IRC log for #koha, 2023-11-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:13 kohaio[m] joined #koha
00:22 tuxayo joined #koha
00:48 JosefMoravec[m] joined #koha
01:06 khall joined #koha
01:15 DevendraKuvelkar[m] joined #koha
01:22 jenneen[m] joined #koha
01:32 MarliaJuzo[m] joined #koha
01:55 EmmiTakkinen[m] joined #koha
01:57 aroberts18[m] joined #koha
01:58 johnwaynechesterton[m] joined #koha
02:08 Shane-NP[m] joined #koha
02:15 blueblue02[m] joined #koha
02:16 MartinWitjens[m] joined #koha
02:23 alohabot joined #koha
02:25 dcook_ joined #koha
02:36 DIGITALBITS[m] joined #koha
03:03 KodoKorkalo[m] joined #koha
03:04 PaoloMalevolti[m] joined #koha
03:15 jpahd[m] joined #koha
03:54 lassmaher[m] joined #koha
04:14 dcook__ joined #koha
04:29 dcook_ joined #koha
04:32 AlexanderBlanchard[m] joined #koha
04:33 lauraesca[m] joined #koha
04:55 JohannaGrpler[m] joined #koha
05:04 jjlangel[m] joined #koha
05:55 Zahid[m] joined #koha
05:55 asif joined #koha
05:55 boormanthechauffeur[m] joined #koha
05:56 anpu26[m] joined #koha
06:02 ksorbo[m] joined #koha
06:23 KakhaberRevazishvili[m] joined #koha
06:34 alohabot joined #koha
06:37 lisette[m] joined #koha
06:39 alohabot` joined #koha
06:45 clarkk30[m] joined #koha
06:57 alohabot joined #koha
07:01 Joubu mtj: "add more fields to debian/control" is missing from koha-l10n/21.11
07:09 philmakesstuff[m] joined #koha
07:10 mrlmry[m] joined #koha
07:20 tkero[m] joined #koha
07:26 SuelenAlvesdosSantos[m] joined #koha
07:37 reiveune joined #koha
07:37 reiveune hello
07:40 paxed bug 35284 ... the commit message seem very cryptic
07:40 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35284 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to oldstable , No more delay between 2 DT requests
07:40 Noor[m] joined #koha
07:47 JasonGreene[m] joined #koha
07:50 thibaud_g joined #koha
07:53 ashimema joined #koha
07:57 cait joined #koha
07:59 lds joined #koha
08:01 cait1 joined #koha
08:05 MintesinotBirru[m] joined #koha
08:28 milikansama[m] joined #koha
08:30 magnuse_ joined #koha
08:31 SauloPimentel[m] joined #koha
08:49 cait joined #koha
08:52 cait1 joined #koha
08:53 MarkHofstetter joined #koha
08:58 LaurentDucos[m] joined #koha
09:06 PaulMayer[m] joined #koha
09:08 M439bananasThomas[m] joined #koha
09:09 thomas63[m] joined #koha
09:16 matts_ joined #koha
09:16 cait1 good morning #koha
09:17 edveal[m] joined #koha
09:17 MohamedOmar[m] joined #koha
09:17 cait joined #koha
09:21 thibaud_g[m] joined #koha
09:22 jamsheernp[m] joined #koha
09:33 RalFran[m] joined #koha
09:37 ES[m] joined #koha
09:42 markfrancisonde[m] joined #koha
10:15 Joubu @later tell tcohen[…]erge_requests/488 awesome or silly?
10:15 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
10:15 udkoha joined #koha
10:35 Joubu mtj: trying to install koha-common on debian 12 (using the staging/dev repo) and it's failing -
10:35 udkoha Hi all together, I have a question concerning SSL connection from Koha to MariaDB. Can we configure Koha in such a way? And if yes, does it work properly?
10:36 Joubu mtj: Running `export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive`, then apt install again, and it's working. Maybe because I am trying in a docker container... weird
10:39 mtj hi Joubu, will take a look now
10:44 Joubu cait: did you notice the "WRAPPER" related strings when translating?
11:01 KarinaEsterDiez[m] joined #koha
11:04 jennee[m] joined #koha
11:05 mtreskonmuse[m] joined #koha
11:20 YogeshRawat[m] joined #koha
11:23 pastebot "mtj" at pasted "apt policy koha-common" (15 lines) at
11:23 mtj Joubu: shoudl be fixed now ^
11:50 aw-bib[m] joined #koha
11:55 ShopGeek[m] joined #koha
11:59 Joubu mtj: what have you done?
12:00 mtj hmm, i built/pushed a new pkg
12:00 im not sure if that fixed it, but i did test that its working after
12:02 Joubu mtj: did you see my other message?
12:02 About the commit missing from koha-l10n/21.11
12:03 paxed: do you need more info about bug 35284?
