IRC log for #koha, 2022-10-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:30 fridolin joined #koha
04:08 Oak joined #koha
04:10 fridolin joined #koha
05:02 dpk joined #koha
05:49 fridolin joined #koha
06:18 dpk_ joined #koha
06:30 uhusiano joined #koha
06:57 lds joined #koha
06:59 cait joined #koha
07:00 alex_ joined #koha
07:02 cait1 joined #koha
07:04 cait1 good morning #koha!
07:04 uhusiano anyone succeeded with upgrade from v22.05.04 to 22.05.05??
07:06 I have DB errors on upgrade, can't complete
07:07 ashimema Morning
07:08 What errors are you seeing uhusiano
07:08 they should be fairly clear, just may need a bit of manual intervention before re-running the update script to complete
07:09 if you report he problem on bugzilla too we can work on a fix for the broader community as it sounds like there's a case we've not considered perhaps.?
07:10 ooh, looks different this morning
07:11 cait1 ashimema: happened some time last week with an update
07:13 uhusiano1 joined #koha
07:13 uhusiano1 this is the error
07:14 DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Cannot change column 'branchcode': used in a foreign key constraint 'reserves_ibfk_4' at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 739
07:15 ashimema not sure I entirely like it cait1.. I feel like the nav bar should still be dark rather than a green to match the banner
07:15 anywho.
07:15 cait1 I think there were some issues related to the template and the update - so not all of it might be finished yet
07:16 there was a problem with publishig pages that needed to be fixed
07:17 ashimema is there more than that uhusiano1, I'd expect to see it point to a bigger chunk of SQL.. I can't tell which bit of the update it's running from that.
07:17 uhusiano1 Upgrade to [10:09:33]: Bug 31086 - Do not allow null values in branchcodes for reserves
07:18 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=31086 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, RESOLVED FIXED, Do not allow hold requests with no branchcode
07:20 ashimema hmmm
07:20 it sounds like `UPDATE reserves SET branchcode = ( SELECT branchcode FROM branches LIMIT 1) WHERE branchcode IS NULL;` didn't work before it tried to create the new constraint
07:21 did you not see 'Holds with no branchcode were found and will be updated to the first branch in the system' in the output?
07:21 uhusiano1 nope didn't see that
07:22 ashimema could you check if you already have the constraint?
07:22 uhusiano1 Kindly assist am a green horn with sql queries
07:23 ashimema ignore that for now.. I'm reading the update code to see if I can come up with anything for you
07:25 uhusiano1 Thanks ashimema
07:25 ashimema have you or anyone else customised your Koha in any way..?
07:26 nothing looks especially weird about our update procedure here.. it feels like your branchcodes are not of the standard form or something..
07:26 like someone has extended the varchar length of branchcode or something like that..
07:26 I'm stabbing in the dark really
07:26 ...
07:26 uhusiano1 my customization is not on the source code
07:27 ashimema oop... school run time.. I'll be back in an hour or so.. sorry..
07:27 hopefully someone else might be able to help sched some light for you
07:28 uhusiano1 thanks ashimema you have been helpful we are having a downtime catch up when you come back appreciative
07:29 huginn`: anything?
07:29 huginn` uhusiano1: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
07:29 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn`.
08:02 uhusiano1 sorry to bother you huginn` any leads?
08:16 uhusiano1 joined #koha
08:22 uhusiano1 ashimema: are you back yet
08:34 uhusiano[m] joined #koha
08:39 magnuse_ uhusiano1: huginn` and wahanui are bots, not always very helpful ;-)
08:39 uhusiano[m] magnuse_: hahahhaa
08:45 magnuse__ joined #koha
08:50 uhusiano[m] did you see my request?
09:08 magnuse_ joined #koha
09:11 cait1 uhusiano: when you create a report or query the database directly, what is the result of:  SELECT branchcode FROM branches LIMIT 1)
09:12 hm without the ) :  SELECT branchcode FROM branches LIMIT 1
09:14 uhusiano[m] SELECT branchcode FROM branches LIMIT 1;... (full message at <[…]zIRVBxGnzoKNSVxUN>)
09:15 magnuse joined #koha
09:21 uhusiano1 SELECT branchcode FROM branches LIMIT 1; +------------+ | branchcode | +------------+ | AMIU       | +------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
09:31 cait1 that does not look wrong
09:32 what does select * from reserves where branchcode is NULL give you? (maybe not share, but how many entries?)
09:32 magnuse_ joined #koha
09:33 uhusiano[m] cait1: select * from reserves where branchcode is NULL;
09:33 Empty set (0.01 sec)
09:34 cait1 hm
09:34 so it looks like actually there was no problem with this one
09:34 i missed it earlier, what was the exact errror you got?
