IRC log for #koha, 2006-07-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
12:55 kados_ yay owen!
12:55 owen: guess they fixed it, eh?
12:55 owen Took the guy 5 minutes.
12:55 kados_ wow ... that sucks
12:55 owen He says it was because the router was unplugged, but I know that's not true.
12:56 kados_ right
12:56 owen It's definitely faster, though.
12:57 ...which is good, because I've got a stack of check-ins as tall as me to go through
13:01 kados_ yikes
13:01 good news about the speed though
02:12 osmoze hello all :)
02:12 Burgundavia hey osmoze
02:18 btoumi hi all
02:20 osmoze bonjour btoumi
02:20 btoumi bonjour osmoze
02:20 comment vas tu?
02:30 toins salut tous !
02:33 osmoze de retour de vacances, pour moi l'ete est fini :)
02:34 salut toins
02:34 toins salut osmoze
02:59 btoumi chris: are u around?
03:27 chris yep bruno
03:41 btoumi chris: just to confirm that u can choose manually the date of return for a book?
03:42 chris hmm i dont think you can
03:42 but it would be good if you coul
03:42 d
03:43 you mean the date its returned, or the date it is due to be returned by?
03:43 you can manually set the due date
03:43 but when you are returning something, its sets the returndate to the day it was returned
03:45 it would be good if you could set the returndate ... so if a book was returned on the date a library was closed, the librarian could set the returndate to that when they return it
03:45 was that what you meant?
03:50 btoumi chris: date due
03:51 chris ah yes, you can manually set that
03:52 btoumi ok thanks chris:
03:52 good night
03:53 chris night
06:42 btoumi hi all
06:51 osmoze: les vacances sont finis?
06:52 osmoze oui malheureusement :(
06:52 on prepare la rentrée maintenant
07:08 btoumi osmoze: moi je prend la releve je vais partir la semaine prochaine
07:09 toins et moi je n'ai pas de vacances
07:09 :'(
07:10 osmoze btoumi, faut jamais dire cela a une personne qui vient juste de rentrer et qui a plus de 2 mois de grosse chaleur a supporter :(
07:10 toins, cool, tu me tiendras compagnie ;)
07:10 toins osmoze, oui je serais toujours là...
07:15 osmoze oui, mais t es presque en vacances toi a marseille
07:15 toins disons que je suis en vacances tous les soirs
07:16 je vais a la plage la nuit...
07:26 osmoze tu m'etonnes avec ces chaleurs
07:30 btoumi osmoze: promis je recommence plus ;=)
07:31 osmoze ^^
07:32 btoumi osmoze: fait combien de degres dans ta region?
07:34 osmoze la il y a 35°C ...Mais ca va encore monter
07:34 et pas un brin de vent
07:35 btoumi osmoze: nous c 37°c et c comme vous y a pas un brun de vent
07:38 osmoze btoumi, ah quand meme, et ca monte encore ?
07:38 btoumi osmoze non pour l'instant ca reste a cette temperature
07:38 hereusement
07:39 mais ils ont prevu la canicule pour la semaine prochaine
07:40 osmoze :( le temps se detracte de plus en plus, en 20 ans, on a pris 3 degrés sur les normales saisonnieres
07:41 toins :-/
08:49 johnb Current temp. 22 degrees c, high 26 degrees c
08:52 btoumi nice temp.
09:02 toins: are u around?
09:02 toins yep
09:02 btoumi la syntaxe my $query = qq|SELECT weekday  
09:02 FROM repeatable_holidays
09:02 WHERE branchcode=?
09:02 |;
09:02 toins yes ?
09:02 btoumi t sur que ca fonctionne ?
09:03 toins chez moi ça marche très bien pourquoi ?
09:03 btoumi g essayer de l'integrer et ca a planter ma requete
09:03 toins ah
09:03 s/qq\|/"/;
09:03 btoumi ok j'essaye
09:05 toins dis moi si ça change qlq chose....
09:05 bien que je ne pense pas
09:06 btoumi non ca change rien ca passe pas
09:06 toins ah
09:06 c'est quelles requettes ?
09:06 quelles fonctions ?
09:07 btoumi c'est une fonction que je cree et la requete est la suivante
09:07 my $query = "SELECT weekday  
09:07 FROM repeatable_holidays
09:07 WHERE branchcode=?
09:07 ";
09:08 je vois pas pouruqoi ca passe pas
09:08 toins c'est quoi l'erreur retourné ?
09:08 btoumi y a pas d'erreur mais en fait g aucun resultat en retour
09:09 toins chez moi cette table est vide en tout cas
09:09 d'ou l'absence de resultat
09:09 btoumi normale faut la configurer
09:09 toins ok
09:09 btoumi sauf que je l'avais ecrite a l'ancienne et la j'ai des resultat
09:10 toins verifie que dans execute($branchcode) le branchcode correspond bien a des valeurs possibles de branchcode dans la table
09:10 sinon je ne sais pas
09:14 btoumi1 toins: desole probleme de proxy
09:14 toins oui je vois
09:21 btoumi toins: t'as une idee?
09:21 toins a part ce que je t'ai dit non...
09:22 essaie peut être de mettre WHERE brancode LIKE % plutot que '='
09:22 btoumi je vais essayer
09:22 toins s/brancode/branchcode/;
09:23 btoumi c bon g trouver
09:24 toins cool
09:24 btoumi probleme de syntaxe dans ma premiere requete  en la recopiant
09:24 toins ce sont les erreurs betes que l'on vit le moins
09:24 voit
09:24 ;)
09:26 btoumi c clair j'en sais quelque chose
09:26 toins moi aussi
09:26 btoumi c bon je respecte le coding guidlines ;=)
09:26 toins euh... je n'ai pas vu ....
