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All times shown according to UTC.
Time | Nick | Message |
02:25 | mtj | hi tcohen, ive added libtest-mockmodule-perl_0.170 to staging repo |
02:30 | pastebot | "mtj" at pasted "apt-cache policy libtest-mockmodule-perl" (10 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/1447 |
04:05 | MarkHofstetter joined #koha | |
04:20 | dpk_ joined #koha | |
04:53 | Gemma joined #koha | |
04:55 | Gemma | Hi there, I just have a quick question that I've not been able to find the answer to online - I know that you are able to edit/merge authorities through Koha, but I'm wondering if changes to authorities are local or global? Eg. If a name authority is updated by another user to reflect a married name, would this also be updated in my local records? |
04:58 | chriss joined #koha | |
05:27 | did joined #koha | |
05:49 | mtj | Gemma: depends on how you are defining global/local, but i think the answer is yes |
05:54 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.11_U20 build #225: SUCCESS in 23 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U20/225/ |
05:55 | Gemma | When I say another user, I mean another institution, not someone that would have access to our local records/data |
05:57 | mtj | Gemma: does the other institution share the same database? |
06:00 | Gemma | The other institution uses Koha, but we do not share records/data |
06:03 | mtj | ok, answer is no |
06:03 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #341: SUCCESS in 32 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D9/341/ |
06:03 | Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #399: SUCCESS in 33 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D8/399/ | |
06:11 | Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #326: SUCCESS in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U18/326/ | |
06:14 | Project Koha_19.11_U16 build #87: SUCCESS in 44 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_U16/87/ | |
06:15 | Project Koha_19.11_U2010 build #24: SUCCESS in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_19.11_U2010/24/ | |
06:15 | lds joined #koha | |
06:17 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.11_U20 build #226: SUCCESS in 22 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U20/226/ |
06:34 | Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #342: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D9/342/ | |
06:34 | Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #400: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D8/400/ | |
06:48 | reiveune joined #koha | |
06:49 | reiveune | hello |
06:52 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #327: SUCCESS in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U18/327/ |
06:57 | alex_a joined #koha | |
06:58 | alex_a | Bonjour |
07:01 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.11_U2010 build #25: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_19.11_U2010/25/ |
07:03 | Project Koha_19.11_D10 build #178: SUCCESS in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_D10/178/ | |
07:17 | cait joined #koha | |
07:41 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.11_U16 build #88: SUCCESS in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_U16/88/ |
07:46 | alex_a joined #koha | |
08:07 | petrova joined #koha | |
09:24 | lmstrandatdesk joined #koha | |
09:31 | sophie_m left #koha | |
09:33 | sophie_m joined #koha | |
09:38 | oleonard joined #koha | |
09:40 | sophie_m joined #koha | |
09:58 | oleonard joined #koha | |
10:30 | petrova joined #koha | |
10:55 | thd joined #koha | |
11:06 | Awazez joined #koha | |
11:18 | AndrewFH joined #koha | |
11:51 | tcohen | morning |
11:54 | lds_ joined #koha | |
12:19 | Awazez | hi ! |
12:39 | mtj | hey folks, does anyone have edit access to kc.org website? |
12:39 | can someone edit this page -> https://download.koha-community.org | |
12:40 | ... and s/squeeze/stable/ pleese | |
13:01 | tuxayo | mtj: hi :) |
13:01 | Let's see | |
13:03 | oh, it's not part of the main site | |
13:05 | mtj | yeah, snap |
13:05 | another file, on another server :) | |
13:07 | tcohen | holaaa |
13:07 | mtj | |
13:07 | so we have the file available in ktd? | |
13:08 | mtj | hi tcohen, yes, i think so |
13:14 | Dyrcona joined #koha | |
13:16 | tuxayo | mtj: it turns out RMaint can edit it! https://download.koha-community.org/ |
13:17 | Is the line correct now? | |
13:27 | Meeting in 30min! | |
13:27 | ashimema | ho.. dang |
13:27 | and yet again I totally forgot to prepare | |
13:27 | but.. I am around this time! | |
13:27 | :) | |
13:30 | petrova joined #koha | |
13:55 | tuxayo | Meeting in 5! |
13:58 | qa_team? rmaints? | |
