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All times shown according to UTC.
Time | Nick | Message |
00:20 | jbeno_away joined #koha | |
00:32 | Kafilini joined #koha | |
01:18 | kathryn joined #koha | |
02:06 | Scott-CSPL joined #koha | |
02:06 | deb-CSPL joined #koha | |
03:32 | Kafilini joined #koha | |
03:55 | Kafilini joined #koha | |
04:33 | Scott-CSPL joined #koha | |
05:33 | fridolin1 joined #koha | |
06:31 | cait joined #koha | |
06:46 | cait1 joined #koha | |
06:51 | cait1 | marcelr++ |
07:10 | marcelr joined #koha | |
07:10 | marcelr | hi #koha |
07:11 | cait1 | marcelr: thx for the qa! |
07:11 | marcelr | hi cait1 |
07:20 | calire joined #koha | |
07:20 | magnuse | \o/ |
07:20 | calire | hey magnuse |
07:21 | magnuse | buon giorno calire |
07:34 | alex_a joined #koha | |
07:35 | alex_a | bonjour |
07:40 | josef_moravec joined #koha | |
08:06 | deb-CSPL joined #koha | |
08:06 | Scott-CSPL joined #koha | |
08:21 | sophie_m joined #koha | |
08:28 | ashimema joined #koha | |
08:29 | gaetan_B joined #koha | |
08:29 | gaetan_B | hello |
08:29 | wahanui | hey, gaetan_B |
08:43 | cait joined #koha | |
09:06 | nlegrand | Bonjour, bonjour. |
09:07 | calire | salut nlegrand |
09:17 | nlegrand | calire: ho ! Tu parles français ! |
09:18 | calire | badly |
09:18 | nlegrand | :) |
09:22 | alexbuckley joined #koha | |
09:30 | severine_q joined #koha | |
09:30 | emucla joined #koha | |
09:31 | severine_q | hello everyone ! |
09:32 | nlegrand | o/ severine_q |
09:49 | alex_a | hello severine_q nlegrand |
09:50 | nlegrand | o/ alex_a |
10:17 | alex_a, kidclamp should Bug 18316 be set to status Needs Signoff? | |
10:17 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18316 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Add weighting/relevancy options to ElasticSearch |
10:18 | nlegrand | alex_a, kidclamp, severine_q spotted it, I'm only checking Needs Signoff ^^ |
10:18 | kidclamp | nlegrand, I don't think so - it was more a proof of concept - the weightings should probably be defined in the mappings |
10:19 | alex_a | i would say no |
10:20 | i will work on the "to DO" kidclamp wrote | |
10:21 | severine_q | ok, I keep an eye on this one ! |
10:22 | cait | alex_a: which todo? :) |
10:23 | alex_a | cait: that in the commit message of BZ 18316 |
10:24 | kidclamp | "better code" <- the best TODO |
10:25 | nlegrand | Ok, we will have a look, we need to find weighting problems first. We're locking some librarians in a room next friday to get some ^^ |
10:26 | cait | :) |
10:26 | nlegrand | kidclamp: :) |
10:26 | cait | locking_librarians_in_a_room++ :P |
10:26 | nlegrand | calire: "You don't leave until you tell us what you want. Liki _really_" |
10:26 | oups | |
10:27 | that was for cait ^^ | |
10:28 | eythian | sounds like they'll never leave then |
10:29 | alex_a | nlegrand: is not that what we do during the hackfest? |
10:29 | nlegrand | eythian: :) |
10:29 | alex_a | (locking librarians in a room) |
10:29 | nlegrand | alex_a: well, they can leave when they want. |
10:30 | alex_a | will be fixed next year |
10:30 | nlegrand | ^^ |
10:32 | AnnaBoten joined #koha | |
10:35 | severine_q | alex_a : not sure I'll want to come next year... |
10:39 | alex_a | don't worry severine_q, we'll just use cheese to prevent them to leave |
10:42 | nlegrand | alex_a: sitting on a balloon was not enough to prevent from gaining weight. |
10:44 | severine_q | alex_a : ok, maybe you can convince me :) |
10:46 | nlegrand | alex_a: maybe we should also use balloons instead of tables |
10:46 | alex_a | lol |
10:46 | cait | nlegrand: or we could snack less... |
10:47 | nlegrand | :) |
10:48 | cait: or put the snacks on balloon. | |
10:48 | Let it be all balloon. | |
10:56 | cait | nlegrand: you are obsessed with balloons :) |
11:04 | tuxayo | alex_a: nlegrand «You don't leave until you tell us what you want» That's more of less what I did during the hackfest (they could leave for the night, but just for the night!) ^^ |
11:04 | nlegrand: severine_q do you have your balloons now? | |
11:04 | nlegrand | cait: :) |
11:05 | tuxayo: they are on there way | |
11:05 | tuxayo: our boss wanted them to be orange, to suits the colours of the library. | |
11:06 | tuxayo | Community workflow question: do we still require to get a sign off from someone from a different institution? (aka sign offs between colleagues aren't enough) |
11:06 | nlegrand: lol | |
11:06 | How will you know which ball belongs to who? | |
11:07 | severine_q | tuxayo : not yet but I hope soon !!! can't wait for it :) |
11:07 | nlegrand | For now only severine_q and I will have some. So the big one will be mine and the smaller severine_q's. |
11:07 | severine_q | we are in differe |
11:08 | *different offices | |
11:08 | cait | tuxayo: hard question |
11:08 | nlegrand | It will get tricky when all BULAC colleagues will want their. |
11:08 | severine_q | that will not be that difficult :) |
11:08 | ncbaratta joined #koha | |
11:08 | cait | I think we discussed lifting the restriction at some point, but an external view is always better |
11:08 | nlegrand | And they surely will, as it is so awesome. |
11:08 | cait | youcan get them to sign-off and that will definitely cound as an extra plus |
11:09 | nlegrand | 1060333 MARC records done in 69686.3831541538 seconds |
