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All times shown according to UTC.
Time | Nick | Message |
00:49 | inlibro joined #koha | |
01:49 | inlibro joined #koha | |
02:04 | dpk__ joined #koha | |
02:49 | inlibro joined #koha | |
03:50 | inlibro joined #koha | |
04:15 | m23 joined #koha | |
04:50 | inlibro joined #koha | |
05:34 | josef_moravec joined #koha | |
05:34 | josef_moravec | morning #koha |
05:42 | cait joined #koha | |
05:44 | calire joined #koha | |
05:44 | Reza joined #koha | |
05:46 | cait joined #koha | |
05:46 | Reza | Hi. We have shutdown one our libraries. I will have to transfer all the books from that branch to a new branch. How can I do it in bulk? |
05:46 | Like transferring all the itmes from one branch to another | |
05:47 | Also, if I could rename the branch code it would solve the problem as well. | |
05:47 | Anyone has any idea how to deal with this> | |
05:47 | Anyone has any idea how to deal with this? | |
05:50 | inlibro joined #koha | |
06:04 | cait | Reza: how many books are we talking about? |
06:09 | Reza | about 20 thousand |
06:18 | josef_moravec left #koha | |
06:26 | kohaputti | Reza, there is probably some tool for this but you can always grep the kohastructure.sql (schema) for branchcode and see where you would have to change it for this conversion and then just do it with sql. |
06:27 | e.g. UPDATE items SET holdingbranch = "NEW_CODE" WHERE holdingbranch = "OLD_CODE"; | |
06:28 | maybe a bit dangerous so use some tool if there is | |
06:32 | fridolin joined #koha | |
06:34 | reiveune joined #koha | |
06:35 | reiveune | hello |
06:35 | Reza | Yeah. I am checking. Branch code is foreign key in 30 tables. |
06:37 | marcelr joined #koha | |
06:37 | marcelr | hi #koha |
06:38 | AndrewIsh joined #koha | |
06:45 | fridolin | i |
06:47 | cait joined #koha | |
06:50 | inlibro joined #koha | |
06:54 | alex_a joined #koha | |
06:54 | alex_a | bonjour |
06:55 | matts joined #koha | |
07:01 | paxed | i wrote a script a while back to rename a branch, but i never acrually ran it on a production system |
07:04 | branchcode* | |
07:06 | cait | it can be done... but it's fiddly |
07:06 | i usually make a new one and then move things over (we had a typo with additional whitespace at the end of a branchcode once) | |
07:06 | that can cuase weird issues | |
07:06 | because mysql doesn't care, but perl does | |
07:07 | ashimema | nice |
07:26 | janPasi joined #koha | |
07:31 | huginn` | News from kohagit: Bug 10215: (RM follow-up) Rebuid DBIC classes <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]f5a0cf2576a6cb5be> |
07:31 | News from kohagit: Bug 9834: (RM follow-up) Rebuild DBIC classes <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]60c2c25063ca4a8fe> | |
07:33 | ashimema | Dopy RM should know better than to push late on a Friday or on a Saturday.. |
07:50 | inlibro joined #koha | |
07:56 | fridolin joined #koha | |
08:02 | fridolin | ashimema: bonjour |
08:02 | Bug 7890 | |
08:02 | huginn` | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7890 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, RESOLVED FIXED, Required fields in the MARC editor should be highlighted |
08:02 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D9 build #766: STILL UNSTABLE in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/766/ |
08:03 | fridolin | strange its closed, it depends on Bug22399 that is assigned |
08:03 | i skip backport ? | |
08:03 | * ashimema | reads |
08:04 | ashimema | ooh.. |
08:04 | that looks like a bug in my updatebugzilla script | |
08:06 | fridolin | ^^ |
08:06 | but about the dependancy ? | |
08:06 | ashimema | grr |
08:06 | * ashimema | wonders how he missed the dependancy |
08:07 | ashimema | RM mistake perhaps. |
08:07 | sure I tested that :( | |
