IRC log for #koha, 2018-11-09

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Time Nick Message
01:36 barton joined #koha
03:07 dpk_ joined #koha
06:12 josef_moravec joined #koha
06:16 kohaputti joined #koha
06:31 cait joined #koha
06:41 fridolin joined #koha
06:41 fridolin yop
07:01 Dandelion joined #koha
07:12 laurence joined #koha
07:19 Guest2299 Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #112: SUCCESS in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_17.11_D8/112/
07:23 ashimema Mornin'
07:31 paul_p joined #koha
07:35 marcelr joined #koha
07:35 marcelr hi #koha
07:36 josef_moravec hi marcelr, ashimema, fridolin ;)
07:36 marcelr hi josef_moravec
07:40 AndrewIsh joined #koha
07:42 * cait waves
07:42 cait bbiab
07:42 reiveune joined #koha
07:43 reiveune hello
07:43 wahanui hey, reiveune
07:50 * fridolin pushing in 17.11.x
07:50 fridolin ashimema: its raining commits in stable branches ;)
07:52 alex_a joined #koha
07:53 alex_a joined #koha
07:53 alex_a bonjour
07:53 wahanui kia ora, alex_a
08:04 marcelr fridolin: it was so dry this summer..
08:07 matts hi
08:07 wahanui bonjour, matts
08:14 fridolin XD
08:23 laurence joined #koha
08:25 Hairpin joined #koha
08:25 ere hi cait! Re bug 21793, that reminds me.. there are like a million different ways the fields in ES are named and I'm tempted to just take a sweep and unify them all..
08:25 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=21793 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Inconsistences between search fields and mappings
08:27 ere This would probably be the time to do it since the ES changes will require reindexing anyway.
08:29 ashimema Hehe, indeed
08:29 Keeping up with kidclamp this week has been 'fun'.. haha
08:30 Backports are starting to get a bit more involved too now.  These filters are driving me nuts, hehe
08:30 Still, it's gonna be another bumper bugfix release.. these branches are getting good and mature now
08:31 Guest2299 Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #113: UNSTABLE in 33 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_17.11_D8/113/
08:32 ashimema I'm stuck on a nasty one at the minute.. gotta downgrade my mariadb version to make the test happy locally.
08:32 ere ashimema: I can only imagine the 'fun'
08:45 andreashm joined #koha
08:45 * andreashm waves
08:46 ere hi andreashm
08:46 andreashm hi ere!
08:48 cait joined #koha
08:49 unaise joined #koha
08:50 unaise hai, there is any possibilities to get all information about a document in koha opac at its first window
09:01 * andreashm has never noticed the holds_fill_targets table before. anyone know the point of this table?
09:02 cait i think it's related to holds_queue
09:02 storing the information about who has to pick what, as it can change with every run of hte job
09:06 andreashm cait: thx
09:07 cait np
09:10 andreashm I wonder why we have data in that table... we don't run that job.
09:10 Maybe old stuff. No timestamp in that table.
09:11 cait it might beold yes
09:13 andreashm nope, seems recent
09:13 and looking at dev servers that has somewhat older data, there are rows there too.
09:14 is there anything else that adds data here? item-level holds in general or something?
09:18 ah, it could be the hold_itemtype_limit?
09:36 where is khall when you need him? ;-)
09:36 @seen khall
09:36 huginn andreashm: khall was last seen in #koha 1 week, 6 days, 18 hours, 52 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <khall> cait: I love it, get oleonard on that stat!
09:40 cait I wonder what that was about
09:40 andreashm: are you sure about the job not running?
09:41 it could have reactivated as it's in the standard cron
09:43 andreashm cait: oh, in what cron?
09:43 cait I think it runs hourly
09:44 andreashm ah yes, there it is
09:44 cait[…]d1e33dd8e56a467c8
09:44 andreashm was looking at daily
09:44 makes sense then
09:44 cait shoudl not hurt you
09:44 we have it running for all libraries, but most don't use it
09:44 andreashm ok
09:44 cait the holds queue report that is
09:44 andreashm yeah, we don't use holds to pull
09:45 cait holds queue
09:45 holds to pull is something else :)
09:45 andreashm bah. =)
09:46 well, I don't think we use that report either
09:48 I wonder if I should turn it off.
09:53 cait you could, I think
09:56 Archie^ Hi Koha!  is there a table in which i can see if a borrower has borrowed any books (or if library lended out any books) ?