11:10 | Well, import does take time. | |
11:11 | tuxayo | cait: «I think we discussed lifting the restriction at some point» so the answer is simple, it's still there :) (I definitely understand the pros) |
11:11 | cait | tuxayo: i don#t remember what we did in the end |
11:11 | * cait | refers to the wiki :) |
11:18 | kellym joined #koha | |
11:19 | GiuseppeP joined #koha | |
11:22 | marcelr | tuxayo: complexity and nature of the patch may make the difference with in-company signoffs |
11:26 | meliss joined #koha | |
11:33 | talljoy joined #koha | |
11:37 | oleonard joined #koha | |
11:39 | oleonard | Hello #koha |
11:39 | cait | hello :) |
11:40 | calire | hi oleonard |
11:40 | wahanui | hi olé onard |
11:50 | jenkins | Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #31: SUCCESS in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_17.11_D8/31/ |
11:50 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20145: Do not insert 0000-00-00 in patron tests (and more) | |
11:51 | * m.de.rooy: Bug 19452: [17.11.x] Remove the truncate option | |
11:51 | * pasi.kallinen: Bug 20148: Prevent adding same user multiple times to acq basket | |
11:51 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20145 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , borrowers.datexpiry eq '0000-00-00' means expired? |
11:51 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20148: Prevent adding same user multiple times to an order |
11:51 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20250: (bug 19529 follow-up) Prevent NoIssuesChargeGuarantees.t to | |
11:51 | * m.de.rooy: Bug 19979: Fix get_facets_info test in Search.t | |
11:51 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19452 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , The -truncate option in borrowers-force-messaging-defaults.pl should not remove category preferences |
11:51 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19979: ->count can be called directly on Koha::Objects |
11:51 | * mtompset: Bug 20201: Silence warnings triggered by admin/aqplan.pl | |
11:51 | * Nick Clemens: Bug 20218: Fix matching of uri in tracklinks | |
11:51 | * Tomás Cohen Arazi: Bug 20167: Regression test | |
11:51 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20148 trivial, P5 - low, ---, pasi.kallinen, Pushed to Master , Don't allow adding same user multiple times to a basket or an order |
11:51 | jenkins | * Tomás Cohen Arazi: Bug 20167: Make changing a hold pass the itemnumber to ModReserve |
11:51 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20303: Do not explode when receiving an order if authorisedby not | |
11:51 | * jose.i.martin.cuesta: Bug 20348: SIP2 patron identification fails to use userid | |
11:51 | * lari.taskula: Bug 20367: Avoid resetting userid when BorrowerUnwantedField contains | |
11:51 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20250 trivial, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , NoIssuesChargeGuarantees.t is still failing randomly |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19529 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , NoIssuesChargeGuarantees.t is failing randomly | |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19979 trivial, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , Search.t fails on facet info with one branch | |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20201 minor, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Master , Silence warnings in admin/aqplan.pl | |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20218 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Tracklinks fails when URL has special characters | |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20167 major, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to Master , Item hold is set to bibliographic hold when changing pickup location | |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20303 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Receive order fails if no "authorised_by" value | |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20348 normal, P5 - low, ---, jose.i.martin.cuesta, Pushed to Master , SIP2 patron identification fails to use userid | |
11:51 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20367 normal, P5 - low, ---, lari.taskula, Pushed to Master , userid resets to firstname.surname when BorrowerUnwantedField contains userid | |
11:51 | oleonard | Thanks for the signoff on the OPAC SCSS patch calire |
11:53 | severine_q | kidclamp : hey Nick, can the 18829 be tested ? There is a patch attached but status is still 'New' |
11:54 | kidclamp_afk : hey Nick, can the 18829 be tested ? There is a patch attached but status is still 'New' | |
11:54 | wahanui | i already had it that way, severine_q. |
11:54 | calire | oleonard: no worries :) |
11:56 | severine_q | wahanui : ok ! |
11:56 | wahanui | ! are you here? |
11:57 | kidclamp_afk | severine_q, it needs some polish, right now is just a record dump, useful for testing but not ready for production |
12:00 | kmlussier joined #koha | |
12:00 | severine_q | thanks kidclamp_afk ! Did you plan to work on it soon ? I can keep looking at it if you need some feedbacks |
12:03 | magnuse | bug 18829 |
