IRC log for #koha, 2018-06-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:37 JesseM joined #koha
00:39 JesseM_ joined #koha
00:42 JesseM__ joined #koha
00:47 JesseM joined #koha
03:03 BobB joined #koha
04:48 fridolin joined #koha
04:50 fridolin hi there
05:12 josef_moravec joined #koha
05:52 alexbuckley joined #koha
05:54 cait joined #koha
06:23 calire joined #koha
06:25 ashimema_ joined #koha
06:31 reiveune joined #koha
06:31 reiveune hello
06:32 janPasi1 joined #koha
06:37 paul_p joined #koha
06:38 paul_p joined #koha
06:45 alex_a joined #koha
06:46 alex_a bonjour
06:48 ashimema_ left #koha
06:51 ashimema Mornin'
07:10 AndrewIsh joined #koha
07:12 sophie_m joined #koha
07:17 paul_p_ joined #koha
07:21 greenjimll joined #koha
07:27 alexbuckley joined #koha
07:31 cait joined #koha
07:35 gaetan_B1 joined #koha
07:35 gaetan_B1 hello
08:03 drojf joined #koha
09:20 phasefx_ joined #koha
09:20 lavamind_ joined #koha
09:23 bag joined #koha
09:24 chris_n joined #koha
10:04 alex_a_ joined #koha
10:52 * cait waves
10:53 cait josef_moravec: you can send the ISE one to the QA mailing list if you like?
10:54 josef_moravec hi cait
10:55 do you mean bug 20903?
10:55 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20903 major, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Needs Signoff , Print payment receipt on child patron could end with server error
10:55 cait yep
10:55 or mark it rel_18_05
10:57 josef_moravec marked
10:59 eythian hi
11:10 ashimema :)
11:11 alexbuckley joined #koha
11:49 alex_a joined #koha
11:52 gaetan_B joined #koha
11:55 gveranis joined #koha
11:55 gveranis hi koha#
11:55 I looking for file
11:55 I'm looking for file
11:56 this file exists ? or we should create it ?
11:57 at koha 18.05
12:20 alex_a_ joined #koha
12:26 misilot joined #koha
12:35 oleonard joined #koha
12:36 oleonard Hi #koha
12:39 calire hi oleonard
12:39 oleonard Hi calire, my condolences on the expiration of your holiday
12:42 calire oleonard. Thanks :(
12:42 oleonard But good news for us we have calire back
12:43 calire ;)
12:43 soon. I still have holiday brain :D
12:49 eythian calire: where'd you go?
12:50 calire (not so) sunny Scotland
12:50 eythian ah nice. Been thinking of going there some time this year, some friends living there who I ought to visit.
12:50 calire I ate deep fried pizza
12:51 eythian ah, on the traditional food I see.
12:51 ashimema wow.. I've never found any when I've been up that way
12:51 calire it was dirty
12:52 eythian a fish and chip shop where I went to uni did deep fried mars bars. I got half way through one once before deciding that it was becoming a bad idea.
12:53 ashimema yikes
12:54 calire yeah, we didn't find any mars bars. I tried a tiny piece of thep izza nad thought my heart was going to give up
12:54 *pizza and
12:59 AndrewIsh_ joined #koha
13:01 gveranis joined #koha
13:01 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:02 ncbaratta joined #koha
13:10 NorbertDD joined #koha
13:12 NorbertDD Hey Cait,
13:12 after 2 years, Koha always running in HomeUse with now 600 Items :)
13:12 I have Books with Autor (MARC 100a) and than i Import via Z39.50 from BSZ the PersonData (Normdatensatz)
13:12 Can now the cronjob match the person from Marc to Normdaten?
13:12 Thank you, darfst auch auf deutsch antworten :)
13:12 Norbert
13:20 tcohen morning
13:21 hi josef_moravec
13:22 hi calire cait ashimema eythian
13:22 eythian hola tcohen
13:22 tcohen ashimema++
13:22 cait hm?
13:23 Joubu hi
13:23 calire hi tcohen
13:23 tcohen first release
13:23 hola Joubu
13:23 cait NorbertDD: we are not using the crojjob so far, so not sure
13:23 Joubu @kidclamp pre-push git hook should have prevented you to push atomic update files!
