinson ninja'd
03:08 BobB @wunder Sydney, New South Wales
03:08 huginn BobB: The current temperature in Rosebery, Rosebery, New South Wales is 15.5°C (1:05 PM AEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Rain Showers. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Rising).
03:08 francesca whaaaaay
03:08 what
03:08 did I just witness
03:08 huginn has spunk after al
03:08 huginn francesca: I've exhausted my database of quotes
03:09 francesca maybe wahanui's been teaching him
03:09 wizzyrea @quote random
03:09 huginn wizzyrea: Quote #38: "<owen> Holy Bugzilla activity explosion, Batman!" (added by ricardo at 02:00 PM, October 07, 2009)
03:11 cdickinson that is somehow fitting in this situation
03:11 francesca lol
03:33 eythian this browse stuff is going to get a lot of people complaining because they have bad records
03:33 e.g
03:33 Smith, Malcolm
03:33 Smith, Malcolm.
03:33 I also can't sanitise them because then they'll fail to search correctly.
03:34 wizzyrea yes. I was noticing
03:34 bad records are bad.
03:34 * eythian puts that in the "not my problem" basket
03:34 dcook Btw, wizzyrea, I attached an alternate patch on bug 14691, if you didn't notice from the bugzilla spam I was generating
03:34 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=14691 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Can't delete patron with ' character in cardnumber
03:35 wizzyrea :) I did notice
03:35 one question
03:35 wahanui one question is whether anybody cares to make a committment to revise the schema to match
03:35 dcook Mhm?
03:35 wizzyrea is it worth adding a plugin when the other bug will fix it without it
03:35 and it would need to be removed again (I think...)
03:35 dcook I thought about that a bit.
03:36 It might need to be removed down the road, but it would probably be easier to grep and remove than the replace I would think
03:36 wizzyrea I don't have a particular feeling either way
03:36 dcook Plus it catches all sorts of other characters besides just the single quote
03:36 Me either :)
03:36 So long as it's fixed, it's all good to me
03:37 Now we just need another person to test and make a choice I guess?
03:37 wizzyrea man, bugs like that never go anywhere we should decide lol.
03:37 my way is simpler, but your way is more complete
03:37 dcook Yep :/
03:37 wizzyrea idk what's better
03:37 dcook Me either
03:38 Maybe we should put it to the dev list?
03:38 I'm sure this will come up in other places
03:38 wizzyrea i'm afraid.
03:38 dcook I think I noticed another place you'd found it as well
03:39 wizzyrea lol
03:39 dcook Afraid?
03:39 wizzyrea yeah in the serial note
03:39 that we'll get a 3rd, 4th, 5th solution
03:39 and it'll never get fixed :)
03:39 dcook hehe
03:39 Fair enough
03:40 A simpler way of doing mine would probably be to add the function in C4::Template under the FILTERS configuration
03:40 Use "uri_escape" or whatever in the template without loading the plugin
03:40 Not that loading it is particularly heavy I think
03:40 2.26 is buggy at the moment it seems...
03:41 Which seems weird... as the developer has known about the problem for a while
03:41 wizzyrea @later tell cait we have two solutions for bug 14691, given the work being done on 13618, do you have a preference as to solution there?
03:41 huginn wizzyrea: The operation succeeded.
03:41 dcook There we go
03:41 That's thinking with your head :D
03:41 wizzyrea ask the boss ;)
03:41 dcook hehe
03:41 wizzyrea oh, should pose same to tcohen I guess
03:42 @later tell tcohen we have two solutions for bug 14691, given the work being done on 13618, do you have a preference as to solution there?
03:42 huginn wizzyrea: The operation succeeded.
03:42 rangi the list is not a good place for those questions i think
03:42 the people who care, are on irc
03:42 dcook rangi: Are they? :p
03:42 wizzyrea and I have been talking about this for a while now I think
03:42 rangi and the people who just want to give an opinion but never contribute
03:42 weigh in on the list
03:42 dcook Mmm true enough..
03:43 wizzyrea either solution will be blown away by 13618
03:43 I hope
03:43 so it's kinda just "for now"
03:43 rangi yeah
03:43 dcook Totes
03:44 rangi 13618 is really needed, im glad there are a few people looking at it now
03:44 wizzyrea *nod* I wish I had a lot more time to spend on it
03:44 it's important
03:48 (I did confirm, after some bug fixing, that 13618 does solve this [these] particular problems)
03:49 francesca yo anyone know what the koha font is?
