IRC log for #koha, 2024-03-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
08:04 bshum joined #koha
08:57 cait joined #koha
09:33 philor joined #koha
10:19 lukeg joined #koha
11:04 lukeg joined #koha
12:25 cait @later tell fridolin can you please grab bug 36098 + bug 34755 for 23.11? (see comment from tcohen on the latter)
12:25 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded.
13:18 wizzyrea joined #koha
13:27 tcohen hi all
13:27 just wanted to wish y'all a great weekend :-D
13:27 o/
13:27 bye!
17:44 lukeg joined #koha
23:20 wajasu joined #koha

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