IRC log for #koha, 2013-12-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:21 eythian wahanui: australia
00:21 wahanui i heard australia was pretty great in a lot of ways, but they are woefully deficient in the pierogi department...
00:21 eythian wahanui: australia is also[…]633284096/photo/1
00:21 wahanui okay, eythian.
00:22 dcook Mmm pierogi...
00:22 Good ol' ABC...
00:27 rangi[…]objectid=11172076
00:27 hitting the big nz papers now (thats the big auckland one)
00:29 dcook \o/
00:30 rangi that quote is perfect too
00:30 dcook I think that's one of the more succinct articles that I've read about it so far
00:31 rangi "I consider there is a real risk that consumers who are confronted with the applicant's KOHA library system will be mislead into thinking that the software is the Trust's free and open source Koha software. Therefore I consider that the use of the opposed mark by the applicant would amount to a breach of the Fair Trading Act 1986,'
00:36 dcook ^^
00:38 Quick question for Koha's Debian package users...
00:38 Do you need to set up a separate MTA like Postfix or can Koha send email just using Sendmail?
00:39 rangi you need an MTA
00:39 dcook Dinger. I figured that would be the case.
00:39 Thanks for the confirmation :)
00:39 rangi even if its a simple one that just forwards
00:40 dcook Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I don't really have a desire to set up a mail server, but I figure setting up Postfix to forward emails out to users shouldn't be too bad
00:40 I'll just have to remember to keep it on "the list"
00:42 eythian sendmail is an mta
00:43 if you have sendmail installed, you have an MTA. I don't envy you having to configure it though.
00:43 So I'd install postfix.
00:43 dcook I seem to remember postfix being the recommendation a little while back
00:44 I'm trying to remember how Koha email works.
00:44 It uses to send it out port 25?
00:44 At least by default, me thinks
00:44 rangi nope
00:45 tries to talk to something on port 25 on localhost
00:45 dcook Mmm, right. That makes sense.
00:45 rangi unless you monkey round with it to get it to talk to another host
00:45 dcook So if you have Postfix listening on port 25, you're all good
00:45 rangi exactly
00:45 dcook Sweeet
00:45 rangi or exim4 or nullmailer or whatever
00:45 postfix seems to be the most secure/simple/robust
00:45 dcook Awesome. Thanks for the help, rangi and eythian :)
00:46 It certainly seems popular if nothing else
00:46 Not that that is always a good thing I suppose
00:48 eythian Postfix and exim4 are both pretty common, but I just know postfix best so I use it.
00:55 mtj[…]-won-by-nz-trust/
00:58 trea exim4 mail logs are pretty obtuse
00:59 eythian they sure are
01:01 mtj i know exim4 well enough to recommend postfix :)
01:01 trea ^^
01:19 gmcharlt FYI, my current pg branch is now[…]fs/heads/pg/clean
01:20 as the branch name pg/clean implies, I plan to keep it relative stable, and will avoid rebasing it
01:21 rangi cool
01:52 maximep left #koha
02:07 mtompset nullmailer gets set up by default, if you don't have postfix setup, dcook.
02:08 dcook Oh?
02:08 * dcook will have to keep that in mind when he goes poking around
02:09 dcook Actually, are you sure about that, mtompset?
02:09 A little whereis of nullmailer shows nothing
02:09 mtompset Are you talking about packages?
02:09 Yes. I am sure.
02:10 eythian I'd be surprised if it pulled in nullmailer
02:10 I'd expect exim4 as that's debian default
02:11 dcook Yep, I see exim4 in debian
02:11 As for Koha packages, I haven't installed them on this vm yet
02:31 mtompset (well postfix or some other MTA)
02:32 If exim4 is installed, then nullmailer won't install.
02:32 dcook Hmm, seems like we execute prints in a few different ways..
02:33 Printing the cart in IE doesn't work :/
02:35 Hmm, it seems it isn't processing the print(); command..
03:02 Now that I think about it...I want to say I fixed this in master...or maybe a different part of Koha..
