IRC log for #koha, 2024-02-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
05:29 reiveune joined #koha
05:30 reiveune hello
05:54 fridolin joined #koha
05:56 fridolin bonjour
06:12 fridolin left #koha
06:14 fridolin joined #koha
07:32 magnuse \o/
07:36 fridolin joined #koha
07:57 fridolin joined #koha
08:09 Joubu @later tell kidclamp I think I fixed the "run", and also the link to batch patron mod
08:09 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
08:31 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha
09:43 ammarspv[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "morning #koha" <- Very good morning to you and to your Koha instance
09:53 ashimema why do we have Koha::Calendar and C4::Calendar
09:53 and when should one use one over the other.. they appear rather similar in function
09:55 hmm.. similar but different.. weirdly confusing having both though.
10:21 OK.. new question around opening hours
10:21 should one be able to set opening hours for days marked closed in the calendar?
10:21 as in.. the repeated weekday closed days
10:24 paulderscheid[m] Don't really know anything about C4/Koha::Calendar but maybe it's better to be able to set those if the closed status can change?
10:24 But maybe I'm not understanding the problem fully..
10:25 ashimema with the bug I'm working through we add opening hours too
10:25 it's not tied at all to the existing opening days in any way
10:25 I feel like it aught to be somehow.. even if only informationally
10:26 paulderscheid[m] This should deffo be consolidated. Then we can also add an API endpoint for branches' opening hours.
10:27 That would be useful for display on external websites and such.
10:27 ashimema they already add library_hours to the embedable options on fetch
10:27 which is nice
10:27 but yeah
10:27 all the write/edit is good 'ol controllers right now
10:27 which I'm OK with for now
10:28 but I don't want to lock out the possibility to make it API driven at some point.
10:28 oleonard joined #koha
10:28 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, this feels like it should have one single source of truth, though.
10:29 ashimema I feel like we should grey out the hours inputs for weekly closed days in the edit screens and also denote 'closed' somehow in display where we display hours
10:29 indeed
10:29 it's in two distinct places right now
10:30 but also.. it's optional whether you set open/closed at the hours or days level too
10:30 so I can't just reply on 'Is hours populated, no - it must be closed'
10:30 f**k
10:30 why do i find myself in these holes!
10:32 * oleonard waves to ashimema down there
10:33 ashimema lol
10:33 fridolin cait: hi, Bug 35506 looks in master, but status is assigned
10:33 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35506 normal, P5 - low, ---, victor, ASSIGNED , selenium/regressions.t is failing randomly
10:34 Joubu fridolin: we are testing it
10:36 fridolin oki good
10:40 ashimema so far it's looking good I think
10:40 but yeah.. truth will be once we start pushing more and thus running the tests regularly again
10:41 cait :)
10:42 ashimema: now that you mentioned the calendar... the opening hours feel out of place on the library page :(
10:42 shouldn't opening days and hours be together?
10:42 ashimema they're not at all linked right now
10:43 I've passed the current bug.. not that I've tested the crap out of it and fixed a number of issues i found
10:43 I'm now going to write up a series of follow-up bugs I'd like to see taken care of
10:43 cait I feel it might be good to set the times for closed days too, but have a note / greyed out as you suggested for a visual clue
10:43 ashimema including dropping 'weekdays' from repeatable_holidays and moving them into library_hours
10:43 cait hm?
