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All times shown according to UTC.
Time | Nick | Message |
00:01 | luisb joined #koha | |
00:03 | luisb joined #koha | |
00:21 | lculber joined #koha | |
00:22 | lculber | We have a serious problem with our production server 3.4. We tried to reindex using zebra -b -x -r -v (lots of long records which is why we use xml) and we get nothing. |
00:22 | never any problem before | |
00:22 | A search of the database shows all of the bibliorecords are there. | |
00:24 | eythian | what do you mean by "get nothing"? |
00:24 | lculber | A search for keywords "test" gets no results. A search for Mississippi which should give thousands gives nothing. and so on |
00:25 | No results in the searches | |
00:25 | Using -v made everything look fine. There were no signs of trouble. | |
00:27 | We get "no results found" | |
00:29 | We've run the rebuild_zebra twice and are about to run it again our of pure desperation | |
00:30 | our/out | |
00:35 | jcamins_away | stadf |
00:35 | staff client too? | |
00:36 | lculber | Yes, both the staff client and the opac |
00:37 | All types of searches | |
00:37 | eythian | lculber: what happens when you run rebuild_zebra? does it do anything? |
00:37 | does it stop with an error? | |
00:37 | jcamins_away | rrestart zebrasrv |
00:38 | lculber | Zebra runs wilth with no errors. We were using -v and it runs looking normal |
00:38 | eythian | and is zebrasrv running? |
00:38 | (either way, restart it) | |
00:38 | lculber | We tried starting zebrasrv just before restarting this last rebuild |
00:39 | jcamins_away | house open. time for show |
00:39 | eythian | did you check that it is running? permission errors can prevent it from starting sometimes. |
00:40 | lculber | zebrasrv was running, but we restarted it, right before restarting rebuilding the index for the third time |
00:41 | eythian | run it manually in the foreground and it'll tell you what queries it's getting from Koha when you search. |
00:41 | lculber | It is running slower and taking a lot longer this time. I had worried about it running so fast the last too times. |
00:41 | too/two | |
00:42 | eythian: How do I run it in the foreround to see the queries? | |
00:43 | sorry, I'm getting tired, I meant foreground. How do I run zebrasrv in the foreground? | |
00:43 | eythian | have a look at the script you're using to launch it, and do the same thing it does, except don't redirect the output elsewhere. |
00:44 | and add '-v all' | |
00:44 | lculber | Okay, Right. Makes sense |
00:47 | edveal joined #koha | |
00:50 | Space_Librarian joined #koha | |
00:50 | drojf1 joined #koha | |
00:50 | liw joined #koha | |
00:50 | clrh joined #koha | |
00:50 | dpavlin_ joined #koha | |
00:50 | fredericd joined #koha | |
00:50 | jenkins_koha joined #koha | |
00:50 | slef joined #koha | |
00:55 | lculber | We finished the reindexing after restarting zebrasrv and still have no results for searches in either the opac or staff |
01:01 | eythian | what happened when you ran zebrasrv in the foreground so you could see what it was doing? |
01:02 | oleonard joined #koha | |
01:05 | lculber | We can't zebrasrv to run in the foreground. It says failed to listen |
01:12 | melia left #koha | |
01:17 | lculber | Okay we got zebrasrv to run in the foreground. One of the things it says is result set not immediately available |
01:18 | Another is search bilbios error 109 | |
01:19 | eythian | does it say anything about why? Although you've pretty much reached the end of my zebra knowledge. |
01:23 | slef | replace the ZEBRAOPTIONS="-v none,fatal,warn" with ZEBRAOPTIONS="-v all" in the koha-zebra-ctl.sh or /etc/init.d/koha-zebra-daemon and restart it, then look at the log files, but remember to put them back afterwards |
01:23 | lculber | We don't really see any errors. It just says returning no log bits for search sets |
01:24 | slef | now I'm really asleep else I'll fall asleep in tomorrow's meeting |
01:24 | lculber | slef: Should we do that and then reindex? |
01:25 | Or just do that and then search? | |
01:25 | eythian | I think you've reindexed enough for now. If it was going to help, it would have done so. |
01:25 | lculber | Okay |
01:25 | eythian | I's suggest putting the whole output from zebrasrv into paste and seeing if anyone spots something. |
01:27 | cul_away left #koha | |
01:29 | eythian | anyone know why amazon reviews won't be showing up in the OPAC? |
01:33 | libsysguy joined #koha | |
01:34 | pastebot | "lculber" at pasted "zebrasrv" (58 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/247 |
01:35 | libsysguy | @later tell jcamins hit me up when you get a chance I have a question about your linker patch |
01:35 | huginn` | libsysguy: The operation succeeded. |
01:35 | lculber | Looks like the error is Search biblios ERROR 109 1 1+0 RPN @attrset Bib-1 @not @attr 1=1016 @attr 4=6 test @attr 1=9011 1 |
01:36 | whatever that means | |
01:39 | eythian | lculber: it seems to be a not unknown problem, but I can't find a real solution for it. |
01:39 | maybe re-initialise your zebra index from scratch. | |
01:40 | (I'm not sure how to do that, it might be as simple as deleting it and doing a reindex, but I'm not sure) | |
01:49 | jwagner joined #koha | |
01:50 | lculber | eythian: we are redoing the index again with the -r option yet again - this is for the fourth time. Hopefully, this time it will work. The zebrasrv isn't showing anything |
01:51 | eythian | I don't think just doing a rebuild is likely to help if it didn't the previous three times. It's not a magical solution, unfortuntately. |
01:52 | pt joined #koha | |
01:52 | lculber | We could use some magic. |
01:53 | I've been at work 13 hours and counting. | |
01:55 | Brooke joined #koha | |
01:55 | Brooke | howdy |
01:55 | wahanui | hi, Brooke |
01:56 | eythian | I think what you should do is to reinitialise the whole zebra database from scratch. Rebuild doesn't do that. |
01:56 | But you'll have to find someone who knows how, I don't. | |
01:56 | Space_Librarian | o/ Brooke |
01:56 | * Brooke | hugs space_librarian |
01:57 | * Space_Librarian | hugs Brooke :) |
01:57 | lculber | Who knows how to reinitialise the whole zebra database from scratch without rebuilding the database? |
01:58 | RA joined #koha | |
02:00 | eythian | http://koha-community.org/faq/[…]ndex-start-again/ <-- lculber, the bit after "if this doesn't work" is what I was thinking. |
02:00 | Brooke | #startmeeting |
02:00 | huginn` | Meeting started Wed Feb 8 02:00:14 2012 UTC. The chair is Brooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
02:00 | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. | |
02:00 | Brooke | #topic Welcome |
02:00 | Topic for #koha is now Welcome | |
02:00 | Brooke | please introduce yourselves using #info |
02:00 | thd | #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City |
02:01 | jwagner | #info Jane Wagner LibLime/PTFS |
02:01 | Space_Librarian | #info Shelley Gurney, NZICA, Wellington |
02:01 | eythian | #info Robin Sheat, Catalyst IT, Wellington |
02:02 | RA | #info rafael antonio, Portugal |
02:02 | paul_p joined #koha | |
02:02 | paul_p | hello #koha |
02:03 | Topic for #koha is now #Announcements | |
02:03 | Brooke | Anything to announce? |
02:04 | paul_p | #info paul P, current Release Manager, BibLibre, France |
02:04 | Topic for #koha is now Roadmap to 3.4 | |
02:04 | Brooke | 3.4 news anyone? |
02:05 | paul_p | chris_n not here, I fear there won't be any |
02:05 | Topic for #koha is now Roadmap to 3.6 | |
02:05 | Brooke | prolly the same thing but who knows |
02:06 | #info if you have stuff that you missed mentioning for 3.4 or 3.6 send it to the list or stick it in the newsletter or on the wiki | |
02:06 | Topic for #koha is now Roadmap to 3.8 | |
02:06 | paul_p | this one is for me probably... |
02:06 | Brooke | yep |
02:07 | paul_p | still trying to finish opening my eyes... |
02:07 | well, as usual, I made a gave all infos on my RM newsletter. | |
02:08 | I sent a request for testing sandboxes on koha-devel a few days ago, and got no feedback | |
02:08 | Brooke | perhaps try duplicating that to the main list |
02:08 | I was going to suggest that for your Patch Discussion as well | |
02:09 | paul_p | I'd really liked to have feedback before deploying the sandboxes on the 10 servers. |
02:09 | Brooke | #help test out the sandboxes |
02:09 | paul_p | oleonard tested once, I know wizzyrea gave a try as well (but she didn't send me any feedback) |
02:10 | I'm really hoping it will help having more tester. I'm even thinking about organizing some training session for french libraries about that. | |
02:10 | (ie : what's the workflow, how it works, how to use sandboxes) | |
02:10 | thd | If I would have time in a fully awake state, I would be happy to test and give some feedback. |
02:11 | paul_p | to attract more ppl |
02:11 | thd don't hesitate ;-) | |
02:11 | thd | paul_p: If you can buy me some sleep I will have more. |
02:11 | oleonard joined #koha | |
02:12 | * oleonard | apologizes for his lateness |
02:12 | paul_p | hi oleonard |
02:12 | thd | I like Brooke's idea of asking on the main list where more people are giving attention. |
02:12 | RA | I will be interested to participate on testing |
02:12 | Brooke | RA++ |
02:13 | anything else for 3.8? | |
02:13 | paul_p | Brooke RA ??? |
02:13 | ah, OK sorry | |
02:13 | Brooke | he said he'd test. This is good :) |
02:14 | paul_p | hi RA, I don't remember speaking with you here before |
02:14 | RA | Paul can i send you my email? We live in europe so we are very near... |
02:14 | paul_p | well about 3.8 nothing more I think |
02:14 | RA of course you can | |
02:15 | Topic for #koha is now #kohacon2012 | |
02:15 | RA | Rafael.antonio at sapo.pt |
02:15 | Brooke | K |
02:15 | paul_p | RA = Rafael, PT, (seenn in the minutes) |
02:15 | Brooke | Slef is asleep |
02:15 | but | |
02:15 | #info Conference Tue 5 June 2012 to Thu 7th, Hackfest Sat 9th June-Mon 11th June | |
02:15 | Deposit has been placed for the venue. | |
02:15 | hooray :D | |
02:16 | uhh looks like he wants us to spread the word | |
02:16 | so I'd say | |