09:56 josef_moravec Archie^: probably old_issues
09:57 Archie^ i mean if i as a customer check out a book, where will it be seen?
09:59 josef_moravec Archie^: do you mean from opac?  There is a link "your reading history"
09:59 Archie^ no i mean from Database perspective
09:59 if a customer comes into the library, checks out a book
10:00 josef_moravec so the it is old_issues and issues tables the latter is for current checkouts, the first is for returned checkouts
10:03 Archie^ ahh thanks
10:23 coyas joined #koha
10:23 coyas hello koha world
10:27 magnuse hello coyas!
10:35 coyas i need a help with something
10:35 i have a dedicated server and i need to install koha
10:35 i need advise
10:36 josef_moravec coyas: hi, what is the OS of that server? In which state are you now?
10:37 coyas i am from cape verde islands, africa
10:37 i am using (dedicated server)
10:40 josef_moravec coyas: but which operating system do you have installed on that server? If any... if not, you will need to install one first
10:40 ashimema you might struggle with CentOS.. we're very Debian centric with packages etc built for it..
10:40 it will run on CentOS, but you'll need to do a fairly significant amount of work yourself to get it working in that environment (and it's not officially supported by the community and as such you won't get as much support here)
10:41 * ashimema got CentOS from the hosting company blerb.. you might not be on CentOS at all?
10:48 marcelr no centos for me
10:53 ashimema we ran centos way back when
10:53 but it's been a decade since I've used it ;)
10:55 marcelr you dont like to install koha on centos
10:55 ashimema did we loose coyas
10:55 marcelr we scared him
10:55 ashimema oops
10:55 I thought I was being helpful ;)
10:56 marcelr you are
10:56 ashimema our first customers we on centos.. was fun getting stuff to build on it..
11:05 AndrewIsh I just pulled latest master and got a bunch of "Perl modules missing" messages from the Web installer. Never seen that before, should I just install them manually?
11:05 coyas no i am justing, looking if is possible to change to server OS to debian
11:06 the server OS to debian
11:07 marcelr coyas: it would be the best choice
11:07 coyas what i am trying to do is more than install koha
11:07 ashimema `apt install koha-perldeps` AndrewIsh (IRC)
11:07 AndrewIsh Thanks ashimema
11:08 * ashimema seems to remember you already have the package repos setup on that dev server
11:08 AndrewIsh I'll check
11:08 ashimema you 'might' want to check your sources.list.d that your tracking the nightly/dev track
11:09 I've been giving people this link allot lately: https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]p_package_sources
11:09 for dev I set my to `unstable`.. means you get dependancy updates as soon as Mirko packages them up :)
11:10 Archie^ what is the table that let's me see how many copies of books are left in a library? biblio has no information that regard
11:12 ashimema erm.. items I think
11:14 Archie^ well that complicates things
11:15 i have a database of different system that has something similar to "table_a contains marc21xml"   "table_b contains number of copies in library and id to table_a"
11:16 so i migrated all marc21xml copies of into koha, but now i need to somehow modify the amount items in library
11:17 josef_moravec Archie^: The best way to insert records and items is through stage/import  tools
11:17 from GUI
11:18 Archie^ yah i did that
11:18 josef_moravec Archie^: so what's wrong? The record does not contain items?
11:18 ashimema it should handle items for you
11:18 Archie^ but table_a contains only singular marc21xml records so KOHA sees them as singular aswell
11:19 andreashm joined #koha
11:19 josef_moravec Archie^: what is the source of these records?
11:19 Archie^ a different system that i'm trying to migrate into koha
11:19 josef_moravec maybe they have items in different marc field?
11:20 if so, you can handle it and import
11:21 Archie^ im thinking maybe koha has some 9xx field that correlates to "amount of items" ?
11:21 ashimema you need field per item
11:22 josef_moravec Archie^: somehow, koha has field 952, it is repetable and every field is one item
11:22 ashimema I'm sure we've pointed you to these a few times already
11:22 andreashm Archie^: does the old system have information about each item/copy (barcodes, or other id etc?) or just a value on copies that are connected to the marcxml?
11:22 * ashimema goes back to release maintanence.. thanks for advicing josef :)
11:22 marcelr ashimema: yet another PQA but not that comfortable..
