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All times shown according to UTC.
Time | Nick | Message |
00:07 | cait[m] | @later tell lukeg please remember so set Needs documenting for the enh bugs not getting backported :) |
00:07 | huginn | cait[m]: The operation succeeded. |
00:08 | lukeg | thanks cait, im still learning what should be 'needs documenting' and what should be 'resolved fixed' |
00:08 | cait[m] | I tihnk when in doubt, use the needs documenting - easy to switch them closed for the docs team, but harder to track missed ones |
00:46 | fridolin joined #koha | |
01:28 | JBoyer joined #koha | |
01:46 | dcook | davidnind++ |
01:46 | The Koha MVP \o/ | |
01:47 | Well, there are several MVPs hehe | |
01:47 | VVP very valuable players.. | |
05:41 | fridolin joined #koha | |
06:59 | fridolin1 joined #koha | |
07:08 | thibaud_g joined #koha | |
07:30 | reiveune joined #koha | |
07:31 | reiveune | hello |
07:31 | wahanui | what's up, reiveune |
07:32 | magnuse__ joined #koha | |
07:37 | alex_ joined #koha | |
07:38 | alex_ | Bonjour |
07:38 | wahanui | hello, alex_ |
07:43 | magnuse__ | \o/ |
08:06 | cait joined #koha | |
09:16 | paulderscheid[m] | Morning #koha |
09:31 | ashimema | 🙂 |
10:37 | cait | Admin Kuhn and Tamil are the first to provide demo installations for 22.11! |
10:37 | tamil++ admin_kuhn++ | |
11:14 | tcohen | hola #koha o/ |
11:36 | oleonard joined #koha | |
11:45 | oleonard | o/ |
11:58 | * cait | waves |
12:13 | alex_ joined #koha | |
12:44 | thibaud_glt joined #koha | |
13:49 | * ashimema | sends late apologies for the general meeting.. |
13:49 | ashimema | I have a meeting clash so I'm afraid I won't be around really |
13:51 | cait | I can't chair, but only half around, will read and try |
13:56 | emlam joined #koha | |
14:00 | cait | tuxayo: ping |
14:00 | tuxayo-webchat joined #koha | |
14:00 | tuxayo-webchat | hi :) |
14:02 | #startmeeting General IRC meeting 7 December 2022 | |
14:02 | huginn | Meeting started Wed Dec 7 14:02:52 2022 UTC. The chair is tuxayo-webchat. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:02 | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | |
14:02 | The meeting name has been set to 'general_irc_meeting_7_december_2022' | |
14:03 | tuxayo-webchat | #link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_7_December_2022 Today's agenda |
14:03 | #topic Introductions | |
14:03 | tcohen | #info Tomas Cohen Arazi, Cordoba, Argentina |
14:04 | tuxayo-webchat | Martin sent apologies for not being able to attend. |
14:05 | #info Victor Grousset, Tuxayo-Europe, France | |
14:06 | nugged arround? | |
14:07 | Who else specifically would be of special interest for this meeting? | |
14:09 | cait | #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany |
14:09 | qa_team? | |
14:09 | wahanui | i think qa_team is cait, marcelr, khall, kidclamp, kohaputti, lukeg, aleisha, fridolin, ashimema, tuxayo, nugged, petrova, Joubu and dcook |
14:09 | cait | rmaints? |
14:09 | wahanui | rmaints are lukeg, liliputech and tuxayo |
14:12 | cait | tuxayo should we continue or postpone? we could get in touch with nugged maybe for an update on Kohacon planning |
14:12 | I added the bidding to the agenda, because I thought we should decide on when to start/start early this time, so we could announce next host at the umcoming KohaCon23 | |
14:13 | but it might be a little too early yet :) | |
14:13 | tuxayo-webchat | Ok that was going to be my question about "Schedule KohaCon24 bidding" |
14:14 | So it's about calling for a volunteer to make the wikipage call for bidding in the mailing lists? | |
14:14 | cait | if someone wanted to host more at the beginning of the year, knowing early woudl be good, but just wanted to discuss schedule really |
14:14 | decide if we want to do it now or later | |
14:14 | deadline | |
14:14 | wahanui | hmmm... deadline is close... before woud be better if martin can manage, but having a second look next wek might still be cool |
14:14 | tuxayo-webchat | > if someone wanted to host more at the beginning of the year, knowing early woudl be good, but just wanted to discuss schedule really |
14:14 | cait | and who to wiki/mail |
14:14 | tuxayo-webchat | yes! |