02:16 | http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]n12_Announcements | |
02:16 | look there and either edit or just plain gossip :) | |
02:16 | paul_p | (what does it mean -the frenchy don't understand- ?) |
02:16 | Brooke | preferably if you send it out mark it with (I already bugged these people ; date ) |
02:16 | paul_p | (Deposit has been placed for the venue) |
02:16 | Brooke | it means we have a place to go :) |
02:17 | d'argent has been le paid :) | |
02:17 | or at least some | |
02:17 | Space_Librarian | :) |
02:17 | paul_p | OK, got it |
02:17 | * oleonard | groans |
02:17 | Brooke | msg slef your email address to join the volunteers mailing list and he'll get back to you before the end of the week. |
02:17 | paul_p | (and in fact I understood, but thought I hadn't) |
02:17 | thd | paul_p: non-refundable payment as security against changing one's mind. |
02:18 | Brooke | so I'ma say questions to slef. |
02:18 | Topic for #koha is now Patch Status Discussion | |
02:18 | paul_p | this one is for me too ;-) |
02:19 | We've recently added a "in discussion" bug status | |
02:19 | so me must organize how to deal with "in discussion" to avoid having bugs staying in discussion but no discussion... | |
02:19 | I made a proposal on the wiki agenda | |
02:20 | have a wiki page "in discussion" pointing to all pending discussion. announce all discussion to koha-devel | |
02:20 | each discussion will have a timeline for everyone to argue (2 weeks ? maybe depending on the complexity of the discussion, but should never be more than 1 month) | |
02:20 | at the end of the timeline, if no clear agreement reached on the wiki discussion, open a vote, that would be made on the wiki page, announced on koha-devel mailing list, open for one week | |
02:20 | depending on the result of the vote, change the status of the bug to "exit" in discussion | |
02:20 | Irma joined #koha | |
02:20 | paul_p | there are something like 10 discussions to start already |
02:20 | Brooke | okay |
02:20 | so | |
02:20 | first thing | |
02:20 | paul_p | I'm OK to write the wiki page explaining the problems |
02:20 | RA | Sorry but i am quiting. Bye |
02:21 | paul_p | bye RA. sweet dreams |
02:21 | Brooke | I'd like a wiki page to be called summat better than "In discussion" cause that's not terribly descriptive |
02:21 | * oleonard | thinks the term "summat" is confusing to English and non-English speakers alike |
02:22 | Brooke | this is true |
02:22 | I'm thinking "Bug and Enhancement Discussion" Is that amenable? | |
02:22 | paul_p | Brooke of course. Your english is rumored to be better than mine |
02:22 | Brooke | then we can have subcategories for bugs and enhancements |
02:23 | perhaps further subdivided by severity | |
02:23 | so that folks get to talking about stuff that's more important first | |
02:23 | it's just a rumour, paul | |
02:23 | I think you're prolly easier to understand than me at most times | |
02:23 | paul_p | I was thinking that this page would be an entry, listing all discussions. This listing would, you're right have a column "severity" |
02:23 | Brooke not false ;-) | |
02:24 | Brooke | k |
02:24 | thd | paul_p: Is discussion not useful for all bugs? What is the special distinction which you are proposing? |
02:24 | jransom joined #koha | |
02:24 | oleonard | Not all bugs raise issues which don't have a clear consensus |
02:25 | Brooke | I agree owen |
02:25 | paul_p | thd : look at 7387, 7248 and 6193 |
02:25 | jransom | Apologies for lateness (Jo Ransom - HLT) |
02:25 | Brooke | you wouldn't want to go discussing history.txt changes, yes? |
02:25 | paul_p | they try to add caching, with different methods, and introduce some change over existing caching |
02:26 | what do we want to do ? we need to be consistent, so this must be discussed | |
02:26 | then a decision, then we all know where we're going | |
02:27 | Brooke | I don't think we've fleshed this out quite enough for a vote just yet |
02:27 | I think the wiki component is done, but I could be wrong | |
02:27 | oleonard | I worry that a wiki page will not get noticed. Is a thread on the devel list not more amenable to discussions? |
02:27 | paul_p | bug 7075 is a little bit different = seems it can't be reproduced anymore. Maybe it's not worth discussing a lot for this one. but it will at least highlight the problem |
02:27 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7075 trivial, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, chris, In Discussion , Fine in days values are returned for patrons with past overdues when fine in days is set to 0 |
02:27 | paul_p | oleonard in y proposition, there will be both |
02:27 | Brooke | there's going to be a thread on devel according to the proposal |
02:27 | paul_p | do a page / send a mail to koha-devel |
02:27 | Brooke | but I'd add the main list |
02:27 | I want to avoid programming in a vacuum at all costs. | |
02:28 | SpaceLibrarian joined #koha | |
02:28 | paul_p | Brooke agreed for some discussions, but I feel that sometimes it would just confuse |
02:28 | for example, the "how to manage caching" discussion is a technical one | |
02:28 | Brooke | I think the folks that are confused would either not take part or perhaps might learn summat |
02:29 | oleonard | I think already folks on the Koha list thing it's too technically-oriented |
02:29 | ...hence calls for a separate user list | |
02:30 | paul_p | I won't argue a lot against the idea to send mail to koha main list if you think it's a good idea. |
02:30 | Brooke | I think it's worth it for a lot of the things that would change functionality |
02:31 | paul_p | maybe there should be a specific title header, like [DISCUSSION TECH] or [DISCUSSION FEATURE] |
02:31 | Brooke definetly ! | |
02:31 | Brooke | that would probably help folks sort their mail and hit their delete keys sooner :) |
02:31 | okay so timelines | |
02:31 | we have meetings monthly | |
02:31 | but you want this to be a 2 week span | |
02:32 | also, GBSD is theoretically monthly too, yes? | |
02:32 | thd | paul_p: Librarians should probably be alerted where library science issues are at stake but those questions are generally different from what I think you are intending. |
02:32 | SpaceLibrarian | agree with thd |
02:32 | paul_p | thd probably |
02:33 | Brooke would you suggest something like : "open the discussion until next IRC -but no less than 1 week- and validate the decision here" ? | |
02:33 | thd | paul_p: Nothing should ever preclude subsequent discussion after some time period if there is a serious issue to be discussed. |
02:34 | paul_p | (validate or vote) |
02:34 | Brooke | #idea discussion mails will be flagged [Discussion Tech] [Discussion Feature] so folks that don't wish to follow a thread can easily delete |
02:34 | I think we need to separate that a bit | |
02:34 | paul_p | #idea discussion mails will be sent to both koha-devel and koha main mailing list |
02:35 | Brooke | is there anyone here that thinks discussion should last LESS than a week? |
02:35 | thd | Brooke: Your flagging idea is even better for alerting people to pay attention as opposed to ignoring. |
02:35 | Brooke | not my idea, pauls :D |
02:35 | thd | :0 |
02:35 | Brooke | going once |
02:35 | paul_p | my main concern is to have everybody able to say what they think, not everybody is at the IRC meeting |
02:35 | Brooke | going twice |
02:35 | I agree paul | |
02:35 | going gone | |
02:36 | paul_p | Brooke sometimes the discussion will quickly reach an agreement |
02:36 | Brooke | one hopes |
02:36 | SpaceLibrarian | indeed |
02:36 | paul_p | but less than a week seems really short |
02:36 | Brooke | right |
02:36 | which everyone agreed with | |
02:36 | thd | the 2 UTC hour seems about the worst for IRC participation. |
02:37 | paul_p | seems... |
02:37 | SpaceLibrarian | possibly because a good chunk from our side are actually in the middle of a library conference this time. |
02:37 | Brooke | seems that Kiwis make their plum time |
02:37 | eythian | Yeah, everyone's at Vala |
02:37 | Brooke | anyhow |
02:37 | paul_p | Brooke also seems that rangi & bob/irma are at a conf |
02:37 | oleonard | No excuses for the Americans :P |
02:38 | Brooke | moving to vote |
02:38 | question will be | |
02:38 | Discussion will be opened over the listserv and closed at the IRC meeting but never less than a week's time for input | |
02:38 | all in favour +1 | |
02:39 | if that doesn't make sense, say so and I'll try a rephrase | |
02:39 | oleonard | +1 |
02:39 | paul_p | +1 |
02:39 | SpaceLibrarian | +1 |
02:39 | thd | Brooke: Discussion of what? |
02:40 | Brooke: I am confused about the question being put to a vote. | |
02:40 | Brooke | Bugs and Patchs as per paul's prior discussion |
02:40 | patches even | |
02:40 | thd | +1 |
02:41 | Brooke | okay |
02:41 | hopefully this will work | |
02:41 | it carries | |
02:41 | Topic for #koha is now GBSD | |
02:41 | Brooke | hey, guess what |
02:41 | it's global bug squashing day | |
02:41 | :) | |
02:42 | paul_p | the pile of bugs pending QA has grown to 14 today. It was something like 8 yesterday. |
02:42 | Brooke | I think we've got a lot done thanks to that |
02:42 | paul_p | the pile of "need signoff" has moved from 94 to 66 |
02:42 | Brooke | hooray |
02:43 | oleonard | http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]bug_squashing_day |
02:43 | Brooke | #info thanks bug squashers :D |
02:43 | paul_p | #info more bug testers needed |
02:43 | really. | |
02:43 | Topic for #koha is now Actions from Last Meeting | |
02:44 | paul_p | cait noticed a few days ago that some bugs stay "need signoff" probably because they are hard to test. |
02:44 | Brooke | Did we need to review anything from last meeting? |
02:45 | paul_p | she said something like "easy or small bugs are usually fast to be signed off, but hardest ones are not" |
02:45 | (still on previous topic) | |
02:45 | Brooke | it's a sticky problem |
02:45 | paul_p | agreed |
02:45 | Brooke | just like attracting people that are not professional developers associated with the project is |
02:45 | if we could work on either | |
02:46 | it'd be a damn fine day | |