11:23 josef_moravec if the other system has items in another field, you can remap it in koha, or transofrm it in marcedit before importing into koha
11:23 marcelr 21608 holds
11:23 andreashm each physical copy (=item) needs it's own row, not just a value
11:26 ashimema I know the feeling on that one marcelr.. it's an area of code I'm not confident in at all regarding the foundations
11:26 it's ripe for a run on building a tonne more tests and then refactoring the heck out of.
11:27 * josef_moravec thinks C4::Reserves needs much attention :(
11:27 ashimema totally agree.. perhaps a target for next cycle
11:27 andreashm yes indeed
11:28 reserves and accountlines are the areas that would need the most improvement in my opinion.
11:28 ashimema I've already got 'Recalls' a the top of my list for next cycle (along with the accounts tree I've built)
11:28 andreashm lost of issues in regards to those two in the library here
11:28 ashimema I think reserves/recalls should be written as a single well through feature myself.. not two very distinct things
11:29 accountlines is moving forward fairly nicely now at least.. with Tomas, Yourself (josef) and I all attacking it I feel we're moving in the right direction
11:29 many hands and all that
11:32 andreashm anyplace one can get an overview of whats being done in regards to accounts/accountlines?
11:32 * andreashm feel that how it is displayed in the UI needs some serious UX work
11:33 ashimema right at this particular moment we're working through cleaning up backend code there andreashm.. but I'm all ears for UI/UX improvements.. sure we could onboard Owen ;)
11:33 josef_moravec andreashm: see bug 14825
11:33 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=14825 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, NEW , Accounts Rewrite Omnibus
11:34 ashimema https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]raph.cgi?id=14825 for the scary dependancy tree
11:34 andreashm josef_moravec: thanks! I think I've looked there, but found it hard to see how all the pieces fit together
11:34 ashimema there's a bunch of stuff hanging off 21002 which I intend to get moving straight after 18.11 release
11:35 Joubu andreashm: you should ask tcohen or khall
11:35 and hi #koha
11:35 * andreashm just think he might have burnt his eyes from looking at that graph! =)
11:36 ashimema allot of it is about pushing the functionality which currently spread all over koha's codebase into a couple of well formed modules and then using those everywhere.. stop us re-inventing the wheel so often and missing bits when doing so
11:36 then enhanceing on top of that
11:36 that's the plan anyways..
11:36 andreashm Joubu: that's what I usually do! =)
11:36 sounds like a good plan.
11:36 I'll put in on my (way to long) todo list to rwview and see whre/if we can possibly help out.
11:37 Because it's just to much trouble in that area right now...
11:38 review
11:39 Reserves page is in sore need of UX too...
11:39 * andreashm should maybe push our UX:er to work with it
12:03 magnuse andreashm++
12:04 andreashm magnuse: maybe wait 'til we actually do anything? ;-)
12:04 Joubu marcelr: Was your comment on bug 21576 actually for bug 21526?
12:04 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=21576 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Add a developer script to automatically fix missing filters
12:04 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=21526 blocker, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Passed QA , TT variables used to build a link should be uri filtered
12:06 * andreashm has bug 21608 and bug 21680 open on tabs next to each other, went of to read an e-mail, and was then very confused when returning to the browser. maybe it's a good thing it is Friday
12:06 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=21608 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, Passed QA , Arranging holds priority with dropdowns is faulty when there are waiting/intransit holds
12:06 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=21680 trivial, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Pushed to Stable , Remove dead code C4::Accounts::fixaccounts
12:19 andreashm ashimema: it seems a lot from the graph you posted is on its way into 18.11
12:20 ashimema yup..
12:20 but there is more to come :)
12:23 andreashm good good
12:23 coyas hi
12:23 wahanui what's up, coyas
12:23 coyas i'm back
12:23 andreashm seems like a lot of it is moving thing to Koha::Account
12:24 ashimema: any planned changes to the db? or ui?
12:24 my focus is of course from the end-user perspective. =)
12:25 coyas will be a nightmare if i change the CentOS to Debian, i will lose cpanel, WHM
12:25 i don't know how i will configure the server
12:25 kkkk
12:26 i will try install koha in CentOS
12:26 ashimema most db changes are already there.. account_offsets was a big improvment
12:27 allot of the work we're doing is to ensure the existing tables are getting properly populated for all cases.
