IRC log for #koha, 2013-08-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 cait left #koha
00:39 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10666: (follow-up) really fix the daily quotes test <[…]d89fef97518998a09>
00:42 jenkins_koha Starting build #43 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
00:45 Starting build #1364 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1362 1 day 0 hr ago)
00:47 NateC joined #koha
00:59 NateC joined #koha
01:19 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #43: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/43/
01:19 Galen Charlton: Bug 10666: (follow-up) really fix the daily quotes test
01:19 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10666 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Daily quotes tests are failing
01:41 New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10663: QA Followup: Typo in comment in renewscript <[…]06a0bdd15c99dfa80>
01:42 jenkins_koha Starting build #44 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
01:44 rangi dcook:[…]tralians-are-like
01:45 dcook Hmm?
01:46 * dcook takes a gander
01:46 dcook LOL
01:47 I do like about the "car" thing all the time.
01:47 As for being a more evil version...if the news is anything to go by...
01:47 rangi :)
01:47 dcook Ack. "I do think about the 'car' thing all the time."*
01:50 I think my Canadian accent gets stronger by the day living here
01:50 It's like I pepper "eh" into as many conversations as possible just to assert the fact that I'm from the land of moose and polar bears.
01:50 rangi
01:50 dcook Actually, maybe I should say poutine. They have moose and polar bears in the US too.
01:51 But they  have poutine in Ouagadougou too, I think...
01:51 rangi heh
01:51 dcook Although I think it's a Québec guy running the place, so I think it still counts as Canadian :p
01:53 hehe. I <3 Flight of the Conchords
01:53 One of the my former real estate folks sounded exactly like Rhys Darby actually...
01:54 rangi heh
01:59 jenkins_koha Yippie, build fixed!
01:59 Project Koha_master build #1364: FIXED in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1364/
01:59 Galen Charlton: Bug 10666: (follow-up) really fix the daily quotes test
01:59 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10666 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Daily quotes tests are failing
01:59 rangi yay!
02:01 jenkins_koha Starting build #1365 for job Koha_master (previous build: FIXED)
02:04 dcook hehe
02:04 http://distilleryimage5.s3.ama[…]2000a1fab12_6.jpg
02:04 http://distilleryimage7.s3.ama[…]2313814176c_6.jpg
02:04 rangi hehe yeah, tosca is cool
02:04 dcook Very cool it seems!
02:04 I'm a bit jealous..
02:05 They actually filmed a surprising amount of Supernatural at UBC
02:06 I've only seen the first few seasons but there were quite a few "OMG that's the Koerner Library! I never borrow books from there because I'm a library student and we don't actually use the library but that's a stone's throw from our department! Ahhh!"
02:06 And such..
02:07 Also Misha Collins is just hilarious
02:07 rangi heh
02:18 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #44: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/44/
02:18 Marcel de Rooy: Bug 10663: QA Followup: Typo in comment in renewscript
02:18 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10663 critical, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Holds never block renewals
02:21 dcook Mmm debugging
02:22 Has anyone else encountered situations where the grace period doesn't appear to have an effect?
02:31 rangi i think there was a bug about that
02:32 fucking hell
02:32 mtj wooah
02:32 still goinggg...
02:32 dcook ?
02:33 mtj big quake
02:33 dcook Ahh
02:33 Hope all is well...
02:34 rangi[…]aland/2013p613797
02:34 that was a 6
02:34 only 11 km down
02:34 mtj i missed the last lot, (was in sth island)
02:35 trea yikes
02:35 ibeardslee ouch
02:35 rangi you feel that one trea ?
02:36 wizzyrea was out of the building
02:36 trea yeah, felt it here in newtown
02:36 pretty wibbly
02:36 mtj i've been curious since, to experience a 6 - now i have!
02:37 rangi lots of sirens
02:37 i think that did some damage
02:37 dcook 6.9 in the end?
02:38 mtj yeah, good spotting dcook
02:38 rangi revised up
02:38 and down again
02:38 dcook Back down yeah
02:38 What does that mean?
02:39 trea lordy
02:39 rangi
02:39 its gonna go all evening
02:40 im going for a walk
02:40 trea solid plan
02:44 mtj so far, 30 quakes from seddon today ->
02:45 dcook That's intense :(
02:45 mtj oops, not all from seddon
02:49 rangi or not
02:49 i just remembered stuff will probably fall on my head in the cbd
02:51 ibeardslee that is a good choice rangi
02:57 rangi ok, im officially over this
02:57 i might just go down a few levels
02:58 cjh rangi: spare desks on level 4, no couch though.
03:07 mtj peeps, any preference… DOM or GRS1 for Koha?
03:07 any definitive opinions?
03:07 dcook Mmm
03:08 I've used GRS1 the most, but the idea of DOM makes a lot of sense to me
03:08 I'm not sure what the pros and cons are though really
03:09 mtj yeah, me neither
03:10 from the zebra manual… 'The DOM XML record model is experimental, and its inner workings might change in future releases of the Zebra Information Server.'
03:12 so, i guess the big question is… is DOM stable enough for prod Koha usage?
03:12 trea there's another
03:12 mtj yeah
03:12 anyhoo... i might send an email to the dev-list about that
03:13 dcook Good idea :)
03:13 mtj ...see if i can get a conversation started about peoples DOM experiences
03:14 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1365: SUCCESS in 1 hr 12 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1365/
03:14 Marcel de Rooy: Bug 10663: QA Followup: Typo in comment in renewscript
03:14 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10663 critical, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Holds never block renewals
03:15 jenkins_koha Starting build #1366 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
03:16 mtj i seemed to get better results with DOM, for importing glitchy MARC records
03:16 when i did some testing waaay back
03:17 ...but apart from that, i'm not aware of any pros/cons between the two options!