13:23 huginn` Joubu: I suck
13:23 cait in theory... yes
13:23 Joubu @later tell kidclamp pre-push git hook should have prevented you to push atomic update files!
13:23 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
13:23 Joubu morning...
13:23 cait but it won't match on the ID, just on the heading (Hauptansetzung)
13:24 you imported the authority data (OGND)
13:25 NorbertDD @Cait: OGND?
13:25 huginn` NorbertDD: I've exhausted my database of quotes
13:26 NorbertDD @cait: /cgi-bin/koha/authorities/ -> for Import PersonData
13:26 huginn` NorbertDD: I suck
13:26 cait if you are importing authority data from us that's probably ognd :)
13:26 ich meinte die z39.50-quelle, aber eigentlich gibt es da nur ognd
13:26 Joubu calire: Haggis with whisky sauce?
13:26 oleonard NorbertDD: You do not need to add "@" when addressing someone here.
13:26 NorbertDD ich nehme bsz bw als quelle
13:27 calire Joubu, yes!! :D
13:27 Joubu awesome :)
13:27 calire We brought haggis back with us. I was pleased it didn't explode in the suitcase :D
13:28 NorbertDD cait:
13:28 oleonard calire: That sounds terrifying
13:28 Joubu calire: that's a very dangerous game!
13:28 NorbertDD Ah, GND-Daten im SWB ^^
13:28 calire Joubu we put it in a shoe to help protect it XD
13:29 oleonard: the person we borrowed a case from probably wouldn't have been too happy :D
13:29 eythian Joubu: I dunno, there's also this:[…].png?v=1310617065
13:30 oleonard How to make haggis even more appetizing? Put it in a shoe!
13:30 Joubu lire: hope you enjoyed your (not so) sunny hikes there :)
13:30 eythian: not sure it's more dangerous :D
13:30 calire Joubu: it was definitely not sunny. The trains were cancelled at one point due to gale force winds ^^
13:31 Joubu at least it was proper Scottish weather
13:31 NorbertDD Cait: okay i use GND from SWB (swb104), so i import the "Nele Moost", but how do I link now available biblio to Nele Moost?
13:32 cait: automatically, I do not want to touch every record separately
13:33 Joubu @later tell ashimema where are the release notes for .01? We usually add a link on the email announcement
13:33 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
13:34 cait automatically the script is your best bet
13:34 but you'd have to try it with different settings - as we are not using it, i've never investigated
13:34 ashimema Waiting for website access still mate.. hense them missing from the email ;)
13:34 cait someone else around using the auth linker script?
13:35 NorbertDD auth linker script -> cronjobs/ ?
13:37 tcohen marcelr is the one
13:38 eythian @seen marcelr
13:38 huginn` eythian: marcelr was last seen in #koha 2 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: <marcelr> have to go now; bye #koha, will be afk 3w
13:39 eythian you'll have to wait 4 more days
13:39 NorbertDD is this info for me? marcelr als username?
13:40 cait merge_authorities is the wrong one, that merges 2 authority records
13:40 but there is another.... link auth to bibs or so
13:41 sorry, I didn't notice at first
13:43 NorbertDD :)
13:43 Number of bibs checked:                 700
13:43 Number of bibs modified:                146
13:43 Number of bibs with errors:             0
13:43 Number of headings linked:              32
13:43 Number of headings unlinked:            2707
13:43 Number of headings fuzzily linked:      0
13:44 oh some Nele Moost are linked :)
13:46 thank you so lot, so now i can import some normdaten and than the script is linking :)
13:48 jenkins Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #62: SUCCESS in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_17.11_D8/62/
13:48 * unknown: Translation updates for Koha 17.11.07
13:48 * fridolin.somers: Increment version for 17.11.07 release
13:48 * fridolin.somers: Update release notes for 17.11.07 release
13:52 cait :)
14:02 fridolin suceeeeeeees
14:02 cait :)
14:04 calire left #koha
14:10 alex_a joined #koha
14:21 gveranis joined #koha
14:25 gveranis joined #koha
14:30 ncbaratta joined #koha
14:41 Infra_3600 joined #koha
14:44 alex_a_ joined #koha
14:48 alex_a joined #koha
14:56 reiveune bye
14:56 reiveune left #koha
14:57 ncbaratta joined #koha
14:57 Infra_3600 joined #koha
14:58 sophie_m joined #koha
15:06 tcohen next meeting
15:09 next meeting?