09:26 attention, je suis super cleaner
09:27 btoumi ouias je me doute
09:27 ;=)
09:27 toins tout doit être parfaitement propre !
09:27 a l'espace pret !
09:27 btoumi on fait ce qu'on peut lol
09:27 toins héhé
09:27 je rigole
09:27 btoumi t'as des regle pour les espaces ? ;=)
09:28 toins paul m'a dit de ne pas indenter avec des tabulations mais avec 4 espaces....
09:28 donc oui !
09:34 btoumi lol
09:39 je crois qu'en j'en ai mis 5
09:40 toins ca sera toleré... ;)
09:40 btoumi ok bon week  a toi
09:41 toins bon week end a+
10:04 kados thd: you around?
10:04 thd: did you write an ISBD value somewhere?
10:04 thd yes kados
10:05 yes
10:06 kados: well it should be in a few of your Koha installations
10:07 kados I found it
10:16 thd kados: yes, user comments after system preferences--others is a good place to hide information :)
10:18 kados: are you still there?
10:34 owen kados, did you just paste in an ISBD value? If so, it looks like it got truncated.
10:34 kados owen: yea ...
10:35 owen: not sure ISBD view is working in dev-week
10:38 owen It's getting truncated in rel_2_2 too. Didn't you make a change to the database to allow for more text? Is this the OpacNav problem?
10:41 kados ok, subjects and notes in dev-week are fixed
10:41 I think
10:42 thd: could you take a look at how the subjects are displayed in zoomopac and tell me if it looks right to you?
10:42 owen: yea, that may be, I'll have a look
10:42 owen: but the detail page should be fixed now anyway, so the point may be moot
10:44 thd kados: what search should I do to find interesting subdivided subjects?
10:45 kados thd: didn't you have some examples where NPL's subjects weren't displayed properly in the 2.2 version?
10:46 thd kados: not very many but this one looks wrong
10:46 kados heh
10:46 what's wrong about it?
10:46 thd kados: NPL has very few subdivided subjects in its records
10:47 kados but this one is subdivided
10:47 in the detail view
10:47 thd kados: The '--' separator for the subject subdivisions is gone :(
10:48 kados: it should have Biotechnology--Social aspects. etc.
10:49 kados is that all?
10:49 :-)
10:50 is it always $a--$x?
10:50 thd kados: that is very important to see and know what you have and what else could be found using a subject search.
10:51 kados should the be linked individually or joined in a single link?
10:53 thd kados: I am not certain what is always but that is at least a likely start.  There was nice code paul introduced with the subject subdivisions to do that in 2.2 in which I had fixed a small bug.
10:54 kados owen: sysprefs fixed
10:54 thd kados: I have seen systems that link subdivisions progressively such that you only have the full subject when you click on the last part.
10:55 kados neat
10:55 there would have to be a visual cue that that was happening
10:55 maybe a bracket or something ...
10:55 so $a--$x--$z? ... what's the progression of subdivisions?
10:56 thd kados: That method does not reflect the structure of subject subdivisions beyond $x and I do not recommend it.
10:56 kados what method does?
10:56 owen:[…]
10:56 owen: seem to be working now
10:56 thd kados: one not seen in real systems
10:56 :)
10:56 kados hehe
10:57 thd: either your isbd syspref has a bug, or there's a bug in dev-week
10:57 thd: i used the one listed here:
10:58 thd kados: the bug is most likely that you have truncated the system preference with VARCHAR(200) instead of TEXT.
10:58 kados thd: nope, I just fixed that
10:59 so maybe it's a bug in dev-week
10:59 not interpreting it correctly
10:59 thd kados: there was a small bug originally
11:00 kados: I fixed that a few days after and I owen posted the correction but the issue was minor.
11:01 kados: I have looked fairly recently without seeing an obvious problem a week ago.
11:04 kados so rel_2_2 is working:[…]
11:04 ahh dev-week is too
11:05 I pasted wrong
11:05 ok, we're in business it looks like
11:05 index is almost done rebuilding
11:07 owen: so we'll stick with the default page as is, and if staff want more we'll look at expanding the ISBD ... sound good?
11:07 owen Yeah
11:08 the detail page looks good kados
11:09 kados there might be a quick way to add separators ...
11:10 naw, that'll have to wait
11:10 until I get a proper list of the correct order for all the subfields
11:10 in a given subject field
11:10 owen: you don't happen to know, do you?
11:11 maybe it's just the order they appear in
11:18 owen kados, do you mind if I tinker with the opac-detail.tmpl?
11:20 I need permission :)
11:25 kados hehe
11:25 sure ... sec
11:25 let me commit things as they stand first
11:26 owen: ok ...
11:26 owen: call number search display and sort is working
11:27 owen: I'll be back in about 15 minutes
11:47 oops
11:48 owen: you do now ... sorry bout that
11:49 owen: so next time I re-import from scratch we'll have to change the 'dewey' back to 'classification'
11:49 owen: that way NPL and all LibLime's other clients will be using classification and we won't keep having to edit that
11:50 (I've changed the mapping in the import script to reflect classification instead of dewey)
11:50 oops ... forgot to change the attributes in the call number searching
11:51 owen: /me edits
11:51 owen: oops, are you editing that?
11:51 owen No
11:51 But I'm still getting permission denied to edit opac-detail.tmpl
11:52 kados weird
11:53 owen: how about now?

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