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All times shown according to UTC.
Time | Nick | Message |
00:01 | JoshB joined #koha | |
00:04 | TGoat joined #koha | |
01:31 | rocio1 joined #koha | |
02:34 | Francesca joined #koha | |
03:16 | mario joined #koha | |
03:19 | Francesca joined #koha | |
03:26 | Mike-CSPL joined #koha | |
04:08 | Francesca joined #koha | |
04:17 | JoshB joined #koha | |
05:06 | cait joined #koha | |
05:09 | Francesca joined #koha | |
05:12 | petter joined #koha | |
05:40 | Munyua joined #koha | |
05:48 | * magnuse | waves |
05:49 | petter | mornings! |
05:49 | wahanui | mornings are later now |
05:55 | laurence joined #koha | |
06:16 | fridolin joined #koha | |
06:16 | fridolin left #koha | |
06:16 | fridolin joined #koha | |
06:17 | fridolin | hie there |
06:31 | alex_a joined #koha | |
06:31 | alex_a | bonjour |
06:33 | LibraryClaire joined #koha | |
06:36 | LibraryClaire | morning #koha |
06:40 | reiveune joined #koha | |
06:41 | reiveune | hello |
06:43 | * LibraryClaire | waves |
06:49 | cdickinson_ joined #koha | |
06:51 | drojf joined #koha | |
06:51 | drojf | morning #koha |
06:53 | LibraryClaire | hi drojf |
06:53 | Mike-CSPL joined #koha | |
06:54 | drojf | guten morgen BüchereiKlara |
06:55 | LibraryClaire | :D |
06:55 | better than bibliothekklara | |
06:56 | drojf | :D |
06:56 | my weather is grey and wet. somebody want to switch? | |
06:56 | @wunder berlin, germany | |
06:56 | huginn | drojf: The current temperature in Berlin Tegel, Germany is 9.0°C (8:50 AM CEST on October 19, 2016). Conditions: Rain. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Steady). |
06:59 | * LibraryClaire | searches for the "at" symbol |
07:00 | LibraryClaire | @wunder Konstanz |
07:00 | * drojf | hands LibraryClaire an @ |
07:00 | huginn | LibraryClaire: The current temperature in Mainaustraße, Konstanz, Germany is 10.9°C (8:58 AM CEST on October 19, 2016). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 83%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Rising). |
07:00 | LibraryClaire | grey and dry |
07:00 | drojf | LibraryClaire: it's called klammeraffe in german ^^ |
07:00 | LibraryClaire | no way? |
07:02 | drojf | LibraryClaire: http://www.duden.de/rechtschre[…]eraffe#Bedeutung3 |
07:02 | LibraryClaire | German is funny :D |
07:02 | drojf | but you can also use it for stapler :D |
07:03 | LibraryClaire | ...and weird |
07:04 | Ah, it's a monkey that holds on to branches with its tail - that kind of makes sense | |
07:04 | drojf | not at all |
07:04 | see | |
07:04 | lol | |
07:06 | * LibraryClaire | goes to learn the dictionary |
07:13 | alex_a joined #koha | |
07:16 | nlegrand | Hey koha ! |
07:17 | drojf | hi nlegrand |
07:17 | nlegrand | hey drojf ! |
07:17 | drojf | nlegrand: are you nicolas from bulac? |
07:17 | nlegrand | drojf: that's me :) |
07:17 | * drojf | connects hackfest people to nicks |
07:17 | drojf | cool |
07:18 | Francesca joined #koha | |
07:18 | nlegrand | drojf: or you connect nicks to people not using packages ? :p |
07:19 | drojf | hehe that goes to my secret list :D |
07:19 | nlegrand | ^^ |
07:20 | LibraryClaire | hi nlegrand |
07:22 | atheia joined #koha | |
07:23 | nlegrand | hey LibraryClaire :) |
07:23 | AndrewIsh joined #koha | |
07:27 | sophie_m joined #koha | |
07:27 | AndrewIsh | g'morn all :) |
07:30 | drojf | hi AndrewIsh |
07:31 | AndrewIsh | hi drojf |
07:33 | LibraryClaire | hi AndrewIsh |
07:35 | AndrewIsh | hi LibraryClaire |
07:35 | cait joined #koha | |
07:36 | paul_p joined #koha | |
07:45 | alex_a_ joined #koha | |
07:47 | ashimema | mornin' |
07:50 | drojf | hi ashimema |
07:54 | * LibraryClaire | waves at ashimema |
07:59 | AndrewIsh | hi ashimema |
08:09 | Francesca joined #koha | |
08:09 | drojf joined #koha | |
08:12 | alex_a joined #koha | |