14:15 | > but just wanted to discuss schedule really | |
14:15 | We can do that :) | |
14:15 | #topic announcements | |
14:15 | Anything to announce? | |
14:16 | #info Fediverse/Mastodon channel created @KohaILS![]() |
14:17 | #topic Update on KohaCon23, Helsinki | |
14:17 | nugged again maybe? | |
14:17 | cait | yes |
14:17 | tuxayo-webchat | #topic Schedule KohaCon24 bidding |
14:18 | wahanui: forget deadline | |
14:18 | wahanui | tuxayo-webchat: I forgot deadline |
14:18 | cait | should we start in January maybe? |
14:19 | tuxayo-webchat | So start in January the bidding so if someone wants to host in January 2024 it would be good timing? |
14:19 | cait | we can try, and let it run for 2 months or so? |
14:19 | if we don#t get a bid, we know it was too early ;) | |
14:19 | tuxayo-webchat | looks good :) |
14:20 | cait | I can add a reminder to my calendar and bring it up again in dev meeting |
14:21 | tuxayo-webchat | So call for a volunteer next week (next meeting) to open the the bidding? |
14:22 | cait | we can try that, I'll add it to next meeting agenda then |
14:22 | tuxayo-webchat | Thanks :) |
14:22 | Dyrcona joined #koha | |
14:22 | cait | woudl be good to have someone overseeing the process |
14:22 | tuxayo-webchat | I can make a call in the list also |
14:23 | *lists | |
14:23 | #action tuxayo call in the lists for volunteer to open the bidding for KohaCon24 | |
14:24 | #action cait add to next meeting agenda the topic of opening the bidding for KohaCon24 | |
14:24 | Anything else to discuss in this topic of in general? | |
14:24 | cait | don#t think so |
14:24 | maybe it would be nice if the hosts for next could give a quick update on the ML | |
14:25 | as they are not here today | |
14:26 | tuxayo-webchat | #action tuxayo request Andrew N. an update about KohaCon23 |
14:26 | #topic Set time of next meeting | |
14:27 | cait | I got to step out now for a few minutes, but maybe we should just set next meeting? |
14:27 | General is supposed to be quarterly | |
14:27 | tuxayo-webchat | Ok, that will fit to be ~2 month after starting the KohaCon24 bidding |
14:28 | 5 April 2023? | |
14:29 | #info Next meeting: 5 April 2023, 15:00 UTC | |
14:29 | #endmeeting | |
14:29 | huginn | Meeting ended Wed Dec 7 14:29:14 2022 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:29 | Minutes: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]-12-07-14.02.html | |
14:29 | Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-communit[…]2-12-07-14.02.txt | |
14:29 | Log: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]07-14.02.log.html | |
14:33 | cait | thx tuxayo |
14:33 | maybe we shoudl start to send email reminders again (or better... automate it) | |
14:34 | oleonard | Sorry to miss the meeting, I had an IRL meeting conflict :( |
14:38 | dcook_ joined #koha | |
14:38 | thd joined #koha | |
14:44 | cait | oleonard: I think a lot of us today |
14:45 | tcohen | has the koha-meetings script been run? |
14:45 | cait | not yet I think? we just finished a few minutes ago |
14:45 | tcohen | I know |
14:45 | I was here | |
14:45 | haha | |
14:45 | cait | youdidn#t talk :) |
14:46 | tcohen | only #info-ed |
14:46 | cait | is it fixed? |
14:46 | the script? | |
14:46 | wahanui | somebody said the script was so darn hard coded and sequential in the first place it was a nightmare to make some of it work with notices |
14:46 | cait | forget the script |
14:46 | wahanui | cait: I forgot script |
14:50 | dcook__ joined #koha | |
14:50 | tuxayo-webchat | What's wrong with the script again? It's not because of the alternance between two timeslots for dev meetings? And so "next meeting" becomes blurry |
14:50 | pastebot | "tcohen" at pasted "koha-meetings.pl without --confirm" (81 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/131 |
14:50 | ashimema | it's the google calendar integration |
14:51 | gcalcli won't talk using the more modern auth mechanisms if I remember correctly | |
14:51 | sorry.. just got out of my other meeting now | |
14:52 | tuxayo-webchat | > it's the google calendar integration |
14:52 | indeed, it didn't work ^^" | |
14:52 | tcohen | yes, but that's the last step on the script |
14:52 | ashimema | hmm |
14:52 | my memory was that it isn't.. | |