03:03 Or it's impossible to fix
03:03 Well, maybe not impossible..
03:15 $(^@%#
03:19 rambutan joined #koha
04:13 dcook How do folk feel about using "setTimeout" to prevent IE re-directing before printing a page?
04:13 It only needs a millisecond delay
04:15 mtompset don't you mean 55 milliseconds?
04:16 dcook Nope. 1 millisecond appears to be enough to tell the browser, "Hey! Look! I'm trying to print something so don't bloody re-direct the page yet!"
04:17 mtompset I thought the smallest real time slice in Windows was 55 milliseconds. ;)
04:17 * dcook shrugs
04:18 mtompset If it kind-of works, even in a busted way, that's good enough (for Microsoft). ;)
04:24 dcook Ooh...I found a nicer way using the focus event
04:25 oh ffs
04:26 Timer it is...Chrome doesn't seem to like that focus method
04:27 I suppose because it is using its own internal print dialog
04:32 You have to be kidding me...don't tell me that this doesn't work in Firefox..
04:41 rambutan joined #koha
04:51 dcook Oh thank <insert diety name here)
04:51 I think I've found a solution that actually works in FF, Chrome, and IE
04:52 Firefox and IE are some strange creatures
04:52 FF: I'm going to try executing this bit of code, then think I failed so execute the code in "catch" even though the "try" appears to have worked...
04:52 O_o
04:53 And now it doesn't appear to work in FF...
04:54 Interesting...without the try/ fails
04:54 mtj heres a weird Q, is it possible to determine a canonical name for a Koha, from a .tt template?
04:54 heya dcook  :)
04:55 dcook But with the try/ prints my catch warning message and the try code succeeds
04:55 hey mtj :)
04:55 What do you mean canonical name?
04:55 Db/instance name?
04:55 mtj yep, that would do :)
04:57 i think i can match on FQDN
04:57 thats prolly good enough...
05:04 * dcook has no idea what you're talking about
05:04 dcook I think I've resolved that cross-browser issue
05:04 Maybe
05:05 Noooooo
05:05 You were working a moment ago...
05:05 FF must cache something fierce
05:05 But...but...that doesn't make sense either..
05:06 Huh...just tried it twice in a row with FF
05:06 Worked the first time but not the second..
05:09 Wow, just wow..
05:20 Interesting...someone has tried to fix this in master..
05:21 Alas, they have not succeeeded..
05:24 Oh ho...or they did fix it...until IE 11
05:25 Otherwise known as "Edge"
05:25 IE--
05:34 * dcook facepalm
05:34 wahanui http://buikitty.files.wordpres[…]120202-094434.jpg
05:34 dcook[…]214(v=vs.85).aspx
05:34 No more IE conditional comments as of IE 10
05:41 They also changed navigator.appName to "Netscape" from "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
05:41 Smooth, guys.
05:46 Love this:[…]397(v=vs.85).aspx
05:46 "Our software is bad and you should feel bad"
05:59 rambutan joined #koha
06:07 dcook Interesting...apparently Chrome now supports the "onprint" event...
06:07 Sorry, "afterprint"
06:08 Err...and "beforeprint" it seems
06:31 mtompset Have a great day. I'm crashing.
06:32 dcook Hmm, perhaps finally a solution...
06:41 nope, cross browser compatibility sucks
06:41 Or rather trying to ensure it...
07:31 * magnuse waves
07:31 dcook hey ya magnuse and matts
07:31 matts hi !
07:31 magnuse hiya matts
07:32 ...and dcook of course
07:32 beer o'clock?