09:35 maybe it was the next or previous database update?
09:35 uhusiano[m] While upgrading from Koha to (full message at <[…]KQPlNhhEHFHKneWvH>)
09:36 cait1 I am sorry, I am nots ure what happened there :(
09:36 you could ask on the mailng list or ask again here a little later when different people are around
09:38 uhusiano[m] cait1: thanks for your help
09:41 magnuse__ joined #koha
09:43 uhusiano[m] cait1: Ihave run  ALTER TABLE reserves MODIFY COLUMN `branchcode` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
09:44 and then ran sudo koha-upgrade-schema it run successfully
09:47 cait1 ok?
09:49 uhusiano[m] yes it completed the upgrade
09:50 cait1 well that's good then :)
09:50 ashimema well done uhusiano
09:50 apologies.. I got back and got pulled into meetings
09:51 varchar10 does sound like some db customisation to me.. I think the norm for our id's is varchar11
09:51 anywho.. doesn't really matter so long as your not using 11+ chars anyways
09:51 bbiab.. next meeting is calling
09:52 cait1 i think 10 is correct for the branchcode
09:53 uhusiano[m] branchcodeVARCHAR10 yes its 10 on the schema
09:58 cait1 yeah that's what I remember too - ran into that limitation a while ago :)
10:00 ashimema ok, i misread
10:04 uhusiano[m] This was useful
10:05 https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]ent.cgi?id=137635
10:28 cait joined #koha
10:33 oleonard joined #koha
10:35 oleonard o/
10:53 tcohen hola #koha
10:56 oleonard Hi tcohen
11:08 marcelr joined #koha
11:08 marcelr o/
11:14 magnuse_ joined #koha
11:19 tcohen \o
11:53 marcelr ashimema: Was comment28 enough for you to consider passing QA on bug 31503 ? Or would you insist on the lib/libopac tric ?
11:53 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=31503 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, Signed Off , Allow several consent types on the consents tab of OPAC account page
11:58 magnuse__ joined #koha
12:01 marcelr cait++ 30 QA's and we are on the 4th? Would you reach 300 this month? :)
12:01 she is cait1 today
12:02 tcohen hola marcler
12:05 marcelr hola tocneh
12:06 tcohen FQA
12:06 haha
12:06 marcelr lol
12:13 magnuse__ cait is the haaland of koha...
12:15 tcohen cait1: ping
12:17 marcelr cool quote magnuse
12:19 tcohen is the messi of Koha
12:19 tcohen LOL
12:20 paulderscheid[m] Good morning from my circadian rythm ˆˆ
12:21 Now I'm back cait
12:24 marcelr hi paulderscheid[m] you meant daily :)
12:27 paulderscheid[m] You're right marcelr ˆˆ Just read up on the difference. The more you know
12:28 cait1 ping!
12:28 marcelr lol reading logs is nice
12:28 cait1 marcelr: blame rain and the long weekend ;)
12:28 tcohen: pong! sorry
12:35 do I want to be compared to a soccer player?
13:08 thd joined #koha
13:09 oleonard cait1: Is that from Shakespeare's sonnets? "Shall I compare thee to a soccer player..."
13:11 thd tcohen: Are you around?
13:11 caroline joined #koha
13:22 alex_ joined #koha
13:25 ashimema joined #koha
13:29 marcelr hey ashimema did you see my earlier question ^^
13:30 ashimema nope
13:30 looking now.. I can't remember what i said..
13:30 brain fade
13:31 rangi[m] joined #koha
13:34 mlk joined #koha
13:34 ashimema 28 has all good answers.. looks like you've thought about most of it and are planning them for a continuation in the tree of bugs..
13:34 so don't let me comment block anything 🙂
13:35 nikkom joined #koha
13:36 magnuse cait1: he is pretty good at what he does...
13:37 marcelr thx ashimema
13:45 marie-luce joined #koha
13:47 nikkom Hi everyone. I have a question about statistics table. I know that  every checkout, check-in, and renewal is recorded in this  table. I have a record for a borrowernumber, whose type field equal to return. But there is no record whose type= issue for same borrowernumber. I understand from these record that this borrowernumber checkin one  item but didn't checkout it before. Is it possible ? I hope I can explain my question.
13:49 ashimema anyone around who remembers if/when/why we band the use of ES template literals?
13:50 the QA script throws issues and points to bug 24625 but that bug doesn't mention anything about them
13:50 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=24625 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, CLOSED FIXED, Phase out jquery.cookie.js:  showLastPatron
13:52 ashimema oleonard perhaps?