03:18 * dcook shrugs
03:19 mtj speed, stability, better search results, different memory/disk footprints, etc...
03:19 dcook Actually, what is the issue with GSR1..
03:19 GRS1*
03:21 I think DOM might have a better "any" index
03:22 Plus, there is this weird thing when you're "melm"ing where indexing gets weird if you melm a complete field into one set of indexes and its subfields into different indexes..
03:22 Not sure if that's an issue with DOM
03:22 But it is with GRS1
03:23 mtj hmm, too hard basket
03:23 dcook hehe
03:23 I would say more like the "too much time" basket ;)
03:23 mtj if it aint broke, dont fsck it
03:24 dcook Well, "broke" is a relative term :p
03:24 I suppose suboptimal doesn't count as broke though
03:24 Well, except when it does
03:24 * dcook wishes that we could all split into multiple individuals temporarily just to get more work done
03:25 dcook I can only find two bugs in regards to fine grace periods and I don't think either is relevant to this issue..
03:25 I want to put this in the "too hard" basket :p
03:26 Mais, c'est la vie..
03:28 Let's see if I can reproduce this thing..
03:28 rangi[…]68210888383545344
03:43 mtj taihape and levin too
03:55 dcook Ahh, bloody circ rules...
03:55 Or rather...
03:55 Bloody "GetIssuingRule" sub...
03:55 Actually...
03:55 No, it's bad config...
03:56 Bad data wins the day again...
03:56 * dcook hopes
03:57 dcook \o/
04:00 Dinger...explains one problem but not the other...
04:10 Frak me..
04:23 rangi: It started with bug 8939. I didn't notice it in Bugzilla though, because the default search doesn't include "Closed" items
04:23 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8939 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, CLOSED FIXED, Fines Charged During Grace Period
04:24 dcook Might be worth including Closed items in the bugzilla search?
04:24 Although that might make too many results come back :/
04:27 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1366: SUCCESS in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1366/
04:30 MaxSayre_ joined #koha
04:48 gmcharlt @quote random
04:48 huginn` gmcharlt: Quote #193: "<libsysguy> I don't always reterminate....but when I do the terminator is near a stud // * wizzyrea considers if this is a real statement or something to do with the movie." (added by slef at 02:56 PM, March 22, 2012)
04:59 dcook @quote random
04:59 huginn` dcook: Quote #98: "drulm: TGIF=Thank Galen It's Friday" (added by wizzyrea at 07:15 PM, October 08, 2010)
04:59 dcook hehe
04:59 Indeed
05:23 wahanui: I think it's nearly that time
05:23 wahanui dcook: huh?
05:23 dcook Sounds like it
05:23 wahanui i think Sounds like it is beer o'clock for you dcook? ;)
05:23 dcook Ouais, totes
05:55 laurence joined #koha
06:04 cait joined #koha
06:12 cait1 joined #koha
06:13 dcook Acquisitions is like black magic
06:13 * dcook waves to cait and cait1 :p
06:14 cait1 oh
06:14 hi
06:14 wahanui hola, cait1
06:15 * magnuse waves
06:16 magnuse wow, look at the library dropdown on this one: :-)
06:17 dcook Wowzers...
06:17 National Library of Columbia?
06:18 sophie_m joined #koha
06:20 magnuse spanish i snot one of my strong points, sadly
06:29 jajm joined #koha
06:50 magnuse woohoo, new translations! oh no, new translations...
06:51 cait1 lol
06:51 getting excited about translations? :)
06:51 dcook: not sure it's the national library - looks more like a national catalog for public libraries
06:51 seems the national library is using dynix
06:51 magnuse well, mostly they are a drag, but it is also a sign of koha never standing still , so it's good too...
06:53 dcook Mmm, I see
06:53 Must just be administrated by them perhaps
06:53 * dcook is looking at bugs on a late Friday afternoon
06:53 dcook Bad idea, me! Bad idea!
06:54 7 minutes until beer o'clock
06:54 magnuse dcook++
06:54 dcook Not good to go into the weekend with bugs on the brain
06:54 magnuse postpone beer and fix one of the bugs - perfect way to end the week! :-)
06:55 dcook I think my wife would disagree with you on that one :p
06:55 magnuse but can you be certain?
06:56 ooh, all the strings for opac start with "%s %s %s%s%sKoha online%s catalog &rsaquo;" - such fun!
06:57 i wonder if it would have terrible impact on performance if we put that bit in an include...
07:05 done
07:26 dcook Hmm, I don't think our OAI-PMH setDescriptions are necessarily being formed correctly...
07:26 You should be able to embed XML within a setDescription. Not just plain text :/
07:32 * magnuse hopes everyone in wellington are ok[…]ington/statistics
07:34 * BobB and Irma add our best wishes to our NZ colleagues
08:00 drojf joined #koha
08:00 drojf good morning #koha
08:00 @wunder berlin, germany
08:00 huginn` drojf: The current temperature in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany is 20.1°C (9:43 AM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady).
08:01 rangi at home now, nothing broken
08:01 magnuse rangi: yay
08:01 good to hear
08:01 moin drojf
08:01 @wunder boo
08:01 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 15.0°C (9:50 AM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Steady).
08:01 magnuse @wunder marseille
08:01 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 24.0°C (9:30 AM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 69%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 30.09 in 1019 hPa (Steady).
08:02 magnuse @wunder konstanz
08:02 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 19.0°C (10:00 AM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 30.13 in 1020 hPa (Falling).
08:02 drojf hei magnuse
08:02 hi rangi, what did you do?
08:03 rangi[…]aland/2013p613797  <-- that
08:03 then also
08:03 cait1 morning drojf and rangi
08:03 rangi
08:03 it hasnt exactly been calm since that 6.6
08:03 drojf woah again?