12:03 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18829 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, NEW , Elasticsearch - Add ability to view the ES indexed record |
12:16 | AnnaBoten joined #koha | |
12:18 | oleonard | Been playing around with this: http://zivotdesign.com/p/#1/15218074931533 |
12:19 | kellym left #koha | |
12:47 | alex_a joined #koha | |
12:48 | oleonard | Welcome back to the keyboard kidclamp |
12:48 | kidclamp | thank oleonard |
12:50 | tcohen | hola #koha |
12:52 | hi kidclamp | |
12:52 | kidclamp | hi tcohen |
12:56 | tcohen | @seen marcelr |
12:56 | huginn | tcohen: marcelr was last seen in #koha 1 hour, 33 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: <marcelr> tuxayo: complexity and nature of the patch may make the difference with in-company signoffs |
13:05 | magnuse | are the codes in accountlines.accounttype defined anywhere? |
13:07 | cait | i think still hardcoded + Manual_INV |
13:08 | calire | hi tcohen |
13:09 | tcohen | hi calire |
13:12 | Dyrcona joined #koha | |
13:12 | lukeSkiWalker joined #koha | |
13:13 | Margaret joined #koha | |
13:19 | tuxayo | Functional question: permission: is it equivalent to tick everything compared to superlibrarian? I remember hearing contradictory things. |
13:20 | (just superlibrarian vs everything and not superlibrarian vs everything and superlibrarian) | |
13:20 | kidclamp | superlibrarian grants a efw things that checking everything doesn't |
13:20 | I think viewing budgets is one | |
13:21 | Joubu | See C4::Context->IsSuperLibrarian |
13:22 | oleonard | Bug 20299 |
13:22 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20299 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Is Koha installer suggesting Koha is shit? |
13:23 | * cait | waves at Joubu |
13:23 | oleonard | Welcome back Joubu, we missed you at Hackfest |
13:25 | Joubu | Hi all :) |
13:28 | kellym joined #koha | |
13:31 | Joubu | thanks oleonard for this patch! |
13:40 | DonnaB joined #koha | |
13:41 | tcohen | oleonard++ |
13:41 | nlegrand | o/ tcohen oleonard Joubu |
13:42 | tcohen | QA comment: 'Koha is a gift' should be the commit subject :-D |
13:42 | nlegrand | :) |
13:43 | cait | shoudl we change the bug title? (release notes) |
13:45 | oleonard | Bug 20299 |
13:45 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20299 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Koha is a gift |
13:47 | calire | I for one am pleased I experienced the web-installer with poo emoji. It made my day |
13:47 | oleonard | It's a badge of honor for those who were there. |
13:48 | * tcohen | likes the poo emoji he |
13:50 | calire | especially as I had just done a reset_all before realising what that meant :D |
13:53 | oleonard | Appropriate |
13:53 | wahanui | Appropriate is to acquire through some means or tocopythemtomakethemmyownohpleasedontbemad |
13:54 | calire | sentiment of the day |
13:54 | kidclamp | oleonard, can you look at bug 20459 - it makes the button bigger, is the the correct styling? |
13:54 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20459 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Correct message for cancelling an article request |
13:55 | oleonard | Yup |
13:56 | kidclamp | yup you will look, or yup we like big buttons and we cannot lie? |
13:57 | * kidclamp | apologises - is friday |
13:57 | * calire | is glad she has other music on |
14:00 | * oleonard | is looking, and will lie freely about what kind of buttons he likes |
14:00 | * tcohen | tries Billie Joe+Norah album |
14:05 | oleonard | kidclamp: I think for consistency the button should look like the one on the holds tab ("btn btn-mini btn-danger") |
14:07 | kidclamp | but qa tools hates that |
14:08 | oleonard | ? |
14:08 | kidclamp | bug 16239 |
14:08 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=16239 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, RESOLVED FIXED, Upgrade Bootstrap in the staff client |
14:08 | kidclamp | QA tools: forbidden pattern: Contains old bootstrap style for buttons (see bug 16239) (line 867) |
14:08 | oleonard | kidclamp: The OPAC is old bootstrap |
14:08 | kidclamp | ah, that bug says "we like big buttons" |
14:08 | tuxayo | kidclamp: grepping show stuff to bypass independent branches but nothing about showing budgets. |
14:08 | Joubu: thanks | |
14:09 | kidclamp | oh, so the qa tools are wrong |
14:09 | I get it now | |
14:12 | kmlussier joined #koha | |
14:16 | Joubu | <body id="main_auth" class="main_main-auth"> |
14:16 | <body id="main_intranet-main" class="intranet-main"> | |
14:16 | oleonard: ^ that does not look correct | |
14:18 | oleonard | Joubu: I can revise if you want. I don't really care. |
14:21 | gaetan_B | hi kidclamp! may i disturb you? I'd like some clarifications about bug 18316 |
14:21 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18316 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Add weighting/relevancy options to ElasticSearch |
14:22 | gaetan_B | mys understanding is that elastic manages weighting ("boosting" in their terms) at search time, not when indexing which would be what zebra does |
14:22 | kidclamp | you can do both gaetan_B |
14:23 | gaetan_B | i see |
14:24 | about the "allow more than one field to be withted part": would this mean that when searching, we would need to send a query that queires multiple fields, but they wouldn't necessarily be shown to the user? | |