08:07 | ack.. it got reverted from 19.05.. I see now | |
08:07 | fridolin | maybe the dependancy is wrong |
08:08 | ooooh indeed its very special | |
08:10 | * ashimema | thinks he needs to retest it to make sure.. leave it with me |
08:10 | ashimema | the code looks funny.. though that doesn't nessesarily mean it wrong |
08:14 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #3: SUCCESS in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_19.05_D9/3/ |
08:14 | ashimema | right.. |
08:15 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D8 build #279: STILL UNSTABLE in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/279/ |
08:15 | ashimema | I did test it.. it works as expected for me.. so I think the dependancy is incorrect |
08:15 | you should be able to grab it without issue Fridolin | |
08:15 | thanks for bringing it to my attention though. | |
08:16 | yup, see comment 5.. Owen rebased it to revert the dependancy but forgot to actually set the bugzilla depenancies back | |
08:17 | fridolin ^ | |
08:20 | fridolin | ashimema: oki super merci ;) |
08:32 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_Master_U18 build #261: STILL UNSTABLE in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/261/ |
08:33 | greenjimll joined #koha | |
08:35 | josef_moravec joined #koha | |
08:43 | Reza | Does this seem okay: http://kb.sites.apiit.edu.my/k[…]me-a-koha-branch/ ? |
08:44 | to rename a brnach | |
08:46 | josef_moravec | I believe you are missing default_branch_item_rules table |
08:47 | ashimema | anyone out there using online payment plugins? |
08:47 | josef_moravec | Reza: do you really need to change code of library? |
08:48 | ashimema: maybe Radek Šiman, but he is not on IRC... I could ask him on it | |
08:48 | ashimema | no worries |
08:48 | I'm just seeing some strange behaviour with plack | |
08:48 | I'll keep digging | |
08:50 | josef_moravec | Reza: and branch_transfer_limits |
08:51 | inlibro joined #koha | |
08:53 | josef_moravec | ashimema: Radek is author of these two plugins, he is not remembering of any problems with plack, when working on it... |
08:53 | https://gitlab.com/open-source-knihovna/BorgunPay | |
08:53 | https://gitlab.com/open-source-knihovna/GoPay | |
08:53 | they are czech payment systems | |
08:57 | ashimema | coolios |
08:58 | nice to see a few more plugins out there :) | |
08:58 | josef_moravec | it is always nice ;) |
08:58 | ashimema | the wierd issue I'm having is that the plugin is being called with an escapped module name.. but run isn't finding it |
09:45 | tcohen | morning |
09:51 | inlibro joined #koha | |
10:19 | Reza | @josef_moravec yeah. unfortunately I have to rename it. the naming wasn't chosen wisely...! |
10:19 | huginn` | Reza: downloading the Perl source |
10:23 | Reza | josef_moravec: added default_branch_item_rules branch_transfer_limits branch_transfer_limits |
10:24 | could you please take a look if I'm missing anything? | |
10:24 | http://kb.sites.apiit.edu.my/k[…]me-a-koha-branch/ | |
10:27 | josef_moravec | Reza: Do you know the tool Adminer? |
10:28 | It could search for string in whole database, I would try to search for the OLD_BRANCH code to ensure to not miss any place | |
10:28 | Reza | Haven't used that before. But I am using MySQL Workbench |
10:28 | alright. will do that | |
10:28 | thanks | |
10:28 | josef_moravec | It could make it to, maybe, I don't know ;) |
10:29 | Reza: Workbench is capable to do it ;) https://stackoverflow.com/ques[…]-a-string/7523068 | |
10:36 | reiveune left #koha | |
10:40 | marcelr joined #koha | |
10:48 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #4: SUCCESS in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_19.05_D9/4/ |
10:51 | inlibro joined #koha | |
11:03 | irma_ joined #koha | |