08:03 :/
08:03 rangi plenty of above 5
08:04 magnuse wow that drum picture is pretty scary
08:05 drojf indeed
08:06 rangi now is probably not the time to bug 10663
08:06 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10663 critical, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Holds never block renewals
08:06 rangi but seriously, if being clever means you break functionality, then slow down the fix of that functionality, im totally fine with you not contributing
08:10 * rangi doesnt write that on the bug
08:10 magnuse rangi++
08:11 * cait1 has given up :(
08:11 cait1 I am really frustrated about the path this takes.
08:12 marcelr joined #koha
08:12 marcelr hi koha
08:12 any clever people out here? :)
08:17 magnuse nah, just some people trying hard to avoid and fix regressions
08:17 marcelr that is very good
08:19 cait1 @wunder hamburg
08:19 huginn` cait1: Error: No such location could be found.
08:19 cait1 @wunder hamburg, germany
08:19 huginn` cait1: The current temperature in Hamburg Airport, Germany is 20.0°C (10:00 AM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 62%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.07 in 1018 hPa (Falling).
08:21 marcelr hi cait1
08:22 cait1 hi marcelr
08:22 marcelr i saw your comment about frustrating path
08:22 cait1 yes
08:23 marcelr maybe misunderstanding?
08:23 cait1 I am quite frustrated actually and this is not a good state to be
08:23 marcelr no
08:23 cait1 especially when you are on vacation.
08:23 marcelr right
08:23 you should not be here?
08:24 but is the right part not that the fix was pushed
08:28 rangi bounce bounce
08:28 cait1 heh
08:28 rangi check that little graph there
08:29 the map is pretty fun too
08:29 marcelr hi rangi: earthquake close?
08:30 rangi yep, a 6.6 around 2pm and about 40ish since then (6 hours)
08:30 marcelr wow
08:30 rangi[…]ntral-New-Zealand
08:30 no real damage tho, thank goodness for good building codes
08:31 marcelr right
08:31 cait1 yeha
08:31 can't imagine the damage we'd have here
08:31 drojf it would make room for something new ^^
08:31 cait1 drojf: tsk
08:32 marcelr tsk is that german
08:32 cait1 just a sound of disapprovement with his comment
08:32 i like our old houses
08:33 marcelr i work for a museum :)
08:34 magnuse reminds me of a little, old lady who stayed at our b&b in wellington. she grew up in wellington, but had lived in auckland since, and now she was back for a school reunion or something. she had been visting her childhood home and it was so much smaller than she remembered it
08:34 cait1 ok, time to leave for that 8 hour train ride
08:34 marcelr bye
08:34 cait1 ... :)
08:34 magnuse she said it could be how everyone feels, but it could also be because the walls had been reinforced to withstand earthquakes
08:34 so the space inside might actually be smaller than it was
08:35 cait1 left #koha
08:35 rangi :)
08:44 and another one
08:44 wahanui i heard another one was moving the box with a patrons loans, holds etc to the top of the "patron details" page. They need that information all the time and have to scroll to see it.
08:44 rangi im playing guess the magnitude, im getting pretty good
08:44 5.4
08:50 magnuse poor Seddon?
08:50 rangi yeah lucky hardly anyone lives there
08:50 magnuse heh
08:55 drojf lol rangi, that sounds like a great game
09:06 Viktor joined #koha
10:04 magnuse good (early?) morning khall
10:44 matts_away joined #koha
11:03 MaxSayre joined #koha
11:04 drojf left #koha
11:05 Irma left #koha
11:06 jwagner joined #koha
11:06 MaxSayre joined #koha
11:12 cait1 joined #koha
11:14 nengard joined #koha
11:17 cait2 joined #koha
11:22 cait2 @wunder Konstanz
11:22 huginn` cait2: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 23.0°C (1:00 PM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 42%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Falling).
11:22 cait2 @wunder Ellhofen, Germany
11:23 huginn` cait2: The current temperature in Besigheim-Ottmarsheim, Germany is 26.8°C (1:20 PM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 38%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 30.12 in 1020 hPa (Steady).
11:25 NateC joined #koha
11:32 cait joined #koha
11:36 magnuse @wunder boo
11:36 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 20.0°C (1:20 PM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 29.74 in 1007 hPa (Steady).
11:36 cait1 joined #koha
11:40 collum joined #koha
12:14 cait joined #koha
12:34 oleonard joined #koha
12:35 cait hi oleonard :)
12:35 oleonard Hi cait and everyone else too
12:37 I love this one: http://kohadevreactions.tumblr[…]g-on-koha-kohails
12:37 magnuse lol
12:39 cait lol
12:41 me too
12:41 tcohen joined #koha
12:45 cait oleonard: so how was the week? :)
12:45 oleonard Unbearable. Never leave us again!
12:45 jcamins oleonard++ # JS book link
12:47 tcohen_ joined #koha
12:47 oleonard Joubu and I seem to be getting different results from the "add multiple" button on
12:48 cait hi tcohen
12:48 * cait puts a big bowl of cookies in the middle of #koha
12:48 nengard oooo
12:49 nom nom nom
12:49 tcohen_ ñam ñam
12:49 hi cait
12:49 cait oleonard: lol
12:50 Joubu oleonard: You have n + 1 items created ?
12:50 oleonard Yes.
12:50 I just retested twice.
12:50 cait i am trying not to - but evil forces want me to go on a 3 week vacation without internet.
12:50 Joubu oleonard: hum... So I will retest!
12:50 oleonard cait: Very evil forces
12:51 jcamins cait: you have another three weeks of vacation left?
12:51 * jcamins is so jealous!
12:51 * magnuse thinks cait should just. do. it.
12:52 cait jcamins: i think i have another 25 days left :(
12:53 jcamins Nice!
