IRC log for #koha, 2024-07-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 mbridge joined #koha
01:07 mbridge joined #koha
02:07 mbridge joined #koha
03:07 mbridge joined #koha
04:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:53 reiveune joined #koha
06:07 mbridge joined #koha
06:54 thibaud_g joined #koha
06:58 lds joined #koha
07:07 mbridge joined #koha
08:01 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Hello! Most of the Koha Community conversation is now over on Mattermost. Come and join us!
08:07 mbridge joined #koha
08:19 alex_a joined #koha
09:04 thibaud_g joined #koha
09:07 mbridge joined #koha
10:07 mbridge joined #koha
10:37 fredericd joined #koha
11:07 mbridge joined #koha
11:37 alex_a joined #koha
12:07 mbridge joined #koha
13:07 mbridge joined #koha
13:19 Dyrcona joined #koha
14:07 mbridge joined #koha
15:07 mbridge joined #koha
15:31 reiveune bye
15:31 reiveune left #koha
16:06 ipso joined #koha
16:07 mbridge joined #koha
16:09 ipso Hello everyone! I am having a problem when creating a new user category within my koha version 23.11.02, the box titled "category type" does not allow me to select any category found there, does anyone have an idea how to solve it? ? ? From already thank you very much!
16:10 mbridge [mattermost] <cait> what happens when you try to select it? is the list empty or do the normal values show?
16:10 ipso The list of values ​​is shown, but it doesn't let me select them
16:18 mbridge [mattermost] <ammopt> Any console error? Have you tried a different browser?
16:19 [mattermost] <ammopt> I can't reproduce this running a fresh instance from v23.11.02
16:41 tcohen joined #koha
16:57 tcohen joined #koha
17:07 mbridge joined #koha
17:14 tcohen joined #koha
17:49 tcohen joined #koha
17:53 alohabot` joined #koha
18:07 mbridge joined #koha
18:30 Dyrcona joined #koha
19:07 mbridge joined #koha
19:22 Dyrcona joined #koha
20:01 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Hello! Most of the Koha Community conversation is now over on Mattermost. Come and join us!
20:03 [mattermost] <teweldino> Items Not Showing Up in OPAC/KOHA
20:03 [mattermost] <teweldino> Hi everyone,
20:03 [mattermost] <teweldino> I'm hoping to get some help with an issue I'm having in Koha. I recently added some new items to the system, but they aren't showing up in the OPAC.
20:03 [mattermost] <teweldino> I've already tried [list troubleshooting steps you've taken, e.g., checking indexing, verifying item status].
20:03 [mattermost] <teweldino> I've also reviewed the Koha documentation but haven't been able to find a solution.
20:03 [mattermost] <teweldino> Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Any advice on how to get these items to show up in the OPAC would be greatly appreciated.
20:03 [mattermost] <teweldino> Thanks,
20:05 [mattermost] <caroline> Can be specify what happens when you try to access them in the OPAC? Error page?
20:06 [mattermost] <caroline> Can you specify what happens when you try to access them in the OPAC? Error page?
20:06 [mattermost] <caroline> Can you specify what happens when you try to access them in the OPAC? Error page?
20:07 mbridge joined #koha
20:12 Dyrcona joined #koha
21:07 mbridge joined #koha
22:07 mbridge joined #koha
23:07 mbridge joined #koha

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