11:33 | oleonard joined #koha | |
11:34 | oleonard | Hi all |
11:35 | alex_a joined #koha | |
11:51 | khall joined #koha | |
11:51 | inlibro joined #koha | |
11:56 | kidclamp joined #koha | |
11:59 | oleonard | Hi kidclamp |
11:59 | kidclamp | Hi oleonard |
11:59 | wahanui | hi oleopard |
12:45 | khall joined #koha | |
12:51 | inlibro joined #koha | |
12:58 | caroline_catlady joined #koha | |
12:59 | caroline_catlady | good morning! |
13:02 | magnuse | hiya caroline_catlady |
13:05 | mtompset joined #koha | |
13:05 | mtompset | Greetings, #koha. |
13:05 | @seen cait | |
13:05 | huginn` | mtompset: cait was last seen in #koha 5 hours, 58 minutes, and 43 seconds ago: <cait> because mysql doesn't care, but perl does |
13:09 | cait | maybe just say cait? :) |
13:09 | hi caroline_catlady ) | |
13:09 | did you meantion you have translated plugins? (2 languages?) | |
13:09 | caroline_catlady | yes |
13:09 | cait | do you know how it's done? |
13:10 | was discussion with tcohen earlier | |
13:10 | caroline_catlady | I think they add a .po file in the kpz package |
13:10 | cait | could you share a link or an example? |
13:10 | mtompset | Greetings, cait caroline_catlady |
13:11 | caroline_catlady | https://inlibro.com/koha-plugins/ |
13:11 | I think if you downloand one, you can unzip it and see the files | |
13:11 | mtompset | cait, Did you attempt bug 23104? Because 0 did work for me, if I recall. I tested with plack to make sure only blank turned to unlimited. |
13:11 | huginn` | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=23104 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Failed QA , Regression (18925) in circ rules - unlimited vs 0 |
13:11 | cait | i believed the last comment |
13:12 | you can comment too | |
13:12 | Jonathan usually is right and it was a valid problem he described, i didn't want his comment to be missed | |
13:12 | caroline_catlady | Ah no, they add a complete .tt |
13:13 | mtompset | -- it was Nick that commented on the last comment. I'll recheck and attach some photos. :) |
13:15 | caroline_catlady | https://snag.gy/iS8GUW.jpg |
13:16 | mtompset | Oh sucky... nevermind, cait. Confirmed. :( |
13:17 | cait | caroline_catlady: ah, ok :) not quite the route we were following. thx for checking! |
13:20 | * magnuse | wishes there was an official way to translate plugins |
13:20 | * ashimema | wishes there was a centralised repository of plugins |
13:20 | cait | i was discussing options with tcohen earlier |
13:20 | ashimema | and an official way to translate them too |
13:21 | cait | one step after the other please :) |
13:21 | wizzyrea joined #koha | |
13:21 | wizzyrea | hi |
13:23 | magnuse | hi wizzyrea |
13:23 | caroline_catlady | So what was the conclusion? |
13:24 | cait | i was saying that we should investigate using gettext |
13:25 | as this appears widely used | |
13:25 | but i think we agree on having a simple file structure with language files | |
13:25 | just translating the strings, not having complete copies of the templates | |
13:27 | caroline_catlady | so it would be just like the regular koha translation? |
13:27 | cait | no |
13:27 | the regular koha translation copies all the files with translations in them | |
13:28 | you'd only have one set of template files and a few language fiels where you translate | |
13:28 | way less complcated | |
13:28 | magnuse | +1 |
13:28 | caroline_catlady | what do you mean by a few language fields |
13:28 | cait | a file for each language |
13:28 | with a string or code an dhte translation | |
13:28 | it could be po files, but it would not have to be | |
13:29 | but as soon as you enter the translation in the file or provide it, the trnaslation would work | |
13:29 | no need to 'install' it | |
13:29 | caroline_catlady | ok |