12:53 oleonard So much vacation! This must be why Germany's economy is so terrible. Oh, wait...
12:54 cait maybe a little less but not much
12:54 we get quite a lot of vacation around here it seems
12:54 oleonard: hm from what i remember it was a total of the number entered for me... the one in the form + n-1 or just n total
12:54 does that make sense?
12:58 oleonard If I put "2" in the field, I end up with three new items
13:01 magnuse i just tested "Add multiple items" on (demo/demo) and it works as expected for me
13:01 i had 1 item, added 3 and ended up with 4
13:02 i had 0 items, added 3 and ended up with 3
13:04 phew, looks like the wellington region is calming down again
13:08 Joubu magnuse: I don't understand:[…]pl?biblionumber=2
13:08 There are 2 items, I enter 2 in the "number of items to add"
13:09 cait magnuse: that sounds about right t ome
13:10 magnuse Joubu: and?
13:10 oleonard I started with a new record, created the biblio, filled out the add item form, entered "3" for multiple copies, ended up with 4.
13:10 Joubu magnuse: ok :) I have read it too fast...
13:11 magnuse: so you have the same behavior as me
13:12 magnuse Joubu: yeah, it works for me
13:16 oleonard I'm now I'm the crazy one :|
13:16 Especially judging from my typing :|
13:17 cait hm i would have expected 3 total, wondering now if i just never noticed
13:17 Callender joined #koha
13:18 cait custom javasript? ;)
13:18 oleonard Oh yes, my "add one more copy than you asked for" JavaScript! :P
13:18 cait hehe
13:20 couldn't resist asking :)
13:20 is there a difference mybe starting from a new record without any items and one with items?
13:23 magnuse i tried both, and they both worked as expected
13:23 is there a difference for odd and even numbers?
13:23 cait translated and untranslated templates?
13:23 hm.
13:23 oleonard: looks like you ARE the crazy one :)
13:23 oleonard magnuse are you testing on master or 3.12.x?
13:24 cait hm i think tere are prefs on what to duplicate when using the duplicate button, maybe there are other prefs that could create a mess here?
13:24 something in the logs?
13:25 magnuse oleonard: master
13:26 oleonard Okay, I do see an error in my log. Is it related? No max barcode (C4::Barcodes=HASH(0xb190178)->autoBarcode format) found.  Using initial value.
13:26 magnuse works for me on 3.12.x too
13:27 oleonard: that does sound suspicious!
13:28 cait hm at least that doesn't look nice
13:29 oleonard magnuse: What is your autobarcode setting?
13:32 I've tried with it set to incremental and EAN13 and I still get the same problem. But I see that on ByWater's demo it works the way you guys see it.
13:32 cait oleonard: maybe try turning off autobarcode for a test?
13:32 hm hope to make sense, i think i might be lagging
13:32 oleonard It's got to be something on my system.
13:33 cait makes it an interesting bug i would say
13:33 magnuse autoBarcode = (not automatically)
13:34 i have to be off in a sec, feel free to test 3.12.x on (demo/demo)
13:34 cait bye magnuse
13:34 enjoy the pizza :)
13:36 oleonard Thanks for testing magnuse
13:38 * oleonard fills everyone's demos with books on VBScript
13:38 magnuse w00t!
13:39 we should have a page on the wiki for diagnosing how an installation was made, with links to relevant update info
13:40 "if there is a file at /x/y/z it is a git install, see INSTALL.debian for update instructions"
13:40 that sort of thing
13:40 meliss joined #koha
13:41 maximep joined #koha
13:41 cait oleonard++
13:41 oleonard: why not perl books? :)
13:41 * magnuse wishes #koha a good pizzaday!
13:42 oleonard cait: Because I'm not sane this morning
13:51 cait oh, i see
13:52 * cait sends more cookies in oleonards direction
13:52 cait oleonard: i owe you lots of cookies for taking on all the bugs i filed
13:56 ebegin joined #koha
13:57 gmcharlt @quote random
13:57 huginn` gmcharlt: Quote #270: "oleonard hopes you can't catch data-lung from working in data mines" (added by gmcharlt at 04:48 PM, August 14, 2013)
13:58 oleonard An old classic.
13:58 druthb :P
13:59 @quote random
13:59 huginn` druthb: Quote #21: "<owen> I think we need more quotes!" (added by jdavidb at 04:18 PM, August 06, 2009)
13:59 druthb Now *there* is an old classic.
13:59 gmcharlt heh
13:59 druthb I don't miss that jdavidb guy, though.  Not a bit.  He was big trouble.
14:02 oleonard But that owen? What a dashing young lad. So fresh, so naive.
14:03 druthb yes, indeed.  Very dashing. Very young.
14:04 I hear he's still quite handsome.
14:05 * cait heard that too
14:16 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10715 - MARC21 007 Plugin Editor doesn't load position 01 <[…]aa35bb9d9d47aa943>
14:25 cait @wunder Konstanz
14:25 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Weingarten, Germany is 24.1°C (4:25 PM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 52%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady).
14:27 jenkins_koha Starting build #45 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
14:30 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10615 - Move saved reports action items into dropdown menu <[…]91b1b0d6eee7dd87a>
14:30 jenkins_koha Starting build #1367 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
14:42 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10703: Document borrower_files table <[…]5b02898ab79739b3a> / Bug 10703: Document quotes table <[…]eb9d10b59e188c9fe> / Bug 10703: Add db documentation for biblioimages table <[…];h=801d8237d80d70
14:52 New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10716: fix JavaScript error on basket groups page <[…]495f151e8b6fd7594>
15:00 druthb @wunder 77098
15:00 huginn` druthb: The current temperature in Morningside Place, Houston, Texas is 29.5°C (9:55 AM CDT on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: -999%. Pressure: 29.97 in 1015 hPa (Falling).
