IRC log for #koha, 2013-08-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 dcook Yep, already has an id
00:16 jcamins Problem solved.
00:16 Pumpernickel chocolate chip cookies are on the menu.
00:19 dcook Sounds...interesting :p
00:27 NateC joined #koha
00:43 jcamins dcook: if it's a TT plugin, you can make it translatable.
00:43 Actually, TT anything can be translatable.
00:43 See...
00:43 koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/prog/en/m​odules/text/
00:44 dcook Hmm, cool :)
00:45 Then maybe I should look at that again..
00:47 jcamins The pumpernickel chocolate chip cookie dough tastes more like molasses chocolate chip cookie dough, but it's yummy.
00:50 dcook Mmm food
00:50 I was too busy cleaning up horrifying cat litter boxes and barely catching a cab to the vet to even think about lunch..
00:51 * dcook wonders how he's going to manage multiple cats and a baby
00:51 dcook Not that there are any buns in the oven at present..
01:35 rangi 2013 is surely the year of the most annoying mail list users to date
01:47 dcook I have an unrelated question...
01:47 What's the policy on sign offs from client libraries for vendors?
01:48 gmcharlt nice thing to see, but it's not an independent signoff
01:48 jcamins We're all for them, and it's always a good idea to get them, but you'll still need another.
01:48 On the other hand, that can encourage people to sign off, if they know someone other than the developer has tested it.
01:48 dcook Makes sense. How will you know though unless the developer or the individual self-identifies?
01:48 rangi it would mean id be more likely to attempt signing it off
01:49 because im less likely to find it doesnt even compile :)
01:49 gmcharlt rangi: one can hope, one can hope :)
01:49 dcook Cool. I don't know how many people I could encourage but maybe a few
01:50 jcamins dcook: if the individual is able to sign off on the patch without anyone knowing it's a customer of the developer, that probably means that the person in question is a Koha developer already. When I was RM, I would probably have accepted that as a sign off.
01:51 gmcharlt it would be a bit like person B from an organization signing off on a patch by person A from the same organization
01:51 ideally, every organization that's big enough *should* be doing that -- that is, passing work through at least another set of eyes internally before submitting it
01:52 jcamins gmcharlt: yeah, but as I saw it, the barrier for signing off was high enough that if, for example, Mathieu signed off on a BibLibre patch, I'd take it as a sufficiently independent sign off.
01:52 gmcharlt but, pace rangi, from the POV of an idepndent tester, that just increases the chance that it is worth *their* time to test it as well
01:53 as everything, it also depends on the care every tester displays when signing off
01:53 some people's signoffs have more weight than others by repeated demonstration of their care and good judgment
01:54 and in other areas (UNIMARC might become this) it may be necessary to consider relaxing the standards a bit for lack of enough folks in a position to test certain areas
01:54 IOW, it can get fuzzy
01:55 dcook In the end, up to RM and QA discretion?
01:55 rangi thats why we vote them in :)
01:55 gmcharlt for the edge cases, yes
01:55 rangi guidelines to follow
01:56 dcook Sounds good to me.
01:56 I'm a fan of benevolent masters :p
01:56 Err managers
01:57 * gmcharlt pushes the cat-o-nine-tails out of view ;)
01:57 dcook hehe
02:02 rangi  this is how i imagine all brooklyn librarians
02:06 * jcamins writes about a freshman comp student writing a report on Old Ivy's football team the Groundhogs.
02:07 jcamins Bonus points for anyone who recognizes the reference.
02:07 jenkins_koha Starting build #1373 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1371 2 days 5 hr ago)
02:07 rangi  <<-- pretty freaky
02:09 ibeardslee doesn't seem they 'boats' are required to pick up crew oveboard anymore
02:09 rangi thats what you have a chase crew for ;)
02:11 ibeardslee it's not right
02:11 rangi you'd kill them trying to pick them up with that thing
02:12 it has 2 speeds, stopped, and way too fast
02:12 jcamins What is that?
02:12 wahanui that is a good idea.
02:13 rangi massive catamaran
02:13 jcamins It looks like some sort of alien spaceship.
02:14 * gmcharlt had not associated sailboats and hydrofoils until just now
02:15 rangi 44.15 knots i think is its current topspeed
02:15 gmcharlt *blink*
02:16 rangi[…]orning-briefing-2
02:16 50.8mph .. that's moving
02:19 gmcharlt and compares nicely with the overall speed record for sailboats, 65.45 knots
02:20 * jcamins keeps the bonus points.