08:15 | alex_a_ joined #koha | |
08:43 | alex_a joined #koha | |
09:08 | Joubu | I... think... I am... done |
09:08 | this morning my debian just decided not to work | |
09:08 | and wanted me to scratch it | |
09:08 | what I did... | |
09:11 | * LibraryClaire | sends Joubu cookies |
09:13 | bensinober joined #koha | |
09:13 | * cait | sends Joubu beer |
09:13 | Joubu | outch a bit too early for a beer |
09:14 | LibraryClaire | lies! |
09:14 | * LibraryClaire | sips "tea" |
09:28 | cait | :) |
09:34 | fridolin left #koha | |
09:35 | drojf | yay rain stopped |
09:36 | and there is this "light" i have heard people talking about | |
09:36 | kidclamp joined #koha | |
09:36 | LibraryClaire | beware, it burns |
09:37 | kidclamp | ^out of context that is an odd line to enter the room on |
09:41 | eythian | you should have seen what she was _really_ talking about! |
09:41 | * eythian | just noticed that souvenir is spelt strangely. |
09:43 | LibraryClaire | hi kidclamp :D |
09:45 | kidclamp | good morning |
09:45 | wahanui | well, it's morning somewhere, yes |
09:45 | cait | Joubu: something to look forward to? |
09:50 | Joubu | cait: to QA? |
09:51 | cait | the beer I meant :) |
09:51 | last time i sent you cookies you asked for beer instead heh | |
09:55 | d_antonakis joined #koha | |
09:56 | cait | meeting in 5 mins |
09:58 | kidclamp | Joubu: for bug 14752 - did you mean if the barcode is not mapped? |
09:58 | huginn | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=14752 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Add multiple copies to a basket at once |
09:58 | Joubu | kidclamp: no, its mapped |
09:58 | but the field is not filled (because not mandatory) | |
09:59 | kidclamp | hmm..the only way I can recreate is to unmap barcode to a marc field |
10:01 | Joubu | I have it mapped |
10:01 | cait | #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016 |
10:01 | huginn | Meeting started Wed Oct 19 10:01:21 2016 UTC. The chair is cait. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
10:01 | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | |
10:01 | Topic for #koha is now (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:01 | huginn | The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_19_october_2016' |
10:01 | cait | #topic Introductions |
10:01 | Topic for #koha is now Introductions (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:01 | wahanui | #info wahanui, a bot that has become sentient |
10:01 | cait | please introduce yourself following wahanui's example |
10:01 | BobB | #info Bob Birchall, Calyx, Sydney Australia |
10:01 | cait | today's agenda can be found at https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_19_October_2016 |
10:01 | #link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_19_October_2016 | |
10:01 | kidclamp | #info Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions |
10:01 | cait | #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany |
10:02 | LibraryClaire | #info Claire Gravely, BSZ, Germany |
10:02 | petter | #info petter, Oslo public library, Norway |
10:02 | Joubu | #info Jonathan Druart, France |
10:02 | bensinober | #info Benjamin Rokseth, Norway |
10:03 | d_antonakis | #info Dimitris Antonakis, Athens, Greece |
10:04 | khall | #info Kyle Hall, Bywater Solutions |
10:04 | cait | ok |
10:04 | let's move on to announcements | |
10:04 | #topic Announcements | |
10:04 | Topic for #koha is now Announcements (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:04 | irma | #info Irma, CALYX, Sydney Australia |
10:05 | cait | the dashboard says it's only 34 days until release of 16.11 |
10:05 | so we need to start thinking about 17.04 | |
10:05 | #link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]i/Roles_for_17.05 | |