13:52 no Joubu around, so i can't easily ask him
13:54 ha.. the QA script points to the wrong bug!
14:02 lukeg joined #koha
14:02 khall joined #koha
14:03 caroline nikkom, I understand your question, but I'm not sure how it could happen. Can you check if you have an issue for that itemnumber without a borrowernumber? I wonder if the batch patron anonymization could have been run and that deleted the borrowernumber and changed it to anonymous
14:06 I never use that tool, so I'm not sure what it does, but how I understand it is that it changes the borrowernumber to the AnonymousPatron number, so that the issue is still counted, but the link to a particular patron is severed
14:10 khall_ joined #koha
14:18 tcohen thd: hi!
14:18 meetings and meetings
14:18 will you be around in a couple hours?
14:23 thd tcohen: Yes, I may be around in a couple of hours.
14:25 tcohen: I am very tired from moving my kitchen.  My landlord illegally demolished as part of a covluted scheme to clear a decades old defective building violation.
14:28 tcohen: We need ElasticSearch to be included.  My testing shows that it is trivial for indexing and works well with modifications.
14:31 oleonard ashimema: ES template literals?
14:31 ashimema it's a totally different bug oleonard
14:31 we don't allow `${stuff}` in our javascritp
14:31 screws with translations aparently
14:32 oleonard ES being an ambiguous abbreviation in Koha context can be confusing!
14:32 ashimema oh yes..
14:32 totally
14:33 marcelr whats the second ES again?
14:34 ashimema `${percent}%` translates to "percent+%" right oleonard?
14:34 my brain hurts
14:34 ECMAScript marcelr
14:34 as in javascript
14:34 marcelr ah
14:34 ashimema it's a mess of accronyms
14:35 oleonard I don't know, ashimema, most of my JavaScript work is in Koha context so I'm behind the times.
14:35 caroline I thought ES = espanol (like ES-es)
14:35 marcelr abbreviated acronyms are the finest
14:36 ashimema hehe
14:58 oleonard marcelr: When I test, the Tools -> Pages JS error is fixed by my patch on Bug 31609
14:59 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=31609 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Failed QA , JavaScript error on Additional contents main page
14:59 marcelr i still saw it a few hours ago with your patch ?
15:00 bag joined #koha
15:00 marcelr please add another comment oleonard; i will look tomorrow ?
15:01 tcohen are we all ready for pushing the staff interface revamp?
15:01 XD
15:01 oleonard I thought you weren't tcohen ?
15:01 ashimema well.. I marked it signed off on BZ to try and get one last push from QA peeps
15:01 but honestly.. I reckon we should go with it now to force the issue..
15:01 tcohen I only mentioned a couple things I don't like
15:02 davidnind[m] joined #koha
15:02 domm[m] joined #koha
15:02 ashimema I'm game for jumping on fixing things asap on it.
15:02 tcohen font size could be bigger, etc
15:02 Lea[m] joined #koha
15:02 KodoKorkalo[m] joined #koha
15:02 mason[m] joined #koha
15:02 paulderscheid[m] joined #koha
15:02 SlackIntegration[m] joined #koha
15:02 tcohen but...
15:02 sushi[m] joined #koha
15:02 tubaclarinet[m] joined #koha
15:02 tuxayo joined #koha
15:02 uhusiano[m] joined #koha
15:02 marcelr there you go kidclamp; 31503 is yours
15:02 ashimema lucas pointed out a few things on github
15:02 I commented back
15:02 some are fair points
15:02 marcelr bye #koha
15:03 ashimema but all are fairly trivial fixes and more eyes (i.e being in master) and more hands will help get them sorted
15:03 cait1 is this about the redesign? just jumping back in here
15:03 ashimema yus
15:05 oleonard Anyone want to give a second opinion on Bug 31609? Works for me, doesn't work for marcelr.
15:05 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=31609 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Failed QA , JavaScript error on Additional contents main page
15:23 cait1 tcohen++ #font-size could be bigger comment +1
15:23 oleonard: can't right now I am afraid, just trying to tidy up before shutting down the computer for today
15:29 oleonard Wow the  LinkerOptions system preference is very mysterious
15:30 cait1 I think ther emight be some info on it in one of the bywater postings
15:30 ... or the original bug...
15:30 but I better run :)
15:30 bye #koha!
15:33 cait1 left #koha
15:46 ashimema still around oleonard?
15:46 oleonard Yes
15:46 ashimema my brain is hurting now i look at some modals
15:47 happen to have a favourite example of a model with a form in?