02:21 dcook hehe
02:21 * dcook has no idea about the reference
02:21 jcamins Will it help if I tell you the first reference the freshman comp student finds is _Rip the Chipmunks off the field_ by J.B. Biggley?
02:24 dcook It helps only insofar as I could Google it a bit :p
02:34 I hate that moment in Bugzilla where you see your duplicate bug in the AJAX list but you're typing too quickly and you miss it...
02:34 I guess that's what searching is for..
02:34 jcamins Heh.
02:35 And typing slowly.
02:35 dcook Blasphemy!
02:38 Hmm, whether to indicate in the commit message that I'm lazy...
02:39 Relying on the "IssueLog" preference or adding a new system preference for "RenewLog" to log circulation renewals?
02:39 * jcamins would prefer IssueLog.
02:39 jcamins But others will no doubt prefer a new syspref.
02:39 Honestly, I'd prefer disabling the ability to turn off logs.
02:40 dcook It is rather annoying when you look for a log just to find that it's been turned off (or never enabled)
02:40 jcamins If you want to anonymize your logs, anonymize your logs using a cron job at the end of the day.
02:41 There _will_ be a time when you hit the wrong button, and you *know* you screwed up, but you can't quite remember what it was like before.
02:41 * dcook agrees
02:41 dcook I might add it with IssueLog (which is how we've done it in the past anyway)
02:41 If others want a new syspref, they or I can add a follow-up
03:20 jenkins_koha Yippie, build fixed!
03:20 Project Koha_master build #1373: FIXED in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1373/
04:47 dcook hehe
04:48 @later tell jcamins I didn't realize that your comment about the freshman and Old Ivy was genuine
04:48 huginn` dcook: The operation succeeded.
05:38 cait joined #koha
05:41 cait good morning #koha
05:43 dcook hey ya cait
05:43 cait hi dcook
05:43 just looking at your comment :)
05:43 dcook Mostly just me babbling, I think :p
05:43 cait i had libraries quite unhappy about item searching in training recently
05:43 dcook It might be useful to read my last comment last
05:43 Jared explained things which made me understand your example better
05:44 cait because the search does not look at the items line by line - so that's probably what I am afraid of
05:44 dcook line by line?
05:44 cait well item by item...
05:44 not mixing them all up
05:44 probably i am babbling now
05:45 let me check for the id - i didn't see one when i checked yesterday, weird
05:46 dcook: i think language descriptions for a language facet would be best right now
05:47 dcook: and for the other an include or something that has the strings you want - because authorized values will be one language only... which is always not as nice as having things translatable
05:47 but not sure which you meant and i should probably be commenting on the bug
05:48 * dcook shrugs
05:49 dcook jcamins mentioned the possibility of a translateable Template Toolkit plugin
05:49 That might be a good way of going
05:53 cait yeah, i was thinking something similar :)
05:56 dcook: checking for those ids again
05:56 and you are right - i checked and still totally missed those :(
05:57 dcook I totally forgot about them as well :)
05:58 I was going to say that we should add them, but decided to take a last minute look for them and saw them there
06:01 cait lots of whitespace there in the template, i think i really missed them
06:03 dcook: i reset the status :)
06:04 dcook Cool :)
06:13 cait @wunder Konstanz
06:13 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 18.0°C (8:00 AM CEST on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Light Rain Showers. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 17.0°C. Pressure: 30.02 in 1017 hPa (Rising).
06:13 cait now i only have to figure out how to get to work without getting wet :)
06:15 dcook Umbrella?
06:15 Teleportation?
06:15 @wunder sydney, australia
06:15 huginn` dcook: The current temperature in Sydney, New South Wales is 17.0°C (4:00 PM EST on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 27%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Pressure: 29.74 in 1007 hPa (Steady).
06:16 cait teleportation... that would be nice
06:16 dcook Mmm, wouldn't it?
06:16 Mind you, I walked 7km yesterday without it. I probably wouldn't have done all that had I been able to teleprot..
06:16 teleport even
06:22 * magnuse waves
06:22 dcook hey ya magnuse :)
06:23 * cait thinks she would spend the day meeting koha friends if there was teleportation
06:23 cait morning magnuse
06:25 magnuse kia ora cait and dcook
06:33 gaetan_B joined #koha
06:33 gaetan_B hello
06:33 wahanui privet, gaetan_B
06:33 cait hi gaetan_B
06:33 gaetan_B hallo cait, wie geht's ?