15:01 druthb Hm.  Think the hygrometer is broken.
15:03 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #45: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/45/
15:03 * David Cook: Bug 10715 - MARC21 007 Plugin Editor doesn't load position 01
15:03 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10615 - Move saved reports action items into dropdown menu
15:03 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10715 trivial, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Master , MARC21 007 Plugin Editor doesn't load position 01
15:03 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10615 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Move saved reports action items into dropdown menu
15:03 jenkins_koha Starting build #46 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
15:06 oleonard @wunder 45701
15:06 huginn` oleonard: The current temperature in OHDOT 31-Athens County Garage, Athens, Ohio is 21.1°C (10:31 AM EDT on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Falling).
15:07 oleonard Unseasonably cool here.
15:07 rambutan @wunder 64507
15:07 huginn` rambutan: The current temperature in Wyatt Park, St Joseph, Missouri is 19.0°C (10:07 AM CDT on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021 hPa (Steady).
15:07 rambutan Unseasonably cool here.
15:10 cait joined #koha
15:11 tcohen forall . <emptyset> . sentence => true, right?
15:12 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10481: (follow-up) fix typo in POD <[…]8b7b8808e3d34513a> / Bug 10481: Unit tests for C4::Members::AddEnrolmentFeeIfNeeded <[…]49d5fcd957bd3e487> / Bug 10481: FIX No enrollment fee when changing patron category. <
15:39 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #46: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/46/
15:39 * Sophie Meynieux: Bug 10664: fix error in if there is no active currency
15:39 * Kyle M Hall: Bug 10664 [QA Followup] - fix error in if there is no active currency
15:39 * Nicole C. Engard: Bug 10703: Add db documentation for biblioimages table
15:39 * Nicole C. Engard: Bug 10703: Document quotes table
15:39 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10664 normal, P4, ---, sophie.meynieux, Pushed to Master , Software error in if there is no active currency
15:39 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: Bug 10703: Document borrower_files table
15:39 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10716: fix JavaScript error on basket groups page
15:39 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10703 normal, P5 - low, ---, nengard, ASSIGNED , add/update database documentation
15:39 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10716 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , The booksellers template generates a JS error
15:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #47 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
15:42 meliss1 joined #koha
15:42 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: bug 5825: (follow-up) consult item-level_itypes <[…]25487c942d93f5059> / bug 5825: (follow-up) add regression test <[…]6055a527ab5c647da> / Bug 5825 - Add Item Type column to Holds Queue report <[…]it;a=commitdiff;h
15:43 nengard hey what patch changed the display of the label creator tool? the buttons at the top used to have pull downs ... now they don't
15:44 jenkins_koha Starting build #361 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:44 Project Koha_Docs build #361: SUCCESS in 14 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/361/
15:44 Nicole C. Engard: add new reports 'actions' button
15:44 Project Koha_master build #1367: SUCCESS in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1367/
15:44 * David Cook: Bug 10715 - MARC21 007 Plugin Editor doesn't load position 01
15:44 * Owen Leonard: Bug 10615 - Move saved reports action items into dropdown menu
15:44 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10715 trivial, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Master , MARC21 007 Plugin Editor doesn't load position 01
15:44 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10615 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Move saved reports action items into dropdown menu
15:45 gmcharlt nengard: bug 9636
15:45 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9636 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, RESOLVED FIXED, Replace YUI buttons on labels pages with Bootstrap
15:45 jenkins_koha Starting build #1368 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:46 nengard meh
15:46 gmcharlt you may (or may not) find a comment in the commit description funny
15:46 nengard OMG
15:46 I'm mentioned
15:46 I don't care about the images actually - i'm fine with that
15:46 I just don't like the way it works now
15:47 I never used the links on the left - so now i have to retrain myself
15:51 pianohacker joined #koha
15:59 laurence left #koha
15:59 melia joined #koha
16:01 cait joined #koha
16:08 * cait waves from another train
16:12 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10653: (follow-up) minor tweaks to RotatingCollections tests <[…]c57319f049fba9289> / Bug 10653: add unit tests for <[…]7ff61551fa9297b2e>
16:15 cait everyone gone for the weekend already? :)
16:16 MaxSayre joined #koha
16:16 * gmcharlt raises head from the patch pushing button
16:16 gmcharlt cait: say what? ;)
16:16 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #47: STILL UNSTABLE in 37 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/47/
16:16 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10481: FIX No enrollment fee when changing patron category.
16:16 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10481: Unit tests for C4::Members::AddEnrolmentFeeIfNeeded
16:16 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10481: (follow-up) fix typo in POD
16:16 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10481 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , No enrollment fee when changing patron category
16:16 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 5825 - Add Item Type column to Holds Queue report
16:16 * Galen Charlton: bug 5825: (follow-up) add regression test
16:16 * Galen Charlton: bug 5825: (follow-up) consult item-level_itypes
16:16 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5825 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Add Item Type column to Holds Queue report
16:16 jenkins_koha Starting build #48 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
16:16 cait gmcharlt: hm? :)
16:17 ok, i see, everyone is just working - but me
16:17 * cait goes back to read some bug mails
16:20 * tcohen thinks cait deserves an intervention
16:21 cait huh?
16:21 tcohen do s/hat/koha/ on this
16:22 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8887: only display desired result when doing exact syspref search <[…]1ebfcb53fd6e0a9ee> / Bug 9238 - make fund pull down say 'select fund', not 'select budget' <[…]8b7023b70bdd29d38>
16:25 cait tcohen: internet connection is too bad for youtube i am afraid
16:32 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10642: fix inappropriate uses of $sth->finish() in <[…]b0662a9c04a5f412e>
16:42 New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10686: Remove fields from searches for highlighting <[…]20b1c26fc909d9039>
16:49 meliss joined #koha
16:52 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #48: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/48/
16:52 * Kenza Zaki: Bug 10653: add unit tests for
16:52 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10653: (follow-up) minor tweaks to RotatingCollections tests
16:52 * Owen Leonard: Bug 9238 - make fund pull down say 'select fund', not 'select budget'
16:52 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10653 normal, P5 - low, ---, kenza.zaki, Pushed to Master , UT : needs unit tests.