15:47 Now I look, I find they're all super inconsisten
15:47 s/inconsisten/inconsistent/
15:47 this is the staff client I'm thinking about..
15:47 oleonard Inconsistent sounds right :|
15:47 ashimema like.. we don't appear to be consistent in how we structure them at all..
15:47 ah.. OK..
15:48 do you fancy working out a guideline one with me some time.. how to make them look best and then get us to stick to it..
15:48 oleonard Absolutely
15:50 ashimema I'm QAing a lovely feature here, but the Modals introduced are fugly as can be,.. so i jumped in looking to fix them then decided I really wasn't sure how.. haha
15:51 oleonard ashimema: Something I could help tweak?
15:51 ashimema certainly.. I'm kinda tempted to pass the bug as is (it all works, code is fine).. then point it out for you 😉
15:51 or even use it as a test case for creating a nice clear guideline for it..
15:52 yeah.. lets do that.
15:56 it's bug 17170 if your interested.. I've run out of time for today to finish QAing it.. so uploading my signed patches and follow-ups now but will revisit the rest of QA tomorrow.
15:56 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=17170 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , Add the ability to create 'saved searches' for use as filters when searching the catalog
16:01 tcohen is there a reason not to use round corners for boxes on the new staff interface?
16:01 oleonard tcohen: What are you thinking of?
16:03 tcohen: In general, that's simply the way it was designed
16:04 tcohen oleonard: on the patron detail page the small boxes on the center look 'old school' and they have fixed positions so they don't flow that much, combined with the font size it feels like too much free room
16:04 ashimema time for me to pick up the kids.. see ya later Koha!
16:09 khall joined #koha
16:26 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "Error trying to rebuild Elasticsearch index" (5 lines) at
16:26 oleonard Anyone around who knows what that is about?
16:35 khall_ joined #koha
16:38 cait joined #koha
18:04 thd tcohen: Are sharp corners dangerous when bumped?
18:16 tcohen: I am somewhat less asleep than I was earlier.  Are you still around?
18:54 ashimema joined #koha
18:59 rangi[m] joined #koha
19:06 caroline oleonard, don't think you're still around, but I've had this error when indexing with ES. I comment the line it says ( 283) and it works fine after
19:06 We think it's probably to do with bug 25669 but I'm not knowledgable enough about it to know for sure
19:06 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=25669 normal, P5 - low, ---, kevin.carnes, Needs documenting , ElasticSearch 6: [types removal] Specifying types in put mapping requests is deprecated (incompatible with 7)
19:13 caroline I was actually coming here with an elasticsearch question too... I was looking at authority mappings for marc21 and noticed that the 511 in See-also-from is different than the others.
19:13 Mapping for 511 in See-also-from : 511a(bcdefghjklmnopqrstvxyz)
19:13 (notice the a is outside the parentheses and also there are more subfields)
19:14 Mapping for 511 in Match, to compare : 511(acdefghjklnpqstvxyz)
19:14 Mapping for 510 in See-also-from, to compare : 510(abcdefghklmnoprstvxyz)
19:16 I was wondering if there was a reason the a was outside the parentheses and why some subfields were indexed there but not elsewhere (511$b $m $o, etc dont exist in MARC21 for example)
19:23 fridolin joined #koha
20:24 davidnind[m] joined #koha
20:25 domm[m] joined #koha
20:25 Lea[m] joined #koha
20:25 KodoKorkalo[m] joined #koha
20:25 mason[m] joined #koha
20:25 paulderscheid[m] joined #koha
20:25 SlackIntegration[m] joined #koha
20:25 sushi[m] joined #koha
20:25 tubaclarinet[m] joined #koha
20:25 tuxayo joined #koha
20:25 uhusiano[m] joined #koha
20:44 cait hm, next dev meeting is missing again from wiki :(
20:44 https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]Next_IRC_meetings
20:45 tcohen: could you run the meeting script please?
21:00 fridolin I think it has been done  by davidnind[m] last times
21:02 davidnind[m] I've not managed to get the meeting script to fully run (haven't managed to configure things properly so the calendar entry gets added automatically)
21:02 Will attempt shortly, unless tcohen beats me to it...
21:17 fridolin ah ok no pb, its verry tricky ;)
21:43 davidnind[m] ashimema++
21:44 (for work on bug 31162)
21:44 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=31162 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Add a clear cataloguing module home page
21:47 alexbuckley joined #koha
22:18 davidnind[m] Agenda added and calendar updated for the next week's Development IRC meeting: https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_12_October_2022

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