13:58 | qa_team is cait, dcook, amoyano, ashimema, marcelr, kohaputti, jajm, tcohen, kidclamp, khall, tuxayo, petrova, nugged | |
13:58 | rmaints is probably fridolin, khall, kidclamp, wainui and tuxayo | |
13:58 | tcohen | hi, tuxayo |
13:58 | tuxayo | hi :) |
14:00 | ashimema | ooh |
14:00 | cait | sorry, here now |
14:00 | ashimema | yup |
14:00 | cait | was in a meeting |
14:00 | (5th of today) | |
14:01 | ashimema | #startmeeting |
14:01 | huginn | ashimema: Error: A meeting name is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Marketing Committee' |
14:01 | cait | you have to give the name :) |
14:01 | ashimema | #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021 |
14:01 | huginn | Meeting started Wed Jun 30 14:01:40 2021 UTC. The chair is ashimema. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:01 | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | |
14:01 | Topic for #koha is now (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:01 | huginn | The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_30_june_2021' |
14:01 | ashimema | #topic Introductions |
14:01 | Topic for #koha is now Introductions (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:01 | tuxayo | #info tuxayo/Victor Grousset, France |
14:01 | tcohen | #info Tomas Cohen Arazi, Theke Solutions |
14:02 | ashimema | #info Please introduce yourselves |
14:02 | #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe, UK | |
14:02 | #chair tuxayo | |
14:02 | huginn | Current chairs: ashimema tuxayo |
14:02 | cait | #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany |
14:02 | ashimema | #chair cait |
14:02 | huginn | Current chairs: ashimema cait tuxayo |
14:02 | tuxayo | 👍️ |
14:02 | ashimema | #link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ting_30_June_2021 Agenda |
14:02 | thd | #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City |
14:03 | * ashimema | has been terribly organised again and not sent out reminders for updates regarding the roadmap |
14:03 | ashimema | #topic Announcements |
14:03 | Topic for #koha is now Announcements (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:04 | ashimema | #info Jonathan has been chasing by email for updates to the roadmap topics.. please reply if you've had a reminder.. lets get these projects moving forward. |
14:04 | anyone else got anything? | |
14:04 | lukeG1 joined #koha | |
14:04 | thd | Yes. |
14:04 | tcohen | There are random failures in master and 21.05, selenium |
14:04 | ashimema | go for it thd |
14:05 | tcohen | help is welcome |
14:05 | thd | I have been preparing another update for wiki db migration and update scripts. |
14:06 | ashimema | #info thd has been working on another update for the wiki db migration project. |
14:07 | thd | I am adding Nginx configurations to help with installing RESTbase which is an option to be used by VisualEditor extension providing WYSWYG editing which people seen keen to have. |
14:07 | ashimema | #info tcohen highlighted that we have been seeing some random failures in master and 21.05.. these appear to be selenium related and any help fixing them would be gratefully received. |
14:07 | tcohen | thanks |
14:07 | ashimema | great thd, :) |
14:07 | shall we move on | |
14:07 | #topic Update from the Release manager | |
14:07 | Topic for #koha is now Update from the Release manager (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:07 | thd | Correct RESTbase installation is a little tricky and I might seek some help with that. |
14:08 | tuxayo | > random failures in master and 21.05, selenium |
14:08 | * tuxayo | pulls their script to run tests in a loop |
14:08 | ashimema | #info Jonathan is on vacation this week; Ashimema and tcohen have push rights to master if anything especially urgent comes up. |
14:09 | #info We are keen to see some of the roadmap projects pick up some pace now, Jonathan will start pushing some of them soon in the hopes we catch all bugs prior to release. | |
14:10 | #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers | |
14:10 | Topic for #koha is now Updates from the Release Maintainers (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:10 | ashimema | rmaints? |
14:10 | rmaints is probably fridolin, khall, kidclamp, wainui and tuxayo | |
14:11 | want to say you've been lending fridolin a hand tuxayo? | |
14:11 | tuxayo | Last 20.05.x and 20.11.x release went well. |
14:11 | ashimema | #info 20.05.x and 20.11.x releases went well |
14:12 | #info tuxayo has been giving fridolin some assistance whilst he relocates. | |
14:12 | tuxayo | #info Frido has arrived in french Polynesia |
14:12 | ^^ | |
14:12 | ashimema | #info khall and kidclamp are starting to pick up pace after a slow start on their branch. |