16:52 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9238 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , fund pull down says 'select budget'
16:52 jenkins_koha Starting build #49 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
16:58 Project Koha_master build #1368: SUCCESS in 1 hr 12 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1368/
16:58 * Sophie Meynieux: Bug 10664: fix error in if there is no active currency
16:58 * Kyle M Hall: Bug 10664 [QA Followup] - fix error in if there is no active currency
16:58 * Nicole C. Engard: Bug 10703: Add db documentation for biblioimages table
16:58 * Nicole C. Engard: Bug 10703: Document quotes table
16:58 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10664 normal, P4, ---, sophie.meynieux, Pushed to Master , Software error in if there is no active currency
16:58 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: Bug 10703: Document borrower_files table
16:58 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10716: fix JavaScript error on basket groups page
16:58 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10481: FIX No enrollment fee when changing patron category.
16:58 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10481: Unit tests for C4::Members::AddEnrolmentFeeIfNeeded
16:58 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10481: (follow-up) fix typo in POD
16:58 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10703 normal, P5 - low, ---, nengard, ASSIGNED , add/update database documentation
16:58 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 5825 - Add Item Type column to Holds Queue report
16:58 * Galen Charlton: bug 5825: (follow-up) add regression test
16:58 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10716 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , The booksellers template generates a JS error
16:58 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10481 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , No enrollment fee when changing patron category
16:58 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 5825: (follow-up) consult item-level_itypes
16:58 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5825 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Add Item Type column to Holds Queue report
16:58 jenkins_koha Starting build #83 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
17:04 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10736: show duplicate invoice warning on second invoice <[…]23d686c541591cbcf> / Bug 10028: fix how ModReceiveOrder() calls NewOrder() <[…]3461c7766ecc604f0>
17:17 oleonard Is "I am waiting for the feature" actually rude, or just unintentionally rude?
17:18 cait hm depends on the context maybe, where did you see that?
17:18 oleonard Bug 10708
17:18 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10708 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , make fine receipt customizable
17:22 cait ah bugzilla...
17:22 i think i would opt to see it as a +1 for the idea and not think too much about it
17:23 i am trying to lower my frustration levels :)
17:25 oleonard Good strategy
17:28 cait oleonard: how is the work on the new opac theme going? do you need more testers?
17:28 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #49: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/49/
17:28 * Marc Veron: Bug 8887: only display desired result when doing exact syspref search
17:28 * root: Bug 10642: fix inappropriate uses of $sth->finish() in
17:28 * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 10686: Remove fields from searches for highlighting
17:28 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8887 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , Search preferences: Strange behaviour with exact matches (default instead of custom favicon used, displays to much results)
17:28 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10642 normal, P5 - low, ---, kenza.zaki, Pushed to Master , Inappropriate uses of $sth->finish() in
17:28 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10686 minor, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Fielded searches confuse highlighter
17:28 jenkins_koha Starting build #50 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
17:28 oleonard cait: Yes. And in fact I need to email Daniel to get a note included in the newsletter
17:29 cait ok :)
17:29 remind me how to  best test it? i could try and ask the coworkers to take a look maybe
17:31 hm i will look for the bug
17:31 oleonard
17:34 cait thx :)
17:34 all findings on the main bug?
17:36 oleonard Bug 10309
17:36 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10309 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , New OPAC theme based on Bootstrap
17:37 cait ok
17:37 sorry - bad internet connection, adding to my todo list
17:37 meaning bit hard to look things up right now
17:39 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.12.x build #83: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.12.x/83/
17:39 * Mirko Tietgen: Bug 10621: use correct from-address for subscription alert emails
17:39 * Kyle M Hall: Bug 10463: ensure that Quote of the Day feature selects random quotes
17:39 * Kenza Zaki: Bug 10644: add unit tests for
17:39 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10644: fix typos in test descriptions
17:39 * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 10666: avoid random failures of Daily quotes tests
17:39 * root: Bug 10643: fix inappropriate uses of $sth->finish() in
17:39 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10621 normal, P5 - low, ---, mirko, Pushed to Stable , Subscription alert emails have wrong from-address
17:39 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10644: (follow-up) remove inadvertant dependence on Perl 5.14
17:39 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10463 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , Quote of the day feature not selecting random quotes
17:39 jenkins_koha * Colin Campbell: Bug 10712: Save missing config variables to install log
17:39 * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 10663: tests for CanBookBeRenewed
17:39 * Katrin Fischer: Bug 10663: Follow-up - Unit tests for CanBookBeRenewed
17:39 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10663: (follow-up) set circ policy for circulation tests
17:39 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10644 normal, P5 - low, ---, kenza.zaki, Pushed to Stable , needs unit tests
17:39 jenkins_koha * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 10663: restore ability of active hold requests to block renewal
17:39 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10666: (follow-up) really fix the daily quotes test
17:39 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10666 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , Daily quotes tests are failing
17:39 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 10663: QA Followup: Typo in comment in renewscript
17:39 * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 10362: ensure that all messages and alerts are shown upon checkin
17:39 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10643 normal, P5 - low, ---, kenza.zaki, Pushed to Stable , Inappropriate uses of $sth->finish() in
17:39 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10712 normal, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , Some values not saved in koha install log
17:39 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10663 critical, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Stable , Holds never block renewals
17:39 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10362 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , on return with reserve or transfer the alerts are not shown
17:39 cait oleonard++
17:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #1369 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
17:44 cait gmcharlt++ and tcohen++ :)
17:46 rambutan joined #koha
17:46 tcohen kde 4.11.0 installed, restarting session to try ;)
17:52 tcohen joined #koha
18:03 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #50: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/50/
18:03 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10028: fix how ModReceiveOrder() calls NewOrder()
18:03 * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 10736: show duplicate invoice warning on second invoice
18:03 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10028 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , ModReceiveOrder works unexpectedly
18:03 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10736 critical, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice doesn't warn for duplications - just triplications+
18:05 oleonard Bye everyone, have a good weekend.