12:27 tcohen hi
12:27 ashimema the actions log may have some minor changes in it's content to make it more consistent
12:28 UI wise.. I've not reached that area at all yet.. but PTFS-E has some improvements they want to make based on top of this.. we have a 'Cash Management' enhancement which a couple of customers have been running for a couple of years now.. it adds tills and cashing up functionality along with change calculation
12:29 coyas this site has same tips https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]tos_6.3_x86_64_en
12:29 ashimema we couldn't submit it before now because Accounts was such a mess and a fast moving mess at that.
12:30 indeed coyas.. if you're competant and confortable in CentOS you should be able to run it.. it's just not recommended and you'r unlikely to get much useufl help from here as we're all using Debian (or debian derivatives) these days
12:30 the packages built for debian are by in far the easiest way to install and maintain these days
12:31 coyas i am not confortable with centos, i never had used it before
12:32 i like fedora or debian
12:37 my company buy this server
12:37 andreashm hi tcohen! talking accountlines. =)
12:37 coyas i hated
12:37 i hate
12:37 oleonard joined #koha
12:38 oleonard Hi #koha
12:38 tcohen what aboutn accountlines?
12:38 andreashm all the work being done there
12:38 and how we feel the ui needs improvement
12:39 tcohen: ^^
12:40 (we=stockholm uni)
12:41 ashimema: sounds interesting the work you've done with "cash management".
12:42 ashimema our local council customers love it.
12:43 though getting the right till drawer to open has been 'challenging' to say the least
12:43 Point Of Sale inside a browser is just plain hard
12:43 andreashm =)
12:44 Guest2299 Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #114: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_17.11_D8/114/
12:53 Joubu fridolin: hum, do not you run tests when you backport?
12:54 fridolin yep but its something random i thuink
12:54 Joubu Can't locate t/lib/
12:54 does not sound random
12:54 fridolin ah yep
12:54 i dont have Selenium but it should be on jenkins
12:55 Joubu it's not a selenium lib, t::lib::Selenium is part of Koha
12:55 but 17.11.x
12:56 * ashimema tries to always run tests.. but is faliable ;)
12:57 fridolin ah ok in src lib/selenium
12:59 Joubu fridolin: it's bug 19802
12:59 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=19802 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, RESOLVED FIXED, Move Selenium code to its own module
13:00 fridolin thanks
13:00 Joubu but not sure it will be backportable easily
13:31 Guest2299 Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #113: SUCCESS in 25 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D8/113/
13:35 Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #115: SUCCESS in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.05_U18/115/
13:46 caroline good morning everyone!
13:46 cait oleonard: hope my rebase was ok for the basket column patch
13:46 oleonard If it works it works!
13:49 Freddy_Enrique joined #koha
13:49 Freddy_Enrique Greetings koha :)
13:50 caroline Hi Freddy_Enrique!
13:50 Freddy_Enrique Hi there Caroline
13:52 cait oleonard: i thikn i got a bit over-excited late lats night (blames too much tea :) )
13:53 Guest2299 Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #114: SUCCESS in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D9/114/
13:55 oleonard This authorised value category related to Housebound delivery, HSBND_FREQ, reads "Husband frequency" to me, and... you go girl!
13:56 Joubu !jenkins status
13:56 Guest2299 Joubu you may not issue bot commands in this chat!
13:56 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
13:57 cait lol
13:59 Joubu !jenkins status
13:59 Guest2299 Joubu you may not issue bot commands in this chat!
13:59 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
13:59 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
13:59 Joubu ho ho, slow down bots
13:59 jenkins joined #koha
14:05 Archie^ hey cait  can you remind me what was the way to run ?
14:06 cait -h?
14:07 koha-jenkins joined #koha
14:07 Archie^ no i mean there was some sort of a bash instance root_password, or something
14:07 Joubu !jenkins status
14:07 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
14:07 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
14:07 Joubu koha-jenkins: status!
14:08 koha-jenkins: !jenkins status
14:09 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 21413: (QA follow-up) Fix tests <[…]e6fd50c52f45a068a>
14:09 Joubu wt.
14:09 cait kshell
14:09 or koha-shell with the instance name
14:09 Archie^ oh sweet thanks
14:10 koha-jenkins joined #koha
14:19 Joubu !jenkins abort Koha_Master_U18
14:19 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
14:19 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
14:19 Joubu !jenkins build Koha_Master_U18
14:19 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
14:19 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
14:19 Joubu you are all stupid bots
14:21 !jenkins help
14:21 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
14:21 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
14:22 Joubu help meeeeeeeee
14:22 ashimema Lol
14:22 oleonard This is just like the opening sequence of The Terminator!