14:13 | tuxayo | #info first release done for wainui |
14:13 | ashimema | anyone heard much from wainui, aliesha.. are they happy? |
14:13 | :) | |
14:13 | cait | I've been not around much in their timezone lately :( |
14:13 | maybe tuxayo? | |
14:13 | ashimema | me either.. |
14:14 | I'm sure they're email if they were having any problems :) | |
14:14 | #topic Updates from the QA team | |
14:14 | Topic for #koha is now Updates from the QA team (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:14 | ashimema | your up cait |
14:14 | cait | ah sorry, phone calls and all |
14:15 | QA is focusing on bugs and I try to point out the old ones more lately (old = long waiting) | |
14:15 | tuxayo | I got some news in various moments on the process, mostly needed time to access to the community website and the usual hiccups of the first release. |
14:15 | oleonard | #info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, Ohio, USA |
14:15 | cait | as some major QA'ers lack a bit of time, it's great to see others step in |
14:15 | I hope we can keep things flowing... and as always I hope for quieter times to get back more to QA too | |
14:15 | ashimema | #info QA is focusing on bugs and I try to point out the old ones more lately (old = long waiting) |
14:16 | #info Some of the QA team have been lacking in time this cycle, it's great to see others stepping in to fill the void. | |
14:16 | cait | thx :) |
14:16 | ashimema: do yo want to add something? | |
14:16 | you've been more involved with the hard ones I think | |
14:17 | ashimema | I think we're generally doing OK... I've been one of those lacking in time, but am slowly getting back to it. |
14:17 | 21.05 seems a fairly solid release so far | |
14:17 | right.. onto the fun one | |
14:17 | tcohen | I've been focused on bugs the RM pinpointed to me to take care of |
14:17 | ashimema | #topic Status of roadmap projects |
14:17 | Topic for #koha is now Status of roadmap projects (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:17 | thd | I sent a message 17 June to the wiki topic group using the off list subject special email td-koha-wiki-db-migrate-update AT agogme.com which for some such as Joubu using Gmail may have gone to junk collection for the extra mail server attestation which Gmail and some major webmail services may expect. I can resend such a message in future but please whitelist that address for me if necessary. |
14:18 | ashimema | great work tcohen.. you've done a fantastic job keeping some of those evil failures moving forward. |
14:18 | tcohen++ for taking up the baton on Koha::Logger tests | |
14:18 | tcohen | I think I can now be back to QA stuffs |
14:18 | :-D | |
14:19 | cait | team_work++ |
14:19 | tcohen | koha++ |
14:19 | team_work++ | |
14:19 | ashimema | #link https://annuel.framapad.org/p/koha_21.11_roadmap Roadmap |
14:20 | #info Standardize the EXPORT | |
14:20 | #info ashimema has done some initial review of the patch and it's looking good.. unfortunately we need some more eyes on it.. the compile tests are currently failing. | |
14:20 | anyone else looked at this one? | |
14:21 | #info Remove Mod/AddItemFromMarc from item form | |
14:21 | cait | probably not the right person for this one :( |
14:21 | ... or the one before | |
14:21 | ashimema | Any news here kidclamp, tcohen? |
14:21 | I looked at it a while back and it seemed to make sense.. but haven't recently.. | |
14:21 | tcohen | it's been on my list for QA |
14:21 | ashimema | brill... feel free to pull me in if you need to bounce any thoughts. |
14:22 | tcohen | sure |
14:22 | ashimema | #info Improve the update database process |
14:22 | tcohen | I generally agree with the approach, I would've prefered something closer to what we use for the API |
14:22 | ashimema | #info This is starting to look good.. Jonathan and Julian have been polishing it.. I have signed off on the current state so it's looking for QA. |
14:22 | tcohen | that's where my discrepancy is, but I wouldn't put it on hold because of that, unless I can provide an alternative implementation |
14:23 | tuxayo | Is that bug 25078 and bug 27880 ? |
14:23 | huginn | Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=25078 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Update DB process - wrap each DBRev inside a transaction and better error handling |
14:23 | Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=27880 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Needs Signoff , Database migrations in separate files | |
14:23 | ashimema | tcohen++ I think we're both thinking along those lines.. let's not block it, but perhaps work together on the next steps to bring it closer to API style code |