07:32 wahanui beer o'clock is, like, a vital part of the Koha development process
07:32 magnuse hehe
07:32 reiveune joined #koha
07:32 reiveune hello
07:33 dcook hehe. Definitely beer o'clock
07:33 Which reminds me that I don't have money
07:33 Or exactly the amount I need, hmm
07:40 alex_a joined #koha
07:40 alex_a bonjour
07:46 dcook salut alex_a
07:46 time for me to dash (literally)
07:46 * magnuse sends dcook some virtual money
07:46 dcook hehe
07:46 alex_a salut dcook
07:46 magnuse @wunder boo
07:46 dcook thanks, magnuse ;)
07:46 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 1.0°C (8:20 AM CET on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 75%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Windchill: -5.0°C. Pressure: 30.04 in 1017 hPa (Steady).
07:49 laurence joined #koha
08:11 SEG joined #koha
08:12 cait joined #koha
08:16 sophie_m joined #koha
08:17 cait good morning everyone :)
08:17 sophie_m hello #koha
08:18 gaetan_B joined #koha
08:18 gaetan_B hello
08:18 wahanui que tal, gaetan_B
08:22 magnuse hiya cait sophie_m gaetan_B
08:28 cait hi magnuse :)
08:50 rambutan joined #koha
09:12 sophie_m left #koha
09:23 ashimema morning all
09:26 cait morning ashimema
09:36 nlegrand hey #koha
09:39 magnuse hiya nlegrand
09:50 busla joined #koha
09:58 nlegrand I didn't introduce myself, I work at the Bulac ( since 1st of december. I have to update Koha and publish the Bulac features as soon as possible :).
09:59 I'm rather new to Koha (just made an install with Biblibre at Paris Observatory) so right now I read a lot :)
10:00 magnuse welcome to the family, nlegrand :-)
10:00 cait hi nlegrand and welcome
10:00 * cait is from Germany, working for BSZ
10:01 cait not a library, but offering Koha support and hosting :)
10:01 nlegrand thanks :)
10:02 * magnuse lives way up in the north of norway and runs libriotech, which also offers koha services :-)
10:10 rambutan joined #koha
10:14 Viktor joined #koha
10:16 Viktor Greetings #koha :)
10:16 magnuse tjenare Viktor
10:16 Viktor Hej magnuse :)
10:17 magnuse (i know, but my keyboard refuses to place umlauts above letters)
10:17 Viktor Weird :)
10:17 magnuse yup
10:18 Viktor But hey - I usually find it easier to copy the norwegian ? from an email then find out how to write it myself :)
10:18 magnuse my old-mac-mini-running-ubuntu is getting way too weird, i need to find the time to get something nre
10:19 lol - that only showed as a questionmark for me :-)
10:19 s/nre/new/
10:19 Viktor :)M
10:19 :)
10:19 One of the things I do loathe is character encoding issues?
10:20 I do dread handling those when programming :)
10:20 I have some weirdness with decreaseLoanHighHolds btw.
10:20 We have it set to decrease loan period to 10 open days when there are holds
10:21 That is two weeks for the main library.
10:21 Problem is the smaller ones is only open 2 days a week = 5 weeks loan.
10:22 I'm wondering if anyone has solved this type of thing in a smarter way then we did?
10:27 cait i think it's the only way to shorten the loan period right now - making it depend on a factor like holds
10:27 Viktor thanks cait
10:28 That means we would have to make it more granular.
10:28 Having separate rules for this for different libraries.
10:29 Or something smarter.. :)
10:30 cait yep that would make sense
10:30 Viktor Glad to hear.
10:31 magnuse khall is the one who wrote the feature, i think?
10:31 paul_p joined #koha
10:31 cait i think it was Colin
10:31 magnuse kia ora paul_p
10:31 cait ashimema might know
10:32 Viktor Hi paul_p
10:32 Would be great to get a preliminary blessing for that type of change from someone involved
10:57 sophie_m joined #koha
11:11 ashimema It was a join effort between Mark and Colin.
11:25 cait ok, time to head home... bye all
11:25 cait left #koha
12:03 nengard joined #koha
12:11 viktor-away joined #koha
12:24 jwagner joined #koha
12:43 tcohen joined #koha
12:44 tcohen morning!
12:44 wahanui somebody said morning was a state of cat
12:45 jcamins Good morning.