14:28 Joubu Could someone op me?
14:31 oleonard magnuse? gmcharlt? ^^
14:32 caroline: I'm looking at authorised_values_categories and I notice that some which are inserted by default in Koha are not documented: branches, CAND, cn_source, CONTROL_NUM_SEQUENCE, itemtypes
14:32 magnuse what should i do?
14:32 oleonard caroline: Do you know anything about them?
14:32 Joubu thx magnuse
14:33 oleonard Perhaps someone else knows why branches, CAND, cn_source, CONTROL_NUM_SEQUENCE, itemtypes are in auth_val_cat.sql but undocumented?
14:33 Joubu !jenkins status
14:33 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
14:33 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
14:33 caroline oleonard: are branches, cn_source and itemtypes really authorised values?
14:33 * magnuse have fun #koha!
14:33 caroline even CONTROL_NUM_SEQUENCE, I'm not sure I've ever seen that in auth values
14:34 oleonard caroline: They are authorised value categories
14:34 In the authorised_value_categories table
14:34 ...which I think may only be used when displaying authorised values in administration
14:35 caroline I think they are populated automatically and used for reports
14:35 Joubu !jenkins help
14:35 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
14:35 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
14:35 caroline I've never seen them in admin > auth values
14:35 I'm checking my master now, but in my 18.05 they are not there
14:37 * caroline is going through the whole web installer thing again... ¬_¬
14:39 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #605: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/605/
14:40 Yippee, build fixed!
14:40 Project Koha_Master_D8 build #101: FIXED in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/101/
14:40 oleonard caroline: Maybe they're not inserted by default after all? I assumed so because auth_val_cat.sql is in data/mysql/mandatory
14:40 Joubu they are
14:44 caroline going through web installer and I'm missing a Perl Module called "Sys::CPU". If I do sudo cpan Sys::CPU it says Warning: Cannot install Sys::CPU, don't know what it is. is this normal?
14:44 Its not blocking me from continuing, but I just find it weird
14:46 oleonard I don't know if that indicates a problem with the installation process but you can run 'sudo apt-get install libsys-cpu-perl' to fix it
14:46 cait lost track, but are you still wondering about the auth values?
14:47 branches, itemtypes and cn_source are 'fake' ones - I think because the frameworks treat them as authorised values
14:47 the control number one is brand new
14:47 a feature for rancor to generate 001 values
14:47 caroline branches and cn_source are not there
14:47 cait yes, because you can't change them
14:47 but if you look at the framework configuration, you can pick them there
14:48 caroline that's what I thought... They are used in reports as well
14:48 cait and it will give alistof those things from the other tables
14:48 correct
14:48 but maintained not as an authorised value
14:48 caroline so were just missing CAND and CONTROL_NUM_SEQUENCE in the manual
14:49 cait caroline: bug 18418
14:49 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=18418 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Failed QA , Advanced Editor - Rancor - Add a control number widget
14:49 cait for the latter
14:49 CAND i thinks is some UNIMARC thing
14:50 caroline unimarc... you can always count on it to confuse us ;)
14:50 cait nstaller/data/mysql/fr-CA/facultatif/auth_val.sql
14:50 it appears in the installer for unimarc
14:50 hm mor ethe canadian one not unimarc
14:50 and prelinekd in the unimarc frameworks: installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/marcflavour/unimarc_l​ecture_pub/Obligatoire/autorites_norme_unimarc.sql:INSERT INTO `auth_subfield_structure` (`authtypecode`, `tagfield`, `tagsubfield`, `liblibrarian`, `libopac`, `repeatable`, `mandatory`, `tab`, `authorised_value`, `value_builder`, `seealso`, `isurl`, `hidden`, `linkid`, `kohafield`, `frameworkcode`) VALUES ('SNC', '250', 'b', 'Statut', '', 0, 0, -1, 'C
14:50 AND
14:51 caroline why is it mandatory in english but optional in french?
14:51 cait i think because the installers drifted apart... maybe? not sure about that one
14:51 Joubu installer files are sometimes wrong
14:52 caroline cait: bug 18418 is FQA, is the auth value category added by another bug?