14:23 | correct tuxayo | |
14:24 | well.. initially it's just 25078 tuxayo.. | |
14:24 | lets focus on that one.. then come back around to the second one shortly after. | |
14:24 | moving on... | |
14:24 | #info Accessibility Improvements | |
14:25 | #info Work is ongoing I believe.. not sure of next steps.. | |
14:25 | #info Wiki migration | |
14:25 | #info See update from thd above. | |
14:25 | #info Improve contributors list and release_tools | |
14:26 | #info Lots done here, improvements abound. | |
14:26 | #info Improve our "news" module | |
14:26 | #info bug 22544 is signed off and awaiting QA | |
14:26 | huginn | Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=22544 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , Move C4:NewsChannels to Koha namespace |
14:26 | ashimema | ooh.. awaiting push now |
14:27 | tuxayo | :D |
14:27 | ashimema | #info correction, awaiting push.. need to focus on the next steps as listed in the dedicated framapad |
14:27 | #info Get rid of non-XSLT views | |
14:28 | #info Patches are ready for testing on bug 12561, please help :) | |
14:28 | huginn | Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=12561 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Patch doesn't apply , Remove non-XSLT views |
14:28 | ashimema | #info Test Rest |
14:28 | #info The Rest | |
14:29 | #info The rest of the roadmap topics haven't really moved much since the last meeting.. we will start chasing them again before the next meeting. | |
14:29 | #topic Actions from last meeting | |
14:29 | Topic for #koha is now Actions from last meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:30 | ashimema | #info I looked at adding the promised guideline for message types, but decided we weren't at that stage yet.. I wan't to discus our approaches to sending such data to the UI with a few key parties before progressing further. |
14:30 | #action ashimema Talk to key players about message passing for alerts. | |
14:31 | #action kidclamp Ask the ML for additional info about how to implement opt-out for notices. One idea would be to have "My message" at the OPAC (final postpone) | |
14:31 | #topic General discussion | |
14:31 | Topic for #koha is now General discussion (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:31 | ashimema | right.. that was a long run.. anyone got any last things to bring up? |
14:31 | cait | nope |
14:31 | move on :) | |
14:31 | ashimema | #topic Review of coding guidelines |
14:31 | Topic for #koha is now Review of coding guidelines (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:31 | ashimema | #info Nothing to review |
14:32 | #topic Set time of next meeting | |
14:32 | Topic for #koha is now Set time of next meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 30 June 2021) | |
14:32 | ashimema | usual cadence OK for everyone? |
14:32 | nugged | (just to say when most QA members online: I am and Petro: we relocating now from Oulu to Helsinki so that's why our activity was weak these 2 weeks: from monday we should start on new places so we will catch up missed things |
14:32 | cait | yes |
14:32 | nugged | ... on Monday) |
14:32 | cait | nugged: thx for letting us know and hope your move goes well! |
14:32 | ashimema | ooh, thanks nugged.. that's really helpful to know |
14:32 | hope the move has gone well :) | |
14:32 | cait | oh |
14:33 | ok yes :) | |
14:33 | a good start in your new offices then! | |
14:33 | ashimema | Wed 14th.. sound OK? |
14:33 | cait | yep |
14:33 | that would be the usual | |
14:33 | oleonard | Holiday for Biblibre? |
14:33 | tuxayo | 14 looks good |
14:34 | ashimema | #info Next meeting: 14 July 2021, 14 UTC |
14:34 | thd | Bastille day? |
14:34 | ashimema | we can re-arrange if it turns out to be a holiday :) |
14:34 | tuxayo | right! |
14:34 | thd | It is a holiday. |
14:35 | ashimema | does 15th or 16th work then? |
14:35 | * ashimema | can't do 13th |
14:35 | cait | 15th works for me |
14:35 | ashimema | #info Next meeting: 15 July 2021, 14 UTC |
14:36 | #info Meeting re-scheduled by a day to not clash with Bastille day. | |
14:36 | #endmeeting | |
14:36 | Topic for #koha is now Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software https://koha-community.org | |
14:36 | huginn | Meeting ended Wed Jun 30 14:36:18 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:36 | Minutes: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]-06-30-14.01.html | |
14:36 | Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-communit[…]1-06-30-14.01.txt | |
14:36 | Log: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]30-14.01.log.html | |
14:36 | thd | Days to the weekend might be part of extended holiday in France. |