10:05 | i'd schedule elections for november 2nd, if that's ok? | |
10:06 | BobB | yes cait, ok |
10:06 | cait | and otherwise... please all sign up! |
10:06 | #action all Sign up for roles for 17.05 | |
10:07 | any other announcements? :) | |
10:07 | drojf | hoppla |
10:07 | cait | moving on then |
10:07 | drojf | #info Mirko Tietgen, Berlin, Germany |
10:08 | cait | #topic Review of coding guildelines |
10:08 | Topic for #koha is now Review of coding guildelines (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:08 | cait | there is nothing listed on the agenda |
10:08 | does someone have a proposal? | |
10:08 | tajoli joined #koha | |
10:08 | cait | moving on! |
10:08 | #topic Deadlines for 16.11 | |
10:08 | Topic for #koha is now Deadlines for 16.11 (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:09 | cait | khall has the keyboard |
10:09 | khall | ok, then. Brendan and I have outlined some dates leading up to the 16.11 release |
10:10 | November 1st will be the feature slush, so only bug fixes after that | |
10:10 | tajoli | #info Zeno Tajoli, CINECA |
10:10 | khall | On the 3rd we will create a 1st draft of the release notes for everyone to review |
10:10 | cait | #info November 1st will be the feature slush, so only bug fixes will get pushed after that |
10:10 | #info November 3rd: first draft of the release notes for review | |
10:11 | khall | on the 10th we'll do a second draft of the release notes, assuming we will have been pushing bug fixes to master |
10:11 | cait | #info Novmeber 10th: second draft of the release notes |
10:11 | khall | Nov 15th will be the feature freeze, so after that only bug fixes not requiring string changes will be pushed |
10:12 | on the 17th, we will publish the final draft of the release notes | |
10:12 | and finally, Nov 22 will be the release day! | |
10:12 | cait | do you mean feature freeze or string freeze? |
10:12 | for 17th | |
10:12 | because feature slush is november 1st? | |
10:13 | khall | string freeze, thanks cait! |
10:14 | cait | #info November 15th: String freeze, only bug fixes requiring no string changes to be pushed |
10:14 | #info November 17th: final draft of release notes | |
10:14 | #info November 22nd: Release! | |
10:14 | any questions? :) | |
10:15 | ah, i got one | |
10:15 | when is a good day for "qa slush" | |
10:15 | khall | I think that would be a call best left to the head of the qa team! |
10:15 | cait | eek :) |
10:15 | i think we will keep qa'ing | |
10:16 | but probably shoudl focus a bit on finishing the enh for now first | |
10:16 | khall | yes, that makes the most sense |
10:16 | cait | bad bugs of course too, but priority to enh until the slush date |
10:16 | Joubu: ok? | |
10:16 | Joubu | yep |
10:17 | cait | #info QA team to focus on enh/new features until the feature slush date (exceptions for bad bugs and security of course) |
10:17 | any other questions about the deadlines? | |
10:17 | moving on then | |
10:17 | #topic General development discussion | |
10:17 | Topic for #koha is now General development discussion (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:17 | cait | I got something there .) |
10:18 | I have started to create a collection of pages with documentation for beginners/testers | |
10:18 | on the wiki | |
10:18 | wahanui | on the wiki is probably more information about the packages |
10:18 | cait | I have started to update some of the pages for that, bug reporting and sandboxes for a start |
10:18 | https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes | |
10:18 | #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes | |
10:19 | at the bottom there is a box that will hold the links for the 'handbook' | |
10:19 | please feel free to add and change this | |
10:19 | #info New 'Tester handbook' on the wiki, collecting pages with information important for beginners and testers | |