03:49 if there is one
03:49 eythian in what context?
03:49 francesca uhh like on webpages
03:49 but across everything
03:49 wizzyrea Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
03:49 for the website
03:49 francesca right
03:50 cdickinson the logo?
03:50 wahanui i heard the logo was included in the tm I believe
03:50 francesca have to pick one
03:50 eythian font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
03:50 wizzyrea naw, you can say "font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
03:50 * wizzyrea shakes her fist at eythian
03:51 rangi his won't work anyway :)
03:51 eythian I just copy pasted from what koha uses
03:51 wizzyrea :) and mine from the website
03:51 rangi im guessing your firefox is doing translation for you
03:51 francesca lol ok
03:51 rangi on the Neue
03:51 eythian hmm
03:51 wizzyrea naw, helvetica neue is a thing
03:52 eythian that'd be weird
03:52 francesca did I just..
03:52 rangi ahh
03:52 eythian because it'd be niew
03:52 francesca actually cause a debate
03:52 over fonts?
03:52 wow
03:52 wizzyrea hehe no
03:52 well kinda.
03:52 ok yeah
03:52 rangi thats not even close to a debate
03:52 wizzyrea there wasn't beer, it can't be a debate
03:52 rangi you must be new to the internet
03:52 wizzyrea A+
03:52 eythian *nieuw rather.
03:52 * eythian can't spell
03:53 * francesca dies laughing
03:53 cdickinson I think that would be me
03:53 says the guy who just coughed himself to death
03:53 ghost_francesca lol
03:53 that wasn't laughing
03:54 * ghost_francesca decides to go with fonnt-family
03:58 * dcook had the best debate in a while over beer the other day
03:58 thinks that wizzyrea is correct about beer being integral
03:58 wizzyrea it's harder to get hurt feelings :P
03:59 dcook Although it's also easier to say hurtful things sometimes :p
03:59 Well, not for me. I'm Canadian. We don't hurt feelings :p
03:59 You might forget to say please when you order the beer though
04:00 *shameface*
04:00 Ok, actually going to have lunch this time and not work...
04:00 wizzyrea easier to say it, but less hard to take seriously - it evens out
04:00 go go go
04:00 * eythian points dcook to Jean Chrétien
04:00 * francesca spots dcook and waves
04:07 francesca hey if I wanted to get the logo (just the cool little image part not the word koha) how would I do it?
04:07 wizzyrea there might be a wiki page
04:07 with it
04:07 or something you could use to get it
04:07 logo?
04:07 wahanui well, logo is included in the tm I believe
04:07 wizzyrea hm no. sec
04:08 logo is also[…]s_and_Explanation
04:08 wahanui okay, wizzyrea.
04:08 francesca cool I'll have a look at that
04:09 wizzyrea there's a vector version, you could probably pretty easily split out just the symbol part
04:10 or not easily, depending on your experience with svg files. but, it'd be a thing worth learning
04:13 cdickinson it'll be a good day when computing power catches up with vector graphic images like SVG
04:13 aliasing will be a thing of the past
04:13 francesca yeah I've done this once before
04:13 at the academy
04:13 for the dashboard
04:13 but I cannot for the life of me remeber how I did it
04:14 ah well
04:14 you learn a new thing every day
04:14 wizzyrea true - you'll probably want inkscape to work on that
04:14 looking at it might tickle your memory, as that's probably what they taught at academy
04:15 francesca yup
04:15 might have to wait a bit in that case
04:15 theo won't let me install anything on his laptop
04:26 wizzyrea ah well you'll have your laptop back soon enough
04:29 francesca tomorrow hopefully
04:29 hey wizzyrea what are tuesdays normally like?
04:32 wizzyrea I am desperate to make a snarky reply here, but I'm not feeling very creative :)
04:32 Very much like Mondays.
04:32 but Tuesday
04:32 francesca lol
04:35 just trying to work out if I can get into town for a bit
04:35 don't think its happening
04:35 so I'll just chill on irc
04:35 wizzyrea :)
04:38 mtj hey francesca ->
04:38 wizzyrea mtj++
04:39 francesca ahh yay!
04:39 wizzyrea you should put that on the wiki :)
04:39 logo?