12:46 tcohen: Shari and I were discussing one of the important questions about KohaCon 2014 last night... will there be any tango?
12:46 tcohen of course
12:46 optional
12:46 wahanui whatever jcamins forgets to check is optional.
12:46 tcohen but yes, we are planing
12:48 jcamins Hooray!
12:48 rambutan joined #koha
12:51 tcohen so far, we have listed tango, some travel to jesuitic places, and asado
12:55 meliss joined #koha
13:00 francharb joined #koha
13:04 ebegin joined #koha
13:07 francharb morning #koha
13:11 nengard morning
13:12 magnuse as long as the practical parts of the tango are optional i'm still interested ;-)
13:16 oleonard joined #koha
13:17 Topic for #koha is now Koha 3.14.0 is released! Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software Next general IRC meeting January 2014 10:00 UTC
13:36 ashimema joined #koha
13:42 rambutan joined #koha
13:50 cait joined #koha
13:50 oleonard Hi #koha
13:50 * cait waves
13:51 cait hi oleonard
13:51 could you add the day to the modt?
13:51 just noticed it just says the month year and time
13:52 jcamins cait: that's because Koha is every day of the month!
13:52 Topic for #koha is now Koha 3.14.0 is released! Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software Next general IRC meeting 8 January 2014 10:00 UTC
13:52 cait oh ok
13:52 on a train... might get disconnected any time
13:54 oleonard++
13:54 * magnuse waves to cait on a train
13:54 edveal joined #koha
13:54 * cait waves back to magnuse
13:54 Joubu joined #koha
14:01 alohalog` joined #koha
14:01 Topic for #koha is now Koha 3.14.0 is released! Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software Next general IRC meeting 8 January 2014 10:00 UTC
14:06 cait @wunder Konstanz
14:08 magnuse @wunder boo
14:08 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 1.0°C (2:50 PM CET on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 70%. Dew Point: -4.0°C. Windchill: -3.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady).
14:08 magnuse @wunder Konstanz
14:08 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is -2.0°C (3:00 PM CET on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Mist. Humidity: 90%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Pressure: 30.37 in 1028 hPa (Falling).
14:08 druthb @wunder 77098
14:08 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Greenway Plaza, Houston, Texas is 8.9°C (8:08 AM CST on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 4.0°C. Windchill: 8.0°C. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021 hPa (Rising).
14:08 tcohen joined #koha
14:08 magnuse ¡hola! tcohen
14:10 tcohen hi magnuse
14:10 power outage...
14:10 cait train...
14:10 wahanui i guess train is very full already
14:10 cait and cold in Konstanz ew.
14:11 oleonard @wunder 45701
14:11 huginn oleonard: The current temperature in Whitlind Woods, Athens, Ohio is -4.4°C (9:10 AM EST on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: -7.0°C. Windchill: -4.0°C. Pressure: 30.29 in 1026 hPa (Rising).
14:11 oleonard Colder than Norway! Wheee!
14:12 magnuse :-)
14:12 colder than northern-norway even! above the polar circle
14:13 nengard @wunder 78741
14:14 huginn nengard: The current temperature in Waller Beach, Austin, Texas is 8.0°C (8:11 AM CST on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 70%. Dew Point: 3.0°C. Windchill: 8.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Falling).
14:14 cait -2 is cold enough for me
14:14 nengard finally warming up a bit here
14:15 jcamins @wunder 11375
14:15 huginn jcamins: The current temperature in Glendale, Glendale, New York is -2.8°C (9:01 AM EST on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 53%. Dew Point: -11.0°C. Windchill: -7.0°C. Pressure: 30.19 in 1022 hPa (Rising).
14:16 clrh joined #koha
14:17 cait1 joined #koha
14:25 fredericd joined #koha
14:30 laurence left #koha
14:34 wizzyrea joined #koha
14:37 tcohen @wunder cordoba, argentina
14:37 huginn tcohen: The current temperature in Cordoba, Argentina is 29.0°C (11:00 AM ART on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 42%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 29.86 in 1011 hPa (Rising).