06:36 magnuse bonjour gaetan_B
06:36 @wunder marseille
06:36 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 23.0°C (8:30 AM CEST on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady).
06:36 magnuse @wunder boo
06:36 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 14.0°C (8:20 AM CEST on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 29.44 in 997 hPa (Steady).
06:36 magnuse @wunder konstanz
06:36 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 17.9°C (8:35 AM CEST on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Light Rain Showers. Humidity: 92%. Dew Point: 17.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Rising).
06:41 cait dcook: hm
06:41 dcook: the more I think o fit
06:41 the more i think the singlebranchmode limitation was the right thing to do.
06:41 dcook: or that on by default is confusing by default... unless you have a specific use case
06:44 dcook I agree that it's potentially confusing having them on by default, but I think not having item-level facets all together isn't going to go down very well
06:44 Plus, it's not just facets
06:44 You can accomplish the same thing via the advanced search
06:45 Doing an advanced search for branch A and location B (or item type B, etc) will yield potentially misleading results
06:45 Or rather "could" yield..
06:46 I think it might make more sense to fix the search rather than hiding facets. Mind you, fixing search isn't a trivial task...
06:50 reiveune joined #koha
06:50 alex_a joined #koha
06:50 cait dcook: that's the problem
06:50 reiveune hello
06:51 cait dcook: i have added an opinion - but leaving as passed qa
06:51 dcook: offering features that don't quite work is making false promises i think
06:51 dcook Ok. Galen might have an opinion as well.
06:51 cait more dangerous than not having the feature :)
06:51 dcook Ah, but we already have made those false promises
06:52 This location facet isn't really any different from anything else
06:52 cait yeah probably, but thefacets will really pull it to the light
06:52 ok, time to run :)
06:52 dcook As you mentioned before, that's already the case
06:52 cait sorry!
06:52 cait left #koha
06:52 dcook @later tell cait People already realize that Koha searching isn't the best
06:52 huginn` dcook: The operation succeeded.
06:53 dcook Which is quite unfortunate when one thinks about the OPAC as a big search engine for users...
06:57 magnuse yeah
06:57 search rewrite?
06:57 wahanui it has been said that search rewrite is[…]earch_Rewrite_RFC
06:57 magnuse more people and companies could chip in there...
06:58 dcook Agreed
06:59 Alas, I think it's one of those issues that isn't super visible
06:59 Most users might not know when they're getting all the results they should (or getting ones they shouldn't)
06:59 Or if they do realize, they don't raise it with anyone, because it's too timeconsuming
07:00 is it 5pm already...
07:00 magnuse hehe
07:01 dcook I'm having issues with OAI sets not showing up for Koha :(
07:01 I've run and the DB table looks all right but ListIdentifiers isn't showing anything..
07:01 I swear it did last week though..
07:07 magnuse ListIdentifiers is supposed to show which sets each record belongs to?
07:07 dcook Yep
07:07 As should GetRecord and ListIdentifiers, I believe
07:08 It's part of the Header
07:08 Me thinks it's currently set up just to show identifier and datestamp
07:08 But the verb can take a setSpec for selective harvesting..
07:10 magnuse does that work?
07:11 dcook Yep, that part does
07:11 Which really is the most important part
07:20 magnuse ooh bug 10756
07:20 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10756 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Carousel Display of New Titles on OPAC home page
07:21 dcook Oooh. Looks cool!
07:22 magnuse yup
07:22 dcook Oooo, it works with mouse scroll too
07:24 magnuse it requires memcached? that's interesting
07:25 i wonder how it gets the images
07:25 kf joined #koha
07:26 magnuse kia ora kf!
07:26 kf hi magnuse :)
07:26 * kf looks for dcook
07:26 * magnuse urges dcook to run or hide
07:28 dcook Mmm, I should run as it's 5:28pm but I'll...
07:28 Wait a minute...:p
07:28 kf magnuse: the question was more if i should run or hide :)
07:28 * dcook doesn't think that he's that threatening :p
07:29 magnuse kf: ah
07:34 dcook Ahh...I should go...