13:29 | and the plugin would come with all the language files? | |
13:29 | cait | yes |
13:30 | and if you want to translate a plugin, you'd make a merge request with your file | |
13:31 | caroline_catlady | is this discussion because in the future, plugins will be used more than regular developments? Like a more modular approach to koha? |
13:33 | oleonard | I hope not |
13:33 | caroline_catlady | off topic question, what is the accounttype FFOR? In the manual there is F and FOR but not FFOR |
13:33 | oleonard: why not? | |
13:34 | oleonard | caroline_catlady: Developments will always be stronger if they go through the full QA process |
13:35 | ashimema | caroline_catlady: |
13:35 | one is 'Fine Forgiven', the other is 'Forgiven' | |
13:35 | one is automatic and the other it manual | |
13:35 | * ashimema | merged them in the accounts re-write tree recently and used a Status intsead |
13:36 | ashimema | but that's not made it through QA yet |
13:36 | mtompset | Can someone please generate the schema for 19.05? |
13:36 | schema.koha-community.org only has up to 18.11 | |
13:37 | caroline_catlady | thx ashimema |
13:39 | oleonard: I guess we could have a QA process for plugins too (like have "official plugins"), it would make koha more customizable I think | |
13:45 | mtompset | What is TT in full again? I'm trying to find the documentation again. |
13:45 | I think I have an idea as to why bug 23104 unlimited's. | |
13:45 | huginn` | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=23104 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Failed QA , Regression (18925) in circ rules - unlimited vs 0 |
13:45 | caroline_catlady | template toolkit |
13:45 | mtompset | caroline_catlady++ # for jogging my memory. |
13:46 | caroline++ # because I figure that's your "real" nick. | |
13:47 | caroline_catlady | heh! thx :) I wasn't able to reclaim caroline so I was always caroline_ or caroline1, figured I would put the _ to good use |
13:48 | cait | oleonard: i am also scepcital, but for some things like ILL and local payment providers a plugin system makses sens |
13:48 | wahanui | okay, cait. |
13:49 | caroline_catlady | I wonder what wahanui got out of that |
13:49 | lukeG joined #koha | |
13:51 | mtompset | caroline_++ # I stand corrected. :) |
13:51 | cait | why would a seriest that is in 490 and the first few hits of my result list not show in the series facet? |
13:51 | inlibro joined #koha | |
13:51 | oleonard | caroline_catlady++ |
13:52 | * cait | pulls her hair out |
13:53 | cait | this zebra is doing strange things today |
13:55 | caroline_catlady | I don't remember having that problem before, but I did have problems with 490 vs 830 |
13:55 | kidclamp | https://media1.tenor.com/image[…]if?itemid=5036311 |
13:55 | oleonard | https://media.giphy.com/media/[…]WPKaiBM/giphy.gif |
13:55 | caroline_catlady | are the series in your facets only 830? |
13:55 | lol kidclamp! | |
13:56 | calire | kidclamp your zebra is dancing in time to my music |
13:56 | mtompset | kidclamp, seeing as you torpedoed bug 23104. :P -- care to recheck my followup? |
13:56 | huginn` | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=23104 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Regression (18925) in circ rules - unlimited vs 0 |
13:56 | mtompset | The problem was in the template, not the logic. |
13:57 | kidclamp | ah, will check when free mtompset |
13:57 | mtompset | JD fixed the logic. But the display was still busted. :) |
13:57 | * kidclamp | feels a little bad when you call it 'torpedoed' |
13:57 | mtompset | Well, it didn't sink, so that's good. :) |
13:59 | oleonard | tropedoed implies an attack, which QA definitely isn't |
14:01 | mtompset | Think of it as shooting a bullet proof vest to QA it. Nothing negative was intended in the implication. :) |