14:38 tcohen we are melting
14:38 ashimema joined #koha
14:40 cait1 tcohen: hm, ok, i wil keep my -2
14:40 tcohen heh
14:41 cait1 wow
14:41 it's super foggy outside
14:41 wonder how it is in Konstanz
14:42 all trees white from ice and lots of white fog
14:51 jenkins_koha Starting build #412 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
14:51 Project Koha_Docs build #412: SUCCESS in 20 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/412/
14:51 * Nicole C. Engard: add Marc modification template section
14:51 * Nicole C. Engard: add tip about variables to marc templates
14:51 * Nicole C. Engard: update stage marc with modificaiton templates
14:51 * Nicole C. Engard: link from marc templates to stage tool
14:55 maximep joined #koha
14:56 rocio joined #koha
15:07 talljoy joined #koha
15:14 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 7143: Adding RMaint for 3.8 to release team <[…]f61f4cbea3e290bc3>
15:19 jenkins_koha Starting build #265 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:21 Starting build #413 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:21 Project Koha_Docs build #413: SUCCESS in 17 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/413/
15:21 Nicole C. Engard: update CircAutoPrintQuickSlip
15:23 Starting build #1548 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:24 fredy joined #koha
15:24 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10983: Remove unused private subroutines from C4::Budgets <[…]f15f9ffb3f3ea8cca>
15:35 nlegrand joined #koha
15:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #414 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:36 Project Koha_Docs build #414: SUCCESS in 22 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/414/
15:36 * Nicole C. Engard: add patron purchase suggestion tab
15:36 * Nicole C. Engard: update purchase suggestions section
15:38 rambutan joined #koha
15:42 nengard jquery question for anyone :) oleonard probably
15:42 why is
15:42 $("th.hq-copynumber sorting").hide();
15:42 and $("th.hq-copynumber.sorting").hide();
15:43 not hiding the heading for the copynumber on the hold queue
15:43 what simple punctuation thing am i missing?
15:44 oleonard Leave out the sorting part
15:45 nengard just figured that out :)
15:45 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 11174: fix OPAC search links built from authority 5xx fields <[…]8cc27a2d5e7d488e4>
15:45 nengard thank you!
15:49 bag oleonard++
15:50 tcohen gmcharlt: i'll rebase it in about an hour
15:50 gmcharlt tcohen: thanks
15:50 bag heya gmcharlt and tcohen
15:50 gmcharlt hi bag
15:51 bag hopefully you are both staying warm (well all of you)
16:04 jenkins_koha Starting build #36 for job Koha_Docs_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
16:04 Project Koha_Docs_3.12.x build #36: SUCCESS in 18 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]a_Docs_3.12.x/36/
16:04 Nicole C. Engard: add note about removing a tag
16:07 reiveune joined #koha
16:09 jenkins_koha Starting build #415 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
16:09 Project Koha_Docs build #415: SUCCESS in 17 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/415/
16:09 * Nicole C. Engard: update tagging with new images
16:09 * Nicole C. Engard: add note about removing a tag
16:15 Project master_maria build #265: UNSTABLE in 56 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/265/
16:15 * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 7143: Adding RMaint for 3.8 to release team
16:15 * Colin Campbell: Bug 10983: Remove unused private subroutines from C4::Budgets
16:15 huginn 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7143 trivial, P5 - low, ---,, ASSIGNED , Bug for tracking changes to the about page
16:15 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10983 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , Unused subroutines in C4:Budgets
16:17 rocio1 joined #koha
16:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #266 for job master_maria (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #264 2 days 19 hr ago)
16:34 reiveune bye
16:34 reiveune left #koha
16:38 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8334: (follow-up) remove commented JS code <[…]4d8e5f39d164ac8f3> / Bug 8334 - Authority UNIMARC 100 field plugin <[…]b92a8179761f8ee7a>
16:39 gmcharlt oleonard: do you have any follow-up comments for bug 11360 or any inclination to counterpatch it?