10:19 | we could also add a link to easy to test bugs | |
10:19 | have we agreed on a new keyword now? | |
10:21 | khall | I thought we'd already chosen one previously, but for the life of my I cannot remember what it was |
10:21 | it doesn't look like it got impormented | |
10:21 | kidclamp | I think Rangi said using Academy was fine |
10:21 | khall | implemented that is |
10:21 | cait | i think kidclamp got an action to make up a proposal |
10:22 | but academy works for me | |
10:22 | d_antonakis | +1 |
10:22 | cait | #action all please add/suggest changes to the tester handbook |
10:22 | #info Use 'academy' keyword' in bugzilla for highlighting easily testable bugs | |
10:23 | moving on? | |
10:23 | #topic Updates from the QA team | |
10:23 | Topic for #koha is now Updates from the QA team (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:23 | cait | Joubu, do you have something to highlight? |
10:24 | Joubu | not specifically |
10:24 | BobB | joubu your periodical updates are very helpful |
10:24 | cait | signed off is 87 right now thx to hackfest |
10:24 | we will be working on it | |
10:24 | Joubu | I will try and send a "post hackfest" email |
10:24 | cait | yep Joubu++ |
10:24 | #action Joubu to send a 'post hackfest' email | |
10:24 | cool | |
10:25 | khall | excellent! |
10:25 | cait | Questions to the qa team? |
10:25 | otherwise we can move on | |
10:25 | LibraryClaire | Joubu++ |
10:25 | cait | #topic Koha and Qvarn |
10:25 | Topic for #koha is now Koha and Qvarn (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:25 | cait | i think... rangi fell asleep |
10:25 | so we will have to postpone this again to a meeting time that is better for nz | |
10:26 | ok, next meeting | |
10:26 | Joubu | maybe an email to koha-devel could be a first step |
10:26 | cait | yeah i think that's a good idea |
10:27 | does someone has another topic before we set the date for next meeting? | |
10:27 | Joubu | QA ALL THE THINGS |
10:27 | maybe? | |
10:27 | wahanui | maybe is a momentaneous error |
10:27 | cait | hehe .) |
10:27 | yep :) | |
10:27 | FIX ALL THE BUGS! | |
10:27 | ok, moving on | |
10:27 | #topic Set date of next meeting | |
10:27 | Topic for #koha is now Set date of next meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 19 October 2016) | |
10:28 | cait | suggestions for the time? |
10:29 | Joubu | looks like this is a good time (unless for Argentina & NZ), but not enough topics |
10:29 | cait | also bad for some parts of US |
10:30 | Joubu | (actually I thought it was a general meeting... and I thing I have c/p the wrong email yesterday) |
10:30 | I will try to add more topics for the next meeting | |
10:30 | cait | general is 20 utc on november 2nd |
10:30 | cool :) | |
10:30 | ok, but next meeting... when? | |
10:30 | we had 21utc for the one before this | |
10:30 | this was 10 utc | |
10:30 | Joubu | and nobody attempted |
10:31 | cait | so november 9th good? |
10:31 | Joubu | someone, suggestions? |
10:31 | * ashimema | is terribly late.. silly telephone calls |
10:31 | cait | but i am not going to suggest a time this time .) |
10:32 | 19 UTC? | |
10:32 | wahanui | i guess 19 UTC is fine by me. |
10:32 | Joubu | what about a survey? |
10:32 | magnuse | #info Magnus Enger, Libriotech, Norway |
10:32 | cait | some people iwll never be able to attend then |
10:33 | Joubu | we could ask on the list, what is the best time for everybody |
10:33 | cait | because they are in a minority |
10:33 | ashimema | #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe |
10:33 | kidclamp | or pick two times and alternate between them |
10:33 | cait | that's what we used to do, but it's complicated |
10:33 | i will log 19utc, if someone wants to organize a survey, i am not against moving it | |