14:24 | cait | not sure how it works with elastic |
14:25 | but iknow some systems boost electronic over print | |
14:25 | Joubu | oleonard: do you agree with class=auth-main for auth.tt? |
14:25 | gaetan_B | i.e. if i'm looking for "kitten", the simple query would query the "record" part of the ES data, with normal weight but also the "title" part, with a weight then ? |
14:25 | cait | so electornic resources rank higher than print |
14:25 | Joubu | (I will amend the patch) |
14:25 | cait | that woudl be independent from search terms |
14:25 | oleonard | Joubu: Fine with me |
14:26 | cait | we could also think about boosting articles over monographs... it's hard to get right |
14:26 | gaetan_B | cait: that's an interesting point... I guess we could hide this somewhere in the query somehow... |
14:26 | Joubu | 15 <body id="main_auth" class="auth-main"> |
14:26 | that sounds weird too.. pushing as it anyway | |
14:27 | kidclamp | ah, nvm gaetan_B, index time boosting is deprecated |
14:27 | so we shoudl only do in query | |
14:28 | for now probably it gets defined in config, but at some point we may want to let users access boosting for specialized search | |
14:28 | gaetan_B | so how would we do it? does that mean forming a composite query on behalf of the user? |
14:29 | kidclamp | boosting two fields may be useful - title / uniform-title - subjects etc |
14:29 | * gaetan_B | is inventing technical terms that might make sense, or not |
14:29 | kidclamp | yes, we would apply some weighting to a 'simple' query - but maybe not an advanced search of a single index |
14:29 | gaetan_B | i'm going through documentation and training slides, trying to get an understanding of how ES works |
14:29 | kidclamp | https://www.elastic.co/guide/e[…]apping-boost.html |
14:30 | gaetan_B | ok i think i might be beginning to get an idea |
14:30 | kidclamp | we are still on 5, but looking towards 6 |
14:30 | back in a while | |
14:30 | huginn | News from kohagit: Bug 20268: (follow-up) Correct template error <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]4d88b777f7ab294bc> |
14:31 | GiuseppeP joined #koha | |
14:41 | paul_p joined #koha | |
14:43 | tuxayo | severine_q++ |
14:43 | Thanks for bug 20461 | |
14:43 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20461 normal, P5 - low, ---, victor.grousset, Signed Off , New subscription form: "Item type" and "item type for older issues" fields are ignored |
14:43 | cait | khall: kidclamp_away: need qa on bug 20461 plz! |
14:46 | severine_q | tuxayo : my pleasure :) |
14:48 | tuxayo | severine_q: btw, do you confirm that negative *decimal* amounts can be *inputed* in the acquisition module? |
14:49 | gaetan_B joined #koha | |
14:50 | cait | anyone using fines in days here to comment on a bug? |
14:51 | bug 19204 | |
14:51 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19204 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Fines in days restriction calculation is not taking calender into account |
14:51 | cait | bug fix or needs a pref? |
14:53 | DonnaB joined #koha | |
14:53 | severine_q joined #koha | |
14:54 | severine_q_ joined #koha | |
14:55 | DonnaB left #koha | |
14:58 | khall | can do cait ! |
14:59 | TGoat joined #koha | |
15:03 | cait | khall: maybe ping nick too - looks like a data loss one for 17.11 on first glance |
15:03 | kmlussier_ joined #koha | |
15:06 | kmlussier joined #koha | |
15:08 | jzairo joined #koha | |
15:18 | jenkins | Yippee, build fixed! |
15:18 | wahanui | o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` |
15:18 | jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D8 build #400: FIXED in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/400/ |
15:18 | oleonard: Bug 20268: (follow-up) Correct template error | |
15:18 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20268 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , CSS regression: white gap on the top of the staff pages |
15:20 | gaetan_B | cait: i would says some libraries want it this way indeed, i.e. 5 days suspension, without taking the calendar into account. Because if a patron is 21 days late, and we take the calendar into account it will be a very long suspension |
15:20 | i think it's not possible to define fines in days of less than 1 day per day of being late, or is it ? | |
15:26 | calire left #koha | |
15:35 | huginn | News from kohagit: Bug 20432: Add black version of small Koha logo for use in the OPAC <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]c4990e31f7fe35fee> |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19929: (QA follow-up) Fix POD <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]513c33e51ce979623> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19454: (QA follow-up) Fix selection on categorycode <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]da90e3afa06a5abb8> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Gentle error handling for bookcount.pl <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]1d767616f08796964> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19933: Fix typo in template plugin name <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]aaf932dc9446c025f> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19933: Move instantiation of in deletemem.pl <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]e4b84786e3a75bcd3> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19933: (follow-up) Remove patronflags - easy ones <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]993b2774648284674> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 20275: Add comment to let user know they can define multiple plugindirs <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]190c87e82f9578a48> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 16427: Add direct link to authority records from staff detail view (MARC21 subjects) <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]fab7c4feb090e8b53> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Remove C4::Biblio::GetBiblioItemData <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]cbdacf5a595458ef8> | |
15:35 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Koha::Biblio - Replace GetBiblioItemData with Koha::Biblio->biblioitem <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]a66d05f173310f562> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Remove itemtype vs itype confusion in CanBookBeIssued <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]13956357aa67d42ca> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19940: Koha::Biblio - Remove GetBiblioItemInfosOf <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]a9fa89dc6266c0579> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19929: Add Koha objects for class sources and sorters <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]f5faa54caf0eef355> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - tricky ones <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]00a6fe86538af6f9f> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - easy ones <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]e7a4c81c89a924001> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - unused vars oldamount/amountold in circulation.pl <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]a77df9c9c6c0235f6> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - In CanBookBeIssued <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]00d2c6ba2842dd248> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 19454: (follow-up) Add a total line when updating <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]8711610f2448d2ff3> | |
15:36 | News from kohagit: Bug 18255: Koha::Biblio - Replace GetBiblioItemByBiblioNumber with Koha::Biblio-... <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]ed8157af8486a58d7> | |
15:48 | cait | gaetan_B: i think that's another bug report / enh on the way |
15:48 | could you comment on the bug please? | |
15:48 | kmlussier joined #koha | |
15:51 | gaetan_B | i need to ask a friend first ;) |
15:51 | not 100% sure about my opinion here | |
15:54 | jbeno_away joined #koha | |
15:56 | gaetan_B | cait: i would say we should do what useDaysMode says actually |
15:57 | but not necessarily add another system preference | |
15:57 | or maybe finesCalendar | |
16:03 | jbeno1 joined #koha | |
16:05 | gaetan_B | cait: so concensus seems to be: do what useDaysMode says, and use finesCalendar to compute the number of days |
16:05 | i'll write this on the bug | |
16:06 | xylophone joined #koha | |
16:10 | fridolin1 left #koha | |
16:23 | jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D8 build #401: UNSTABLE in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/401/ |
16:23 | * chrisc: Bug 19160: CAS Single logout | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19160: Move duplicated code to its own private subroutine | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19160: Move the code from controller to C4::Auth_with_cas | |
16:23 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19160 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, chris, Pushed to Master , CAS Single Log Out |
16:23 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19160: Isolate CAS code into its own module |
16:23 | * ulrich.kleiber: Bug 19160: (follow-up) Fix problems introduced by renaming | |
16:23 | * kyle: Bug 19160: Remove tab characters causing qa script to fail | |
16:23 | * kyle: Bug 19160: Add POD | |
16:23 | * david.bourgault: Bug 17457: Adv. Acquisition search with ISBN variations | |
16:23 | * david.bourgault: Bug 17457: Add tests for each marc flavour | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: DBIC Schema changes | |
16:23 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=17457 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, david.bourgault, Pushed to Master , Use SearchWithISBNVariations in acquisition advanced search (histsearch.pl) |
16:23 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4078 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Add the ability to customize and display the symbol for a currency | |
16:23 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: Update DB entry - add new column currency.p_sep_by_space |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: Add the checkbox to the UI | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: Pass with_symbol to module | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: Add the ability to display and configure the symbol for prices | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: Add a new test | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: DBRev | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20264: Remove syspref checkdigit | |