16:39 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11360 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Passed QA , Disable barcode field and submit button when a hold is found
16:41 oleonard I don't know... I think I'm in the minority on this one, so I won't press the issue
16:43 tcohen joined #koha
16:44 gmcharlt oleonard: I like wizzyrea's suggestion of making it a modal dialog, but Joubu is correct that it woudl be reasonable to open a new bug for that
16:48 oleonard Agreed on both counts
16:57 * oleonard brb
16:57 oleonard left #koha
17:02 nengard documentation question for AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived
17:02 does that mean I could set it so when i receive the not for loan value changes from -1 to 0 ? without having to edit the item?
17:02 kenan24 joined #koha
17:05 oleonard joined #koha
17:06 jenkins_koha Starting build #416 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
17:06 Project Koha_Docs build #416: SUCCESS in 23 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/416/
17:06 Nicole C. Engard: update locale on serials
17:08 gmcharlt nengard: yes, that it's the idea
17:09 nengard thanks :) and awesome!!!
17:13 cait joined #koha
17:14 pianohacker joined #koha
17:14 * cait waves
17:14 cait @wunder Konstanz
17:14 huginn cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is -2.0°C (6:00 PM CET on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Mist. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.37 in 1028 hPa (Falling).
17:15 tcohen joined #koha
17:15 oleonard Still traveling cait?
17:15 pianohacker hey cait
17:15 oleonard Hi pianohacker you're here early today
17:15 cait nope at home now :)
17:16 picked up my new glasses, trying to get used to them
17:16 always takes a bit
17:16 druthb cait! :D
17:16 cait druthb!
17:16 pianohacker yup, on call after upgrade
17:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #417 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
17:21 Project Koha_Docs build #417: SUCCESS in 21 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/417/
17:21 * Nicole C. Engard: update receiving to note AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived
17:21 * Nicole C. Engard: update AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived with an example
17:21 * Nicole C. Engard: update opac holds info with new layout
17:30 Project master_maria build #266: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 9 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/266/
17:30 Zeno Tajoli: Bug 11174: fix OPAC search links built from authority 5xx fields
17:30 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11174 trivial, P5 - low, ---, z.tajoli, Pushed to Master , Wrong parameter 'valuec' in  opac-authoritiessearchresultlist
17:34 mcooper joined #koha
17:37 jenkins_koha Starting build #267 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #264 2 days 21 hr ago)
17:38 gaetan_B bye !
17:40 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1548: UNSTABLE in 2 hr 19 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1548/
17:40 * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 7143: Adding RMaint for 3.8 to release team
17:40 * Colin Campbell: Bug 10983: Remove unused private subroutines from C4::Budgets
17:40 huginn 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7143 trivial, P5 - low, ---,, ASSIGNED , Bug for tracking changes to the about page
17:40 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10983 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , Unused subroutines in C4:Budgets
17:44 jenkins_koha Starting build #1549 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1547 2 days 21 hr ago)
17:51 Project Koha_Docs build #418: FAILURE in 5.1 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/418/
17:58 tcohen all for volunteers: bug 10691
17:58 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10691 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , 5xx not properly linked by authid in authority search result list
17:58 tcohen :-P
17:58 s/all/call/
17:58 nengard gmcharlt bug 9261 is in 3.16 right? not 3.14
17:58 huginn 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9261 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Allow librarians to make purchase suggestions for patrons
17:59 nengard I think I put it in the wrong manual
18:06 jenkins_koha Starting build #419 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: FAILURE -- last SUCCESS #417 45 min ago)
18:06 Yippee, build fixed!
