IRC log for #koha, 2022-08-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:16 fridolin joined #koha
00:22 cait1 joined #koha
00:42 cait joined #koha
02:36 SlackIntegration[m] joined #koha
05:40 ashimema joined #koha
05:57 fridolin joined #koha
06:12 MarkHofstetter joined #koha
06:21 lds joined #koha
06:35 MarkHofstetter1 joined #koha
06:56 MarkHofstetter joined #koha
06:57 alex_ joined #koha
06:57 alex_ Bonjour
06:57 wahanui que tal, alex_
07:00 cait joined #koha
07:06 cait1 joined #koha
07:06 cait1 good morning #koha
07:06 ashimema morning cait1
07:06 cait1 :)
07:06 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha, morning cait1
07:07 ashimema It's Friday 😄
07:07 morning paulderscheid
07:07 cait1 guten Morgen paulderscheid[m] :)
07:09 ashimema question.. in German, do you generally always use the long hand 'guten Morgen' or is it acceptable and understood to just say 'Morgen' ?
07:09 paulderscheid[m] That depends
07:09 cait1 yeah it depends
07:10 ashimema ha.. fair
07:10 cait1 it's more colloquial i'd say? explaining German is like.. hard
07:11 paulderscheid[m] You can use 'Morgen' in a certain tone if you don't want to be talked to
07:11 ashimema I tend to follow-up with 'Sprechen Sie Englisch' as my German stretches littel beyond the very basics..
07:11 but still
07:11 oh really.. that's interesting
07:11 cait1 well, that's pretty great already :)
07:11 ashimema in general the tone of 'Morning' in the UK is up beat and is a short hand
07:12 cait1 but you can say it friendly too
07:12 paulderscheid[m] Yeah
07:12 There is nuance
07:12 ashimema haha.. 'Ich möchte...' followed by pointing and 'Danke' is about as much as my brain remembers at the minute
07:13 two years of secondary school german and those are the man bits that stuck ☹️
07:13 not great aye
07:13 paulderscheid[m] Many germans automatically switch to english if they hear an accent
07:13 ashimema yeah.. it makes us english even more lazy ☹️
07:13 myself included
07:13 cait1 ashimema: you should come and visit sometime with the family .... we'll practice :)
07:14 and lots of campsites around the lake
07:14 paulderscheid[m] I often hear that it's hard for native english speakers to practice their german because of this
07:14 ashimema though I did end up having a challenging chat with a 7 year old german boy whilst washing up at the campsite last week ;')
07:14 between my bad german and his little english it was hilarious
07:15 yeah.. I find that in most countries people fall back to english very quickly
07:15 paulderscheid[m] I'm guilty of that myself
07:15 I'm not a patient person
07:16 ashimema I managed to practice some french a fair bit but they tend to fall back too now.. the current generation are a lot more forgiving and love seeing people try.
07:16 I picked up a fair bit of Chinese when I spend a few months there... pretty much no-one spoke english when I travelled there over a decade ago
07:16 paulderscheid[m] My cousins in Montpellier couldn't speak english to save their lives so that's always a good opportunity
07:18 ashimema Korean was plain too hard for my brain to comprehend though.. that one I ended up just using the translation gadget all the time
07:18 long before google translate though.. translations were hilarious...
07:19 paulderscheid[m] I get that
07:20 fridolin > You can use 'Morgen' in a certain tone if you don't want to be talked to
07:20 paulderscheid[m] Sorry to bring work back into the mix, but yesterday I had a problem when using the upgrade hook in a plugin. It just failed whenever I used it, even... (full message at[…]dMilqIMbReHEMASv)
07:20 fridolin In french same, you can say 'Bonjour' or shortly '...jour'
07:24 ashimema oh really.. I'd never have considered shortening 'Good day' to 'day'..
07:24 that 'feels weird' in english.. haha
07:25 "G'day" maybe.. haha
07:25 hmm
07:25 fridolin like "'sup"
07:25 for wats up
07:25 ashimema make sense
07:26 so what about upgrade wasn't working paulderscheid
07:28 paulderscheid[m] After restarting plack it just errors out if I use the hook. But in the logs it only says that the compilation failed.
07:29 Even if upgrade just returns true.