07:34 * dcook is silly for staying
07:34 kf sleep well :)
07:36 dcook Thanks :)
07:36 Have a good day kf, magnuse, any anyone lurking ;)
08:00 janPasi_ joined #koha
08:08 janPasi joined #koha
08:33 samueld joined #koha
08:33 samueld hi everybody
08:53 magnuse hiya samueld
09:41 gah, needs signoff is at 163 again...
09:41 next gbsd?
09:41 wahanui rumour has it next gbsd is[…]bug_squashing_day
09:41 magnuse ooh, that's this friday, folks!
09:49 kf is it? yay!
09:50 magnuse :-)
09:51 be there or be [_]
09:51 [_] is square
09:51 [_]?
10:00 kf wahanui:  [_] is square
10:00 wahanui OK, kf.
10:00 kf [_]?
10:00 wahanui [_] is square
10:07 drojf joined #koha
10:07 drojf hi #koha
10:22 kf hi drojf
10:24 drojf hi kf
10:52 kf hi khall
10:52 khall hi kf!
11:14 jwagner joined #koha
11:31 kf oh wow thunder
11:31 loud!
11:31 drojf nice :)
11:34 NateC joined #koha
11:51 drnoe joined #koha
12:23 meliss joined #koha
12:23 meliss left #koha
12:25 edveal joined #koha
12:31 marcelr joined #koha
12:37 marcelr hi #koha
12:37 anyone else seen this problem in current master: add/edit items: click Edit: Undefined subroutine &main::plugin_parameters called ? Did not change anything in frameworks..
12:38 Edit marc record gives no problems
12:38 jcamins marcelr: I have not. Is it possible that you were using a plugin that has been deleted?
12:38 marcelr i need to check that
12:38 has one been removed from the codebase
12:38 ?
12:39 jcamins Hmmm...
12:39 I don't think so.
12:39 Not in months and months.
12:46 janPasi_ joined #koha
12:49 nengard joined #koha
12:52 kf hm
12:52 can somen confirm that quotes only show up for untanslated (english) templates?
12:52 the quotes list in the staff interface
12:52 jcamins In tools?
12:52 kf yep
12:52 jcamins It works fine in French.
12:53 kf maybe i mistranslated something
12:53 it doesn't in german
12:53 jcamins And Norwegian.
12:53 wahanui norwegian is like the german!
12:53 kf you don't have german by chance?
12:53 jcamins But not in German.
12:53 kf meh
12:53 jcamins Nor Arabic.
12:54 kf intersting
12:55 * magnuse breathes a selfish sigh of relief
13:00 * kf pokes magnuse
13:01 janPasi joined #koha
13:07 dani joined #koha
13:07 magnuse kf?
13:07 wahanui i think kf is very interested in accessibility
13:07 kf lol
13:07 that was for your selfish sighing :)
13:08 * magnuse will refrain from that in the future, at least in public
13:08 kf heh
13:23 janPasi joined #koha
13:27 oleonard joined #koha
13:28 oleonard Hi #koha
13:29 kf hi oleonard
13:30 jcamins Good morning.
13:35 kf hi jcamins
13:37 kenza++
13:37 oleonard Indeed.
13:37 kenza++
13:38 maximep joined #koha
13:38 kf oleonard: you will still need to rebase :) i failed miserably at trying
13:38 it's probably not hard, i just got confused
13:38 oleonard Doing it now
13:43 tcohen joined #koha
13:48 tcohen morning #koha
13:48 @wunder cordoba, argentina
13:48 huginn` tcohen: The current temperature in Cordoba, Argentina is 20.0°C (10:00 AM ART on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 30%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Pressure: 29.98 in 1015 hPa (Rising).
13:49 kf oleonard++
13:49 and hi tcohen :)
13:54 tcohen hi kf
13:59 druthb @wunder 77098
13:59 huginn` druthb: The current temperature in Morningside Place, Houston, Texas is 26.7°C (8:49 AM CDT on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: -999%. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Rising).
14:02 janPasi joined #koha
14:06 tcohen kf, would u give 10678 a try if have the time?
14:07 it proposes a small workflow change for z39.50 cataloguing
14:12 rambutan @wunder 64507
14:12 huginn` rambutan: The current temperature in Wyatt Park, St Joseph, Missouri is 22.1°C (9:12 AM CDT on August 19, 2013). Conditions: Haze. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: 19.0°C. Pressure: 30.09 in 1019 hPa (Steady).