14:36 | ashimema | thanks everyone.. gotta dash to pick up kids.. bbiab |
14:36 | tcohen | ashimema++ |
14:36 | cait | thd: we can't make everyone happy |
14:36 | and it's a single holidy middle of the week | |
14:36 | more likely if it's a day before weekend usually | |
14:37 | tuxayo | great, we will see how a Thursday turn out. |
14:37 | nugged | thanks for kind words above - all ok - yesterday was final unload, ... i 700km and two families/apartments. We did it. Now we will be physically in Finnish National Library office. |
14:37 | tuxayo | ashimema++ |
14:37 | cait | ashimema++ |
14:39 | tuxayo | oleonard and thd good thing you are here to remember the french holidays ^^" |
14:39 | oleonard | :D |
14:39 | ronda joined #koha | |
14:40 | thd | In the US with relatively few holidays, actual practise tends to subsume adjacent days for early leaving etc. even if the official holiday is in the middle of the week. |
14:40 | oleonard | I know ONE French holiday! |
14:40 | tuxayo | ^^ |
14:40 | nugged: good news, I hope you can rest a bit after the move | |
14:41 | ronda | hello everyone. i would like to know if it is possible to get a sql report of the statistics of visits to the opac ? someone has done it and can help me ? thanks. |
14:41 | AndrewFH joined #koha | |
14:41 | thd | As independence day falls on Sunday this year in the US, we add Monday for the holiday. |
14:43 | tuxayo | ronda: I think there are no stats about that in Koha. The web server used with koha however keeps logs that provide such statistics. |
14:43 | Which stats more precisely ? | |
14:44 | ashimema | what tuxayo said.. webserver logs are your best bet.. or to add a tracker like matomo |
14:44 | https://matomo.org/ | |
14:45 | ronda | hi tuxayo I need number of visits to the opac |
14:45 | caroline | I also advise using matomo or google analytics |
14:47 | ronda | ok but that would take time to collect the data right? what data could i get now other than the circulation data through sql? |
14:48 | tuxayo | ronda: like the other said, dedicated analytics tools like Matomo. |
14:48 | I also heard about a tools that used the webserver logs so no additional thing to load with the page but I don't remember. | |
14:49 | ronda: time? like having a history from the past and not only from now on? | |
14:51 | ronda | I'm saying that these tools need some time to collect the data. i need statistics up to today. |
14:51 | tuxayo | ok, then something with the webserver logs would do |
14:52 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/[…]s_software#Free_/Open_source(FLOSS) | |
14:52 | those with "Web log files" | |
14:53 | ronda | thank you very much I will try to track the logs |
14:55 | one more question, and any way to count all logins through sql? | |
14:57 | tuxayo | ronda: I would be curious to hear about your result in the future. Like in one of the mailing list |
14:57 | https://koha-community.org/sup[…]ha-mailing-lists/ | |
14:57 | That might help other who need stats from the past or not wanting to use JS based analytics. | |
14:57 | Because no external service or self hosting to do, no privacy concerns and no blocking of the analytics tool by the privacy tools that are more and more commonly installed by users in the browsers. | |
14:59 | ronda: as long as the syspref AuthSuccessLog is set, yes. | |
14:59 | ronda | sure <tuxayo> I will put it in the maillist |
15:00 | tuxayo | The actionlogs table (somethings like that) depending on the syspref can contain the succeeded and failed logins. In the UI, it can be queried via "Home > Tools > Logsé |
15:00 | *logs" | |
15:03 | reiveune | bye |
15:03 | reiveune left #koha | |
15:07 | khall joined #koha | |
15:09 | marie-luce joined #koha | |
15:37 | khall joined #koha | |
16:05 | fridolin joined #koha | |
16:06 | fridolin | hi there |
16:09 | tuxayo | fridolin: hi :D |
16:11 | fridolin | yey im back |
16:11 | tuxayo: someting for me in prev dev meeting ? | |
16:11 | ashimema | safe trip I hope fridolin :) |
16:12 | fridolin | ashimema: yey, exausting but we are there now |
16:12 | at GMT-10 , Tahiti | |
16:12 | internet is fine with 4G | |
16:12 | ashimema | :) |
16:12 | tuxayo | fridolin: I just said you successfully arrived in french Polynesia ^^ |
16:12 | ashimema | -10.. ouch |
16:14 | pastebot | "tuxayo" at pasted "We need a bot that do this" (13 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/1465 |
16:14 | oleonard | fridolin: In Tahiti? |
16:14 | fridolin | yep |
16:14 | for 4 years | |
16:14 | oleonard | Wow! |
16:15 | fridolin | my wife is working for gouv here |
16:15 | its hooooooooot | |
16:15 | but so beautiful | |
16:15 | oleonard | KohaCon 2022 in Tahiti! |