14:52 Archie^ hmm if i'm using bulkmarcimport -append -l is there some default drectory logs are stored ?
14:53 cait huh
14:53 could it be a leftover fom earlier testing?
14:54 caroline: hm, it hink thereis anotherbug that was pushed
14:54 i remember corilynn was working on it
14:54 bug 19263
14:55 wahanui bug 19263 is ready for inspection
14:55 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=19263 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, carnold, RESOLVED FIXED, Advanced Editor - Rancor - Add auto control number (001) widget
14:55 cait dupicate
14:55 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #94: SUCCESS in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_U18/94/
14:56 oleonard Ah so branches, itemtypes and cn_source must be deliberately excluded from the authorised value editor
14:56 Joubu yep
14:57 they are in the table to have a foreign key constraint at DB level
14:58 caroline added CAND and CONTROL_NUM_SEQUENCE to the docs to-do :)
14:59 oleonard All of this because I think the authorized values list should look something like this:
15:00 Because if you think about it, the current interface is a weird anomaly.
15:00 caroline cool!
15:00 Will the button "New auth value for Asort1" be moved to the end of the row?
15:01 cait oleonard: that would not work for translations
15:01 not easily
15:01 i mean we could add the description to the db
15:01 caroline cait why? Isn't the description in the template?
15:01 cait but the file for example is not in the installers... it's global (nice)
15:01 oleonard cait: Currently the template contains *some* of those descriptions but not all. All we have to do is add the rest and keep them up to date.
15:02 cait you can add your own... so maybe a mixed approach
15:02 i didn't notice the interface contained any :)
15:02 having a descrption field for displaying info about the ones you added might be nice
15:02 and hte number of entried for each
15:02 oleonard[…]78fc;hb=HEAD#l184
15:02 cait nice!
15:03 oleonard Those descriptions do appear on the page when a particular category is selected but it's very unobtrusive.
15:04 caroline: Yes to your button idea
15:05 caroline I like it, it's much clearer
15:09 Joubu oleonard: did you write a patch for the screenshot you sent?
15:09 oleonard It's in progress
15:09 Joubu great :)
15:13 fridolin left #koha
15:19 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #114: UNSTABLE in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D8/114/
15:22 ashimema poop
15:22 oh..
15:22 maybe not me
15:22 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #116: UNSTABLE in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.05_U18/116/
15:28 ashimema grr.. dopy typo
15:31 oleonard around?
15:31 oleonard Yes
15:31 ashimema hugs
15:31 favour?
15:31 fancy walking me through the sccs => css backport for that?
15:32 oleonard Oh sure, no problem
15:32 * oleonard checks
15:33 ashimema or I could be super lazy and just not clean up staff-global.css to be entirely honest ;)
15:33 as no classes actually refer to it after the rest of the patch is backported..
15:33 it just sorta feels a bit naughty
15:33 Joubu ashimema: +            user_id     => $logged_in_user->id
15:33 sure about that?
15:34 ashimema pretty sure
15:34 nope.. not at all
15:34 Joubu you are expecting userid?
15:34 ashimema ->borrowernumber
15:34 oleonard ashimema: I think this is what you need:[…]58dfd180cb68#l995
15:34 ashimema curse our objects/dbic/tables not agreeing with each other.
15:35 Joubu ashimema: ok, so yes. That is confusing IMO
15:35 'borrowernumber => $logged_in_user->borrowernumber' reads better
15:35 (yes I know, you are not adding the new param)
15:35 ashimema oh ffs.. I even tested it.. but entirely forgot to refresh memcached between the config switch
15:36 * ashimema thinks the weekend can't come soon enough
15:38 ashimema thanks for catching it Joubu
15:38 Joubu ashimema: it's ok if you need borrowernumber I'd say
15:40 accountlines.manager_id is not a FK (??)
15:40 ashimema nope.. seems not
15:41 Joubu tcohen: ^ ?