14:12 jenkins_koha Starting build #54 for job master_maria (previous build: FIXED)
14:16 Starting build #1374 for job Koha_master (previous build: FIXED)
14:18 mcooper joined #koha
14:20 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10704: make OPAC highlighting work across previous/next travel <[…]bba4c0cd0818785a7> / bug 10728: fix additional log noise generated by <[…]ff3fe7864317e5e26> / Bug 10728: fix log noise generated by <http://gi
14:22 kmkale1 joined #koha
14:22 kmkale1 Hello #koha
14:22 jcamins Hey, kmkale1. Long time no see. :)
14:23 kmkale1 Hi jcamins :-) Indeed!! how are you?
14:23 jcamins Doing pretty well. Just launched a new product, which is always exciting.
14:25 kmkale Good to hear that jcamins. ALl the best on the new project
14:25 jcamins Thanks. Are you working on Koha again?
14:25 kmkale No :-(
14:26 Just came to hang and meet friends
14:26 :-)
14:26 druthb Hi, kmkale!  :)
14:26 kmkale hey Ruth :-)
14:26 gmcharlt hi kmkale
14:26 kmkale Hi Galen
14:27 So friends whats happening in kohaland? :-)
14:28 jcamins The RM for 3.12 survived the release process, barely, and is gradually recovering.
14:28 gmcharlt same old, same old, just baking some Koha Pi
14:28 kmkale :-D and who is the brave RM?
14:28 * gmcharlt is
14:28 jcamins gmcharlt: hehe. Very nice.
14:29 kmkale haha then nothing to worry about. Old hand at the helm!!
14:29 gmcharlt hey!  who are you calling old? ;)
14:30 kmkale :-D urm experienced experienced :-P
14:30 gmcharlt heh
14:31 kmkale Hey one quick question : Is koha on Solr now?
14:31 jcamins Not really, no.
14:31 kmkale oh!
14:32 jcamins There is some code for Solr, but it is not full-featured.
14:32 kmkale So whats the roadmap? Zebra AND Solr or Only Zebra?
14:33 jcamins Zebra-only until someone picks up the work on solr.
14:34 kmkale humm. I thought Biblibre had a working setup with solr last time I was around
14:35 jcamins They did, but it was based on 3.2. Some of their code has been ported, but not all.
14:36 kmkale Oh. Just curious cause we are using Solr in our current project.
14:36 jcamins I'm using ElasticSearch in my new project. It's great.
14:40 kf bug 10678
14:40 wahanui bug 10678 is a nice and harmless improvement
14:40 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10678 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Allow framework selection when creating from Z39.50
14:40 kmkale Looks useful. Thanks jcamins
14:40 hi kf :-)
14:46 bye friends. See you around :-)
14:51 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #54: SUCCESS in 39 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/54/
14:51 * Colin Campbell: Bug 10728: fix log noise generated by
14:51 * Galen Charlton: bug 10728: fix additional log noise generated by
14:51 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10728 trivial, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , subscription-renew generates unnecessary warnings in logs
14:52 jenkins_koha Starting build #55 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:00 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order on OPAC tags list <[…]b7d8491ffc41ec40c> / bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for self-check loan list <[…]59a702047dee79137> / bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for OPAC search hi
15:00 gmcharlt oleonard++
15:05 tcohen should postinstall script from packages handle SAX Parser selection?
15:05 jcamins tcohen: it does.
15:06 tcohen i don't see it jcamins
15:06 reiveune bye
15:06 reiveune left #koha
15:06 jcamins tcohen: I don't know where, but it definitely sets up the SAX parser correctly.
15:06 gmcharlt related, the issue becomes moot in Jessie
15:07 tcohen i have a vanilla 12.04 with Expat set as the highest priority
15:07 gmcharlt or rather, could become moot if we bump up the required version of MARC::File::XML to 1.0.1
15:08 kf gmcharlt++
15:08 tcohen does MARC::File::XML take care of setting its xml parser?
15:08 jcamins tcohen: and you're having problems with parsing?
15:09 I found that the packages Just Worked when it camed to selecting a parser, and that I could not recreate any problems with other parsers anyway.
15:09 tcohen i just noticed said my setup was bad
15:10 maybe should not say Expat is bad
15:11 gmcharlt IIRC, there is an edge case where Expat is indeed bad
15:11 I don't have the details hand, however
15:11 jcamins gmcharlt: unfortunately, no one can come up with that edge case.