04:39 wahanui logo is[…]s_and_Explanation
04:39 francesca and almost the right colour
04:39 mtj heh, yeah... its... green :)
04:39 francesca I'll just download and photoshop white
04:39 yeah we have a green header
04:39 so won't show up
04:39 mtj huge ++
04:40 mtj open it in inkscape, and 'bucketfill' it white
04:40 francesca (mtj++)
04:40 mtj ..then 'export to png'
04:40 francesca did I metion I'm currently on windows
04:40 on a laptop
04:40 loaned to me by my brother
04:40 so not allowed to install inkscape
04:41 but I'll do it somehow
04:41 mtj you are amazing
04:43 mtj hm, 1 tic
04:44 hey francesca ->
04:44 francesca um thanks I think
04:44 problem with white is that it can't be seen
04:44 still mtj++
04:44 eythian put it on a green background
04:45 francesca that is on an ordinary browser
04:45 yup am doing that
04:45 mtj has a cyan background :)
04:45 francesca just gotta find it and download it first
04:45 mtj 'transparant' color is set to cyan
04:46 transparent even
04:46 francesca yay thankyou
04:46 cdickinson yeah, thanks (I have a vested interest in this thing)
04:46 francesca (its his webpage)
04:46 I'm just building it for him
04:47 cdickinson "just", she's really helping me out by building it out. I'm a bit of a HTML-phobe
04:50 francesca in other words he doesn't know how
04:50 yet
04:50 irma joined #koha
04:53 mario joined #koha
04:57 mtj[…]ages/Koha-egg.svg
04:57 ..i added it to the logo page
05:04 francesca mtj++
05:04 bye #koha
05:18 * magnuse waves
05:43 magnuse shouldn't we be able to see bug 14566 now?
05:43 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=14566 is not accessible.
05:43 magnuse it's fixed in 3.20 and 3.18
05:46 eythian magnuse: it's not had its status update changed to "pushed", so I guess it's an oversight. Probably be sorted tomorrow.
05:47 magnuse eythian: kewl!
05:47 no rush, just curious :-)
06:02 putti joined #koha
06:16 p_vdk joined #koha
06:17 p_vdk left #koha
06:26 hyvaria joined #koha
06:28 reiveune joined #koha
06:30 reiveune hello
06:31 marcelr joined #koha
06:31 marcelr hi #koha
06:33 cdickinson joined #koha
06:39 jseplae joined #koha
06:42 Viktor joined #koha
06:57 Joubu hello #koha
06:58 sophie_m joined #koha
07:01 marcelr hi Joubu
07:01 sophie_m hello #koha
07:02 alex_a joined #koha
07:02 marcelr hi sophie_m
07:03 sophie_m hello marcelr
07:03 alex_a bonjour
07:03 marcelr and alex_a
07:03 alex_a hello marcelr
07:08 dcook Hurray for the people at[…]s/drivers/iwlwifi
07:09 Finding the right firmware for the right kernel totally made my day
07:09 @later tell eythian Is Koha all right to run on Jessie now?
07:09 huginn dcook: The operation succeeded.
07:12 alex_a joined #koha
07:13 Jul joined #koha
07:19 putti how do I include a sample template to installer ?
07:20 magnuse putti: what do you mean by "sample template"?
07:20 a file of sql?
07:21 putti[…]_bug.cgi?id=12224
07:21 huginn 04Bug 12224: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, j.kylmala, Failed QA , Allow easy printing of patron check-in slip
07:21 putti cait's second last message, #3
07:22 magnuse ah "Please include the new sample template in the installers for the other languages."
07:23 putti There is already a file in installer/data/mysql/en/mandatory/sample_notices.sql
07:23 magnuse there should be a copy in each of the language folders under installer/data/mysql/
07:23 then e.g. i can translate the one in nb-NO in a followup
07:24 putti I see!
07:26 Looks like most of the data in the other languages' folders are still in English. So should I fill the non-english folders data with english data? And then we will later translate them? :D
07:27 magnuse yup, that is the way it is done
07:27 i know i need to go over the stuff in nb-NO and translate lots of things and add missing things
07:28 cait is Very Good at keeping the german folder in sync with en
07:28 putti :P
07:39 hyvaria joined #koha
08:11 lari joined #koha
08:25 BobB joined #koha
08:49 magnuse @wunder boo
08:50 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 19.0°C (10:20 AM CEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Steady).