15:41 ashimema at least that's what tomas said in the bug
15:42 * ashimema needs to work on his pre-commit hook a little
15:42 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #115: UNSTABLE in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D9/115/
15:42 ashimema is what you put on the wiki what you're running with at the moment out of interest Joubu
15:42 there's some annoyances I'd like to fix
15:43 like the experimental use of give and when
15:43 and the 'use' statement mis-identification on user_id lines
15:44 Joubu nope I am no longer running it
15:45 ashimema: when I was RM I used the pre-push hook, from https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]elease_management
15:45 ashimema lol
15:46 yeah.. I use a slightly adapted pre-push hook
15:46 and a pre-commit hook too
15:47 Freddy_Enrique uhm... I can not put arroba here... damn alt+64
15:47 Joubu the pre-commit hook drove me crazy, because I want to `git commit -a -m"wip"` without any checks
15:47 and quickly
15:47 ashimema fair enough
15:47 make sense
15:47 I tend to 'stash' for that
15:47 Joubu maybe there is a --no-check flag for git commit
15:48 yeah but then you have 30 stashes and you do not remember which one was the good noe
15:48 ashimema true
15:48 Joubu and stash pop on the wrong branch will mess everything up :)
15:48 ashimema I also use git worktree
15:49 so i have in effect two clones at all times (only they don't take up the space of two clones of course)
15:49 so I have my longer running work on one branch and then lots of quick throw away branches on the other worktree
15:49 oleonard For me 'git stash list' is like opening a mysterious time capsule which was buried by another person
15:49 ashimema hehe
15:50 know that feeling
15:51 Joubu git stash list|wc -l # 339
15:51 oops
15:51 ashimema yowsers
15:51 eythian I regularly zap my stash stack
15:51 ashimema I have a max of 6 or so
15:52 eythian it used to get quite bad when I didn't know that git stash apply wasn't the same as git stash pop
15:52 oleonard It's like the books at the bottom of the pile you checked out at the library: You're not getting to those, just return them.
15:52 Joubu "I am sure there is something useful I left behind in one of them"...
15:53 pastebot Someone at pasted "lol maybe not" (21 lines) at
15:56 Joubu ashimema: I have no idea why jenkins is not shuting down
15:58 oleonard josef_moravec++
16:01 ashimema odd
16:01 probably because I keep feeding him?
16:01 lol
16:03 caroline in, why is there W for Writeoff, but also WO for Writeoff?
16:05 ashimema history
16:05 if you want a Koha dev to cry.. ask them to look at account codes.
16:05 ;)
16:05 tcohen, josef and I are on a mission to clean that all up though at the moment ;)
16:06 koha-jenkins joined #koha
16:06 tcohen indeed
16:06 caroline ok thanks... It's just weird when we're translating
16:06 there's also C and CR for credit
16:06 Joubu !jenkins status
16:06 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
16:06 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
16:06 Joubu ok, I give up
16:06 ashimema even more wierd when your relying on those code to write code that actions upon them ;)
16:07 caroline Joubu: I think jenkins is hiding from you...
16:08 kmlussier joined #koha
16:08 koha-jenkins joined #koha
16:08 ashimema I think Jenkins has a full belly from all the code kidclamp, fridolin and I are feeding him at the minute
16:08 caroline is it because he changed his name to koha-jenkins that it's not working?
16:09 Joubu I changed the name, 'jenkins' is registered and so becomes Guestxxx
16:13 tcohen !koha-jenkins: help
16:13 AnnaBoten Error: "koha-jenkins:" is not a valid command.
16:13 tcohen koha-jenkins: help
16:13 Joubu the command is !jenkins
16:13 !jenkins status
16:13 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
16:13 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
16:14 tcohen !koha-jenkins
16:14 AnnaBoten Error: "koha-jenkins" is not a valid command.
16:14 Joubu should work
16:14 !jenkins help
16:14 AnnaBoten Error: "jenkins" is not a valid command.
16:14 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
16:14 Joubu the doc says you should be either op or voice
16:14 tcohen WARNING: org.acegisecurity.userdetail​s.UsernameNotFoundException: Password is not set:
16:15 reiveune bye
16:15 reiveune left #koha
16:16 * ashimema can't remember the last time he say AnnaBoten (IRC)
16:17 Joubu !start
16:17 AnnaBoten The hunt starts now!
16:17 CrispyBran joined #koha
16:17 caroline uh oh!
16:19 * CrispyBran waves
16:19 Joubu have a great week-end #koha
16:20 CrispyBran you too Joubu
16:20 AnnaBoten \_o< quack!
16:21 caroline are we supposed to shoot the ducks?
16:21 tcohen !koha-jenkins: status
16:21 AnnaBoten Error: "koha-jenkins:" is not a valid command.
16:21 wahanui i already had it that way, AnnaBoten.