15:11 gmcharlt s/bad/bad not suited for MARC::File::XML/
15:12 jcamins tcohen: I'm pretty sure that the packages load the correct XML parser anyway.
15:13 tcohen i don't see the install scripts changing anything sax related
15:14 but i'm confident you are right, np
15:14 jcamins Try triggering a stacktrace in the correct SAX parser. I was concerned about the same thing initially, but found that it worked anyway.
15:17 tcohen i'm on vacation today, don't have access to my dev server
15:17 does debian have the update-perl-sax-parsers script?
15:18 it does
15:19 jcamins Looks like it.
15:19 wahanui looks like it is only free as in beer but i think that will do for the person who is supposed to use it
15:19 * druthb chucks a Skittle at wahanui.
15:20 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10701: fix display of transit status on the bibliographic detail page <[…]e5c7f0400bab0c363>
15:24 oleonard wahanui: forget looks like it
15:24 wahanui oleonard: I forgot looks like it
15:24 JesseM joined #koha
15:24 oleonard wahanui: Looks like it is <reply> Can we get some hard data on that?
15:24 wahanui bugger all, i dunno, oleonard
15:24 oleonard dang
15:25 jcamins wahanui: Looks like it is <reply> Can we get some hard data on that$
15:25 wahanui OK, jcamins.
15:25 jcamins Looks like it
15:25 wahanui Can we get some hard data on that$
15:26 meliss joined #koha
15:26 jcamins wahanui: Looks like it is s/\$/?/
15:26 wahanui ...but looks like it is <reply> Can we get some hard data on that$...
15:26 jcamins wahanui: Looks like it is =~ s/\$/?/
15:26 wahanui I didn't have anything matching 'looks like it is', jcamins
15:27 jcamins wahanui: Can we get some hard data on that =~ s/\$/?/
15:27 wahanui I didn't have anything matching 'can we get some hard data on that', jcamins
15:27 jcamins wahanui: Looks like it =~ s/\$/?/
15:27 wahanui That doesn't contain '\$', jcamins
15:27 jcamins wahanui: Looks like it =~ s/$/?/
15:27 wahanui OK, jcamins
15:27 jcamins Looks like it.
15:27 wahanui Can we get some hard data on that?
15:27 jcamins Ha!
15:27 druthb jcamins++
15:27 meliss left #koha
15:29 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #55: SUCCESS in 37 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/55/
15:29 Jonathan Field: Bug 10704: make OPAC highlighting work across previous/next travel
15:29 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10704 trivial, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Search term highlighting doesn't work beyond the first results page
15:29 jenkins_koha Starting build #56 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:31 Project Koha_master build #1374: SUCCESS in 1 hr 15 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1374/
15:31 * Colin Campbell: Bug 10728: fix log noise generated by
15:31 * Galen Charlton: bug 10728: fix additional log noise generated by
15:31 * Jonathan Field: Bug 10704: make OPAC highlighting work across previous/next travel
15:31 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10728 trivial, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , subscription-renew generates unnecessary warnings in logs
15:32 jenkins_koha Starting build #1375 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:42 pianohacker joined #koha
15:51 gaetan_B bye !
16:02 bgkriegel joined #koha
16:06 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #56: SUCCESS in 36 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/56/
16:06 * Owen Leonard: Bug 9916 - Use DataTables in the OPAC
16:06 * Galen Charlton: Bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for OPAC "most popular" page
16:06 * Galen Charlton: bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for OPAC search history
16:06 * Galen Charlton: bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for self-check loan list
16:06 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9916 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Use DataTables in the OPAC
16:06 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order on OPAC tags list
16:06 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10701: fix display of transit status on the bibliographic detail page
16:06 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10701 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , In transit information doesn't display on the bibliographic detail page
16:13 quocuy joined #koha
16:28 uy joined #koha
16:45 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1375: SUCCESS in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1375/
16:45 * Owen Leonard: Bug 9916 - Use DataTables in the OPAC
16:45 * Galen Charlton: Bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for OPAC "most popular" page
16:45 * Galen Charlton: bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for OPAC search history
16:45 * Galen Charlton: bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order for self-check loan list
16:45 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9916 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Use DataTables in the OPAC
16:45 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 9916: (follow-up) restore default sort order on OPAC tags list
16:45 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10701: fix display of transit status on the bibliographic detail page
16:45 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10701 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , In transit information doesn't display on the bibliographic detail page
16:47 jenkins_koha Starting build #1376 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
17:20 kf left #koha
17:24 gmcharlt @quote random
17:24 huginn` gmcharlt: Quote #196: "oleonard: maybe if I didn't have all this Bugzilla stuff stored in my head I would be able to walk and chew gum at the same time." (added by wizzyrea at 04:41 PM, April 02, 2012)
17:46 dani1 joined #koha
17:46 druthb @quote random
17:46 huginn` druthb: Quote #256: "<jcamins> Cool. New and spectacularly revised deduper works. And it is, if I may say, a super deduper." (added by wizzyrea at 03:33 AM, June 05, 2013)
17:46 jcamins lol
17:46 * jcamins amuses himself.