02:46 | Topic for #koha is now Miscellaneous | |
02:46 | Brooke | any other stuff? |
02:46 | thd | paul_p: What we do not want and apparently do not have for these is people signing off without really taking the time to test properly. |
02:47 | paul_p | thd ??? |
02:47 | wahanui | thd is concerned that CCL, Pazpar2, and Zebra support should not be an either that or Solr/Lucene option. We need CCL and Pazpar2 for metasearch and we currently need Zebra for a Z39.50/SRU server. or concerned that indentation styles which do not collapse in vim lead to overly long lines which cannot always be broken across multiple lines. |
02:47 | thd | old news wahanui |
02:47 | paul_p | (well, I think I understand and agree) |
02:48 | thd | paul_p: Send reminders about testing patches to the mailing list with catchy subject lines. |
02:49 | Brooke | which was settled earlier under the discussion tag thing :) |
02:49 | thd | :) |
02:49 | Topic for #koha is now Time of Next Meeting | |
02:49 | paul_p | that could be a good plan with sandboxes = it will be easier to do. will do that frequently, thx thd |
02:49 | Brooke | I'm suggesting 14 March 18.00 UTC |
02:50 | good? +1 | |
02:50 | paul_p | -1 |
02:50 | thd | [Test this bug for the great warm bug tester glow] |
02:50 | Brooke | problem with the day paul? |
02:50 | paul_p | could it be the next week ? because it's the hackfest in europe |
02:50 | Brooke | ah crap |
02:50 | of course | |
02:50 | edveal joined #koha | |
02:51 | paul_p | 21th could be fun = we could stay and have dinner while IRCing |
02:51 | Brooke | 21 March 18.00 UTC |
02:51 | paul_p | (will be 7PM for us) |
02:51 | thd | +1 |
02:51 | paul_p | +1 |
02:51 | jwagner | Why the move away from the first week in March? |
02:51 | Brooke | cause I'm going to the opera |
02:52 | paul_p | lol (be it true or not ;-) ) |
02:52 | Brooke | if someone else wants to chair, fine by me |
02:52 | jwagner | For the entire week? |
02:52 | thd | jwagner: A fine reason. |
02:52 | jwagner: I think that the issue is also that Wednesday is favoured. | |
02:52 | Brooke | do you have an issue with 21 March jane? |
02:53 | paul_p | wed++ for me |
02:53 | jwagner | Just wondering -- the meeting is normally first week, and this will be a six-week gap |
02:53 | thd | s/Wednesday/Wednesday UTC/ # actual day varies with time zone |
02:53 | Brooke | might be a good thing |
02:54 | any other feedback? | |
02:54 | oleonard | 21st is fine with me |
02:54 | thd | jwagner: People might have to actually use the mailing list and non-meeting IRC a bit more to communicate during the interval :) |
02:54 | Brooke | #agreed Next meeting 21 March 18.00 UTC |
02:54 | #endmeeting | |
02:54 | Topic for #koha is now Koha 3.6.3 & 3.4.8 & 3.2.11 are now available ; Next General IRC Meeting 8 February at 2:00 UTC+0 | http://www.koha-community.org | http://paste.koha-community.org | |
02:54 | huginn` | Meeting ended Wed Feb 8 02:54:44 2012 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
02:54 | Minutes: http://librarypolice.com/koha-[…]-02-08-02.00.html | |
02:54 | Minutes (text): http://librarypolice.com/koha-[…]2-02-08-02.00.txt | |
02:54 | Log: http://librarypolice.com/koha-[…]08-02.00.log.html | |
02:55 | oleonard | That meeting was...shall we say...intimate in scale. |
02:55 | paul_p | yeah ! thx for this short meeting. Going to bed again ! |
02:55 | oleonard | Thanks for being here paul_p |
02:55 | Brooke | the kiwi ones generally are |
02:55 | but I <3 them any way :) | |
02:55 | also less than an hour is a happy thing | |
02:55 | paul_p | oleonard yep, was intimate and efficient. |
02:55 | is the later because of the former ? | |
02:56 | Brooke | mebbe |
02:56 | but there wasn't anything on the agenda that was cagematchy | |
02:56 | which helps | |
02:56 | paul_p | I think it's also because we hadn't too many decisions to discuss |
02:56 | Brooke | Aedunno, I think your patch thing was substantive |
02:56 | paul_p | I think we should not *start* discussions during the IRC. We should *close* them |
02:56 | thd | oleonard: This hour generally guarantees shorter meetings but unfortunately also less participation. |
02:57 | Brooke | I'm fine with them starting and closing |
02:57 | lculber joined #koha | |
02:57 | Brooke | I'm not fine with never voting |
02:57 | which I think I'm dragging people into kicking and screaming | |
02:57 | I'd rather know that no one likes summat than not know where anyone is | |
02:57 | lculber | Is there anyone still up who knows how to reinitialise the whole zebra database from scratch without rebuilding the database? |
02:57 | paul_p | at BibLibre, clrh help us using timeboxing |
02:57 | lculber | We've reindexed 5 times now |
02:58 | paul_p | that was new to me, and I see it's really efficient. |
02:58 | Brooke | paul is that a trick you kow? |
02:58 | paul_p | Brooke ? |
02:58 | wahanui | I'M TAKING THE PISS OUT OF 'EM. or a ratbag. |
02:58 | Brooke | heh |
02:58 | can you help linda? | |
02:58 | paul_p | not now, i want my bed again ... |
02:59 | bye #koha (4AM for me) | |
02:59 | oleonard | Yes, let paul_p go to bed! |
02:59 | lculber | Yeah, me too. I've been at work 15 hours now. |
02:59 | Brooke | mebbe mail paul and he'll get back to ye |
02:59 | eythian | lculber: what happened when you tried the info in that link I sent you? |
02:59 | thd | paul_p: I think what Brooke had meant to ask is whether there is a timeboxing trick we could use more generally. |
02:59 | Brooke | no that's not what I meant thd |
02:59 | thd | never mind |
02:59 | Brooke | the meeting time is always going to favour one section of the globe |
03:00 | the only equitable thing to do is rotate the time | |
03:00 | oleonard | lculber, you'll certainly be able to get advice tomorrow |
03:00 | * oleonard | is zebra-ignorant |
03:00 | lculber | We've still been working on it. What we've come up with is copying over from last night, and losing today. That's the best we can do |
03:00 | Brooke | I still don't mind the kiwi plum time because it's very seldom that we don't get lots of kiwis at their time |
03:00 | thd | Brooke: what had you meant? |
03:00 | Brooke | I had meant that Paul should help Linda XD |
03:00 | thd | I took those as separate |
03:01 | eythian | lculber: what did you do that caused it to start happening? |
03:02 | oleonard | See you in 10 hours #koha |
03:03 | lculber | We had made a change to the index in the test database that worked, Then did in another instance, and it worked, and then did the exact same thing in this one, and boom!! |
03:04 | thd | perhaps eythian will help. Zebra indexing seems a little too much like a black box for which an expedient method of killing phantom records from a previous indexing run is a mystery too me. |
03:04 | s/too/to/ | |
03:04 | eythian | lculber: what change did you make? |
03:04 | lculber | It was to make the call number index. Kyle had shown us how to do it and it worked on the test server and in two instances on the production server. |
03:05 | thd | s/to/too/ ; s/too me/to me/ ; |
03:05 | libsysguy joined #koha | |
03:05 | eythian | you didn't happen to make an error when making the change on the third? |
03:06 | lculber | I ran a diff and it showed nothing. And, since I'm paranoid, I had made a backup and changed it back. It didn't help. Still broken. |
03:06 | libsysguy | seen bag |
03:06 | wahanui | bag was last seen on #koha 9 hours, 37 minutes and 36 seconds ago, saying: bug 7458 [Tue Feb 7 17:28:48 2012] |
03:06 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7458 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, srdjan, Needs Signoff , New call number allocation plugin |
03:06 | bag | hey |
03:06 | libsysguy | sup |
03:06 | bag | wassup |
03:07 | libsysguy | nm just working on some koha patches for my class project |
03:07 | wondering if you still wanted my code for hourly | |
03:07 | eythian | lculber: did you try the thing in the link I sent? |
03:08 | lculber | Yes. I've tried that, and pasted the error to the irc but it was right before the meeting. |
03:09 | eythian | the only thing before the meeting was me sending you that link :) |
03:10 | Brooke | thanks for coming back again after the meeting :) |
03:10 | lculber | Right. And we ran that which you sent during the meeting - twice. |
03:10 | I actually lurked during the meeting. | |
03:11 | eythian | can you send the output from the last rebuild_zebra? |
03:11 | (using paste) | |
03:12 | pastebot | "lculber" at pasted "output from index" (40 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/248 |
03:13 | eythian | uhm that's fishy |
03:13 | it shouldn't take <1 second to process 100,000 records. | |
03:13 | lculber | What we discovered was that it wasn't writing to the the zebradb at all and the permissions are fine. So we copied over from another instance that has the same data |
03:13 | Well - not the same data - we are missing today | |
03:14 | eythian | does /etc/catalog/zebradb/zebra-biblios.cfg exist? |
03:14 | that's an unusal path | |
03:15 | lculber | let me check |
03:15 | eythian | and, if so, does it match what's on the machines that worked? |
03:15 | lculber | what we found was that running rebuild -b -r empties it out but doen't rebuild it. |
03:16 | eythian | hmm |
03:16 | lculber | The match is a day off. The machine that is broken is the machine that the catalogers add to. |
03:16 | eythian | well, it's more a case of "does the file exist"? |
03:17 | * thd | must eat |
03:17 | lculber | yes I see /etc/catalog/zebradb/zebra-biblios.cfg |
03:18 | and it is owned by koha | |
03:18 | eythian | OK |
03:19 | something has changed recently that seems to cause a reindex to not put out as much information as it should, previously it gave a summary of what it had done. | |
03:20 | THis change makes things harder to fix. | |
03:21 | lculber | The only thing different in the cfg files is the name of the instance name |
03:21 | Amit_Gupta joined #koha | |
03:21 | Amit_Gupta | heya bag |
03:22 | bag | hey Amit_Gupta |
03:24 | eythian | lculber: I'm kinda stumped really. It's tedious and tricky, but you could try doing the reindexing part by hand to see what's happening. Turning all the debug options you can find on. |