18:07 cait bye all :) - bbl with real wifi :)
18:07 cait left #koha
18:07 cait joined #koha
18:17 drojf joined #koha
18:19 drojf khall++
18:22 druthb drojf!
18:22 ;-)
18:23 drojf druthb! :)
18:46 cait joined #koha
18:47 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10610: sort sysprefs.sql by syspref names <[…]4dc7fc0afb5975648>
18:53 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1369: SUCCESS in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1369/
18:53 * Kenza Zaki: Bug 10653: add unit tests for
18:53 * Galen Charlton: Bug 10653: (follow-up) minor tweaks to RotatingCollections tests
18:53 * Owen Leonard: Bug 9238 - make fund pull down say 'select fund', not 'select budget'
18:53 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10653 normal, P5 - low, ---, kenza.zaki, Pushed to Master , UT : needs unit tests.
18:53 jenkins_koha * Marc Veron: Bug 8887: only display desired result when doing exact syspref search
18:53 * root: Bug 10642: fix inappropriate uses of $sth->finish() in
18:53 * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 10686: Remove fields from searches for highlighting
18:53 * Jonathan Druart: Bug 10028: fix how ModReceiveOrder() calls NewOrder()
18:53 * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 10736: show duplicate invoice warning on second invoice
18:53 huginn` 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9238 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , fund pull down says 'select budget'
18:53 04Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8887 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , Search preferences: Strange behaviour with exact matches (default instead of custom favicon used, displays to much results)
18:53 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10642 normal, P5 - low, ---, kenza.zaki, Pushed to Master , Inappropriate uses of $sth->finish() in
18:53 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10686 minor, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Fielded searches confuse highlighter
18:53 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10028 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , ModReceiveOrder works unexpectedly
18:53 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10736 critical, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice doesn't warn for duplications - just triplications+
18:54 jenkins_koha Starting build #1370 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
18:56 drojf cait!
18:56 training?
18:56 cait hm?
18:56 drojf!
18:57 jenkins_koha Starting build #51 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
18:59 druthb cait!
18:59 * druthb hugs her.
18:59 cait druthb!
18:59 gmcharlt cait! again!
18:59 cait yes!
18:59 gmcharlt :)
18:59 druthb gmcharlt!  :D !
18:59 cait gmcharlt!
18:59 wahanui somebody said gmcharlt was an expert in all things library technology.
19:00 cait heh
19:00 gmcharlt druthb!
19:00 cait but finally home :)
19:00 druthb wahanui:  botsnack Skittles
19:00 wahanui :)
19:01 cait it's funny - i have seen that they sell skittles here now too
19:01 * drojf hides
19:01 cait i think it#s still quite new
19:01 drojf: don't worry :)
19:01 * druthb orders a slingshot for cait
19:02 cait druthb: berlin might still be a bit far
19:02 druthb :P
19:02 gmcharlt that entirely depends on how big the rubber band is! ;)
19:02 cait lol
19:02 bgkriegel joined #koha
19:03 cait hi bgkriegel
19:04 meliss1 joined #koha
19:05 pianohacker we just need slingshot guy now
19:06 druthb
19:06 pianohacker "today, I'm going to use biceps the size of coffee cans and a gigantic slingshot to shoot a bag of skittles through a tree and all the way to berlin"
19:06 meliss1 left #koha
19:07 meliss joined #koha
19:08 drojf i bet the berlin wall was actually built because of something like that
19:09 cait lol
19:10 druthb wahanui:  berlin wall is a former structure intended to protect citizens from slingshot attack.
19:10 wahanui OK, druthb.
19:10 druthb :P
19:10 drojf lol
19:10 druthb slingshot is
19:12 mattsz joined #koha
19:13 bgkriegel hi cait
19:24 druthb pianohacker:  Joerg Sprave (the Slingshot Channel guy) has biceps like coffee cans; I don't know where he's from, but most of Europe should be scared.  He's nuts.
19:25 pianohacker yup, that's him all right
19:25 tcohen have a nice weekend fellows
19:25 pianohacker bye tchone
19:25 tcohen bye #koha
19:25 pianohacker *tcohen
19:25 cait you too tcohen :)
19:25 * pianohacker turns off the nick-scrambler, blasted thing, must have bumped the on-switch
19:26 druthb Ah, here we go…born in Dortmund, Germany, studied at Paderborn, currently lives in Kronach.
19:26 Burgkunstadt.
19:28 Right smack in between drojf and cait!
19:28 * cait starts to worry
19:31 * druthb notes that his other hobbies include collecting fountain pens.  Maybe I can bribe him with one of my hand-turned ones into *not* shooting at friends.
19:31 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #51: STILL UNSTABLE in 34 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/51/
19:31 Jonathan Druart: Bug 10610: sort sysprefs.sql by syspref names
19:31 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10610 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , sysprefs.sql is really boring to rebase
20:01 MaxSayre_ joined #koha
20:10 Orel joined #koha
20:10 Orel Hi
20:10 wahanui que tal, Orel
20:10 nengard left #koha
20:10 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1370: SUCCESS in 1 hr 15 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1370/
20:10 Jonathan Druart: Bug 10610: sort sysprefs.sql by syspref names
20:10 huginn` 04Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10610 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , sysprefs.sql is really boring to rebase
20:10 Orel I work for a non-profit institute, and we have a shared hosting on HostGator with root access. I have no idea how can we install it.