16:23 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20264: DBRev | |
16:23 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20264 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Syspref checkdigit is no longer in used |
16:23 | jenkins | * jwayway: Bug 19856: Improve styling of reports sidebar |
16:23 | * jwayway: Bug 19856: (follow-up) Improve styling of reports sidebar | |
16:23 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19856 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jwayway, Pushed to Master , Improve styling of reports sidebar to match tools sidebar |
16:23 | jenkins | * kyle: Bug 17826: Allow extended patron attributes to be sent in arbitrary SIP2 |
16:23 | * kyle: Bug 17826: Add POD | |
16:23 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=17826 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Allow extended patron attributes to be sent in arbitrary SIP2 fields |
16:23 | jenkins | * kyle: Bug 18626: Add ability to track cardnumber changes for patrons |
16:23 | * kyle: Bug 18626: Add unit tests | |
16:23 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18626 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Add ability to track cardnumber changes for patrons |
16:23 | jenkins | * kyle: Bug 19716: Add option to send header line for CSV output |
16:23 | * m.de.rooy: Bug 19454: Add -category parameter to | |
16:23 | * m.de.rooy: Bug 19454: (follow-up) Add a total line when updating | |
16:23 | * m.de.rooy: Bug 19454: (QA follow-up) Fix selection on categorycode | |
16:23 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19716 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Add option to send header line for CSV output with runreport.pl |
16:23 | jenkins | * Nick Clemens: Bug 19929: Add Koha objects for class sources and sorters |
16:23 | * m.de.rooy: Bug 19929: (QA follow-up) Fix POD | |
16:24 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19454 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , Script borrowers-force-messaging-defaults.pl should be able to filter on patron category |
16:24 | jenkins | * Nick Clemens: Bug 20275: Add comment to let user know they can define multiple |
16:24 | * oleonard: Bug 20432: Add black version of small Koha logo for use in the OPAC | |
16:24 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19929 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Add Koha Objects for class_source and class_sort_rules |
16:24 | jenkins | * terauhina.jackson: Bug 16427: Add direct link to authority records from staff detail view |
16:24 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - unused vars oldamount/amountold in | |
16:24 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20275 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Add comment to let users know they can define multiple plugindirs |
16:24 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - In CanBookBeIssued |
16:24 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - easy ones | |
16:24 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20432 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Add black version of small Koha logo for use in the OPAC |
16:24 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=16427 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, terauhina.jackson, Pushed to Master , Direct link to authority records missing in staff detail view (MARC21 6xx) | |
16:24 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19933: Remove patronflags - tricky ones |
16:24 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19933: (follow-up) Remove patronflags - easy ones | |
16:24 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19933 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Move C4::Members::patronflags to the Koha namespace - part 1 |
16:24 | jenkins | * kyle: Bug 19933: Move instantiation of in deletemem.pl |
16:24 | * kyle: Bug 19933: Fix typo in template plugin name | |
16:24 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18255: Koha::Biblio - Replace GetBiblioItemByBiblioNumber with | |
16:24 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19940: Koha::Biblio - Remove GetBiblioItemInfosOf | |
16:24 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19943: Remove itemtype vs itype confusion in CanBookBeIssued | |
16:24 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19943: Koha::Biblio - Replace GetBiblioItemData with | |
16:24 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18255 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Koha::Biblio - Remove GetBiblioItemByBiblioNumber |
16:24 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19943: Remove C4::Biblio::GetBiblioItemData |
16:24 | * Tomás Cohen Arazi: Bug 19943: Gentle error handling for bookcount.pl | |
16:24 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19940 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Koha::Biblio - Remove GetBiblioItemInfosOf |
16:24 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19943 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Koha::Biblio - Remove GetBiblioItemData | |