14:53 | we get part way through then gcalcli hangs and the rest of the script doesn't run.. | |
14:53 | I tihnk we create the page, but fail to populate the previous page.. | |
14:53 | I got it to work by just commenting out the gcal bit | |
14:53 | having said that.. I haven't tried since the wiki got upgraded | |
15:00 | * tcohen | is having computer issues... |
15:00 | tcohen | didn't miss them |
15:01 | it seems I'm not the only one melting in Córdoba | |
15:01 | lukeg joined #koha | |
15:01 | * cait | would like to melt - I am freezing :) |
15:02 | tcohen | let's meet somewhere in the middle? |
15:06 | gcalcli --calendar 'Koha agenda' updates '2022-06-18' | |
15:06 | Updates since: 2022-06-18 00:00:00-03:00 events starting 2022-12-07 00:00:00-03:00 until 2023-01-01 00:00:00-03:00 | |
15:06 | mié dic 07 11:00 General IRC meeting | |
15:06 | vie dic 09 12:00 Documentation IRC Meeting | |
15:06 | mar dic 13 12:00 Development IRC meeting | |
15:07 | mar dic 20 14:00 Cancelled - koha-US: Acquisitions SIG | |
15:07 | mar dic 27 13:00 Cancelled - Demonstration Instance SIG | |
15:10 | 2023-04-05 12:00 General IRC Meeting | |
15:11 | cait: | |
15:11 | gcalcli --calendar 'Koha agenda' search 'General' | grep 2023-04-05 | |
15:11 | 2023-04-05 12:00 General IRC Meeting | |
15:11 | it seems to have worked? | |
15:15 | it didn't | |
15:16 | cait | tcohen: agreed about meeting in the middle |
15:16 | tcohen | so I ran the koha-meetings.pl script |
15:16 | and | |
15:16 | - The calendar got updated | |
15:16 | - The wiki didn't | |
15:17 | cait | hm it looks like it updated the next IRC page |
15:17 | but tuaxo miscounted :) | |
15:17 | next meeting should have been beginning of march (quarterly is 3 months) | |
15:19 | but I guess we can go with April | |
16:10 | reiveune | bye |
16:10 | reiveune left #koha | |
16:17 | cait | tcohen: this one worked https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]Next_IRC_meetings, but no minutes on today's meeting and no new agenda |
16:23 | lukeg joined #koha | |
16:35 | fridolin joined #koha | |
17:20 | cait left #koha | |
18:00 | caroline | tcohen, I hadn't noticed until now, but I <3 the poem in the last dbrev |
18:06 | tcohen | you mean the first commit for 23.05? Me too! |
18:06 | I also love the first for 22.11 :-D | |
18:11 | caroline | Is it you or the new RM? I thought it was the last task of your reign, but maybe it's the first one |
18:11 | of the new RM | |
18:12 | tcohen | it is the first from the new RM |
18:12 | but I repeat | |
18:13 | caroline | I love it |
18:14 | davidnind | tcohen++ |
18:14 | caroline: I created a documentation meeting for 9 December 2022 13:00 UTC a while ago, but I didn't send anything to the mailing list - would you like me to change it? (https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]eting_2022-12-09) | |
18:15 | caroline | davidnind, I think I can do it, we haven't had one in a while |
18:16 | davidnind | I tried to make it at a time suitable for yourself and Europe... |
18:16 | I'll send a note now.. | |
18:17 | caroline | perfect thank you! |
18:18 | davidnind | The Raven, fifth stanza https://www.poetryfoundation.o[…]s/48860/the-raven |
19:27 | tcohen | oleonard-away: around? |
19:27 | too away? | |
19:27 | eh | |
19:27 | oleonard | Only a little bit away |
19:27 | tcohen | css sourcemaps |
19:28 | what are they? | |
19:28 | wahanui | they are finally exhaustive |
19:28 | tcohen | or more specifically |
19:28 | oleonard | If present, they allow browser developer tools to identify the relevant line in the .scss file based on the .css file |
19:29 | tcohen | ah, that's why they are only built on the gulp css script |
19:29 | which is for devs | |
19:29 | gotcha, thanks | |
21:35 | lukeg joined #koha | |
22:54 | Wainui joined #koha | |
22:55 | Wainui | cait[m]: i can't reply to the mailing list but thanks heaps for your help! |
22:55 | cait[m] | np - sometimes it's helpful to have half of bugzilla memorized :) |
22:56 | we once had a single letter for patron search not working and in the end it turned out their anti virus progam blocked it for whatever reason.... | |
23:07 | lukeg joined #koha |
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