08:52 hyvaria joined #koha
08:53 hyvaria joined #koha
08:53 lari joined #koha
08:53 Jul joined #koha
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08:53 magnuse joined #koha
08:53 Guest3206 joined #koha
08:53 Joubu joined #koha
08:53 bumby joined #koha
08:53 fredericd joined #koha
08:53 mtj joined #koha
08:53 sad-hu joined #koha
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08:53 Sirenia joined #koha
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08:53 ibeardslee joined #koha
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08:53 ribasushi joined #koha
08:53 jajm joined #koha
08:53 slef` joined #koha
08:53 janPasi joined #koha
08:53 liw joined #koha
08:53 gmcharlt joined #koha
08:55 magnuse wheee
09:09 Joubu fyi the export tool is broken (from cmdline), see bug 14709 for a patch
09:09 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=14709 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , The export tool is broken if used from the command line
09:22 francesca joined #koha
09:48 marcelr_ joined #koha
09:50 rocio left #koha
10:03 drojf joined #koha
10:03 drojf hi #koha
10:04 magnuse moin drojf
10:04 francesca hello
10:04 wahanui hi, francesca
10:05 drojf hei magnuse and francesca
10:05 francesca heya drojf
10:05 hows it going
10:05 drojf it goes ;)
10:06 mveron++
10:06 cait++
10:07 eythian[…]ins-than-pay-rent <-- drojf, someone who shares your love of Deutsche Bahn
10:07 dcook: yes, it is
10:08 drojf heh
10:08 i would like that kind of ticket, even though i hate them ;)
10:12 eythian: unusual time to see you online
10:12 eythian doing database recovery from something that fell over
10:13 drojf ouch
10:38 cdickinson @wunder lower hutt
10:38 huginn cdickinson: The current temperature in Waterloo, Lower Hutt, New Zealand is 12.3°C (10:30 PM NZST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Steady).
10:49 Viktor joined #koha
10:51 putti gmcharlt, Hi! Did you got my email about MARC::FILE::XML? Not sure if you use the gmail address which I found..
10:54 magnuse putti: might be a little early for gmcharlt, perhaps
10:54 @wunder boo
10:54 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 20.0°C (12:20 PM CEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady).
10:54 magnuse supposed to hit 24 in ~3 hours
10:55 putti 24 -- and the unit is ?
10:59 magnuse Celsius :-)
11:11 amyjeankearns joined #koha
11:40 drojf @wunder berlin, germany
11:40 huginn drojf: The current temperature in Berlin Tegel, Germany is 25.0°C (1:20 PM CEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 57%. Dew Point: 16.0°C. Pressure: 29.74 in 1007 hPa (Steady).
11:51 meliss joined #koha
11:54 putti joined #koha
11:54 magnuse @wunder boo
11:54 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 22.0°C (1:20 PM CEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 64%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.12 in 1020 hPa (Falling).
12:23 tcohen joined #koha
12:27 magnuse ¡hola tcohen!
12:27 nengard joined #koha
12:27 tcohen Hei, magnuse
12:31 misilot joined #koha
12:31 druthb @wunder 77447
12:31 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Blueberry Farm, Hockley, Texas is 25.6°C (7:31 AM CDT on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Fog. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 24.0°C. Pressure: 30.07 in 1018 hPa (Rising).
12:31 druthb @wunder 77098
12:31 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Montrose (Mandell Place), Houston, Texas is 25.8°C (7:31 AM CDT on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: 25.0°C. Pressure: 30.03 in 1017 hPa (Steady).
12:32 druthb Hot and soupy humid. Welcome to Houston in the "fall".
12:38 cait joined #koha
12:46 magnuse @wunder boo
12:46 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 22.0°C (2:20 PM CEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 64%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.12 in 1020 hPa (Steady).
12:49 talljoy joined #koha
12:54 marcelr khall: bug 14702 could use your signoff :)
12:54 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=14702 normal, P5 - low, ---,, Needs Signoff , Refactor GetReserveFee
12:54 khall I'll put that in my queue marcelr!