10:34 | which we can still do until a few days before | |
10:34 | #info Next meeting Novembe 9th, 19 UTC | |
10:34 | the problem i see with voting is that the time will always end up to be good for europe possibly :) | |
10:35 | #endmeeting | |
10:35 | Topic for #koha is now Welcome to the #koha IRC chat | Code of conduct - https://koha-community.org/abo[…]/code-of-conduct/ | Please use http://paste.koha-community.org for pastes | Installation guide for Koha is https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Debian | |
10:35 | huginn | Meeting ended Wed Oct 19 10:35:12 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
10:35 | Minutes: http://meetings.koha-community[…]-10-19-10.01.html | |
10:35 | Minutes (text): http://meetings.koha-community[…]6-10-19-10.01.txt | |
10:35 | Log: http://meetings.koha-community[…]19-10.01.log.html | |
10:35 | cait | thx all for attending |
10:36 | kidclamp | cait++ |
10:36 | Joubu++ | |
10:36 | cait | we are runnign off to lunch now :) |
10:37 | LibraryClaire | LUNCH! |
10:37 | LibraryClaire_Lunch | |
10:37 | err | |
10:37 | LibraryClaire_Lunch | better... see what hunger does |
10:39 | drojf | cait: looks like you have to carry your starving coworker to lunch |
10:39 | she's all weak and confused | |
10:40 | * ashimema | remembers to stick himself down for qa team this time ;) |
10:47 | magnuse | kia ora petter! |
10:47 | josef_moravec joined #koha | |
11:04 | josef_moravec joined #koha | |
11:05 | fridolin joined #koha | |
11:06 | wilfrid joined #koha | |
11:13 | LibraryClaire joined #koha | |
11:16 | marcelr joined #koha | |
11:16 | marcelr | hi #koha |
11:18 | khall: Proposal_for_RM_17_05_khall is empty | |
11:31 | khall | marcelr: yes, I need to get that filled out ; ) |
11:31 | marcelr: basically it'll be exactly what we did this release, but Brendan wants my name first and his name second ; ) | |
11:32 | maybe I should just change it to "(continuing)" | |
11:37 | magnuse | yay for khall! |
11:37 | khall | : ) |
11:38 | magnuse | ...and bag |
11:39 | jzairo joined #koha | |
11:40 | tajoli left #koha | |
11:42 | marcelr | khall: just continuing would seem to suffice ? |
11:42 | khall | k, I'll make the edit |
11:43 | how's that? | |
11:51 | LibraryClaire left #koha | |
11:52 | meliss joined #koha | |
11:56 | Joubu | @later tell tcohen I think you can QA 17445 |
11:56 | huginn | Joubu: The operation succeeded. |
11:56 | oleonard joined #koha | |
11:57 | oleonard | Hi all |
11:57 | Mike-CSPL joined #koha | |
11:59 | LibraryClaire joined #koha | |
11:59 | * LibraryClaire | waves |
12:01 | drojf | hi oleonard |
12:01 | wahanui | hi olé onard |
12:01 | AndrewIsh | hi oleonard |
12:01 | wahanui | hi olé onard |
12:02 | LibraryClaire left #koha | |
12:06 | LibraryClaire joined #koha | |
12:06 | * drojf | pulls LibraryClaire out of the revolving door |
12:07 | alex_a joined #koha | |
12:07 | LibraryClaire | sorry |
12:07 | got my second screen working which seemed to break Firefox (because why wouldn't it) ... | |
12:08 | cait | she is hiding from me behind a wall of screens |
12:08 | magnuse | good plan |
12:08 | LibraryClaire | o/ |
12:08 | cait | hmpf :) |
12:08 | magnuse | talking of which... |
12:08 | drojf | she is making faces at you |
12:08 | LibraryClaire | she can't see my face now |
12:08 | cait | most liekly |
12:08 | LibraryClaire | so yews |
12:09 | magnuse | khall: if i install a plugin, uninstall it and install it again, shouldn't the install sub with the create database be triggered again on the second install? |
12:10 | khall | I would expect it to, but the plugin system has had some changes made to it since I first wrote it, so I'd have to look at the code to be sure |
12:11 | magnuse | ah, ok |
12:11 | i can dig some more | |
12:15 | barton joined #koha | |