20:10 jcamins Orel: Koha will not work on shared hosting at present.
20:10 pianohacker shared hosting with root, though
20:11 jcamins You need root access.
20:11 Orel We do have root access.
20:11 drojf :)
20:11 pianohacker what distro of Linux?
20:11 jcamins Oh, sorry.
20:11 Orel CentOS 5
20:11 * jcamins shudders.
20:11 drojf that's almost as worse as no root access *hides*
20:11 as bad
20:12 or worse
20:12 lol
20:12 jcamins You should see if they can give you an account on a Debian server.
20:12 jenkins_koha Starting build #1371 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:12 pianohacker You'll have trouble getting the right versions of neccessary packages
20:12 failing that, you'll want to check the versions of Perl and MySQL
20:12 I think we require at least perl 5.10 and MySQL 5
20:13 Orel MySQL is 5.5.23
20:13 pianohacker Debian _old_stable has those, but can't assume anything with CentOS
20:13 jcamins Perl is the problem, as I recall.
20:13 Orel and Perl is 5.8.8
20:13 pianohacker ouch
20:13 jcamins Yeah, Koha won't run with anything less than Perl 5.10.
20:13 Orel I see. Thank you very much guys!
20:13 jcamins I think we bumped the requirements to 5.10 for 3.2.
20:14 drojf i hope s/he is off to switch to hosted debian ;)
20:15 pianohacker or reasons to tell the director why they need a small VPS :)
20:16 drojf or why free software sucks and they need to get a proprietary product that includes hosting :P
20:16 jcamins drojf: they can get a F/OSS hosted solution. :P
20:17 drojf no. FOSS is free!
20:19 pianohacker community-aided support is a fantastic thing
20:21 cait hmpf
20:27 hm
20:33 pianohacker indexdata--
20:34 why does such useful code have to be so poorly written?
20:34 wizzyrea joined #koha
20:36 * wizzyrea waves
20:36 cait hi wizzyrea
20:36 everything ok over there?
20:36 pianohacker I hate to harp on it, I just run into so many barriers every time I deal with them...
20:37 uh, I am of course talking about indexdata, not wizzyrea, um
20:37 wizzyrea ah yep, no big drama that I'm aware of
20:37 cait oh good :)
20:37 wizzyrea all good :)
20:37 maximep left #koha
20:37 pianohacker <_<
20:37 hi wizzy :)
20:37 wizzyrea hallo
20:40 trea joined #koha
20:42 meliss joined #koha
20:45 NateC joined #koha
21:02 cait @wunder Konstanz
21:02 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 17.7°C (11:00 PM CEST on August 16, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady).
21:03 melia left #koha
21:23 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1371: SUCCESS in 1 hr 12 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1371/
21:35 tcohen joined #koha
21:36 tcohen has there been a change in the list policy regarding recipient limit?
21:41 meliss left #koha
21:54 MaxSayre joined #koha
21:56 MaxSayre joined #koha
22:29 tcohen i shouldn't be answering emails on the list friday evening, I'm too positive
22:44 MaxSayre_ joined #koha
22:46 tcohen i've been reading the logs, is it possible that DOM is the default but we have not closed the discussion of wether it is good or not?
22:48 jcamins tcohen: no.
22:49 DOM is the default, and GRS-1 has been deprecated by IndexData for 5 years.
22:49 tcohen and our implementation/default config of DOM matches or is better than GRS-1
22:49 (the one we have for)
22:49 jcamins Even if DOM were not objectively superior, the fact that IndexData has deprecated GRS-1 means that we should be using DOM instead.
22:50 Isn't it nice when there's actually a black-and-white answer to a question?
22:52 tcohen i love it, still don't understand why it wasn't the default a while ago
22:52 (on packages)
22:53 drojf deprecated for 5 years?
22:53 tcohen i'm not complaining at all about that, just thinking if it isn't just a communication problem
22:54 drojf if it has been deprecated that long, nobody can take that seriously :D
22:54 jcamins drojf: well, yeah, there is that.
22:56 drojf i think people with custom indexes would prefer grs1 as default. but as long as they can choose… they have to pay attention to their installation.
22:57 jcamins drojf: people with custom indexes wouldn't be affected by the defaults, so I don't really see that they would care.
22:58 drojf how would they not be affected? if you customised your grs1 files but install with DOM that won't work, i suppose
23:00 if you install again at all, of course
23:00 jcamins drojf: if you customized your indexes, you're going to either A) clobber them when you run the installer, or B) be asked which one you want.
23:00 Most likely the former.
23:02 tcohen we might have all that stuff on the DB and generate those files...
23:03 jcamins tcohen: that would be nice, but I don't see it happening.
23:03 drojf i was thinking of something like somebody installing koha, planning to do this afterwards[…]oha_and_old_books and failing because the default installation will ignore the changes subsequently added to the grs1 files.
23:03 tcohen jcamins: what would u say is the most complex part of defining indexes?
23:04 jcamins drojf: you mean... someone ignoring the instructions?
23:04 tcohen: the fact that it's not a simple lookup. Indexes require a turing-complete definition language.
23:05 tcohen i know that jcamins, i was thinking more of a user interface for defining that
23:05 drojf jcamins: right, that is highly unlikely. ;)
23:05 jcamins Ah.
23:05 drojf: my point is if they're ignoring the instructions, it doesn't matter what the default is.
23:06 drojf true
23:07 oh, i never really read that thing
23:07 :D
23:08 jcamins Right, see, changing the default wouldn't have helped you at all. :P
23:08 drojf lol
23:52 tcohen joined #koha

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