12:59 cma joined #koha
13:01 z0k joined #koha
13:02 * cait waves
13:02 marcelr hi cait
13:02 cait hi marcel - back at work now
13:02 but i had a really nice week in amsterdam :)
13:02 marcelr good timing also the weather
13:02 cait yeah not too hot :)
13:02 marcelr it rains now
13:03 cait aah
13:04 alex_a joined #koha
13:04 irma joined #koha
13:05 hyvaria joined #koha
13:10 NateC joined #koha
13:12 mario joined #koha
13:17 mario joined #koha
13:18 talljoy joined #koha
13:20 rocio joined #koha
13:23 tcohen hi cait
13:25 cait hi tcohen
13:27 marcelr tcohen: thx for 14464, i now rebased 9809 on top of it
13:27 and 14702 on top of that :)
13:27 tcohen .-D
13:27 marcelr holds are fun ;)
13:28 nengard um ...
13:30 tcohen they aren't :-P
13:30 they would, if we had unit tests for all of the use cases, so they aren't
13:31 nengard heh
13:33 marcelr tcohen: step by step we add unit tests..
13:34 have to go
13:42 rocio1 joined #koha
13:48 cait left #koha
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14:17 mario joined #koha
14:18 BobB_Mobile joined #koha
14:19 putti How do I change the text which goes to a slip? Now when I go to notices -> and then change some slips template it doesn't work and default to the one in database..
14:20 Joubu putti: using master?
14:20 Have you seen there are several slip notices?
14:20 putti yup
14:20 I tried with quick slip
14:20 Joubu the template used is "print"
14:22 putti maybe when I did some crazy things in mysql it broke ...
14:27 Joubu, well it still doesn't work..
14:27 ^ I cleared the db
14:27 mario joined #koha
14:29 * Joubu is trying
14:29 nengard left #koha
14:29 putti maybe there is some system preference which needs to be enabled...
14:29 Joubu putti: the "email" template is used indeed
14:30 but it works with this template
14:30 putti oh, works
14:31 thanks !
14:38 alex_a_ joined #koha
14:42 JoshB joined #koha
14:50 tcohen hi Joubu
14:50 Joubu Hi tcohen!
15:07 reiveune bye
15:07 reiveune left #koha
15:20 alex_a joined #koha
15:30 pianohacker joined #koha
15:31 sophie_m bonsoir
15:59 Putti joined #koha
16:11 Joubu see you #koha
16:11 tcohen i need a volunteer to press the enter key
16:11 on my keyboard
16:12 Putti autotyper?
16:12 Joubu rm -Rf C4
16:12 done
16:12 tcohen hahahh
16:12 nah
16:12 i'm about to push the plack patches
16:12 i just don't want to take responsibilities
16:12 :-P
16:13 nevermind
16:13 Putti :D
16:14 tcohen it is done
16:14 confetti!
16:14 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
16:14 tcohen confetti!
16:14 wahanui somebody said confetti was[…]1qh8hleo1_400.gif
16:15 tcohen confetti!
16:15 wahanui i think confetti is[…]1qh8hleo1_400.gif
16:15 tcohen ok, lunch time
16:15 thanks wahanui, it is great to feel understood like this
16:18 cait joined #koha
16:18 cait hi #koha
16:19 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 13791: (QA followup) Plack support requires Apache 2.4.8+ <[…]886a1a39d249a8780> / Bug 13791: tab-completion for koha-plack in bash <[…]123e935ef5eb0802e> / Bug 13791: make koha-common init script aware of plack <
16:26 z joined #koha
16:26 cait @wunder Konstanz
16:26 huginn cait: The current temperature in Bodensee Konstanz City, Konstanz, Germany is 17.8°C (6:26 PM CEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Rising).
16:27 druthb @wunder 77098
16:27 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Montrose (Mandell Place), Houston, Texas is 32.4°C (11:27 AM CDT on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 61%. Dew Point: 24.0°C. Pressure: 30.05 in 1018 hPa (Steady).
16:59 sophie_m joined #koha
17:22 magnuse @wunder boo
17:22 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 21.0°C (6:50 PM CEST on August 24, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady).