07:29 ashimema oh weird.. compilation failure is strange
07:29 have you 'perl -c'
07:29 just to spot any obvious compilation issues
07:30 paulderscheid[m] Yeah but the problem is that it stops at Plugin Base being empty.
07:30 ashimema had a feeling you might say that ☹️
07:31 cait1 fridolin: the most amazing French thing for me still is camenbert diagrams )
07:31 paulderscheid[m] I tried to spot any errors with perlcritic on brutal but there is nothing
07:32 cait1 fridolin: for everyone else it's cake, for French it's cheese :)
07:32 fridolin ahah :D
07:32 paulderscheid[m] Other plugins don't have that problem on the instance I test
07:32 s/test/tested on/
07:32 fridolin bar diagrams are wine diagrams maybe ^^
07:34 ashimema in english it's pie
07:35 and pie's tend to be more savoury than sweet
07:36 cait1 but ther eis apple pie...
07:36 :)
07:36 ashimema indeed
07:36 it's not a given
07:36 cait1 typical Friday
07:36 ashimema in other news.. I just got my 'TrustedSelfCheckout' stuff to work...
07:37 this is gonna need some serious Testing/QA and a fair bit of tidy up..
07:37 but.. it's a pretty cool feature
07:37 MarkHofstetter joined #koha
07:43 fridolin Apfelstrudel diagrams ^^
07:51 dpk joined #koha
07:56 paxed why is it even possible to install koha without plack, if code written and run without plack can fail in incomprehensible ways under plack?
07:56 ashimema ?
07:56 I run my dev env without plack all the time..
07:56 it's slow as a dog, but I've never really noticed any horrible failures?
07:57 paxed variable scoping is different under plack
07:57 ashimema yes, indeed it is
07:57 paxed you need to pass all the damn variables as params.
07:58 ashimema what exactly are you seeing?
07:59 paxed not real code obviously, but this should show it: my $foo = "foo"; sub blah { warn "foo is:$foo"; } blah();
08:00 ashimema that should work
08:00 paxed without plack: foo is "foo" in blah, under plack: foo is undefined in blah.
08:01 * ashimema dives into a meeting he's late for.. sorry
08:01 paxed yeap, no biggie, i'm off to summer vacay today. i'm sure to completely forget about this and get bitten about it again when i come back ... ;)
08:14 cait1 @seen liliputech
08:14 huginn cait1: liliputech was last seen in #koha 1 day, 0 hours, 46 minutes, and 28 seconds ago: <liliputech> morgen cait1 and paulderscheid[m] :)
08:14 cait1 liliputech++
08:38 magnuse ashimema++ for trustedselfcheckout etc
08:42 liliputech joined #koha
08:46 ashimema 🙂
09:32 tcohen morning
09:34 ashimema mornin'
09:42 tcohen o/
09:43 * tcohen just got back with some warm herbs infusion
09:43 cait1 early tcohen!
09:43 tcohen Yeah, I leave for a long weekend trip early today, so online earlier to get some things done heh
10:21 khall joined #koha
10:32 MarkHofstetter joined #koha
10:46 cait joined #koha
10:49 oleonard Hi all
11:18 tuxayo around?
11:39 tcohen joined #koha
12:00 domm[m] Can somebody explain why IndependentBranches has to "be set before going live and that it NOT be changed"?
12:03 cait1 i think maybe something about interactions that wuld be left invalid
12:03 like a hold that will never be filed or such
12:03 there wassome more info on the bug that added the note IIRC
12:05 MarkHofstetter joined #koha
12:06 domm[m] ok, so not some core changes to the actual data/database
12:08 ashimema nope
12:08 more that expectations would not be correct
12:09 oleonard No good info on Bug 27798, but this comment in the IRC logs: "largely it was that many unexpected things stop working. I think holds was the large one, but it affects more than expected"
12:09 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=27798 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, CLOSED FIXED, Independent branches should have a warning
12:09 oleonard (from kidclamp)
12:12 @later tell Joubu Were you able to get serial claims filtering by date working in Bug 30718? It didn't work for me.
12:12 huginn oleonard: The operation succeeded.
12:28 domm[m] Is it possible to have different values for LOC (or use a different list) for 952$c, depending on the homebranch of the item?