14:02 | Because if the code isn't shot by QA, then we'd have bleeding and dying production koha servers. | |
14:04 | "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." :) | |
14:08 | Sorry for hurting your feelings, kidclamp. Didn't mean to. :) | |
14:08 | caroline_catlady | harmony++ |
14:09 | we were discussing disc colors (personnalities) this weekend, and I'm a green and greens love collaboration and harmony :) | |
14:11 | kidclamp | no hurt feeling mtompset |
14:11 | mtompset | I thought greens were something you eat. Leafy greens and lean protein for weightloss. :) |
14:13 | caroline_catlady | hehe! http://tgpcoaching.org/wp-cont[…]018/04/DISC-1.png |
14:14 | I'm sure plants like harmony too | |
14:18 | * ashimema | is green too |
14:18 | * caroline_catlady | high-fives ashimema |
14:19 | ashimema | though actually I'm seeing traits in most of those.. lol |
14:19 | caroline_catlady | people usually have a percentage of the other colours, but one is dominant |
14:19 | ashimema | I'd basically go with 'not very red' |
14:19 | haha | |
14:20 | caroline_catlady | I'm green and blue, I have a little bit of yellow and practically no red |
14:20 | ashimema | school run |
14:20 | brb | |
14:20 | calire left #koha | |
14:24 | caroline_catlady | reading the mailing list emails and I stubled upon one that says "Owen Sir" to oleonard, love it! It's *almost* Sir Owen ;) |
14:25 | oleonard | I got "Sir Leo" once :D |
14:25 | * wizzyrea | is more of a brown really |
14:25 | mtompset | People frequently call my Tom... even though Tompsett is my last name! |
14:25 | ^my^me^ | |
14:26 | wizzyrea | but more of a red/blue/green sort of brown |
14:26 | oleonard | mtompset: They just assume it's your "real" nick ;) |
14:27 | caroline_catlady | huh, Tompsett doesn't sound like a first name, not in English anyway. Some last names in French are also first names, so that can be confusing |
14:27 | ashimema | No-one ever mistakes Renvoize for a first name.. most can't spell it either |
14:28 | wizzyrea | my mr has a real problem because there's a famous person with his first name as a last name, and his last name sounds like a first name |
14:28 | mtompset | oleonard, somehow "catlady" is not likely the real nick, thought it make be something caroline_catlady is. |
14:28 | wizzyrea | I bet oleonard's kid has a similar problem |
14:29 | mtompset | I can see oleonard suffering: Leonard Owens. |
14:29 | caroline_catlady | I was thinking of slowly migrating toward catlady... caroline_catlady seems too long |
14:30 | wizzyrea | i'd be really surprised if catlady wasn't already taken |
14:30 | caroline_catlady | oh right... |
14:30 | forgot about that lol! | |
14:30 | kidclamp | everyone should have ridiculous nicknames that have no connection to their real name |
14:30 | wizzyrea | the venn diagram of "women who use IRC" and "people who might identify as "cat ladies" seems pretty much like a big football |
14:31 | kidclamp | ashimema++ |
14:31 | wizzyrea | if not close to a circle |
14:32 | ashimema | Lol |
14:32 | Huh? | |
14:32 | caroline_catlady | http://www.robertecker.com/hp/[…]ame-generator.php |
14:33 | wizzyrea | i just mean the overlap is quite large. |
14:33 | in my probably wrong estimation | |
14:33 | kidclamp | whois catlady |
14:35 | i guess attemtping to register is the only way to see? | |
14:40 | ashimema | @seen catlady |
14:40 | huginn` | ashimema: I have not seen catlady. |
14:41 | mtompset | ashimema, question for you. |
14:41 | bug 22783 | |
14:41 | huginn` | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22783 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , 'Location' not picked up by translation toolchain |