15:09 next meetings?
15:09 @wunder cordoba, argentina
15:09 huginn` tcohen: Cordoba, Argentina :: Clear :: 28F/-2C | Monday: Lots of sunshine. High 64F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Monday Night: A clear sky. Low 36F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.
15:09 tcohen @seen wahanui
15:09 huginn` tcohen: wahanui was last seen in #koha 2 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: <wahanui> what's up, tcohen
15:09 eythian @wunder ams
15:09 huginn` eythian: Amsterdam, Netherlands :: Clear :: 68F/20C | Monday: Mainly clear. Lows overnight in the low 50s. Monday Night: Clear skies. Low around 50F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.
15:10 tcohen cait: around?
15:10 eythian it's obvious that tcohen murdered wahnui after that conversation. Last person to talk to the deceased, etc.
15:11 tcohen :-D
15:11 Joubu we have who and when, how and why are missing!
15:12 tcohen got you! who said it's been murdered?
15:12 it's been eythian all the time
15:12 * eythian hides
15:16 alex_a_ joined #koha
15:17 cait hm?
15:18 fridolin left #koha
15:28 Karen joined #koha
15:29 Karen When a reservation is made it is always available, what to do so that it is not available for a certain time. Thanks
15:30 When a reservation is made it is always available, what to do so that it is not available for a certain time. Thanks
15:41 When a reservation is made it is always available, what to do so that it is not available for a certain time. Thanks
15:42 oleonard Karen can you explain more? I don't understand your question.
16:45 ncbaratta joined #koha
17:04 tcohen TFW when hitting the API gives the expected results, but some black magic prevents the tests to replicate...
17:10 cait left #koha
17:12 oleonard joined #koha
17:30 jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #7: STILL UNSTABLE in 25 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D9/7/
17:30 martin.renvoize: Add html release notes for 18.05.01
17:31 Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #6: SUCCESS in 25 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D8/6/
17:31 martin.renvoize: Add html release notes for 18.05.01
17:48 Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #4: STILL UNSTABLE in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_18.05_U18/4/
17:48 martin.renvoize: Add html release notes for 18.05.01
17:54 Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #8: STILL UNSTABLE in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D9/8/
17:54 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to precision changes
17:54 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to stricter perl
17:54 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to precision changes (2)
17:54 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20906 major, P4, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to Stable , Fix Debian 9 Test Failures
17:54 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20906: Fix translatable-templates.t
17:55 Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #7: UNSTABLE in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D8/7/
17:55 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to precision changes
17:55 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to stricter perl
17:55 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to precision changes (2)
17:55 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20906: Fix translatable-templates.t
18:00 cait joined #koha
18:00 josef_moravec joined #koha
18:09 oleonard Hi cait and josef_moravec
18:10 josef_moravec hi oleonard
18:14 tcohen hi oleronard
18:29 jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #5: STILL UNSTABLE in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_18.05_U18/5/
18:29 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to precision changes
18:29 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to stricter perl
18:29 * martin.renvoize: Bug 20906: Prevent test failures due to precision changes (2)
18:29 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20906 major, P4, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to Stable , Fix Debian 9 Test Failures
18:29 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20906: Fix translatable-templates.t
18:45 Yippee, build fixed!
