IRC log for #koha, 2024-07-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 mbridge joined #koha
01:07 mbridge joined #koha
02:07 mbridge joined #koha
03:07 mbridge joined #koha
04:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:55 reiveune joined #koha
05:55 reiveune hello
06:07 mbridge joined #koha
07:01 thibaud_g joined #koha
07:07 mbridge joined #koha
07:20 alex_a joined #koha
08:07 mbridge joined #koha
09:07 mbridge joined #koha
10:07 mbridge joined #koha
10:59 zb joined #koha
11:07 mbridge joined #koha
11:17 alex_a joined #koha
11:28 dolf joined #koha
11:34 dolf joined #koha
12:07 mbridge joined #koha
12:08 dolf Hello Koha people! I am seeing some errors in my logs, and I can't find existing issues about it. They all happen when the / endpoint is hit, and most of them look like "Use of uninitialized value in numeric …". I'm trying to make a pastebin link to show my logs, but I'm getting "Pastebin’s SMART filters have detected potentially offensive or questionable content in your Paste." Apparently my error logs are somehow offensive...
12:08 Here are two lines from opac-error.log:
12:08 [Fri Jul 19 13:57:21.154852 2024] [cgi:error] [pid 1696482:tid 1696482] [client] AH01215: stderr from /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/ Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 999.
12:08 [Fri Jul 19 13:57:29.772574 2024] [cgi:error] [pid 1696505:tid 1696505] [client] AH01215: stderr from /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/ Use of uninitialized value $nametype in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 442.
12:09 My / endpoint is getting hit endlessly by bots from Facebook and Amazon for months now. I have limited their IPs to one request per bot per minute, and that really helps. No idea what they want with our MARC records, though!
12:10 oleonard joined #koha
12:11 oleonard dolf: "Use of uninitialized value" errors are usually warnings rather than errors per se, so they can usually be ignored
12:12 dolf: I can't think of any reason why you should allow bots from Amazon or Facebook at all.
12:13 dolf Good to know about the warnings. I am trying to investigate high CPU usage on those requests (regardless of who made the requests), so I thought that these errors/warnings might be a smoking gun.
12:13 Side note: It would be nice to squelch the warnings or fix the underlying errors, so that I could set up some kind of monitoring or notification that bugs me when any text is written to the error logs.
12:16 Another issue I'm chasing (I don't know if it's related) is that I'm getting "504 Gateway Timeout" errors (after a long wait) when I do a cataloging search like `/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/` but when doing the same search from the OPAC, it works fine.
12:18 oleonard The OPAC and cataloging searches are very different, so it's not surprising they respond differently. That's as much as I know about it though.
12:18 dolf: FYI most Koha folk are now on Mattermost: You might get a wider audience for your questions there
12:19 dolf OK, makes sense. I'm trying to figure out what makes it hang. At first I thought that I had too many staged marc records in the reservoir, so I deleted them all (about 100k records), but it made no difference.
12:19 Oh, that's nice. When did the shift to Mattermost happen?
12:19 oleonard A few months ago I guess?
12:21 dolf Awesome, thanks. I'll hop over there.
12:34 eythian joined #koha
13:02 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:07 mbridge joined #koha
13:14 edveal joined #koha
13:52 Dyrcona No plan of action survives first contact with the email inbox.
14:07 mbridge joined #koha
14:59 reiveune bye
14:59 bye
14:59 reiveune left #koha
15:07 mbridge joined #koha
16:07 mbridge joined #koha
16:22 dolf joined #koha
17:07 mbridge joined #koha
17:30 tcohen joined #koha
17:54 alohabot` joined #koha
18:07 mbridge joined #koha
19:07 mbridge joined #koha
20:01 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Hello! Most of the Koha Community conversation is now over on Mattermost. Come and join us!
20:07 mbridge joined #koha
21:07 mbridge joined #koha
22:07 mbridge joined #koha
23:07 mbridge joined #koha
23:36 dpk__ joined #koha

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