10:44 I am not sure about that one
10:44 I feel like the whole opening hours should be more optional
10:44 if you move them, it won't
10:44 ashimema they should still get referenced and used in Koha::Calender/C4::Calendar too
10:44 cait and it will cuase issues in migrating
10:44 ashimema not in the way I'm envisaging it
10:45 cait libraries without hourly loans might just not care about all that
10:45 ashimema checkbox next to each day closed/open and it's own db field in library_hours
10:45 if you don't want to set hours, you still don't have to
10:45 cait I think
10:45 hm
10:45 I'd still want to set my weekly closures in the calendar, that's the bit thta has me worried
10:45 ashimema you do still need to set open/closed days though.. which is exactly the same as it always was
10:46 cait the day not open at all should be in one place
10:46 ashimema I'm just looking to expose it in both places clearly
10:46 the reason I want to move it data wise is so it can be opened up to the API
10:47 cait the API will need to draw from both places if you want a nice one
10:47 there is also single closed days
10:47 exceptions
10:47 ashimema yes.. and those are clearly distinct
10:47 cait if you want an API to tell when the library is open, we need to query both
10:48 ashimema cait.. please don't complicate things before we've even considered the code
10:48 cait you want to mve stuff :)
10:48 I just say, leave it where it is
10:49 ashimema you're arguing without letting the proposition be put forward
10:49 I'm walking away now
10:49 cait not argueing, just voicing concern about a proposed change
10:49 ... but I will stop now
10:49 ashimema before it's even been proposed in any detail
10:49 that's not constructive
10:50 lets just fail this bug entirely already then aye
10:50 it's only languised for 12 years already
10:51 cait i thought we were taking about changed following after
10:52 ashimema I am, to make it consistent going forward
10:52 but if you are strongly advocating "Don't change", then we should not put this in at all in my opinion
10:53 paulderscheid[m] I'm arguing for "Do change".
10:53 The opening hours are a component needed for many things not yet in core.
10:53 And API integration would be stellar.
10:53 cait I never argued for not changing anything
10:53 ashimema 100%
10:53 cait you said yourself they were not linked now
10:54 i was argueing a future implementation detail, maybe too early
10:54 it's not fair to make it an all/nothing question, that's not waht is was about, but I am stepping back as well
10:54 ashimema except the moment I even considered making the data structure reflective of how the system actually works.. considering I've just spent 3 whole days free of charge neck deep in the code.. you put an immadaite. "No, we should not do that"
10:55 paulderscheid[m] I think we're all friends here, so let's just drop the debate.
10:55 Let's criticise when there's follow-ups to criticise.
10:56 cait I argued we should do a detail different - if we can't discuss and have different opinions, what is the point?
10:58 let's have the first bit if you think it's ok and bulit on that step by step
10:59 paulderscheid[m] That sounds like a plan.
11:00 ashimema nah.. I failed it
11:00 without the follow-up's it's a fail
11:00 I am now walking away
11:12 * fridolin eating cheese
11:14 oleonard Good choice fridolin
11:15 khall joined #koha
11:41 cait I am very sorry if that came across as a hard no for a proposed change, that was not what I had intended. I realize I need to be more careful, especially being RM.
11:43 I'll step out for a bit, taking care of things outside Koha.
11:56 angelic joined #koha
12:05 magnuse fridolin++
12:30 oleonard Noticing Bug 22324 made me have morbid curiosity about what L*bL*me was up to lately... Bibliovation? I guess they still don't have a UI designer on staff :P
12:30 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=22324 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, RESOLVED LATER, Might be nice to list forks
12:32 oleonard Someone please poach the Terra Foundation for American Art from them and get them on an up to date system :D[…]koha/
12:37 tcohen hola #koha o/
12:41 magnuse ooh, Koha 4...
12:44 oleonard magnuse: Whereas we won't have a Koha 4 until 3004
12:45 magnuse it'll be worth the wait ;-)
12:46 lds joined #koha
12:47 marcelr joined #koha
12:47 marcelr o/
12:47 oleonard: <meta name="generator" content="Koha 4.0900034" /> <!-- leave this for stats -->
12:48 oleonard Very advanced
12:48 marcelr lol
12:48 <!-- leave this for hackers -->
12:52 fridolin joined #koha
12:56 tcohen removing the version would require us to find another way to deal with assets cache invalidation
12:58 oleonard: did my answer to dcook about session corruption reach the list?
12:59 oleonard tcohen: Not that I can see!
13:01 marcelr tcohen i still think that i hardly see 50%
13:01 tcohen Theke uses Gmail for email, this is odd
13:01 I'm not implying my email was important heh
13:01 marcelr but i saw owen's reply
13:02 dont be shy tcohen
13:02 tcohen we need to track this down
13:03 marcelr seeing it now
13:03 even on 365
13:03 tcohen sent it from my Gmail account
13:03 Joubu I am missing a lot of bugz emails
13:05 lol!