03:24 | Amit_Gupta | heya Robin |
03:24 | eythian | hi there Amit_Gupta |
03:26 | lculber | We're giving up for tonight and going to try again tomorrow. We think something happened today that we need to figure out and need some sleep. Thanks all. |
03:34 | cjh joined #koha | |
03:39 | BobB joined #koha | |
03:41 | BobB | @seen mtj |
03:41 | huginn` | BobB: mtj was last seen in #koha 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 18 seconds ago: * mtj waves to all |
03:43 | eythian | wahanui: amazon reviews |
03:43 | wahanui | eythian: excuse me? |
03:43 | eythian | wahanui: amazon reviews is <reply>they won't work until bug 5568 is fixed |
03:43 | wahanui | OK, eythian. |
03:43 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5568 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Upgrade Amazon module to support Product Advertising API |
03:48 | Amit_Gupta | @seen Amit_gupta |
03:48 | huginn` | Amit_Gupta: Amit_gupta was last seen in #koha 24 minutes and 39 seconds ago: <Amit_Gupta> heya Robin |
03:49 | Amit_Gupta | @seen mtj |
03:49 | huginn` | Amit_Gupta: mtj was last seen in #koha 6 hours, 19 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: * mtj waves to all |
04:10 | BobB_ joined #koha | |
04:14 | libsysguy | anybody have a good idea of how receiving a new shipment works? |
04:15 | I am trying to add some fields and it just occurred to me that I have no idea how it actually functions | |
04:43 | Irma left #koha | |
05:01 | Amit_Gupta joined #koha | |
05:17 | cait joined #koha | |
05:32 | libsysguy | hi cait |
05:32 | i just saw your comment | |
05:32 | cait | :) |
05:33 | libsysguy | I was reading through that bug report |
05:33 | cait | I wanted to test it |
05:33 | but had no time yet | |
05:33 | libsysguy | is that ready to go or is it still waiting on table modifications |
05:33 | cait | it sure looks very interesting |
05:33 | libsysguy | I am not very familiar with that section of Koha |
05:33 | cait | the table name is only a small bit, it waits still for testing mostly |
05:33 | but I think having a separate table is a good idea | |
05:34 | libsysguy | ok |
05:34 | I was actaully almost done with the bug that I submitted | |
05:34 | cait | paul_p asked me to test the functionality but I had no time, so he suggested to move to in discussion for the table name |
05:34 | yeah I thought so | |
05:34 | that's why you should file the bug first ;) | |
05:34 | libsysguy | lol yeah you know I work quick :p |
05:34 | oh I did | |
05:34 | cait | and search bugzilla |
05:34 | libsysguy | i filed then started working |
05:35 | cait | alll I did was a search for invoices |
05:35 | libsysguy | yeah…I didn't think to look for parcel |
05:35 | i did a search for shipment date and invoice date | |
05:36 | I should probably just get better at searching for bugs | |
05:36 | :-\ | |
05:36 | cait | broader terms are better in my experiecne :( |
05:36 | libsysguy | its ok…what i've done didn't take much time |
05:36 | cait | bugzilla is not really like koha |
05:36 | in terms of search *sigh* | |
05:36 | I knew it was there | |
05:37 | libsysguy | i can just revert my work |
05:37 | ill keep an eye on that bug so I can see when it gets pushed | |
05:38 | I just have to have this patch done for a project in one of my classes | |
05:38 | cait | oh |
05:38 | not sure it has both dates you wanted | |
05:38 | you could test and perhaps built on it | |
05:38 | libsysguy | yeah that is what I was thinking about |
05:39 | and just adding bug 5339 as a block | |
05:39 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5339 enhancement, P3, ---, julian.maurice, In Discussion , Parcel closing in acq |
05:41 | libsysguy | ok guys im out for the night…gnight #Koha |
05:48 | Amit_Gupta joined #koha | |
05:56 | cait | @wunder Konstanz |
05:56 | huginn` | cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -10.2°C (6:54 AM CET on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: -13.0°C. Windchill: -15.0°C. Pressure: 30.47 in 1031.7 hPa (Rising). |
06:02 | Amit_Gupta | @wunder Bangalore |
06:02 | huginn` | Amit_Gupta: The current temperature in Bangalore, India is 19.0°C (8:30 AM IST on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Haze. Humidity: 86%. Dew Point: 17.0°C. |
06:02 | Amit_Gupta | heya cait :) |
06:02 | @wunder Dehradun | |
06:02 | huginn` | Amit_Gupta: The current temperature in Dehradun, India is 10.0°C (8:30 AM IST on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 29.91 in 1013 hPa. |
06:03 | Amit_Gupta | @wunder New Delhi |
06:03 | huginn` | Amit_Gupta: The current temperature in New Delhi, India is 14.0°C (10:30 AM IST on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Haze. Humidity: 38%. Dew Point: 0.0°C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Steady). |
06:17 | edveal left #koha | |
07:01 | laurence joined #koha | |
07:03 | Guillaume joined #koha | |
07:12 | hdl joined #koha | |
07:21 | hdl joined #koha | |
07:25 | luisb joined #koha | |
07:28 | Amit_Gupta joined #koha | |
07:29 | luisb joined #koha | |
07:37 | alex_a | hello |
07:37 | wahanui | privet, alex_a |
07:37 | alex_a | privet, wahanui |
07:37 | wahanui | alex_a: huh? |
07:37 | reiveune joined #koha | |
07:37 | reiveune | hello |
07:37 | wahanui | hello, reiveune |
07:41 | sophie_m joined #koha | |
07:43 | cait | hi alex_a and reiveune :) |
07:43 | brb | |
07:43 | cait left #koha | |
07:45 | sophie_m | hello #koha |
07:49 | sheikh303 joined #koha | |
07:49 | julian_m joined #koha | |
07:50 | sheikh303 | need a good tutorial on System Preferences configuration of koha!! |
07:51 | julian_m | hello |
07:51 | wahanui | salut, julian_m |
07:52 | Suzzane joined #koha | |
07:54 | Amit_Gupta joined #koha | |
07:56 | mbalmer joined #koha | |
07:57 | mbalmer joined #koha | |
07:57 | Suzzane | Hi everyone |
07:58 | am trying to configure the systems preferences and am stuck at OPAC | |
07:58 | it looks so technical | |
07:58 | kindly advice | |
08:00 | anybody home..... | |
08:02 | asaurat joined #koha | |
08:04 | Amit_Gupta | heya Suzzane, asaurat |
08:04 | asaurat | hi!! |
08:05 | francharb joined #koha | |
08:08 | francharb | morning #koha |
08:08 | Suzzane | Hi Amit... |
08:09 | kindly advice on my above stated issue | |
08:10 | sheikh303 | need the same assistance here too!! |
08:10 | Suzzane | somebody, anybody....help |
08:13 | gaetan_B joined #koha | |
08:13 | gaetan_B | hello #koha! |
08:37 | paul_p joined #koha | |
08:37 | luisb_ joined #koha | |
08:38 | Suzzane | hi Paul |
08:41 | Amit_Gupta | heya gaten_B |
09:14 | kf joined #koha | |
09:14 | kf | good morning #koha |
09:17 | sheikh303 joined #koha | |
09:21 | drojf1 | good day #koha |
09:21 | moin kf :) | |
09:22 | seems we missed a rather small and short meeting | |
09:24 | paul_p joined #koha | |
09:35 | kf | no surprise |
09:35 | haven't read the logs yet | |
09:41 | Amit_Gupta_ joined #koha | |
09:55 | matts joined #koha | |
09:56 | matts joined #koha | |
10:09 | mib_63rhkq joined #koha | |
10:11 | mib_63rhkq | Anyone around that might know how to set debug on LDAP authentication? I have tried setting the C4::Debug::debug=1 but isn't working! |
10:26 | alex_a | mib_63rhkq: you can add a setenv directive in apache virtualhost i think ? |
10:28 | otherwise you change $debug and warn 'xxxx' by warn 'xxxx' :) | |
10:29 | mib_63rhkq | alex_a: Thanks, I have tried both! Not even sure where it should be logging. I tried running opac-user.pl from command line after setting DEBUG but still nothing related to LDAP appears! |
10:31 | alex_a | mib_63rhkq: take a look at ErrorLog direction from apache virtualhost. Usualy logs message go in site_dir/var/log/koha-error_log or koha-opac-error_log |
10:31 | s/direction/directive/ | |
10:33 | else could be written in /var/log/apache2/error.log | |
10:34 | and opac-user.pl from command line is too verbose because writing all html ouput :) | |
10:37 | mib_63rhkq | yeah - nothing in either logs and the screen! |
10:46 | alex_a | mib_63rhkq: nothing in /var/log/apache2 ? |
10:52 | Amit_Gupta_ joined #koha | |
11:15 | mib_63rhkq | Nope, nothing at all - strange |
11:22 | paul_p_ joined #koha | |
11:23 | paul_p_ joined #koha | |
11:25 | kf | hi paul_p |
11:25 | gbsd is still on!! :) | |
11:38 | * jcamins_away | looks in from the bus. |
11:40 | jcamins | @later tell libsysguy Do you have something against normal business hours? :P I should be around today 10/10:30-4 EST and then 6/7-late EST. |
11:40 | huginn` | jcamins: The operation succeeded. |
11:56 | jcamins | And the bus broke down. |
12:00 | kf | oh |
12:00 | hi jcamins_away | |
12:06 | drojf1 | he's probably push-starting the bus right now ;) |
12:06 | * kf | giggles at the image |
12:07 | jcamins_away | lol |
12:09 | I am now on a different bus. | |
12:09 | drojf1 | should have pushed harder :P |
12:10 | kf: do you know anything about getting authorities from dnb? | |
12:10 | kf | hmm no |
12:10 | but I can ask my coworker | |
12:10 | what do you want to do? | |
12:11 | only bibliographic records | |
12:11 | our libraries are partcipating in the union catalog, so we get the authorities from there | |
12:12 | drojf1 | guess i will call my boss to get some details acout the account and then have a look |
12:12 | *about | |
12:12 | and work from home | |
12:12 | kf | jcamins_away: sorry, it took me too long this morning to finish my notes on the distance study course - but will continue testng your linker tonight |
12:12 | jcamins_away | kf: I look forward to hearing what you find. |
12:12 | drojf1 | less distractions. well s/less distractions/nicer distractions :D |
12:12 | kf | jcamins_away: I am curious too :) |
12:13 | nicer distractions like #koha? ;) | |
12:13 | jcamins_away | Hm. |
12:13 | Testing bug 7432 is really hard on a bus. | |
12:13 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7432 critical, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Needs Signoff , Changing frameworks should refresh cache |
12:13 | kf | ah |
12:13 | I can imagine | |
12:13 | and you have to wait | |