14:41 | mtompset | Are you sure you didn't get an explosion? |
14:42 | Software error: Template process failed: file error - parse error - /home/vagrant/kohaclone/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/tools/koha-news.tt line 284: unexpected token (BLOCK) [% SET location = BLOCK %] at /home/vagrant/kohaclone/C4/Templates.pm line 122. | |
14:48 | Also, ashimema, are you using sandboxes to sign off? Because the status isn't changing if you are. | |
14:52 | inlibro joined #koha | |
14:54 | ashimema | Not using sandboxes |
14:55 | And.. I just moved the suggested code from one bug to another.. don't think I tested that one at all | |
14:55 | Hense not being signed off | |
14:56 | mtompset | But it had your "signed off" tag at the bottom. |
14:56 | That's why I mentioned this. :) | |
14:56 | ashimema | Not sure where the SO line in the commit message came from.. perhaps an old git hook |
14:56 | I'll double check my config | |
14:57 | Thanks for spotting ut | |
14:57 | s/it/it | |
15:00 | mtompset | ashimema, figured out why the bomb... the anonymous block syntax was bad. Appended a follow up. |
15:03 | fridolin left #koha | |
15:03 | ashimema | :) |
15:04 | mtompset | There... cleaned off your sign off for you. :) |
15:04 | ashimema | thankyou :) |
15:11 | pedro_ joined #koha | |
15:14 | lukeG1 joined #koha | |
15:31 | cait left #koha | |
15:52 | inlibro joined #koha | |
15:54 | huginn` | News from kohagit: Revert "Bug 23075: Better error handling in Mana config" <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]0acdcbf41529ac2f3> |
16:16 | lukeG joined #koha | |
16:28 | koha-jenkins | Yippee, build fixed! |
16:28 | wahanui | Congratulations! |
16:28 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D9 build #767: FIXED in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/767/ |
16:32 | pedro_ | hello,Why when I use yaz-client (find ¨somthing¨) I get: >>> HTTP Error Status=400 |
16:32 | >>> Content type does not appear to be XML? | |
16:37 | koha-jenkins | Yippee, build fixed! |
16:37 | wahanui | Congratulations! |
16:37 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_Master_U18 build #262: FIXED in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/262/ |
16:38 | Yippee, build fixed! | |
16:38 | wahanui | Congratulations! |
16:38 | koha-jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D8 build #280: FIXED in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/280/ |
16:40 | cait joined #koha | |
16:40 | * cait | waves |
16:47 | khall joined #koha | |
16:47 | * cait | waves at khall |
16:52 | inlibro joined #koha | |
17:10 | lukeG joined #koha | |
17:17 | bag | hello |
17:17 | wahanui | niihau, bag |
17:17 | bag | magnuse: HI!!! |
17:17 | oleonard | Hi bag |
17:17 | bag | oleonard: HI |
17:23 | * cait | waves |
17:34 | khall joined #koha | |
17:35 | lukeG1 joined #koha | |
17:48 | caroline_catlady joined #koha | |
17:52 | inlibro joined #koha | |
18:03 | mtompset | kidclamp, quick question about bug 18969. |
18:03 | huginn` | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18969 normal, P3, ---, alex.arnaud, Needs Signoff , _all field is deprecated - should use copy_to to prepare for ES6 |
18:04 | mtompset | Oops... should be asking alex. |
18:06 | @later tell alex_a regarding bug 18969, why did you change from text to string in the yaml part of the patch? I don't know how to test, so I won't be testing, but that difference stuck out to me. | |
18:06 | huginn` | mtompset: The operation succeeded. |
18:07 | mtompset | @later tell alex_a Oops... type: string to type: text. Wrong direction. :) |
18:07 | huginn` | mtompset: The operation succeeded. |
18:07 | * oleonard | always reads "ES6" as EcmaScript 6 |
18:15 | BobB joined #koha | |
18:19 | oleonard | Could someone test svc/barcode and see if it is working for you? |