18:06 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
18:06 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #419: FIXED in 21 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/419/
18:06 * Nicole C. Engard: add order transfer info
18:06 * Nicole C. Engard: add fund warning
18:06 gmcharlt nengard: correct, that's for 3.16, not 3.14
18:07 tcohen: I'm watching as the bug gets buried under a 100 folks all trying to revew it at once ;)
18:07 tcohen heh
18:07 poor bz
18:08 i rebased it, squashed and unneeded split and removed the 'c' from the opac includes
18:14 nengard thanks gmcharlt - reverted :)
18:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #420 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: FIXED)
18:21 Project Koha_Docs build #420: SUCCESS in 19 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/420/
18:21 * Nicole C. Engard: add item overlay option to stage marc
18:21 * Nicole C. Engard: Revert "update purchase suggestions section"
18:21 * Nicole C. Engard: Revert "add patron purchase suggestion tab"
18:21 * Nicole C. Engard: fix typo
18:30 kenan241 joined #koha
18:31 * gmcharlt rings the new developer bell
18:31 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 9224: Make acqui/ Plack-compatible <[…]95540836e6cd1e7bd>
18:33 cait woohoo :)
18:34 @quote random
18:34 huginn cait: Quote #232: "<cait> oh... i miss myshkin <cait> I mean jared.. of course" (added by druthb at 06:31 PM, January 28, 2013)
18:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #421 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
18:36 * druthb chuckles
18:36 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #421: SUCCESS in 17 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/421/
18:36 * Nicole C. Engard: add new renewal option
18:36 * Nicole C. Engard: update acq add to basket info
18:36 druthb @quote random
18:36 huginn druthb: Quote #121: "mtj> friends don't let librarians spec bib formats" (added by chris at 08:18 PM, March 24, 2011)
18:42 New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 11261: make sample serial frequencies mandatory during installation <[…]91d32d0a9af075ffe> / Bug 11261: make sample serial numbering patterns mandatory during installation <[…]9d5ecd9db7ab3b98d>
18:59 kenan24 joined #koha
19:01 nengard okay ... the 3.14 manual might actually be done .. aka up to date with the current release of course ... it's never done
19:03 oleonard Strange problem: After upgrading from 3.10 to 3.12 we hear that some patrons can no longer log into services which authenticate via SIP
19:03 After resetting their passwords it works again.
19:04 rangi ahh
19:04 probably the password change thing
19:04 bug 9611
19:04 huginn 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9611 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, srdjan, RESOLVED FIXED, Changing the password hashing algorithm from MD5 to more secure Bcrypt
19:04 rangi that one
19:04 wahanui hmmm... that one is down more often than up
19:04 rangi it maybe missed changing the code in SIP?
19:05 oleonard I didn't think that was in 3.12
19:05 rangi you have a point
19:05 thats in 3.14
19:05 no idea then :)
19:06 jenkins_koha Starting build #422 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:06 Project Koha_Docs build #422: SUCCESS in 18 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/422/
19:06 * Nicole C. Engard: update course reserves image with datatables
19:06 * Nicole C. Engard: add invoice merge
19:07 rangi seems odd that a reset fixes it
19:07 oleonard Of course it's not impossible that it's just a rash of people forgetting their passwords, but it did seem to coincide with our upgrade
19:08 rangi *nod*
19:08 was it recent?
19:09 cait are they using the same passwords again?
19:09 rangi you might be able to spot something in the syslog
19:09 cait rangi: it fixed the sip code also, but sadly it's still not using
19:09 but doing string comparison itself
19:10 rangi cait: thats only in 3.14 though eh?
19:10 oleonard I don't know if they're using the same passwords again cait
19:10 cait oleonard: was thinking it could be something with encoding...
19:10 as we had problems with that in the past
19:11 rangi: hm think so
19:14 hm and just ignore what i say that makes no sense ;)
19:15 rangi heh
19:16 francharb joined #koha
19:29 barton joined #koha
19:31 oleonard Hi barton
19:31 barton hey!