12:13 | drojf1 | i could have #koha there too, i would take my notebook. but yes, less rl distractions ;) |
12:14 | jcamins_away | kf: exactly. I might have to leave it for someone else to test. |
12:14 | Or do it tonight. | |
12:14 | kf | it's on my list too - but happy if you beat me to it |
12:14 | finding time is a bit hard at the moment :( | |
12:16 | jcamins_away | :( |
12:23 | Only a few minutes late to get to the city. | |
12:23 | I'll be back from uptown in a few hours. | |
12:23 | Bye. | |
12:24 | jwagner joined #koha | |
12:33 | laurence left #koha | |
12:45 | collum joined #koha | |
13:00 | NateC joined #koha | |
13:17 | oleonard joined #koha | |
13:22 | oleonard | Hi #koha |
13:22 | magnuse | g'day #koha |
13:23 | tcohen joined #koha | |
13:26 | tcohen | hi #koha |
13:27 | i missed the irc meeting, hope you reached a procedure for desition making on discussed topic | |
13:28 | oleonard | We did. |
13:28 | tcohen | hi oleonard |
13:29 | magnuse | the meetbot minutes say: "discussion mails will be flagged [Discussion Tech] [Discussion Feature] so folks that don't wish to follow a thread can easily delete" |
13:29 | and "discussion mails will be sent to both koha-devel and koha main mailing list" | |
13:29 | http://librarypolice.com/koha-[…]-02-08-02.00.html | |
13:33 | tcohen | thanks magnuse |
13:33 | magnuse | np tcohen |
13:38 | drojf1 | @wunder berlin, germany |
13:38 | huginn` | drojf1: The current temperature in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany is -3.7°C (2:12 PM CET on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: -12.0°C. Windchill: -8.0°C. Pressure: 30.75 in 1041.2 hPa (Falling). |
13:38 | drojf1 | warmish :) |
13:41 | magnuse | @wunder boo |
13:41 | huginn` | magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 3.0°C (2:20 PM CET on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: 0.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 30.69 in 1039 hPa (Steady). |
13:41 | magnuse | heh, that's better |
13:41 | tcohen | @wunder cordoba, argentina |
13:41 | huginn` | tcohen: The current temperature in Cordoba, Argentina is 19.0°C (10:21 AM ART on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 100%. Dew Point: 19.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady). |
13:41 | magnuse | even better! |
13:42 | @wunder marseille | |
13:42 | huginn` | magnuse: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 0.0°C (2:30 PM CET on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 44%. Dew Point: -11.0°C. Windchill: -5.0°C. Pressure: 30.21 in 1023 hPa (Steady). |
13:42 | magnuse | warmer in bodø than in marseille! |
13:43 | alex_a left #koha | |
13:43 | magnuse | and the sun is shining again - life is good! |
13:44 | oleonard | @wunder 45701 |
13:44 | huginn` | oleonard: The current temperature in Ohio University, Athens, Ohio is 2.0°C (8:40 AM EST on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 83%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Windchill: 2.0°C. Pressure: 30.11 in 1019.5 hPa (Steady). |
13:44 | drojf1 | we have sun too. i wonder if i should go out a little |
13:45 | magnuse | sounds like a good idea! |
13:46 | drojf1 | getting awake a little would definitely help with learning git |
13:49 | magnuse | probably won't hurt ;-) |
13:53 | mib_63rhkq | Anyone know if the Auth_with_ldap module minds if the LDAP server is Novell? |
13:53 | JesseM joined #koha | |
13:54 | oleonard | Maybe we should have a list on the wiki of "who uses X obscure feature of Koha" for question referrals. |
13:54 | * oleonard | doesn't know anything about Koha's LDAP |
13:54 | magnuse | yeah, that would be very cool! |
13:54 | * oleonard | ...beyond unfulfilled promises of a certain former vendor CEO who shall not be named |
13:55 | mib_63rhkq | I've had no problem with AD, but Novell isn't playing nice |
13:56 | drojf1 | that's novell ;) |
13:57 | * magnuse | thinks all the twitter feeds from gbsd should be restored now |
13:57 | oleonard | magnuse++ |
13:58 | magnuse | yay ;-) |
13:58 | and here are the hourly stats for gbsd#9 so far: http://div.libriotech.no/koham[…]ystatus-gbsd9.txt | |
14:03 | ago43 joined #koha | |
14:05 | kf | magnuse++ |
14:05 | @wunder Konstanz | |
14:05 | huginn` | kf: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -6.6°C (3:04 PM CET on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 70%. Dew Point: -11.0°C. Windchill: -7.0°C. Pressure: 30.52 in 1033.4 hPa (Falling). |
14:06 | magnuse | almost 10 degrees warmer here :-) |
14:06 | kf | :P |
14:27 | trea joined #koha | |
14:29 | tcohen | git-email broken on precise |
14:32 | magnuse | "broken on precise"? |
14:34 | gmcharlt | precise pangolin |
14:34 | * oleonard | can't get his pangolin to even color inside the lines |
14:35 | kf | pangolin? |
14:35 | drojf1 | lol |
14:35 | kf | oh |
14:35 | ubuntu | |
14:35 | magnuse | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin |
14:35 | tcohen | precise pangolin, the next ubuntu |
14:37 | maximep joined #koha | |
14:38 | talljoy joined #koha | |
14:44 | paul_p joined #koha | |
14:45 | sekjal joined #koha | |
14:57 | matts joined #koha | |
15:07 | * oleonard | is preparing a follow-up for Bug 6919 for MARC21 |
15:07 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6919 major, P1 - high, ---, alex.arnaud, Needs Signoff , Implementing XSLTResultsDisplay |
15:10 | matts_ joined #koha | |
15:13 | * wizzyrea | waves |
15:14 | oleonard | Hi wizzyrea |
15:14 | I wonder if people like having numbers on the staff client search results | |
15:15 | wizzyrea | I get a lot of "why is x result number 10 on the list" |
15:15 | without the numbers, they'd have to count | |
15:15 | oleonard | If we took out the numbers you could say "It's not, it's number 9" and they turn back to count and you'd run away. |
15:15 | wizzyrea | not sure if that's necessarily a reason to keep them |
15:16 | hehe that's what I was thinking too... might cut down on support calls >.> | |
15:16 | but that's almost certainly not a reason to remove them. Heh. | |
15:16 | oleonard | It's not a question of removing them but adding them to the XSLT results display |
15:16 | wizzyrea | ohhh |
15:16 | then yes, I'd probably add them | |
15:17 | * wizzyrea | tries to figure out why this db update won't fire. |
15:17 | drojf joined #koha | |
15:18 | * oleonard | grumbles that now he has to go figure out how to do that :) |
15:19 | Soupermanito joined #koha | |
15:19 | paul_p joined #koha | |
15:22 | grharry joined #koha | |
15:30 | libsysguy joined #koha | |
15:34 | jcamins_away | libsysguy: I am here. |
15:34 | libsysguy | heyyy |
15:35 | yes I do have something against normal business hours...my job never lets me work on KOha during them | |
15:35 | so I was testing out the linker script | |
15:35 | jcamins | lol |
15:35 | Tell them to fix that. | |
15:35 | libsysguy | and I kept getting this weird unable to connect to database error |
15:36 | jcamins | Uh-oh. |
15:36 | Unable to connect to database? | |
15:36 | Are you sure you have KOHA_CONF set properly? | |
15:36 | libsysguy | let me verify taht is what it said |
15:36 | i know it was something to that effect | |
15:38 | oAuth error: Database unavailable (109) authorities Bib-1 | |
15:39 | jcamins | Ah. |
15:39 | libsysguy | it just overflows the screen with that |
15:39 | jcamins | And are you able to search for authorities in the web client? |
15:40 | libsysguy | well I suppose I can search...nothing that I have searched for has turned up any results |
15:41 | jcamins | Did you follow the instructions that said "be sure to install such-and-such files in etc/zebradb"? |
15:42 | libsysguy | instructions! |
15:42 | wahanui | instructions are coming right now to the wiki near you |
15:42 | libsysguy | NEVER!! |
15:42 | so no...really i missed that | |
15:42 | was it in the ticket? | |
15:42 | jcamins | wahanui: lol! |
15:42 | wahanui | jcamins: i'm not following you... |
15:42 | jcamins | Yup. |
15:42 | Also mentioned in the commit message, I think. | |
15:42 | libsysguy | and now I feel retarded |
15:42 | tcohen | here we go |
15:42 | jcamins | Which, granted, is the length of a Tolstoy novel. |
15:43 | kf | I almost missed them too :) |
15:43 | libsysguy | haha, yeah maybe you should have considered a tl;dr section |
15:43 | paul_p joined #koha | |
15:43 | jcamins | It's a big feature. What can I say? |
15:44 | libsysguy | i did run the atomic update :p |
15:44 | jcamins | Good, so now you just have to install the Zebra configs and reindex |
15:45 | libsysguy | oh god...WHYYY |
15:45 | i should just delete all my bibs except for like 10 | |
15:45 | jcamins | Just the authorities. |
15:45 | libsysguy | all harry potter |
15:45 | jcamins | No, the bibs are fine. |
15:45 | Leave the bibs! | |
15:45 | Don't reindex the bibs. | |
15:45 | libsysguy | ok not reindexing the bibs |
15:45 | * jcamins | hopes he said that before you started the reindex. |
15:45 | jcamins | Right. Just the authorities. |
15:46 | libsysguy | oh I never just hit the nuke button on a reindex |
15:46 | that kills a good 6 hours | |
15:47 | tcohen | koha![]() |
15:47 | is it ok? | |
15:47 | jcamins | Please tell me that you aren't doing this on production, libsysguy. |
15:47 | tcohen: yeah, just looking at your e-mail now. | |
15:47 | libsysguy | oh heck no |
15:48 | jcamins | tcohen: FWIW, I think the memoization modification that you proposed sounds brilliant, but I'm not an expert in memoization. |
15:48 | libsysguy | I just moved the database over from prod |
15:48 | tcohen | Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table (state 14). |
15:49 | jcamins | tcohen: that's weird. On your message about caching? |
15:49 | tcohen | koha-devel![]() |
15:49 | kf | tcohen: you are subscribed with this email? |
15:51 | paul_p | tcohen you sent the mail to koha![]() |
15:51 | this ML does not exist !!! | |
15:51 | tcohen | exactly :-D |
15:51 | paul_p | it's koha![]() |
15:51 | kf | ah right |
15:51 | tcohen | I should have let gmail choose the right address instead of typing it |
15:51 | :-P | |
16:01 | hdl1 joined #koha | |
16:03 | hdl joined #koha | |