16:15 | fridolin | we had a trip of 22 hours of plane via Vancouvert Canada, without getting out of the plane |
16:16 | oleonard | Ouch |
16:18 | tuxayo | Vancouvert, that's quite the detour |
16:19 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_Master build #1698: STILL UNSTABLE in 4 hr 25 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/1698/ |
16:21 | cait | fridolin: and w are just hearing about this now? :) hope you settle in well! |
16:21 | tuxayo | fridolin: how much time does this command take? |
16:21 | time ssh fridolin![]() |
16:23 | usually 2.5 sec for me when trying several time. | |
16:23 | I'm wondering if when being closes to the server in NZ it will be faster. | |
16:23 | fridolin | i try |
16:23 | tuxayo | And thus less a pain to type the commands to managed the release tarballs :P |
16:24 | fridolin | cait: yep it is a surprise on purpose ;) |
16:24 | tuxayo | oops, then I spoiled it a bit |
16:24 | fridolin | no problem |
16:24 | you helped a lot | |
16:24 | I'm still a few houres in jetlag | |
16:26 | tuxayo | you're welcome, I though I broke something but no, the test randomly fail on all branches ^^" |
16:26 | cait | fridolin: will miss you in Marseille! (when we fianlly return...) |
16:26 | time to shut off here for today - bye all | |
16:30 | tuxayo | oh snap! I didn't realize that it will be harder to meet you IRL 😱😱😱 |
16:30 | Not that I was trying to meeting again the BibLibre folks, but I hope to do so at some point! | |
16:31 | fridolin | we will meet in the matrix ;) |
16:32 | tuxayo | indeed! |
16:33 | fridolin: are your new work hours set in stone or will you try various things to overlap with french hours? | |
16:38 | fridolin | tuxayo: i will indeed work from 8 to 11 @GMT+2 |
16:38 | to overlap | |
16:38 | so i will be there also saturday morning GMT+2 ^^ | |
16:38 | my friday night | |
16:39 | at the oposit, i will do night jobs without disturbing libraries :D | |
16:40 | tuxayo | yay, breaking everything with nobody to complain. |
16:41 | having time to set up elaborate april fool jokes. | |
16:42 | > i will be there also saturday morning GMT+2 ^^ | |
16:42 | You will have colleagues there Saturday morning? | |
16:44 | fridolin | > time ssh download.koha-community.org echo "hi" |
16:44 | real0m2,778s | |
16:44 | tuxayo: ^ | |
16:44 | im on 4G sooooo | |
16:45 | april fool jokes ++ | |
16:46 | tuxayo | Thanks for trying. The server might just have general network latency also. If unclogged, 4G shouldn't have much more latency than a regular xDSL I think |
16:48 | Finally found a command to convert hours between timezones :D | |
16:48 | TZ=Pacific/Tahiti date -d "8:00 +0200" | |
16:50 | So as of the current summer time situation, your overlap segment with FR will be between 20h..23h your local time. Is that correct? | |
16:52 | fridolin | indeed, 12h with Paris hour actually with summer time |
16:52 | hope its will once be fixed time in summer/winter | |
16:52 | here sun is from 6 to 18 | |
16:52 | very stable | |
16:52 | tuxayo | :D |
16:53 | fridolin | so poeple start working around 7/8 |
16:53 | scool starts at 7h30 | |
16:59 | tuxayo | What will be your other work segment hours? |
17:09 | fridolin: because I will have more chances to overlap with this segment that the one that overlaps with france ^^" | |
17:22 | fridolin | im not decided yet |
17:22 | cait joined #koha | |
17:27 | tuxayo | Right because you can choose between morning, evening, around midday. Or just fluctuate depending on what fits you the best |
18:06 | khall joined #koha | |
18:29 | khall joined #koha | |
19:10 | fridolin | see u |
19:10 | fridolin left #koha | |
19:55 | khall joined #koha | |
20:44 | khall joined #koha | |
21:51 | khall joined #koha | |
22:02 | lukeG joined #koha | |
22:16 | margaret joined #koha | |
22:16 | lukeG | looks like someone made a mistake while editing the Koha SQL report library: https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]L_Reports_Library |
22:17 | i tried to undo the latest revision but its so large my browser won't actually load it properly in the editor: | |
22:17 | https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ry&action=history | |
22:26 | khall joined #koha | |
22:36 | AndrewFH joined #koha | |
22:58 | AndrewFH joined #koha | |
23:00 | khall joined #koha | |
23:16 | dcook | Oooh so fridolin is closer to my timezone now, but still on the wrong side of the international date line it seems heh |
23:23 | lukeG: Yikes. I have thought in the past that having all those reports on 1 wiki page was a recipe for disaster.. | |
23:36 | khall joined #koha | |
23:57 | dcook_ joined #koha |
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