12:23 | magnuse | khall: never mind, it works as expected. pebkac! |
12:36 | tcohen joined #koha | |
12:37 | tcohen | morning |
12:41 | * cait | waves at tcohen |
12:41 | tcohen | hi cait :-d |
12:41 | how was the meeting? | |
12:44 | rsantellan joined #koha | |
12:44 | pastebot | Someone at pasted "% prove t/db_dependent/api/v1/" (44 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/141 |
12:44 | Joubu | lari: pp |
12:44 | ^ | |
12:45 | lari | Bug 17431 |
12:45 | huginn | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=17431 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lari.taskula, Signed Off , Fix failing test t/db_dependent/api/v1/holds.t |
12:46 | lari | yeah i also got the same error now that i tried it again :) there is a patch that should fix it |
12:51 | Joubu | tcohen: around? |
12:51 | tcohen | hi Joubu |
12:53 | Joubu | tcohen: do you know what vagrant wants to use lxc as provider? |
12:53 | tcohen | vagrant version? |
12:53 | Joubu | I tried to specify it with --provider=virtualbox but it keeps wanting vagrant-lxc |
12:53 | 1.8.1 | |
12:54 | ha | |
12:54 | tcohen | I haven't tried vagrant-lxc yet |
12:54 | Joubu | "don't use it" |
12:54 | tcohen | but I guess it is on the Vagrantfile |
12:54 | Joubu | sorry, rtfm |
12:54 | ashimema | that's just odd |
12:55 | JoshB joined #koha | |
12:55 | Joubu | still the same with 1.8.6 from the url |
12:55 | erk | |
12:56 | tcohen: I have removed vagrant-lxc but vagrant wants it! | |
12:57 | tcohen | did you name the lxc one 'jessie' just as the one for vbox? |
12:57 | maybe you need to delete some cache | |
12:57 | .vagrant | |
12:57 | Joubu | yes |
12:57 | ashimema | vagrant destroy |
12:57 | Joubu | I destroyed already |
12:57 | ashimema | destroy all the things and up from scratch |
12:57 | really | |
12:57 | that's properly odd then.. I didn't run into this.. | |
12:57 | Joubu | can I delete .vagrant? |
12:58 | tcohen | sure |
12:58 | rm -rf / | |
12:58 | ashimema | I've been swapping between virtualbox and lxc profusely |
12:58 | tcohen | nooo |
12:58 | ashimema | lol |
13:00 | pastebot | Someone at pasted "[jonathan![]() |
13:00 | Joubu | tcohen: ^ |
13:01 | tcohen | Joubu: format c: works in most cases |
13:02 | Joubu | format: command not found |
13:02 | I forgot sudo! | |
13:02 | tcohen | dont! |
13:02 | i'm still messing | |
13:03 | how do I install vagrant-lxc? | |
13:03 | I want top try | |
13:04 | Joubu | sudo apt install? |
13:05 | tcohen | vagrant plugin install vagrant-lxc |
13:08 | debian's is older | |
13:08 | marcelr | tcohen: can i remove this etc folder ? |
13:08 | tcohen | ? |
13:08 | marcelr | :) |
13:08 | tcohen | haha |
13:08 | Joubu | I am gonna remove ~/.vagrant.d also |
13:09 | fixed! | |
13:09 | pfiou | |
13:09 | tcohen | glad to hear! |
13:10 | Joubu | there was certainly something less violent |
13:10 | AndrewIsh | i spent most of yesterday trying to get vagrant-lxc working on jessie and ultimately failed |
13:10 | talljoy joined #koha | |
13:11 | AndrewIsh | though ashimema seems to have got it going on ubuntu with minimal hassle |
13:11 | glad to hear you were successful Joubu, certainly inspires me to have another go at some point | |
13:12 | kidclamp | @later tell nengard http://tinyurl.com/hdrduym |
13:12 | huginn | kidclamp: The operation succeeded. |
13:12 | nengard | why later |
13:12 | kidclamp | who knew you were here? |
13:12 | nengard | and omg |
13:12 | Joubu | AndrewIsh: I am not! |
13:12 | nengard | my children would kill me |
13:12 | kidclamp, i am always here :) hehehe | |
13:12 | AndrewIsh | Joubu: :( i thought you were |
13:12 | Joubu | AndrewIsh: I reinstall my system this morning and replace my debian with ubuntu (I only had that!!) |
13:13 | AndrewIsh | aha! |
13:13 | Joubu | and I just managed to make my kohadevbox working again using virtualbox |