18:32 | mtompset | svc/barcode? |
18:33 | oleonard | It generates barcode images. /cgi-bin/koha/svc/barcode?barcode=33000000029382 |
18:34 | mtompset | error 500? |
18:35 | oleonard | That's what I get |
18:37 | mtompset | So GD::Barcode is boming somehow. |
18:37 | ^bomin^bombing^ | |
18:51 | khall joined #koha | |
18:52 | inlibro joined #koha | |
19:01 | wizzycray joined #koha | |
19:05 | hizzycray joined #koha | |
19:30 | * kidclamp | knows nothing about bug 23144 |
19:30 | huginn` | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=23144 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Needs Signoff , Bad POD breaks svc/barcode |
19:30 | kidclamp | now I run away |
19:36 | magnuse | bag: HI |
19:36 | wahanui | hola, magnuse |
19:52 | caroline_catlady | I feel like this list is out of date https://koha-community.org/man[…]/faq.html#reports where would be the best place to get all the accounttypes? |
19:52 | inlibro joined #koha | |
20:01 | cait | caroline_catlady: good question - I am not quite sure about the current structure |
20:01 | ashimema: is the one i'd ask | |
20:01 | it might be we have a database table containing all current codes | |
20:02 | caroline_catlady | oh that would be good instead of random codes |
20:02 | cait | i think they are still hardcoded |
20:03 | kathryn joined #koha | |
20:06 | caroline_catlady | There's accounts.onc, but I'm not sure if that's authoritative |
20:07 | *.inc sorry | |
20:08 | cait | hm i have messed up my workbench connection |
20:08 | but iw as thinking of a db table | |
20:09 | hm account_offset_types | |
20:09 | not usre if there is similar for accountlines | |
20:11 | caroline_catlady | but account_offset_types don't have the codes |
20:11 | *doesn't | |
20:22 | cait | sorry, not sure hten |
20:23 | i have mostly stayed away from the accounts patches so far, really need to catch up on those | |
20:25 | caroline_catlady | don't worry about it, I will bug ashimema when he comes back :) |
20:27 | cait | :) |
20:53 | inlibro joined #koha | |
20:59 | alexbuckley joined #koha | |
21:04 | mtompset | @later tell oleonard I moved the author POD at the end of the script up, and things broke more usefully on the barcode script. |
21:04 | huginn` | mtompset: The operation succeeded. |
21:27 | pastebot | "mtompset" at pasted "My hack for svc/barcode -- oleonard" (44 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/2708 |
21:28 | mtompset | @later tell oleonard perhaps this? http://paste.koha-community.org/2708 |
21:28 | huginn` | mtompset: The operation succeeded. |
21:53 | inlibro joined #koha | |
22:24 | caroline_catlady | good night everyone! |
22:53 | inlibro joined #koha | |
22:55 | kattekrab joined #koha | |
22:56 | DaveR joined #koha | |
22:57 | kattekrab | Hello! |
22:57 | @rangi - I found some info on Perl and RHEL8 - https://developers.redhat.com/[…]terprise-linux-8/ | |
22:57 | huginn` | kattekrab: I suck |
22:57 | kattekrab | huginn`: oh? |
22:57 | huginn` | kattekrab: I suck |
23:02 | kattekrab | although dunno how useful it actually is |
23:02 | mtompset | kattekrab, perhaps you mean to @later tell rangi ...? |
23:03 | kattekrab | mtompset: sorry, I don't understand? |
23:20 | rangi | kattekrab: if you do @later tell rangi then when i next talk the bot will tell me what you said (even if it has scrolled back out of my scroll buffer) |
23:21 | thats cool info about the RHEL8 though, thanks :) | |
23:21 | mtompset: ill sort the schema out too | |
23:22 | kattekrab | aaaaah cool - thanks! |
23:29 | mtompset | Thanks, rangi. :) |
23:30 | rangi++ # for looking into the schema | |
23:37 | lukeG1 joined #koha | |
23:53 | inlibro joined #koha | |
23:57 | papa joined #koha |
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