19:34 cait hi barton
19:50 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1549: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 7 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1549/
19:50 * Zeno Tajoli: Bug 11174: fix OPAC search links built from authority 5xx fields
19:50 * Vitor FERNANDES: Bug 8334 - Authority UNIMARC 100 field plugin
19:50 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 8334: (follow-up) remove commented JS code
19:50 huginn 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11174 trivial, P5 - low, ---, z.tajoli, Pushed to Master , Wrong parameter 'valuec' in  opac-authoritiessearchresultlist
19:50 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8334 enhancement, P2, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Authority UNIMARC 100 field plugin
19:52 New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 11255: allow "relevance ascending" as a sort option <[…]831141516422885c7>
19:54 jenkins_koha Starting build #1550 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1547 2 days 23 hr ago)
20:03 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 11124: QA Follow-up adding optional dependency HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench <[…]8e415b1cce361fdb2> / Bug 11124: QA Follow-up resolving a warning and three typos <[…]67b7b3e68c7c8933e> / Bug 11124: disallow trying to run the staff benchmark script as the DB a
20:12 fredy left #koha
20:13 nengard left #koha
20:15 pianohacker bbl
20:43 druthb @wunder 77098
20:43 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Greenway Plaza, Houston, Texas is 13.9°C (2:43 PM CST on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 29.93 in 1013 hPa (Rising).
20:44 druthb @wunder konstanz germany
20:44 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -2.7°C (9:40 PM CET on December 13, 2013). Conditions: Light Freezing Fog. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Windchill: -3.0°C. Pressure: 30.30 in 1026 hPa (Steady).
20:44 druthb brr
20:44 cait brr
20:49 meliss joined #koha
21:04 mtompset joined #koha
21:04 mtompset Greetings, #koha.
21:04 Wow! We renamed optional to mandatory?!
21:05 cait no
21:05 we moved a few file
21:05 s
21:05 from optional to mandatory
21:06 mtompset Ah... I saw that flood on my pull, and was worried about news. :)
21:06 cait: I assume you've been seeing the slow progress in splitting the 85K patch into more manageable pieces? :)
21:07 cait not yet
21:07 i am still on vacation ;)
21:07 mtompset Oh, well, then enjoy.
21:07 gmcharlt mtompset: cait is misleading you.  Every Koha library in the world is now required to have a Centerville branch.
21:07 ;)
21:07 * mtompset laughs, "In the tests, sometimes."
21:09 cait yeah sorry for that
21:10 rangi[…]le-over-trademark
21:11 jcamins rangi: that opening sentence is priceless.
21:12 rangi its funny how almost all the journalists have taken that angle
21:12 its cos they did that massive press release just recently
21:21 rambutan My Personal Statement of the Day: more US support companies should be looking at federal contracting
21:21 there's gold in them thar hills
21:22 cait but might not be easy to deal with those
21:25 rambutan yea, it can be a pita, but somebody has to take the $$
21:58 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1550: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 5 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1550/
21:58 * Jacek Ablewicz: Bug 9224: Make acqui/ Plack-compatible
21:58 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 11261: make sample serial numbering patterns mandatory during installation
21:58 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 11261: make sample serial frequencies mandatory during installation
21:58 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 11255: allow "relevance ascending" as a sort option
21:58 huginn 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9224 normal, P5 - low, ---, abl, Pushed to Master , acqui/ is not Plack-compatible
21:58 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11261 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Sample frequencies and numbering patterns should better be mandatory on install
21:58 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11255 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , sort by relevance asc generates a wrong query
22:00 mtompset_ joined #koha
22:01 cait oooh
22:02 jenkins_koha Starting build #1551 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1547 3 days 1 hr ago)
22:12 edveal left #koha
22:20 francharb have a nice week end
22:20 bye
22:51 maximep left #koha
22:54 ebegin joined #koha
23:37 magnuse have fun #koha!
23:57 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8230: (follow-up) update POD for C4::Acquisition::GetHistory <[…]e3cf5bfba8eee8e61> / Bug 8230: (follow-up) repair regression on order search <[…]375d565b0b2d6f9d3> / Bug 8230: (follow-up) fix detection of cancelled orders <

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