13:05 finding 1 sec bug every day ..
13:07 marcelr whats the bug there?
13:08 ah 36081
13:09 fridolin use of $raw is never good in public interface
13:09 marcelr yeah but its about server side checks
13:10 the general rule is solve 1 bug, find 2 new ones
13:11 and hoping to not create 3 new ones ;)
13:12 Joubu i think 36081 does not need secu
13:12 Joubu you can force a value from OPAC which is not expected from the backend...
13:13 marcelr yes, it happens
13:13 tcohen the backend needs to perform checks
13:13 Joubu it's sec bug for me, but feel free to deescalate
13:13 marcelr just different perspectives
13:13 Joubu a restriction can be bypassed :D
13:13 tcohen it's a security bug
13:14 Joubu yes, it's def sec for me
13:14 marcelr well i will be silent then :)
13:15 will solve it now, hang on
13:16 tcohen :-D
13:16 it might not be *that* bad if the format is HTML escaped everywhere it is used
13:16 Joubu and please all keep your focus on csrf, we are not done yet (far from done!)
13:17 marcelr: should be multi as well ;)
13:27 fridolin left #koha
13:29 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:37 magnuse_ joined #koha
13:38 marcelr Joubu: multi ? not multi param?
13:44 Joubu syspref with dropdown list, 2 options
13:46 angelic Hi everyone. We are using Turkish language. But there are some English phrases in Turhis pages. How can I chang them to Turkish?  I marked English prases by yellow in this screenshots:
13:47 Joubu angelic: use the translation platform:
13:52 angelic Thank you Joubu. But I cannot open the page
13:54 tcohen bye all, I'll be afk for a week. please email me if urgent
13:55 magnuse__ joined #koha
13:58 marcelr o no tcohen
13:58 fridolin joined #koha
14:05 khall joined #koha
14:14 magnuse_ joined #koha
14:17 magnuse_ joined #koha
14:23 magnuse__ joined #koha
15:38 Joubu mtj: around? We may need to roll another release (all stables) with 36034
15:38 blocker for a week and nobody cares?
15:39 All you, you should patch your Koha instances, mess is coming
15:39 bug 36034
15:39 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=36034 blocker, P1 - high, ---, koha-bugs, Signed Off , cas_ticket is set to serialized patron object in session
16:00 bag joined #koha
16:00 reiveune bye
16:00 reiveune left #koha
16:30 oleonard-away splitter is down :(
16:31 khall joined #koha
17:19 ashimema what about splitter2
17:20 ooh.. both are
17:29 oleonard-away Yeah I start with splitter2
17:31 oleonard What is a suggestion's "Collection title" supposed to be for?
17:37 aude_c[m] I always interpreted that "collection title" as "series title". But maybe I'm wrong?
17:45 oleonard It's odd that we have something there that doesn't map cleanly to any particular Koha field
17:58 caroline in marc21, afaik, series and collection are both stored in 490 (or 830)
17:58 but koha has biblioitems.collectiontitle and biblio.seriestitle
17:59 maybe that's why it isn't mapped correctly?
18:02 JasonGreene[m] all of our books have an IDNO (ID Number) at both branches and a lot are the same.  They were hand chosen... 1000-4000 and 1000-14000.  We are going to change them however, does Koha or Marc21 have a something like that, that these number can fill in the transfer? They also have Dewey numbers.
18:07 oleonard JasonGreene[m]: Maybe inventory number? 952i ?
18:14 JasonGreene[m] oleonard: thanks
18:15 That is correct
18:57 khall_ joined #koha
21:12 JasonGreene[m] can't find it ... looking for a "date added" Marc21 code... anyone?
21:13 caroline 952$d for the item would be the best I think
21:13 I don't think there is one for records... but I may be wrong
21:15 JasonGreene[m] thanks!
22:18 aleisha joined #koha
23:14 bshum joined #koha

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