16:05 | mib_63rhkq | Hi, I have a 3.06.02 site that uses LDAP for account creation. The account is auto creating fine but the user gets a HTTP 500 screen on first login? |
16:05 | The second login works fine. The error logs shows "Bad header :--------------------------------" opac-user.pl | |
16:05 | and ideas? | |
16:05 | * jcamins | has never used LDAP with Koha, sorry. |
16:05 | jcamins | Has anyone ever tried parallelizing rebuild_zebra? |
16:06 | libsysguy | shudders at the thought |
16:06 | drojf | no idea of ldap, but if you can't fox it make a nice custom http 500 screen. sorry for not being more helpful |
16:06 | libsysguy | mib_63rhkq: so you're using update and replicate? |
16:06 | drojf | *fix |
16:06 | mib_63rhkq | jcamins: 2 indexing running together? |
16:06 | maximep | mib_63rhkq: is there an error in your koha opac error log? |
16:06 | libsysguy | ^^ |
16:06 | jcamins | mib_63rhkq: I meant having Zebra indexing on two (or more) cores. |
16:07 | mib_63rhkq | yes, the error is " Malformed header, Bad header :--------------------------------" opac-user.pl |
16:08 | malformed header from script. Bad header=------------------------------: opac-user.pl, referer: | |
16:08 | maximep | oh wow, misread that you already told us |
16:08 | mib_63rhkq | ^^ is the exact error |
16:09 | libsysguy: I am just using replicate | |
16:12 | libsysguy | and are you using ADLDAP or openLDAP? |
16:13 | mib_63rhkq | So, editing the opac-user.pl script to add a "print Content-type: text/html\n" makes this work - the screen looks terrible though as it dumps session info to the header |
16:13 | I am using Novell LDAP | |
16:13 | I am happy the LDAP part is working as the account is acutally created and if you click "Log In" again it will log in correctly | |
16:14 | It's just the first time an account is created it fails. | |
16:14 | tcohen | jcamins: do u mean processing different chunks with different processes? |
16:14 | jcamins | tcohen: right. |
16:15 | tcohen | never tried it |
16:16 | jcamins | Nor have I. |
16:16 | oleonard | Anyone know if there's a reason why OPAC built-in author searches end in 'q=au:"Author name"' and intranet ones end in '?idx=au&q=Author name' ? |
16:17 | Are they functionally identical? | |
16:17 | jcamins | oleonard: 'cause we hate the OPAC? |
16:17 | tcohen | jcamins: I think it should be possible, taking care of using shadow registers |
16:17 | jcamins | tcohen: yeah, that was my thought. |
16:17 | hdl | jcamins: i would not advise to run parallel indexing. |
16:17 | jcamins | It was more idle curiosity than anything else, though. |
16:17 | tcohen | but no record overlap |
16:18 | oleonard | jcamins: ? |
16:18 | tcohen | because of the way shadow registers are commited |
16:18 | jcamins | oleonard: the version in the intranet is unambiguous and avoids CCL (which sucks). |
16:18 | The version in the OPAC is potentially ambiguous and uses CCL (which sucks). | |
16:18 | hdl | in fact, it works, since we acidentally have had some rebuild_zebra runing in // |
16:19 | oleonard | Okay, so the the intranet version is preferred. That's what I needed to know jcamins |
16:19 | tcohen | i mean, the chunks have empty intersection of records between |
16:19 | jcamins | oleonard: right. |
16:19 | hdl: I was thinking for a complete rebuild. | |
16:19 | hdl | But problem is that zebraidx is really proc consuming |
16:19 | jcamins | hdl: if you have sixteen idle processors, might as well use 'em all, though. ;) |
16:19 | hdl | you would have to use cgroups imho |
16:20 | jcamins | oleonard: right. We use CCL in the OPAC because it's easier, but it's probably not a good idea. |
16:22 | What would be a really good idea is using some sort of query parsing liberary. | |
16:22 | *library | |
16:22 | hdl: does BibLibre have a preferred query parsing library? | |
16:23 | * jcamins | won't be rewriting C4::Search anytime soon, but it's nice to imagine. |
16:24 | libsysguy | haha aww jcamins I think your're the perfect guy to rewite C$::Search |
16:24 | jcamins | libsysguy: that may be, but who is going to sponsor it? |
16:24 | libsysguy | while you're at it you can just move it over to the Koha:: namespace |
16:24 | jcamins | libsysguy: that's the plan. |
16:25 | libsysguy | how much would it cost (jw not offering lol) |
16:25 | jcamins | libsysguy: a lot. |
16:26 | Depending on exactly what the parameters were, probably 20k+. | |
16:26 | oleonard | Many an adventurer have eyed that lofty peak, but none have dared challenge it. |
16:27 | jcamins | oleonard: for good reason! |
16:27 | sekjal | moving to Koha:: would be a lot like rewriting the whole software package |
16:27 | jcamins | sekjal: it would indeed. |
16:27 | sekjal | s/a lot like//; |
16:27 | jcamins | But keeping the community. |
16:27 | sekjal | yes |
16:27 | that's the important part | |
16:28 | jcamins | sekjal: but that was just for moving C4::Search to Koha::Search. |
16:28 | And rewriting C4::Search to not suck | |
16:28 | sekjal | I think we need, as a group, to plan out some of the larger structural choices around the new Koha:: namespace |
16:28 | asaurat left #koha | |
16:29 | kf | sekjal: I think overplanning it will make it never happen |
16:29 | sekjal | like having two layers: DB access modules, and functional modules |
16:29 | kf | sekjal: there have already been some points made |
16:29 | * jcamins | is perfectly happy to accept any clear guidelines that are offered, but doesn't care enough. |
16:29 | jcamins | (to spend time planning) |
16:29 | kf | one could always add to these - they are on the bug or open discussion to incorporate another idea into the coding guidelines |
16:29 | jcamins | "Maintain strict MVC separation" pretty much covers it. |
16:30 | (IMHO) | |
16:30 | Kaizen. | |
16:33 | * kf | finally looked up kaizen |
16:33 | jcamins | kf: it's my mantra. Stolen from rangi. |
16:33 | * oleonard | has signed off on Bug 6919 but proposed a follow-up too which needs signoff |
16:33 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6919 major, P1 - high, ---, alex.arnaud, Needs Signoff , Implementing XSLTResultsDisplay |
16:33 | jcamins | Ooooh. |
16:33 | oleonard++ | |
16:34 | kf | oleonard++ |
16:34 | jcamins: I might steal it from you :) | |
16:34 | jcamins | It's a good mantra. |
16:38 | maximep | the authorities search would output $ in front of results in 3.2, but doesn't seem to do it in 3.6. Any idea of why or how I could find out what changed ? |
16:39 | kf | ? |
16:39 | maximep: authority search in opac or staff? | |
16:39 | jcamins | maximep: are you sure that it's not a difference in the data? |
16:39 | $9 at the beginning versus at the end? | |
16:39 | maximep | staff |
16:40 | C4::AuthorieisMarc::SearchAuthorities is the same from what I see | |
16:40 | might be something in my data | |
16:40 | * jcamins | is pretty sure it's your data. |
16:41 | jcamins | maximep: but, while we're on the subject of authorities... |
16:41 | Don't you want to test bug 7284? | |
16:41 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7284 major, P3, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Authority matching algorithm improvements |
16:41 | jcamins | You do?!? |
16:41 | Excellent!!!! | |
16:41 | :D | |
16:41 | I knew it. | |
16:41 | maximep | nope, not my data |
16:41 | jcamins | maximep: hm. |
16:42 | maximep | just switched my symlink from 3.6 to 3.2 |
16:42 | jcamins | Bug 7284 won't fix that, but is still worth trying again. :P |
16:42 | maximep | so should be using all the same stuff |
16:42 | jcamins | maximep: if there's a change, it wouldn't be in SearchAuthorities. |
16:42 | It would be in BuildSummary. | |
16:43 | maximep | ok, will look at it |
16:45 | gaetan_B | bye #koha! |
16:47 | paul_p joined #koha | |
16:48 | maximep | aaaaaaaah found it |
16:49 | jcamins | What is it? |
16:49 | reiveune | bye |
16:49 | reiveune left #koha | |
16:49 | maximep | in 3.2 $heading.= $field->as_formatted(); |
16:49 | in 3.6 $heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68'); | |
16:49 | jcamins | Ah. |
16:49 | Hm. | |
16:49 | maximep | now to look at who/when/why changed it |
16:50 | jcamins | maximep: was I right about where it would be? |
16:51 | maximep | yes |
16:51 | * jcamins | isn't sure whether he should be glad or not. |
16:51 | maximep | bug 4433 |
16:51 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4433 normal, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, katrin.fischer, RESOLVED FIXED, $a displayed in front of topical subjects in authority search |
16:52 | maximep | haha |
16:52 | for some reason your client wants it like is was :S | |
16:53 | jcamins | maximep: for some reason? |
16:53 | @quote get 123 | |
16:53 | huginn` | jcamins: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011) |
16:54 | wizzyrea | ^^ is always the reason |
16:54 | :) | |
16:55 | it's not good or bad, it just is. | |
16:57 | kf | bye all :) |
16:57 | kf left #koha | |
16:58 | talljoy left #koha | |
16:58 | jcamins | wizzyrea: how goes your testing of bug 7284? |
16:58 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7284 major, P3, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Authority matching algorithm improvements |
16:58 | wizzyrea | it would be going better if I could get 5 minutes in a row to look at it |
16:59 | oleonard | jcamins: Ask again in 4 minutes |
16:59 | jcamins | Hm, yes, that would help. |
16:59 | oleonard: good idea. | |
17:01 | melia joined #koha | |
17:03 | talljoy joined #koha | |
17:03 | luisb joined #koha | |
17:04 | luisb_ joined #koha | |
17:08 | * jcamins | signs off on bug 6299, again. |
17:08 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6299 enhancement, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Provide a list of authorized values for relator terms |
17:11 | jcamins | wizzyrea: how's it going? :P |
17:12 | wizzyrea | lol |
17:13 | jcamins | See, hdl's report on bug 6713 is a perfect example of something that would be fixed by a rewrite of C4::Search. |
17:13 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6713 critical, P3, ---, chris, ASSIGNED , marc import not matching |
17:19 | adnc joined #koha | |
17:25 | drojf1 joined #koha | |