12:30 oleonard domm[m]: Authorized values can have library limitations
12:31 domm[m] Ah, great, thanks, now I see it :-)
13:04 I see there is a docker-compose.es7.yml in koha-testing-docker. What is the timeline for switching to ES7? As we're soon starting to implement a geosearch, should we target ES6 or ES7?
13:07 cait1 bweare... the limitations also affect the advanced search afaik
13:08 bug 25439 shoudl show the status
13:08 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=25439 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , [Omnibus] Prepare Koha to ElasticSearch 7 - ES7
13:08 cait1 it looks like all dpeendent bugs have been marked resolved
13:12 domm[m] ok, so this seems that ES7 will be the default soon? 22.11? Or will multiple version be supported?
13:26 cait1 domm[m]: tuxayo worked a lot on those, he might now for sure
13:26 I am not sure what the 'official' guideline is
13:26 if you look at the versions of those bugs, a lot seeem to be in older versions already
13:26 backported
13:27 so we seem to expect people are using 7 already
13:47 liliputech joined #koha
13:48 cait1 oleonard: the missing required on the article request form
13:48 it shows below the form fields - should it do that or better behind the field?
13:49 oleonard It must admit had to double-check, but that's the way it is on other forms too
13:49 cait1 ok, thx :)
13:59 ashimema is there a reason we display cardnumber/userid instead of name when logged into the staff client?
13:59 cait1 maybe length
13:59 userid is often smething short, whle a name can be quite long
13:59 ashimema true
14:00 but we don't apply the same logic to branch or cash register there
14:00 cait1 hm?
14:00 cash register is usually something short i'd think... or you couldmake it short
14:00 * ashimema is looking at the new UI and notes it now puts 'cardnumber' above 'branchname'.. and if you have a cash register is then adds `| register name` next to it center aligned
14:00 ashimema that looks a bit weird to me
14:01 cait1 yeah, cardnumer is not good
14:01 noone knows their cardnumber
14:01 ashimema branch is often fairly long
14:01 cait1 the whole design on top needs to be rethought
14:01 ashimema I'd rather use passing in the 'short'
14:01 cait1 there is lots of prefs that add stuff there too
14:01 we need to spend more 'space'
14:01 but there is no short form for german double names
14:02 and you could easily have several smiths müllers etc
14:02 ashimema true
14:02 cait1 userid was/is a good compromise for staff accounts
14:02 ashimema fair enough
14:03 how about taking a leaf out of googles book and putting a users avatar instead
14:04 oleonard That would require that everyone have an avatar
14:04 ashimema they fall back to first initial and a random generated color
14:04 we could do similar
14:04 it would encourage photo id's 😜
14:05 oleonard The trouble with random generated color is that it's not easy to recognize in the context of, "Am I logged in correctly or not?"
14:06 ashimema I'm still torn on the search stuff.. I have no idea how to make that nicer
14:06 is that something your working on?
14:06 cait1 yeah andphotos are a data privacy issue
14:06 don't wnat to go there here
14:06 ashimema well I say 'random'.. it's random but generated from your own details.. so assuming you don't change your name the color stays consistent for you
14:06 cait1 i tihnk we should not discuss saving even more space... but make sure all works
14:07 intranetnav
14:07 teh new library pull down
14:07 the added search option pull down
14:07 those are all prefs
14:07 ashimema new library pulldown?
14:07 cait1 yeah
14:07 youcan now have a library pull down added in staff too
14:07 it's a recent addition
14:08 behind simple search form, like in the opac
14:08 this all needs room
14:09 oleonard ashimema: I feel like decisions were made about how to change the originally accepted design which were not discussed. For instance, I'm confused by staff home page being back to the same layout. What happened to the circles?
14:09 cait1 there was a commen ton that from Julian I tihnk
14:09 on the bug
14:09 oleonard I think the circles didn't really work, so I don't have a problem with it, but I'm confused by the decision-making process.
14:10 Dyrcona joined #koha
14:10 * ashimema didn't like the circles
14:10 ashimema yeah.. I agree..
14:10 I'm happy to see that change, but agree I have no idea how the decision was made
14:10 * ashimema can't find a pref to enable a branch pulldown
14:11 cait1 +        console.log("TEST: " + PhoneNotification ); < debugging code or can stay?