18:45 Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #8: FIXED in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D8/8/
18:45 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20928: Fix regression - display patron's info on moredetail if item
18:45 * fridolin.somers: Bug 20951: add missing use Koha::Patron::Debarments in
18:45 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13655: Allow creation of organisations without entering userid
18:45 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20928 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Checkout status not showing patron
18:45 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13655: Same fix for partial edit
18:45 * pasi.kallinen: Bug 20881: Order receiving: Price filter missing on_editing
18:45 * katrin.fischer: Bug 20794: Hide holds tab on details when user lacks
18:45 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20951 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , Koha::Patron::Discharge is missing use Koha::Patron::Debarments
18:45 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=13655 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Can't save organisation type patron without entering userid/password
18:45 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20881 normal, P5 - low, ---, pasi.kallinen, Pushed to Stable , Order receiving: Price filter missing on_editing
18:45 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20794 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Stable , Don't show holds tab when user doesn't have circulate_remaining_permissions
18:46 paul_p_ joined #koha
18:48 jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
18:48 Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #9: FIXED in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D9/9/
18:48 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20928: Fix regression - display patron's info on moredetail if item
18:49 * fridolin.somers: Bug 20951: add missing use Koha::Patron::Debarments in
18:49 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13655: Allow creation of organisations without entering userid
18:49 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13655: Same fix for partial edit
18:49 * pasi.kallinen: Bug 20881: Order receiving: Price filter missing on_editing
18:49 * katrin.fischer: Bug 20794: Hide holds tab on details when user lacks
18:57 * oleonard notices Bug 19109 for the first time
18:57 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=19109 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Layout in masthead search breaks when narrowing and then restoring browser window.
18:58 ncbaratta joined #koha
19:04 paul_p_ joined #koha
19:10 jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #6: STILL UNSTABLE in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_18.05_U18/6/
19:10 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20928: Fix regression - display patron's info on moredetail if item
19:10 * fridolin.somers: Bug 20951: add missing use Koha::Patron::Debarments in
19:10 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13655: Allow creation of organisations without entering userid
19:10 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13655: Same fix for partial edit
19:10 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20928 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Checkout status not showing patron
19:10 jenkins * pasi.kallinen: Bug 20881: Order receiving: Price filter missing on_editing
19:10 * katrin.fischer: Bug 20794: Hide holds tab on details when user lacks
19:10 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20951 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , Koha::Patron::Discharge is missing use Koha::Patron::Debarments
19:10 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=13655 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Can't save organisation type patron without entering userid/password
19:10 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20881 normal, P5 - low, ---, pasi.kallinen, Pushed to Stable , Order receiving: Price filter missing on_editing
19:10 Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20794 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Stable , Don't show holds tab when user doesn't have circulate_remaining_permissions
19:32 cait oleonard: how long is your todo list? patches everywhere!
19:32 oleonard++
19:33 oleonard I've got over 300 bugs assigned to me, so I don't need to maintain my own list :P
19:33 cait wow
19:33 hope you are aware of your awesomeness :)
19:33 oleonard It's my fault for agreeing to be the default assignee for OPAC and Template bugs
19:34 cait possibly :)
19:37 ok, going to put some qa time in (after doing the dishes)
19:37 tcohen bye #koha!
19:37 josef_moravec++
19:39 josef_moravec bye tcohen
19:39 tcohen++
19:47 cait bye josef_moravec :)
19:47 oh bye tcohen
20:12 Scott-CSPL joined #koha
20:12 sen joined #koha
20:12 kidclamp joined #koha
20:12 JesseM joined #koha
20:13 logbot joined #koha
20:14 pastebot joined #koha
20:17 ibeardslee joined #koha
20:27 paul_p_ joined #koha
20:30 mirkh joined #koha
20:32 janPasi1 joined #koha
20:38 alexbuckley joined #koha
20:44 shakalaka joined #koha
21:23 dbs joined #koha
21:25 cait Joubu: around?
21:25 jcamins joined #koha
21:38 huginn joined #koha
21:42 Joubu cait: yep
21:42 cait i thought i had found a bug but then it was another bug..
21:42 so ... all good? kind of :)
21:43 Joubu haha
21:43 cait 9 more bugs to 21000
21:43 bug 20991 was the one
21:43 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20991 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Error will reset category when editing a patron
21:43 cait actually i was wondering why the add child button wouldn't show, because i hadn't noticed my new category wasn't saved
22:03 good night #koha
22:12 bshum joined #koha
22:29 deb-CSPL joined #koha
22:34 sub-sailor joined #koha
22:37 tuxayo joined #koha
22:42 barton joined #koha
22:53 jajm joined #koha
22:57 Backstreet joined #koha
23:01 papa1 joined #koha
23:02 papa1 joined #koha
23:20 sub-sailor joined #koha
23:32 khall joined #koha
23:56 rangi joined #koha
23:56 tcohen joined #koha

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