16:21 tcohen koha-jenkins: status
16:23 Freddy_Enrique Excuse guy, one question
16:24 does the system automatically generate back ups?
16:24 If so, where could I find it?
16:25 oleonard Freddy_Enrique: No, not automatically.
16:26 Freddy_Enrique I see.. what happens is that a partner of mine has one particular problem
16:26 laurence left #koha
16:26 Freddy_Enrique In the intranet he can see al his records, but on the opac nothing pops up
16:27 caroline at least the records are not lost
16:27 Freddy_Enrique it's like if it doesn't have records in the fisrt place
16:27 he is sing 17.05
16:27 using*
16:28 caroline If the records are in the intranet, they are there
16:28 not lost
16:28 koha-jenkins joined #koha
16:28 caroline did the opac ever work?
16:30 Freddy_Enrique yep, that problem began when they did a little migration
16:36 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
16:36 Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #115: FIXED in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D8/115/
16:41 Yippee, build fixed!
16:41 Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #118: FIXED in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.05_U18/118/
16:44 caroline Freddy_Enrique: is it just the new records (from the migration) that don't appear?
16:46 laurence joined #koha
16:49 laurence left #koha
16:53 koha-jenkins Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #116: STILL UNSTABLE in 44 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_17.11_D8/116/
16:55 * cbrannon[A] is now away - Reason : Meeting
17:03 Freddy_Enrique They have 5 library branches
17:03 in the intranet, when searching in one of the appear 520 records
17:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #116: SUCCESS in 22 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D8/116/
17:04 Freddy_Enrique when searching the same branch on the opac though, just appear 5 records
17:07 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
17:07 Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #117: FIXED in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D9/117/
17:19 cait left #koha
17:25 ashimema Fixed? I thought it was already happy
17:34 kohaputti joined #koha
17:38 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #119: SUCCESS in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.05_U18/119/
17:47 koha-jenkins joined #koha
17:58 cait joined #koha
18:03 tcohen +jenkins
18:07 * CrispyBran is no longer away : Gone for 1 hour 11 minutes 57 seconds
18:10 koha-jenkins joined #koha
18:13 skimsk joined #koha
18:15 CrispyBran bug 21346 - Yay!
18:15 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=21346 major, P5 - low, ---, cbrannon, Signed Off , Clean up dialogs in / Fix waiting holds at wrong location bug
18:24 ashimema jenkins++
18:28 CrispyBran @Seen Joubu
18:28 huginn CrispyBran: Joubu was last seen in #koha 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <Joubu> have a great week-end #koha
18:29 CrispyBran @karma
18:29 huginn CrispyBran: Highest karma: "Joubu" (717), "cait" (635), and "tcohen" (376).  Lowest karma: "failed" (-38), "-" (-38), and "ie" (-38).  You (CrispyBran) are ranked 71 out of 890.
18:52 Infra_3600 joined #koha
18:53 Freddy_Enrique Guys.... my friend's koha went crazy
18:53 now he cant'see anything even in the intranet
18:53 uhm, any way to get back to what is used to be?
18:58 oleonard Freddy_Enrique: If the database isn't bad you could try doing a clean installation and importing the db into that.
18:59 * cbrannon[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes
19:04 oleonard Bug 21805
19:05 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=21805 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Duplicate include file in search results template causes JS error
19:05 oleonard Trivial fix for a bug that really shouldn't be in the next release
19:07 Freddy_Enrique oleonard: Uhm, and is there a specific folder where I can get the back up?
19:08 I saw something about automatic cron
19:08 oleonard You use mysqldump to back up the mysql database
19:08 Freddy_Enrique with bad... what do you mean ?:(
19:09 oleonard Freddy_Enrique: I mean if the problem is how Koha is running as opposed to what the data is in the database
19:09 It seems much more likely that the problem is in how Koha is running, but maybe I'm wrong.
19:10 The packages have tools for creating backups but I haven't used them: https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ackages#koha-dump
19:16 Freddy_Enrique I thought I could solve the problem with reboot, but nothing happens
19:16 ok... I'll try with your tips :)
19:33 * CrispyBran is no longer away : Gone for 1 hour 4 minutes 52 seconds
19:58 oleonard Happy weekend everyone
20:37 * CrispyBran waves
21:05 Freddy_Enrique left #koha
21:39 Scott-CSPL joined #koha
22:36 caroline bye everyone!
23:01 StarJammer joined #koha

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