17:47 druthb some persons are easily amused.
17:47 :P
17:47 jcamins You aren't amused by that quote?
17:47 druthb oh, absolutely.
17:58 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1376: SUCCESS in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1376/
18:00 cait joined #koha
18:04 cait good evening #koha
18:06 pianohacker hey cait
18:11 rambutan hi cait
18:17 cait hi rambutan and pianohacker :)
18:19 drnoe left #koha
18:27 gmcharlt jcamins: I call your attention to bug 10766
18:27 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10766 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Needs Signoff , Cataloging reservoir search broken if UseQueryParser is off
18:27 jcamins gmcharlt: gosh that was fast.
18:27 I was going to patch it after I finished this e-mail.
18:27 gmcharlt++
18:28 cait gmcharlt++
18:28 jcamins:  you could fix opacsuppression if you got bored ;)
18:28 and really only joking
18:28 jcamins cait: not a chance.
18:28 drnoe joined #koha
18:28 cait *sigh*
18:29 jcamins 10766 is fixable. opacsuppression... not really.
18:29 cait hm
18:29 not at all?
18:29 jcamins Well, given a saint, sure.
18:29 cait i don't mean the general feature, just that it doesn't work with the queryparser
18:29 jcamins Oh.
18:29 gmcharlt jcamins: you'll notice somebody standing behind you holding up a brass halo ;)
18:29 jcamins That I could fix.
18:30 cait bug 10542
18:30 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10542 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , QueryParser + OpacSuppression doesn't allow search in 'all libraries'
18:30 cait gmcharlt++ #lol :)
18:31 * cait wills her dinner to cook faster
18:38 drojf joined #koha
18:46 * druthb waves to drojf, and offers a cookie.
18:51 meliss1 joined #koha
19:18 cait oleonard++ :)
19:18 sometimes it's really tempting to mark all bugs somehow with one of the modules oleonard takes care of... :)
19:20 oleonard I'm always excited to find a bug I can fix hiding in a module that I don't normally fix bugs in.
19:20 cait heh :)
19:29 drojf if you ever wondered what berlin looks like in 2013, that's it[…]-berlin/all-media
19:31 druthb: thanks for the cookie. don't feel like eating
19:32 jcamins drojf: can you eat things made with rye and spelt flour?
19:33 If there's no wheat.
19:34 I know spelt is safe, but I'm not sure about rye.
19:35 drojf jcamins: i'm completely off gluten, so none of those
19:35 jcamins drojf: I thought spelt was gluten-free?
19:36 drojf no it's no
19:36 not
19:36 jcamins Hm.
19:36 meliss1 left #koha
19:36 jcamins I did not know that.
19:36 tcohen joined #koha
19:37 drojf would be much easier then, i liked spelt more than wheat anyway
19:38 jcamins Are we proposing to get rid of the cataloging search?
19:39 oleonard jcamins: It sounds like the hangup is the ability to search the reservoir
19:39 jcamins I don't quite know what we'd get by removing that.
19:40 I mean, unless we're going to go the Biblionarrator route and massively reconceptualize the catalogue to eliminate the distinction between "professional" and "public" interfaces.
19:40 mtompset joined #koha
19:40 mtompset Greetings, #koha.
19:40 gmcharlt jcamins: oh, that's easy: CCL for ALL!
19:40 ;)
19:41 jcamins And I'm not saying it would be a bad thing to do that. I think it's a great idea. But not something I foresee happening.
19:41 gmcharlt: I prefer QP syntax. It's far less ambiguous.
19:41 oleonard How do you explain to the user the difference between results returned by a regular search and those returned by a "cataloging search?"
