IRC log for #koha, 2024-06-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 mbridge joined #koha
01:07 mbridge joined #koha
02:07 mbridge joined #koha
03:07 mbridge joined #koha
04:07 mbridge joined #koha
04:18 mbridge [mattermost] <dcook> As I noted on the Bugzilla report, be mindful of security as well.
04:18 [mattermost] <dcook> That "" idea would be a security nightmare for instance.
05:07 mbridge joined #koha
06:07 mbridge joined #koha
06:19 alex_a joined #koha
06:37 thibaud_glt joined #koha
06:49 reiveune joined #koha
06:59 reiveune hello
07:07 mbridge joined #koha
07:15 lds joined #koha
08:07 mbridge joined #koha
09:07 mbridge joined #koha
09:43 alex_a joined #koha
09:54 lds joined #koha
10:07 mbridge joined #koha
11:07 mbridge joined #koha
12:07 mbridge joined #koha
13:07 mbridge joined #koha
13:23 Dyrcona joined #koha
14:07 mbridge joined #koha
14:32 mbridge [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Hi David,
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Thank you for bringing up your concerns regarding the REST API endpoint accessing the Koha saved_sql table. I appreciate your diligence in ensuring the security and integrity of our system. Let me provide some clarity on how we've addressed these concerns:
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> FIPS Compliance: Our application is fully compliant with the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). This ensures that we adhere to stringent security protocols and cryptographic standards mandated by the federal government. Compliance with FIPS guarantees that our application meets high security standards for data protection and encryption.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> OAuth2 Authentication: We utilize OAuth2 credentials for authenticating API calls. OAuth2 is a robust and widely adopted authorization framework that ensures secure and controlled access to the API. By leveraging OAuth2, we can manage tokens, scope limitations, and refresh mechanisms to maintain secure and seamless access to the endpoint.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> SQL Injection Prevention: Our code rigorously checks for SQL injection vulnerabilities before processing any queries. This involves parameterized queries and thorough validation of inputs to ensure that only safe and sanitized queries are executed. By employing these best practices, we mitigate the risk of SQL injection attacks and maintain the integrity of our database operations.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Malformed SQL Handling: Koha's backend has built-in mechanisms to identify and reject malformed SQL syntaxes. In addition to our preventative measures, Koha will not execute any query that does not conform to its SQL syntax rules. This dual layer of protection further ensures that only valid and well-formed SQL queries are processed.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Additional Security Measures: We also employ other security practices such as:
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Ensuring that only authorized users have access to the API endpoint based on their roles.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Rate Limiting: To prevent abuse and mitigate potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, we implement rate limiting on the API endpoint.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Audit Logging: All API calls and executed queries are logged for audit and monitoring purposes. This allows us to track and review access patterns and any anomalies in real-time.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> By incorporating these measures, we have established a robust and secure framework for interacting with the saved_sql table via the REST API endpoint. I am confident that these steps adequately address the potential risks and ensure a secure implementation.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Please let me know if you have any further concerns or require additional information.
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Best regards,
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> Rudy Hinojosa
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa> CEO Lightwave Library
14:32 [mattermost] <rudy.hinojosa>
15:07 mbridge joined #koha
15:08 reiveune bye
15:08 reiveune left #koha
16:07 mbridge joined #koha
17:07 mbridge joined #koha
18:07 mbridge joined #koha
18:12 indradg joined #koha
18:46 indradg joined #koha
18:54 Joubu joined #koha
19:07 mbridge joined #koha
19:15 indradg joined #koha
20:07 mbridge joined #koha
20:33 indradg joined #koha
21:07 mbridge joined #koha
22:07 mbridge joined #koha
22:12 indradg joined #koha
23:07 mbridge joined #koha

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