16:24 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Fix Borrower_PrevCheckout.t - create the biblioitem entry <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]a302aa4499cc56b33> | |
16:24 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Fix SwitchOnSiteCheckouts.t - create the biblioitem entry <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]901f28b80195ed773> | |
16:24 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Fix dateexpiry.t - create the biblioitem entry <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]0f67da2d048ade448> | |
16:24 | News from kohagit: Bug 4078: Fix test when fr_FR.UTF-8 is installed <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]c0aa7a9bae69c2a50> | |
16:24 | News from kohagit: Bug 20466: Fix fixture syntax in t/Prices.t <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]25d0b6a1a908cd1fb> | |
16:24 | News from kohagit: Bug 19943: Fix NoIssuesChargeGuarantees.t - create the biblioitem entry <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]ad57e5903df6039a0> | |
16:35 | samant joined #koha | |
16:35 | samant | when exporting a .mrc file, it ignores all the elements and adds only the help records please |
16:37 | when exporting a .mrc file, it ignores all the elements and adds only the help records please | |
16:38 | Joubu | Hi samant, which version of Koha are you using? |
16:38 | how do you export, from the interface or the command line? | |
17:03 | kellym joined #koha | |
17:06 | rocio joined #koha | |
17:13 | jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D8 build #402: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/402/ |
17:13 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20466: Fix fixture syntax in t/Prices.t | |
17:13 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 4078: Fix test when fr_FR.UTF-8 is installed | |
17:13 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19943: Fix NoIssuesChargeGuarantees.t - create the biblioitem entry | |
17:13 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20466 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Incorrect fixtures for active currency in t/Prices.t |
17:13 | jenkins | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19943: Fix dateexpiry.t - create the biblioitem entry |
17:13 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19943: Fix SwitchOnSiteCheckouts.t - create the biblioitem entry | |
17:13 | * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19943: Fix Borrower_PrevCheckout.t - create the biblioitem entry | |
17:13 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4078 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Add the ability to customize and display the symbol for a currency |
17:13 | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19943 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Koha::Biblio - Remove GetBiblioItemData | |
17:22 | oleonard | khall: Regarding Bug 20467 I get this: Undefined subroutine &CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_course_reserves_batch_add_items_2epl::GetCourse called at /home/vagrant/kohaclone/course_reserves/batch_add_items.pl line 56. |
17:22 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20467 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Add ability to batch add items to a course |
17:23 | khall | oops, I'll fix that owen! |
17:24 | oleonard: fixed! | |
17:26 | oleonard | See y'all later |
17:28 | Joubu | tcohen: ^ those OAI tests, again... |
17:30 | tcohen | Joubu: we could vote the removal of OAI at all and we can solve taht :-P |
17:30 | cait | eek |
17:30 | please don't | |
17:31 | tcohen | #endvote |
17:35 | cait left #koha | |
18:14 | jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D8 build #403: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/403/ |
18:18 | tuxayo | bye #koha o/ |
18:20 | tcohen | bye! |
18:31 | ha! https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2220.txt | |
18:36 | ShowOff joined #koha | |
18:47 | mtompset joined #koha | |
18:47 | mtompset | @seen Joubu |
18:47 | huginn | mtompset: Joubu was last seen in #koha 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <Joubu> tcohen: ^ those OAI tests, again... |
18:47 | mtompset | Are you around, Joubu? |
18:48 | #seen tcohen | |
18:48 | @seen tcohen | |
18:48 | huginn | mtompset: tcohen was last seen in #koha 17 minutes and 17 seconds ago: <tcohen> ha! https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2220.txt |
18:48 | tcohen | hi mtompset |
18:48 | mtompset | Greetings, tcohen |
18:49 | Since Joubu seems to be afk... | |
18:49 | perhaps you can give me a suggestion. | |
18:49 | bug 18570 | |
18:49 | wahanui | hmmm... bug 18570 is similar |
18:49 | huginn | Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18570 normal, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Master , Password recovery e-mail only sent after message queue is processed |
18:49 | mtompset | Joubu has asked to have two warnings cleaned up. |
18:49 | There are two ways to do this. | |
18:50 | fix the From address, and then change 2 tests. | |
18:50 | OR | |
18:50 | catch the two warnings. | |
18:50 | tcohen | mtompset: Joubu is very busy catching up with RM duties |
18:50 | mtompset | which way do you think it should be done? |
18:51 | tcohen | code should look pristine and warnings should be raised on purpose (design decisions) |