14:12 ashimema wow.. IntranetNav goes in a really weird place.. and is black text on a black background by default
14:12 oleonard cait1: Bad
14:12 ashimema looks like debugging code to me cait1
14:13 oleonard jajm around?
14:14 ashimema: IntranetNav is not well thought out
14:15 (in general)
14:15 ashimema true
14:15 I thought I'd see what it does
14:15 cait1 ok, I'll add a comment thx :)
14:15 ashimema appears to assume you know to put it in an '<li>'
14:15 cait1 i thin it does that onw too
14:15 ashimema indeed
14:16 not well documented
14:16 oleonard ashimema: I works great if you know how to use Bootstrap menu markup XD
14:16 ashimema hehe
14:16 yeah.. I think it's not a bug with the new UI.. bug between screen and keyboard 😜
14:17 oleonard It should be more user-friendly. Like offering to accept a list of links and automatically format it into a menu
14:18 ashimema indeed.. that would be nice
14:18 cait1 but please make sure ther eis enough room
14:18 libraries love using it
14:18 ashimema with the new ui.. i do feel like the least we could do is set the text to default to white
14:18 right now it's black on black
14:18 cait1 and especially as a one click fast thing
14:19 oleonard I think it should be automatically made into a dropdown menu, so I guess that conflicts with your one-click concept cait
14:19 ashimema ah.. it's OK so long as it's in an achor
14:20 I image it would be simple enough to make it a quick link if only one link is added and a dropdown if more than one is?
14:21 oleonard If we can dream it we can do it
14:24 ashimema lol, bug 12688
14:24 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=12688 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, CLOSED WORKSFORME, Better IntranetNav
14:25 cait1 ashimema: they have more than one...
14:25 ashimema perhaps just having clear documentation with the preference would be better...
14:25 indeed
14:25 they wanted side by side instead of menu
14:25 cait1 a menu again saves on space... but it also limites use more
14:25 right now you can put links
14:25 form fields
14:25 etc.
14:26 ashimema so in reality we can't easily do magic.. right now it's as flexible as it possibly could be.. but we could do better by documenting how to make it look like x, y or z.
14:26 cait1 if we add a lot of automation, it will also limit what you can do
14:26 ashimema exactly
14:26 cait1 that's what I am thinking
14:26 wahanui i guess thinking is so much easier
14:26 oleonard wahanui: Who told you that?
14:26 wahanui oleonard: wish i knew
14:28 lukeg joined #koha
14:28 lukeg hi
14:28 wahanui privet, lukeg
14:28 cait1 hm pretty sure that one iddn't go through QA! :) Bug 24857: No words
14:28 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=24857 new feature, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to master , Add ability to group items for records
14:29 cait1 commit title
14:30 ashimema I think it changed somewhat with rebases and things
14:31 right.. I think I'm going to call it a day and spend some time with the kids
14:32 have a good weekend #koha
14:33 cait1 you too!
14:47 khall_ joined #koha
14:55 cait1 hm this looks odd:
14:55 +                                                                [% IF ( itemLoo.itemlost == 1 || itemLoo.itemlost == 2 ) %] [%# FIXME Why only for 1 or 2? Shouldn't we test for withdrawn as well? %]
14:55 <span class="lost">Unavailable (lost or missing)</span>
14:55 [% END %]
14:55 should we not just do >0?
14:55 and display the LOST description?
15:00 bag joined #koha
15:04 cait1 koha... never stops to surprise :)
15:09 lukeg joined #koha
15:10 cait1 I filed it
15:22 davidnind[m] joined #koha
15:28 cait1 left #koha
15:30 cait1 joined #koha
15:30 cait1 have a nice weekend #koha!
15:30 cait1 left #koha
16:22 ashimema * Also need to check new staff UI for mobile view..
16:34 khall joined #koha
17:13 rangi[m] joined #koha
17:26 lukeg joined #koha
18:52 paulderscheid[m] Have a nice weekend #koha
19:17 khall_ joined #koha
19:30 fridolin joined #koha
19:30 fridolin left #koha
20:19 tuxayo Hi :)
20:19 does Offline circulation works for anyone?
20:29 (checkout)
20:51 lukeg joined #koha
21:42 indradg joined #koha
21:58 KodoKorkalo[m] joined #koha
23:01 lari joined #koha
23:25 cait joined #koha

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