17:36 | Topic for #koha is now Koha 3.6.3 & 3.4.8 & 3.2.11 are now available ; Next General IRC Meeting 21 March at 18:00 UTC+0 | http://www.koha-community.org | http://paste.koha-community.org | |
17:36 | jcamins | March 21? Isn't it usually the second Wednesday? |
17:36 | oleonard | You could have objected if you'd been there :P |
17:36 | * jcamins | doesn't care. |
17:37 | jcamins | And, for the record, I rearranged my schedule to make the meeting. |
17:37 | oleonard | The meeting chair proposed it for mysterious reasons. |
17:37 | jcamins | Unfortunately, I rearranged my schedule to make the meeting on the wrong day. |
17:37 | I am available at 9pm tonight. | |
17:37 | ;) | |
17:37 | * oleonard | almost did the same thing |
17:42 | has worked all morning on Koha and has only increased the number of 'needs signoff' bugs... | |
17:43 | wizzyrea | well it is bug squashing day, sometimes squashing bugs happens *before* it gets into koha |
17:43 | I consider it good that we're doing our best to keep bugs out | |
17:44 | * jcamins | signed off on stuff. |
17:44 | wizzyrea | quality > quantity? |
17:44 | * wizzyrea | tried to but ended up fixing the patch instead |
18:00 | hankbank joined #koha | |
18:10 | slef | boom |
18:10 | wizzyrea | boom? |
18:10 | slef | feels a bit like it :) |
18:11 | today started at something like 0811 and I've only just sat down to read email | |
18:11 | jcamins | wizzyrea: that was the sound of everyone rushing to look at cute cat pictures. :) |
18:11 | slef | (10h ago, for those of you not in +0000) |
18:11 | jcamins: http://invisiblecats.com/ ? | |
18:12 | jcamins | Heh. |
18:12 | slef | by the way, I tried a random image server last week |
18:12 | wizzyrea | lol those are cute |
18:12 | jcamins | A random image server? |
18:12 | slef | serves a random image off the web |
18:12 | * jcamins | needs a source of CC-licensed cute cat pictures. |
18:12 | jcamins | Ah. |
18:12 | slef | there's a lot more porn around than when I last used one in 1999 |
18:13 | wizzyrea | possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tum[…]1qiqo40o1_250.gif |
18:13 | jcamins | I was going to say that doesn't seem like a good idea. |
18:13 | slef | mah, I'm just an internet innocent |
18:14 | luisb_ joined #koha | |
18:14 | slef | No next meeting set last night? http://wiki.koha-community.org[…],_8_February_2012 |
18:14 | jcamins | 21 March. |
18:14 | slef | ah topic |
18:14 | just spotted it | |
18:15 | * slef | edits the wiki |
18:15 | * jcamins | waits for slef to ask why it isn't the second Wednesday. |
18:15 | slef | hackfest |
18:15 | wahanui | hackfest is slowly seing hackers leaving... |
18:15 | slef | hehha |
18:15 | jcamins | Ah, there actually was a reason. |
18:15 | Cool. | |
18:15 | slef | I thought you were just niggling me :) |
18:15 | jcamins | That's next month already? |
18:15 | Wow. | |
18:16 | Nope. | |
18:16 | * jcamins | asked, and then noticed that at least one other person had asked during the meeting. |
18:16 | didn't actually finish reading the notes, though, so he didn't see an answer. | |
18:20 | slef | ok I think I've added it to two places where it should be (today's meeting page, and the IRC Meetings page) |
18:21 | I guess I should check What Links Here on today's meeting page | |
18:21 | yeah, just those | |
18:21 | cool | |
18:23 | luisb_ joined #koha | |
18:27 | wizzyrea | gah I really need to get stupid marcedit working somewhere. |
18:27 | slef | why? |
18:28 | * slef | exports to marcxml and uses an xml editor |
18:28 | * jcamins | too. |
18:29 | jcamins | Well, vim. |
18:29 | It's like an XML editor, with less XML-y-ness. | |
18:29 | libsysguy | emacs |
18:29 | its like an operating system | |
18:29 | jcamins | That's like an XML editor, but includes a kitchen sinnk. |
18:30 | wizzyrea | meh. |
18:30 | * wizzyrea | curses people who develop only using windows .net |
18:31 | libsysguy | ^^ |
18:31 | i have a lot of friends that only code in C# | |
18:31 | * wizzyrea | curses them |
18:31 | wizzyrea | CURSE CURSE CURSE |
18:31 | ok lunch. | |
18:32 | oleonard | Back later. |
18:34 | slef | emacs zen-coding |
18:41 | * jcamins | tries to do the Twitter thing. |
18:43 | * maximep | just installed zen-coding for his editor and is loving it |
18:57 | slef | damn, I knew I shouldn't be sharing our secret sauce ;) |
18:57 | maximep | now I can't wait until I have a use for it |
18:57 | slef | I just cited Cuba as an example of democracy to someone in the US. I wonder what will happen next. |
18:58 | maximep: ah good! If you're like me, you'll have forgotten the syntax by then! | |
19:01 | maximep | well there's really nothing to remember |
19:01 | it's css syntax | |
19:01 | but maybe I will forget it exists :p | |
19:02 | slef | except when it isn't, like producing lots of li items |
19:02 | or adding attributes to html tags | |
19:02 | which if you write marcxml, you will need to do | |
19:02 | at least I don't think they're css syntax | |
19:02 | maximep | something[attribute] u mean ? |
19:02 | slef | but maybe I don't write as evil css as I could |
19:03 | maximep | hmmm maybe it's xpath |
19:03 | slef | hey I said I don't remember :) |
19:03 | nah, I use xpath more and it's deffo not that | |
19:04 | maximep | anyway, it looks a lot like jquery selectors, so I will probably remember it |
19:04 | cool stuff | |
19:04 | slef | like: ul attr="value">li*10 |
19:04 | very cool, but quite Swiss Army Chainsaw | |
19:05 | wahanui: Swiss Army Chainsaw? | |
19:05 | wahanui | slef: bugger all, i dunno |
19:05 | slef | wahanui: a Swiss Army Chainsaw is very useful but when you get it wrong, it will take your leg off. |
19:05 | wahanui | OK, slef. |
19:06 | slef | wahanui: public domain means if you break it, you get to keep both pieces. |
19:06 | wahanui | slef: i'm not following you... |
19:06 | slef | wahanui: public domain is if you break it, you get to keep both pieces. |
19:06 | wahanui | OK, slef. |
19:07 | slef | wahanui: C# is like making an octopus by nailing extra legs onto a dog - no-one is happy with the result and especially not the dog. |
19:07 | wahanui | OK, slef. |
19:07 | jcamins | C#? |
19:07 | wahanui | rumour has it C# is like making an octopus by nailing extra legs onto a dog - no-one is happy with the result and especially not the dog |
19:09 | slef | wahanui: a Dolly Parton business case is one that looks impressive at first sight but on closer inspection is incredible because it has insufficient support. |
19:09 | wahanui | OK, slef. |
19:10 | slef | wahanui: co-ops are the bomb found at http://www.ica.coop/ |
19:10 | wahanui | OK, slef. |
19:10 | slef | wahanui: 2012 is the International Year of Co-operatives http://www.2012.coop/ |
19:10 | wahanui | OK, slef. |
19:10 | slef | which is evil bad and wrong as a domain name but meh |
19:11 | I once called a server beef without realising that's a valid hex number. Which caused some fun. | |
19:12 | * wizzyrea | imagines your bovine inspired server, giggles |
19:26 | * jcamins | waits for bag, trea, and ago43 to change their nicks. |
19:26 | wizzyrea | ! |
19:26 | jcamins | Oh, and JesseM and NateC are here too. |
19:26 | bag | heh ;) |
19:26 | trea | i refuse to participate. |
19:26 | * jcamins | waits expectantly. |
19:26 | trea | i'ts how i stay unique |
19:26 | wizzyrea | whut |
19:26 | bag | we are having THE fun |
19:26 | JesseM | :P |
19:27 | wizzyrea | oh. |
19:28 | atz joined #koha | |
19:28 | atz left #koha | |
19:29 | slef | wizzyrea: they were actually stew-inspired. |
19:29 | wizzyrea: we had beef, lamb, rabbit and veggie that I remember. | |
19:30 | wizzyrea | yum |
19:30 | i mean, the idea of stew in general | |
19:30 | is appealing to me :P | |
19:30 | jcamins | wizzyrea: what about stone? I guess it's stone soup, though. |
19:31 | wizzyrea | sure, why not |
19:31 | as long as it includes dumplings, we'll be cool. | |
19:31 | slef | rabbit was replaced with a cluster and they had names of particular rabbits. peter, brer, roger, tantumbunky and I'm sure there was one more. |
19:31 | wizzyrea | hehe |
19:31 | jcamins | Whoops, I meant that to be directed to slef. |
19:31 | Heh. | |
19:34 | magnuse | wow, "tantumbunky" has 5 hits on google? |
19:35 | slef | magnuse: wow. Any of them me? |
19:35 | yes | |
19:36 | three are mChicago, who I worked with; two are me | |
19:36 | magnuse | heh |
19:36 | a very particular rabbit, then | |
19:36 | slef | yes |
19:37 | It cracks me up | |
19:37 | I must tell its former owner | |
19:38 | hehe, the two that are me telling off another former colleague | |
19:39 | drojf1: please summarise wiki edits | |
19:42 | aha! THUMPER! | |
19:42 | that was the other one | |
19:42 | of course! | |
19:42 | ahem | |
19:42 | Nurse! | |
19:42 | magnuse | too many new patches, not enough signoffs ;-) http://div.libriotech.no/koham[…]ystatus-gbsd9.txt (and yes, i'm guilty too!) |
19:43 | * jcamins | did a bunch! |
19:43 | magnuse | jcamins++ |
19:45 | drojf1 | slef: ah. will do that next time |
19:50 | slef | drojf1: thanks. It makes the emails from the wiki more informative. |
19:51 | drojf1 | makes sense. i didn't even see a field for that. not much wiki experience |
19:55 | slef | it's just above the save and preview buttons? |
19:57 | Space_Librarian joined #koha | |
19:57 | Space_Librarian | morning #koha |
19:58 | slef | https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/[…]inment-industries |
19:58 | and for those of you in the US, your government is doing fast+secret trade treaty negotiations again! https://action.eff.org/o/9042/[…]/?action_KEY=8229 | |
19:59 | wizzyrea | YAY. |
20:02 | I mean, not yay. | |
20:02 | ugh. | |
20:02 | mornin Space_Librarian | |
20:05 | didn't romania and czechoslovakia go in and then out of those negotiations? | |
20:05 | I haven't read much about it today | |
20:07 | Space_Librarian | morning wizzyrea |
20:16 | jcamins | Well I'll be. |
20:16 | Wait, what? | |
20:16 | wahanui | Wait, is it only in items? |
20:17 | jcamins | There is a video tutorial for installing Koha. |
20:17 | On Windows. | |
20:17 | Space_Librarian | ?! |
20:17 | sekjal | jcamins: how recent? |