13:13 | so, no step forward... | |
13:13 | AndrewIsh | Joubu: ah bugger :( |
13:17 | vfernandes joined #koha | |
13:17 | vfernandes | hi #koha |
13:17 | there is any way to merge patrons? | |
13:18 | bug #9032 | |
13:18 | huginn | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9032 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, CLOSED FIXED, Share a list |
13:18 | vfernandes | bug #9302 |
13:18 | huginn | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9302 new feature, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , merge patrons |
13:19 | Joubu | vfernandes: I think you have your answer |
13:19 | vfernandes | yes, but maybe the method already exists on C4::Members |
13:19 | Joubu | nope |
13:20 | vfernandes | the feature could be only to add interface support |
13:23 | ashimema | in my experience 'merging' is always more difficult than your initially think ;) |
13:24 | vfernandes | i know that :/_ |
13:35 | NateC joined #koha | |
13:47 | kmlussier joined #koha | |
13:59 | AndrewIsh | does anyone have a recent example of modal usage in koha? i'm specifically looking for examples of bootstrap modals |
13:59 | this is in an intranet tmpl | |
14:00 | kidclamp | bug 14752 |
14:00 | huginn | 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=14752 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Add multiple copies to a basket at once |
14:00 | kidclamp | I used a few there AndrewIsh |
14:00 | AndrewIsh | fantastico, thanks kidclamp |
14:11 | mario joined #koha | |
14:35 | CrispyBran joined #koha | |
14:40 | alex_a_ joined #koha | |
14:41 | fridolin left #koha | |
14:43 | sophie_m joined #koha | |
14:55 | alex_a joined #koha | |
15:00 | drojf | magnuse: what did you want to use as triple store? i think you mentioned something in marseille |
15:21 | sophie_m | bonsoir |
15:23 | magnuse | drojf: opl uses fuseki, so that will be the one i look at first |
15:24 | drojf | magnuse: ah right, thanks! |
15:30 | AndrewIsh | anyone around who can give me some ui advice? i'm looking at creating a tabbed section and my immediate thought was to use bootstrap's tab component |
15:30 | oleonard | AndrewIsh: Yeah we got started using jQueryUI for that before Bootstrap existed, so we haven't done any Bootstrap tabs |
15:31 | AndrewIsh | however, it looked a bit funky and looking at some already implemented tabs on the "Comments" tools page, i notice it doesn't use bootstrap tabs |
15:31 | oleonard | AndrewIsh: Is using jQueryUI an option? We should consider whether the functionality is equal and migrate to Bootstrap if it makes sense |
15:32 | I'm always looking for ways to reduce dependencies. | |
15:32 | AndrewIsh | oleonard: using either is an option as far as i can see, is the general idea to migrate to bootstrap over time? |
15:33 | oleonard | AndrewIsh: Not necessarily. But we could if it could replace jQueryUI's functionality. |
15:33 | I guess I would suggest you use jQueryUI unless you're willing to take on the project of replacing existing jQueryUI tabs instances | |
15:33 | AndrewIsh | oleonard: i'm not familiar with jqueryui's tabs functionality, but happy to do a compare / contrast |
15:35 | oleonard: i suspect that would probably fit better in a larger "move to bootstrap" project rather than just tabs in isolation. happy to go with jqueryui for now | |
15:36 | oleonard: a project to identify ui elements that can be moved to bootstrap equivalents certainly sounds interesting, one to ponder perhaps | |
15:37 | * oleonard | is a veteran of the YUI-to-Bootstrap menu migration |
15:37 | rocio joined #koha | |
15:39 | * AndrewIsh | thinks that sounds like a scary rabbit hole |
15:41 | * LibraryClaire | wakes up |
15:42 | * Joubu | dances |
15:42 | * cait | must have missed something again :) |