12:03 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35284 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to oldstable , No more delay between 2 DT requests
12:04 paxed Joubu: no, it was just slightly annoying that i had to go to the bugzilla because the commit message didn't really describe it
12:07 mtj Joubu: koha-l10n/21.11 patch pushed 🍹
12:21 lds joined #koha
12:26 bill-k[m] joined #koha
12:38 Joubu thx, mtj!
12:43 khall joined #koha
12:44 mtj hi Joubu, tcohen, 22.11 has a bad commit with 2ce9f0ce5b6a0c502f3e329ad80ec85322047257
12:45 an easy fix 🍕
12:46 Joubu this is for Matt
12:46 ptfs-e people disappeared from here
12:48 mtj np, i would have messaged them, but they are not here
12:49 * mtj off to bed, (yawn)
12:50 Joubu I let a comment on the bug
12:50 good night!
13:00 lucyvh[m] joined #koha
13:01 mjkerpan[m] joined #koha
13:05 cait1 joined #koha
13:08 cait Joubu: i think there were some comments, but they have been there before
13:11 cait1 joined #koha
13:17 AndreJaneiro[m] joined #koha
13:28 Annelisterman[m] joined #koha
13:29 piotrmaj[m] joined #koha
13:30 vfernandes[m] joined #koha
14:18 jo[m]1 joined #koha
14:28 magnuse_ well, that's weird. if i look at background_jobs of type update_elastic_index, both the number of "new" and "finished" jobs are increasing. so jobs are being processed, but some are stuck at "new". with rabbit running, it looks every other job is stuck at new (the ones with even ids) and with rabbit stopped, all jobs are stuck at "new". some jobs have been stuck at "new" since yesterday. the server was upgraded from 20.x the day
14:28 before yesterday. anyone got a hunch?
14:31 current version is 22.11.10
14:43 Atral[m] joined #koha
15:03 samlau[m]1 joined #koha
15:07 indradg[m] joined #koha
15:19 afr4z[m] joined #koha
15:32 TobiasEngelke[m] joined #koha
15:38 aude_c[m] joined #koha
15:38 ammarspv[m] joined #koha
15:57 ccordova joined #koha
16:01 MaratDallin[m] joined #koha
16:06 reiveune bye
16:07 reiveune left #koha
16:11 did-g[m] joined #koha
16:13 ccordova joined #koha
16:24 domm[m] joined #koha
16:24 Abu[m]1 joined #koha
16:30 steve-p-d[m] joined #koha
16:31 StVincentMaintenance[m] joined #koha
16:40 demetriv22[m] joined #koha
16:48 ITMLJS[m] joined #koha
17:36 ccordova joined #koha
17:42 samlau[m] joined #koha
17:51 simonetteskii[m] joined #koha
18:00 ArvindNaikwadi[m] joined #koha
18:17 cait joined #koha
18:17 cait left #koha
18:20 cait joined #koha
18:25 KevinFurst[m] joined #koha
18:29 PedroAmorim[m] joined #koha
18:42 RafaelFernandes[m] joined #koha
19:03 ibnsina[m] joined #koha
19:04 zimbo_[m] joined #koha
19:13 paulderscheid[m] joined #koha
19:20 puphaus[m] joined #koha
21:20 caroline In the context of ERM, what is the difference between "Usage" and "eUsage"?
21:21 I'm thinking of translating both the same, but if there is a marked difference, I'll try to find another word for eUsage
21:24 jenneen[m] joined #koha
21:26 cait caroline: I am not sure yet
21:27 caroline cait! I didn't think you'd still be awake :)
21:27 Did you translate the preservation module yet?
21:27 cait part of it I guess
21:27 caroline I'm having a hard time with "Train"
21:27 cait I finished messages today
21:27 I picked "batch"
21:28 there was a discussion on the bug that it could also be batch... so I used the word for that in German for now
21:28 caroline I finished messages too! That checkmark is a great view
21:29 batch is good, I think I'll go back and change it to that too... I used the actual word for train (like choo-choo-train), because Joubu said that's what it was in the bug, but I don't like it
21:30 AlexanderBlanchard[m] joined #koha
21:30 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] joined #koha
21:30 cait I think we will probably end up doing some fine tuning when we learn more about it, but I try to make it consistent for now at least
21:41 PriyanshuSoni[m] joined #koha
21:57 philmakesstuff[m] joined #koha
22:24 MarliaJuzo[m] joined #koha
22:28 aroberts18[m] joined #koha
22:55 ajoqez[m] joined #koha
23:01 JohannaGrpler[m] joined #koha
23:24 LibraryHU[m] joined #koha
23:34 ProfDrOsmanBarre[m] joined #koha
23:48 h2h2[m] joined #koha
23:58 mrlmry[m] joined #koha

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