20:17 | Space_Librarian | I thought that was for an old version |
20:17 | 3.2 or something | |
20:18 | or even earlier | |
20:18 | jcamins | Space_Librarian: the last version that works on Windows was 2.2.something. |
20:18 | sekjal: October. | |
20:18 | On Windows 7. | |
20:18 | luisb joined #koha | |
20:18 | sekjal | jcamins: but what version of Koha? |
20:18 | * jcamins | is waiting to find out. |
20:18 | jcamins | Ah, there's an image of the Koha interface. |
20:19 | Pre-3, certainly. | |
20:19 | Space_Librarian | yes, it came up in conversation last week, methinks |
20:20 | jcamins | I guess these are the people indradg was talking about- they've suddenly decided to start promoting Koha on Windows heavily. |
20:24 | drojf1 | why would one want to run koha on windows? |
20:25 | jcamins | Goodness only knows. |
20:26 | sekjal | if Windows is all you're familiar with, then it may seem easier to force Koha to run on it rather than learn *Nix |
20:26 | jcamins | True, but then you're all alone. |
20:26 | cait joined #koha | |
20:26 | jcamins | Though I guess whoever these people are they don't put much stock in sharing. |
20:26 | cait | ? |
20:26 | hi all :) | |
20:27 | sekjal | less important than having the software installed and (hopefully) usable |
20:27 | drojf1 | hi cait :) |
20:27 | jcamins | Hi cait. |
20:27 | wizzyrea | is this their way of "forcing" us to make a post 2 install available for windows? |
20:27 | that's more pain than I want to endure, but whatever. | |
20:27 | cait | hi drojf1, jcamins, sekjal and wizzyrea :) |
20:27 | sekjal | hi, cait |
20:27 | jcamins | sekjal: usable up until they hit a problem, at which point they have an unusable system that no one can help them with. |
20:27 | wizzyrea | hi cait! |
20:27 | jcamins | Hi cait. |
20:27 | sekjal | jcamins: true enough |
20:28 | wizzyrea | or a feature that they want that isn't compatible with 2.2 |
20:28 | sekjal | I don't see any good reason to make Koha run on Windows, myself. Nor Mac OS X. installing a Debian server really isn't that horrifically hard |
20:28 | drojf1 | i dont see why you would want to run anything you want to be accessed from the internet on a windows machine |
20:28 | cait | ^^ |
20:28 | what are you discussing? | |
20:28 | * cait | is still thawing from her little walk |
20:29 | cait | @wunder Konstanz |
20:29 | huginn` | cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -10.3°C (9:25 PM CET on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Mist. Humidity: 86%. Dew Point: -12.0°C. Windchill: -10.0°C. Pressure: 30.57 in 1035.1 hPa (Steady). |
20:29 | drojf1 | but then, if you have not much knowledge of computers, but you have a running windows machine, that might sound like a good idea |
20:30 | but its not :( | |
20:30 | jcamins | Definitely not. |
20:31 | drojf1 | if you cant do it there are people to help you. if its too complicated for yourself or you have better things to do you can pay somebody. i think if neither of that is good then koha is the wrong system. |
20:31 | cait | hm bug 7112 |
20:31 | huginn` | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7112 major, P3, ---, henridamien, Needs Signoff , Having two prices in 020$c causes basket creation to fail from staged marc import |
20:32 | cait | it's always talking about decimal points... guess it will not work for decimal commas :( |
20:32 | Space_Librarian | @wunder wellington, nz |
20:32 | huginn` | Space_Librarian: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 18.0°C (9:00 AM NZDT on February 09, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 29.89 in 1012 hPa (Steady). |
20:32 | Guillaume joined #koha | |
20:32 | oleonard joined #koha | |
20:32 | drojf1 | cait: should that not be a variable of some kind? decimal thingy, and you choose it in the prefs? |
20:33 | cait | drojf1: yeah, that too |
20:33 | but here it's about an acq feature | |
20:33 | so if your data has euro prices... | |
20:33 | I doubt it works | |
20:33 | drojf1 | oh |
20:33 | cait | not totally sure |
20:36 | grharry left #koha | |
20:39 | wizzyrea | it is nice to have kyle back doing stuff all the time :) |
20:39 | on koha, that is. | |
20:40 | Space_Librarian | lol. More minions? |
20:40 | bag | @wunder 93109 |
20:40 | huginn` | bag: The current temperature in K6LCM-Westside/Mesa, Santa Barbara, California is 24.3°C (12:39 PM PST on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 32%. Dew Point: 7.0°C. Pressure: 30.03 in 1016.8 hPa (Falling). |
20:43 | drojf1 | the map of anti acta demonstrations looks quite impressive. i wonder how many of these will end up as facebook protests without people actually going (sorry, google maps link) http://maps.google.com/maps/ms[…]&z=4&source=embed |
20:49 | drojf joined #koha | |
20:49 | drojf | my internet is crazy :( |
20:49 | cait | ooh |
20:49 | it's kicking you out? | |
20:50 | drojf | yes |
20:51 | cait | ooh |
20:51 | * cait | hands drojf the duct tape |
20:51 | drojf | heh thanks |
20:51 | * Space_Librarian | hands drojf a hammer (just in case) |
20:52 | drojf | thanks. if i cant repair it, i'll smash it :D |
20:53 | Space_Librarian | a la - http://ldsrr91.files.wordpress[…]computer-duck.png |
20:53 | wizzyrea | rofl |
20:54 | slef | drojf: it's because you're against ACTA, so you are being censored! |
20:54 | drojf | i was actually thinking that for a second. "there he is, let's take his internet!" :/ |
20:55 | jcamins | Huh? |
20:56 | Never mind. | |
20:57 | I'm calling it a day. | |
20:57 | wizzyrea | you should. |
20:57 | too many kittens | |
20:57 | Space_Librarian | lol ginger ones? |
21:01 | luisb joined #koha | |
21:04 | Guillaume left #koha | |
21:07 | drojf | turns out i did not really learn much git today. shame |
21:09 | hdl joined #koha | |
21:10 | cait | drojf: we could walk you through some things |
21:10 | there are also good notes on the wiki | |
21:10 | git? | |
21:10 | wahanui | i guess git is http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]Control_Using_Git |
21:13 | drojf joined #koha | |
21:13 | drojf | duct tape did not work. now for the hammer… |
21:14 | i give up. the internet does not like me tonight. good night #koha | |
21:15 | Guillaume joined #koha | |
21:15 | cait | good night drojf |
21:17 | maximep | @wunder cyqb |
21:17 | huginn` | maximep: The current temperature in Quebec, Quebec is -5.0°C (4:00 PM EST on February 08, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 50%. Dew Point: -14.0°C. Windchill: -12.0°C. Pressure: 30.02 in 1016 hPa (Falling). |
21:19 | paul_p joined #koha | |
21:20 | wizzyrea | ok, i am totally digging fredericd's indexer daemon |
21:20 | hawt. | |
21:20 | cait | hi paul_p |
21:20 | wizzyrea | hi ipaul |
21:24 | paul_p | hi #koha |
21:24 | * paul_p | about to go to bed |
21:27 | hdl joined #koha | |
21:29 | Guillaume joined #koha | |
21:29 | NCARMichael joined #koha | |
21:30 | NCARMichael | hey gang! |
21:30 | wizzyrea | hiya |
21:30 | NCARMichael | question regarding "hidden" fields and subfields |
21:31 | i went here http://manual.koha-community.o[…]/en/catadmin.html | |
21:31 | and could not make sense of the coding system | |
21:31 | what I want is for the 590 field(s) to appear. | |
21:31 | currently, they're not. | |
21:31 | oleonard | Bye #koha |
21:32 | wizzyrea | bye oleonard |
21:32 | you mean the hidden values? | |
21:32 | did you click on the in-app help? | |
21:32 | cait | NCARMichael: where do you want them to appear? |
21:32 | it will only work for the marc views, not for the normal view | |
21:33 | NCARMichael | on tab 5 (for most frameworks) when i click on Edit Record |
21:36 | correction: "add MARC record" | |
21:37 | sekjal | okay, time for me to go. night, #koha! |
21:37 | NCARMichael | 090 field and 590 fields do not show |
21:38 | cait | what are the hidden fields set to? |
21:40 | NCARMichael | when i go into subfields for 090, I have all of them set (in the "hidden" field) to 0 |
21:40 | cait | ok, that should work |
21:40 | are you using memcache? | |
21:40 | NCARMichael | um, dunno |
21:41 | what is that | |
21:41 | wahanui | that is failed qa |
21:41 | cait | caching tomake your server faster |
21:41 | it will also makes changes to the frameworks not appear | |
21:41 | NCARMichael | how do i find that out |
21:41 | cait | becuase there is a little bug |
21:41 | hmm | |
21:41 | not sure, perhaps try /etc/inid.t/memcache restart ? :) | |
21:42 | eythian | *init.d |
21:42 | cait | right |
21:42 | NCARMichael | i'm guessing Galen would have to do that for me... |
21:42 | cait | good morning eythian :) |
21:42 | ah | |
21:42 | eythian | hi |
21:42 | cait | he will also know if you are using memcache |
21:43 | NCARMichael | okay, i'll shoot him an email |
21:45 | thanks, bye. | |
21:45 | cait | NCARMichael: you can also check someting else - like changing a description |
21:45 | if that shows up, it's not memcache and some problemwith the hidden fields | |
22:05 | * Space_Librarian | wants to throttle z39.50 servers |
22:05 | wizzyrea | O.O |
22:05 | whyfor | |
22:05 | Space_Librarian | they're just not working for me. I had 2 up this morning, and even they're down now. |
22:06 | And LC is simply refusing to connect | |
22:16 | hdl joined #koha | |
22:20 | libsysguy left #koha | |
22:22 | wizzyrea | i wonder if perhaps you have tons of stuff in your queue |
22:24 | eythian | Space_Librarian: fixed. |
22:24 | wizzyrea | :D noice. |
22:28 | * Space_Librarian | blinks |
22:28 | cait | night all |
22:28 | cait left #koha | |
22:29 | Space_Librarian | gasp! happy dance :D |
22:29 | eythian ++ | |
22:32 | eythian | <koha![]() |
22:32 | said: 550 5.1.1 <koha![]() |
22:32 | rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command) | |
22:32 | not ideal... | |
22:33 | oh wait | |
22:33 | luisb joined #koha | |
22:33 | eythian | Someone else got it wrong and I reply-all'ed. |
22:37 | Soupermanito joined #koha | |
22:49 | talljoy left #koha | |
22:51 | jcamins_away | Was there something else I wanted to sign off on tonight? |
22:52 | trea left #koha | |
22:55 | maximep left #koha | |
23:39 | luisb joined #koha | |
23:55 | luisb joined #koha |
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