19:44 jcamins I generally don't, other than "cataloging search includes results from the reservoir."
19:46 pianohacker I'm separating the two completely in the new cataloging editor, actually
19:47 my hope is to also be able to save to the reservoir and use it as a staging area for records, if that's your thing
19:51 alaquerre joined #koha
19:54 alaquerre Hi all, quick question : Is there any way to add "logic" in the ISBD sys. pref ?  My case is : I would like to move a field display only if the first line is empty. ( If 100$xx are empty, move 260$c after 245$xx, if 100$XX is not empty display 260$c before 245$xx).
19:55 alaquerre joined #koha
19:56 alaquerre Reference : http://manual.koha-community.o[…]ion.html#isbdpref
19:56 pianohacker alaquerre: What you're talking about would be much easier with XSLT
19:57 alaquerre I know but user are asking us to be able to do so.
19:58 jcamins alaquerre: I do not think that can be done.
19:58 Though I could be wrong.
20:00 alaquerre I did try to put in javascript but did'nt work.. thanks anyway! :-)
20:06 * cait waves again
20:06 switches to mean qa mode
20:08 cait hm.
20:08 khall: still around?
20:09 mtompset mean qa mode?!
20:09 Is there a non-mean qa mode too, cait?
20:09 cait not really
20:11 jcamins There's "not doing QA."
20:12 cait hm yeah
20:12 but right now I woudl ike to know why this test fails
20:13 hm, does db_d/Circulation.t fial for someone else?
20:13 I think it should work... but it doesn't
20:13 for me
20:13 jcamins It passes for me.
20:14 dani joined #koha
20:14 cait ah he flees.
20:14 jcamins: i htink i am missing something in my database probably
20:15 aah
20:15 mismathc of ids between reserves and old_reserves?
20:15 truncating old_reserves fixed it
20:21 tcohen cait, question on top most circulated items
20:21 cait uhoh
20:21 ok? :)
20:21 tcohen would u agree that if no check-in filter is passed, current loans should be considered too?
20:28 cait tcohen: um
20:28 where is that?
20:28 wahanui well, that is a good idea.
20:28 cait not sure what we are talking about :)
20:29 tcohen cgi-bin/koha/reports/
20:30 cait tcohen: hm i think i disagree
20:30 maybe we should have a checkbox
20:30 include/not include checked out items
20:31 does it query issues and old_issues already?
20:31 tcohen it only queries old-issues
20:32 cait hm i think that's not an easy question
20:32 but i wouldn't make it dependenton the checkin /checkout dates
20:32 i think i wouldn't expect that to make a difference
20:32 tcohen it depends on the definition of "circulated" I guess
20:33 oleonard Bye everyone
20:33 cait tcohen: maybe
20:33 tcohen: i think an explicit filter would be nicest
20:33 tcohen but "renewed" should count as checked-in and then checked-out again
20:33 cait hm no i don't think so
20:34 i know some ils does it that way
20:34 tcohen ok, so it is customary to count only checked-in items, and libraries expect Koha to work like that
20:35 cait i don't really know :(
20:35 you might want to ask some more people - maybe wizzyrea
20:35 tcohen our libraries don't use the report because they find it in-accurate
20:36 cait i think it really depends on definition a lot
20:36 tcohen yeah, I guess
20:36 thanks cait
20:37 edveal joined #koha
20:57 wizzyrea sorry I saw my neam
20:57 name*
20:57 cait tcohen was confusing me about the most circulated item reports
20:57 wizzyrea also good morning
20:57 cait and i was hoping for your help :)
20:58 * wizzyrea wonders why it doesn't ask statistics.
20:58 cait also an excellent question
20:59 wizzyrea the question is whether "most circulated" should look at current loans in addition to completed loans?
21:00 cait one of the questions i guess
21:08 rangi kenza++
21:08 joubu++
21:23 dani left #koha
21:24 rambutan joined #koha
22:05 cait night all
22:05 wahanui goodnight cait. You'll be back.
22:05 cait left #koha
22:07 edveal joined #koha
22:50 BobB joined #koha
22:55 papa joined #koha
22:56 rambutan joined #koha
23:14 maximep left #koha
23:18 NateC joined #koha
23:20 dcook joined #koha
23:22 dcook morning #koha
23:32 rambutan joined #koha
23:35 mtompset Greetings, dcook. :)
23:35 dcook hey ya mtompset
23:39 Irma joined #koha

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