17:32 hyvaria joined #koha
17:37 janPasi joined #koha
18:05 misilot joined #koha
19:02 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 12372: Updated man pages for koha-mysql <[…]a567df24ea0a4034d> / Bug 12372: (QA followup) Standardized argument parsing for koha-mysql. <[…]538d6f57502d5a304> / Bug 12372: koha-mysql: process any mysql args <
19:08 BobB_ joined #koha
19:11 irma joined #koha
19:13 tcohen bye #koha
19:22 irma joined #koha
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19:28 BobB joined #koha
19:48 BobB joined #koha
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20:10 JoshB joined #koha
20:11 irma joined #koha
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20:16 nengard joined #koha
20:17 rangi morning
20:17 pianohacker hi rangi
20:18 cait morning
20:18 well... evneing
20:18 BobB_ joined #koha
20:20 irma joined #koha
21:02 dan_ joined #koha
21:04 cdickinson joined #koha
21:07 barton I find the way that works in master to be confusing ... clicking 'Upload file' gives you an 'Upload progress' bar, but it also blanks the file name and displays 'No file chosen' ... given that this was where I was last focused, my immediate thought was "wait! where did my file go!!???" ... If the progress bar gave me the file name of the file that was uploading, I would have been able to adjust. I think that's going to cau
21:11 dan_ Hello guys, could someone help me plz? My server is undergoing sudden shutdowns of the zebrasrv process, do you people know about any causes of this?
21:13 cait hm, i haven't seen this
21:13 are there any error messages?
21:13 what version are you running an dhow was koha installed?
21:13 dan_ barton: I gave up with a similar problem with importing records by using the GUI. Instead, I used the ./koha/bin/ script
21:14 v. 3.8
21:15 I have no found related messages in zebra logs
21:18 cait 3.8 is really old
21:18 we are currently at 3.20
21:20 dan_ isn't the v 3.8 having 'official support' ? :)
21:22 cait 3.18 is the latest release
21:22 3.8 is no longer maintained
21:25 so not a lot of people are using it anymore
21:27 dan_ fine, it's not supported, but could you help me giving some light about this (or somewhat similar) issue please?
21:27 cait how did you install koha? is it a standard install, packages?
21:29 dan_ yes, it was standard (perl, make, make install, etc)
21:30 rangi what changed recently, to make zebrasrv start dying?
21:34 did you upgrade zebra or something? zebrasrv lives outside Koha, so I would look into if there are any known bugs with the version you have installed etc
21:43 magnuse joined #koha
21:44 dan_ zebra server is v. 2.0.59
21:46 is it necessary to update it to 2.0.60?
21:47 BobB joined #koha
21:48 dan_ I have not done any upgrades of zebra. 2.0.59 was the only version used until now
21:49 irma joined #koha
21:49 jcamins dan_: your server has been running successfully for several years, right? Once you figure out what changed between when it worked and when it didn't, you'll probably know what the problem is.
21:49 One unfounded guess: insufficient disk space.
21:51 banzi joined #koha
21:52 dan_ jcamins: it could be that..
21:53 jcamins Your logs should give you actual evidence, though.
22:00 cait left #koha
22:02 irma joined #koha
22:08 cait joined #koha
22:25 wizzyrea cait, about? I know "probably not" but just thought I'd check
22:27 cait yep
22:28 i saw your message at work, but lost it
22:28 what was the question?
22:28 wizzyrea my question was, is there a tidy/easy way to switch from grs1 to dom? I find the wiki really confusing
22:29 cait it is a bit messy
22:29 because you need to edit files
22:29[…]g_to_dom_indexing is the only thing we have right now i think
22:29 wizzyrea oh, the other question was about bug 14691 - there are two solutions and we don't know which one to prefer
22:29 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=14691 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Can't delete patron with ' character in cardnumber
22:30 wizzyrea okies, I was hoping maybe there was a better way but maybe on my way through I'll tidy up the wiki :)
22:30 well 3 solutions really
22:31 cait hm not sure
22:31 i haven't looked at this one yet - i am basically still reading bug mails from my week of vacation
22:31 wizzyrea especially with the work for bug 13618, which is really needed and necessary
22:31 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=13618 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Prevent XSS in the Staff Client and the OPAC
22:32 wizzyrea (and also fixes this, and it's similar bugs, long term)
22:32 ah yeah, that's fair enough
23:25 eythian hi
23:26 pianohacker joined #koha
23:27 connectiontest joined #koha
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23:47 papa joined #koha
23:50 francesca joined #koha
23:51 francesca heya
23:55 wizzyrea hi
23:58 mtj wizzyrea, you can pinch the DOM files from new koha instance
23:58 wizzyrea mtj that is spectacular advice
23:58 mtj ..then do a regex thru them

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