15:49 | * LibraryClaire | thought AndrewIsh 's project sounded interesting |
15:50 | * AndrewIsh | spots the time and wonders where today has gone....again.... |
15:57 | LibraryClaire | on that note... |
16:00 | catch ya laters all | |
16:00 | LibraryClaire left #koha | |
16:07 | reiveune | bye |
16:07 | reiveune left #koha | |
16:10 | josef_moravec joined #koha | |
16:10 | AndrewIsh | byeee |
16:27 | cait | byee :) |
16:27 | cait left #koha | |
16:52 | meliss1 joined #koha | |
16:57 | cait joined #koha | |
17:03 | m23 joined #koha | |
17:04 | m23 left #koha | |
17:09 | LibraryClaire joined #koha | |
17:10 | drojf joined #koha | |
17:10 | LibraryClaire | evening |
17:11 | drojf | true |
17:11 | LibraryClaire | :P |
17:14 | * cait | waves |
17:18 | drojf | guten abend cait |
17:18 | * LibraryClaire | waves |
17:18 | drojf | only germans here, we should overthrow the channel |
17:19 | * kidclamp | stays evry quiet |
17:19 | drojf | guten tag im koha redekanal, haben sie eine frage |
17:19 | cait | Joubu: looking at the survey - is this UTC? |
17:19 | or meant to be? | |
17:19 | LibraryClaire | I'm not German! |
17:19 | drojf | you are now, BüchereiKlara |
17:19 | cait | oh i like that |
17:20 | germanized :) | |
17:20 | drojf | its shorter than BibliotheksserviceKlaraBadenWürttemberg ;) |
17:21 | LibraryClaire | that it is |
17:21 | cait | and you missed zentrum |
17:21 | drojf | no |
17:21 | that was intentionally ;) | |
17:21 | cait | ok |
17:21 | would have made it too long | |
17:23 | drojf | i heard today that we will get direct flights berlin-marseille from 50€ |
17:25 | LibraryClaire | nice |
17:26 | drojf | paul_p needs to decide when the next hackfest is. so i can decide if i do another one |
17:26 | hackfest all the time | |
17:27 | cait | :) |
17:35 | LibraryClaire | yes! |
17:42 | cdickinson_ joined #koha | |
18:15 | nuentoter joined #koha | |
18:20 | cindy joined #koha | |
18:24 | laurence left #koha | |
18:25 | NateC joined #koha | |
18:55 | NateC joined #koha | |
19:26 | eythian | http://languagehat.com/fiction-versus-nonfiction/ <-- ... across languages. Really interesting. |
19:52 | thd joined #koha | |
19:59 | mario joined #koha | |
20:19 | barton joined #koha | |
20:28 | cait | @wunder Konstanz |
20:28 | huginn | cait: The current temperature in Mainaustraße, Konstanz, Germany is 9.7°C (10:23 PM CEST on October 19, 2016). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: 6.0°C. Windchill: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.94 in 1014 hPa (Rising). |
20:33 | cindy_bb left #koha | |
20:42 | JesseM joined #koha | |
20:46 | rsantellan | hi, one quick question about marc21 field 008 language, which ISO code use for the Three-character alphabetic code ? |
20:55 | bag | talljoy do you know that one? |
20:56 | @marc 008 | |
20:56 | huginn | bag: This field contains 40 character positions (00-39) that provide coded information about the record as a whole and about special bibliographic aspects of the item being cataloged. These coded data elements are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes. [] |
20:57 | rsantellan | I look here: https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibli[…]aphic/bd008a.html and I assume is this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/[…]639_macrolanguage |
20:58 | cait | hm now he left |
20:58 | but he found the link anyway :) | |
21:20 | NateC joined #koha | |
21:44 | JoshB left #koha | |
22:47 | chrisvella__ joined #koha | |
22:51 | tcohen joined #koha | |
22:53 | tcohen | hi |
22:53 | wahanui | salut, tcohen |
22:59 | jamesb joined #koha | |
23:02 | irma joined #koha | |
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23:21 | papa joined #koha | |
23:43 | mario joined #koha | |
23:53 | jamesb_ joined #koha |
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