18:52 | I mean, if we are generating warnings, then it means we are doing something wrong with the input? | |
18:52 | mtompset | test builder doesn't generate valid email addresses. |
18:52 | we can force it to use valid email addresses to fix it. | |
18:52 | or we can just catch the errors. | |
18:53 | tcohen | ah, the problem is with the tests |
18:53 | mtompset | right |
18:53 | tcohen | nope |
18:53 | mtompset | So, which method of fixing the test? |
18:53 | tcohen | pass a valid email to $build->build_object |
18:54 | mtompset | and change the tests. |
18:54 | wahanui | mtompset: that doesn't look right |
18:54 | wahanui joined #koha | |
18:54 | tcohen | my $patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { email => mtompsett![]() |
18:54 | mtompset | Right... |
18:54 | tcohen | i'm not familiar with the bug |
18:54 | mtompset | Because the last two tests check if the sending email failed. |
18:54 | because the test builder doesn't generate a valid from address. :) | |
18:55 | tcohen | at some point TestBuilder is used to generate the patrons, right? |
18:55 | have it set a valid/hardcoded email | |
18:55 | mtompset | if I pass a valid email address to silence the warning, then I need to change the last two tests to check to see if it sent. |
18:55 | tcohen | we can patch TestBuilder to do things right, but on a separate bug report please |
18:55 | mtompset | This isn't a test builder problem. |
18:56 | It's a logic in the tests problem. | |
18:56 | tcohen | if you want to test how it behaves with bad emails, then its ok |
18:56 | but it becomes not-deterministic, and we don't like that on the tests | |
18:56 | mtompset | right... then I need to catch warnings. |
18:56 | tcohen | we control all the scenario and verify it behaves as we expect it to |
18:57 | mtompset | OR... I use a validish email address, and change the test two tests to confirm they sent. |
18:57 | so which way? catch or change? | |
18:58 | tcohen | if I was working on that, I would make sure both valid and invalid cases are covered |
18:58 | mtompset | Ah... both... |
18:58 | tcohen | and I would take care of knowing at which point there's a valid email or not |
18:58 | you don't want Joubu complaining about random failures on jenkins, right? | |
18:59 | we don't need tests to run silently | |
18:59 | mtompset | I don't want random failures on jenkins, apart from Joubu :) |
18:59 | tcohen | we need them to be meaningful and cover as much use cases as possible, always |
19:00 | mtompset | True. |
19:01 | okay... both it is. | |
19:01 | tcohen | I know, I was emphasazing on the other consequences you might face :-D |
19:01 | * tcohen | is kdding abit, good mood because of friday |
19:03 | Joubu | mtompset: set a valid email address, that should fix the problem |
19:03 | mtompset | breaks the last two tests. |
19:03 | Joubu | you do not want to catch the warning, it's not the point of these tests |
19:03 | mtompset | they check for 'failed', not 'sent'. |
19:05 | tcohen | have a nice weekend mtompset, Joubu and every1 |
19:05 | :-D | |
19:05 | mtompset | Ikaw din po, tcohen |
19:05 | Joubu | sorry you are right, it is what the tests do :) |
19:06 | so we are expecting the warnings and you need to use Test::Warn | |
19:06 | mtompset | Okay, so catch the warnings... |
19:06 | Okay. I can do that. :) | |
19:07 | jenkins | Yippee, build fixed! |
19:07 | wahanui | o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` |
19:07 | jenkins | Project Koha_Master_D8 build #404: FIXED in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/404/ |
19:13 | mtompset | Oh bloody... |
19:14 | I catch the warnings, and then read the messages in the test. | |
19:14 | "returns 1 on success" | |
19:14 | the code which fails, doesn't even check the return value of the failed sub call. | |
19:15 | Fix in another bug, Joubu? | |
19:20 | Joubu | what do you mean? |
19:20 | mtompset | SendQueuedMessages doesn't actually count the number of messages sent. |
19:20 | There's no subtraction of failures. | |
19:21 | Joubu | mtompset: why not just set a valid email address and change the status chec? |
19:21 | check | |
19:21 | the last test says + 'Test SendPasswordRecoverEmail failed due to TestBuilder Sender not being a valid email address as expected.' ); | |
19:21 | but actually we just want to know it has been processed | |
19:22 | mtompset | Okay... |
19:22 | But this is still a bug in SendQueuedMessages. :( | |
19:22 | I hate finding bugs. | |
19:24 | misilot_ joined #koha | |
19:25 | Joubu | luckily there is only 1 occurrence of this returned value |
20:11 | perkiness joined #koha | |
20:18 | barton | I'm taking my first forray into OPAC Details XSLT file... from context, I can tell that <xsl:variable name="UseControlNumber" select="marc:sysprefs/marc:syspref[@name='UseControlNumber']"/> loads the UseControlNumber syspref ... is there any way to mock this up on the command line? |
20:26 | ^^ I injected <sysprefs><syspref name="UseControlNumber">1</syspref></sysprefs> into the marcxml; that did the trick. | |
20:36 | GiuseppeP joined #koha | |
20:46 | xylophone joined #koha | |
21:44 | cait joined #koha | |
22:08 | lukeSkiWalker left #koha | |
22:38 | user___ joined #koha | |
23:51 | irma joined #koha |
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